Weird internet celebrity company: female weird dressed as Two-dimensional

Chapter 227 It's all a misunderstanding, listen to my sophistry

The night became the blood spilled from everything damaged.

Li Zhiren was like an abandoned dog in the car, howling.He wanted to paralyze himself with reality. Li Ruzhen might be missing. The opening ceremony he fought so hard for was not only for the benefit of YCJ Beauty Group, but also to satisfy his fragile fantasy.

Detective M's words broke the last layer of Li Zhiren's protective shell, exposing the cruel truth.

"Who is it?!"

Li Zhiren suppressed his grief, his eyes were scarlet, wiped away the tears, regained the cold rationality of the high-level chaebol, and asked sharply on the phone.

on the other end of the phone.

Detective M was silent for a few seconds, he had never seen such a rampant murderer.The timing was so coincidental that it made him flustered. "Director Li, compared to me, you should trust the judgment of the Shanghai police. They will give you a reasonable explanation... Do you still want to do that?"

The matter he mentioned was aimed at Shi Haocong of New Line Films, and Wei Kun, his friend, to frame them.

Li Zhiren breathed heavily, every breath of air was like a hot stream with blades, stinging his lungs.

He said with difficulty: "Let me think about it..."

The voice just fell into the air, and there was a shrill scream from the phone. Accompanied by the collision of the phone falling to the ground, the broken footsteps, the man's painful cry, and the whispering like a ghost, Li Zhiren was stunned immediately. stunned.

He couldn't figure out what happened to the most famous Detective M in the gray area of ​​the magic city.

The instinct to avoid danger made him immediately cut off the anonymous phone call, delete the call history of the mobile phone, pull out the calling card and break it into pieces, and finally leaned on the leather backrest panting.

He lit a cigarette.

Li Zhiren recalled the scene photos of South Koryo police, the bloody scenes, like a slide camera flashing quickly, and finally stopped at the man in the windbreaker, that is, the moment when Detective M sat opposite him.

He began to wonder if there would be enemies targeting him from the very beginning.Who are they?Could it be...

Li Zhiren suddenly thought of the person named Wei Kun, according to Dong Yejing, he was the biggest backer behind New Line Pictures.

The cigarette is not yet burned.

Jingle bells!

He tried his best to avoid the bite of the sound, slammed into the car door and made a muffled sound, looked at the car phone in surprise, took a deep breath and picked up the receiver.He didn't speak, and waited cautiously for the voice to come from the other end.

"I'm Detective M, ahem... ten times, you get ten times the pay, and I'll tell you who the murderer is... ahem, cough, I'm really at a loss..." Detective M's voice was extremely weak.

Li Zhiren's voice was distorted. "What’s wrong with you?!"

"Do you still remember the guy I told you about need to pay more! Mr. Li! Recently, he is really guilty of Tai Sui, and he is so dizzy that he wants to intervene in this kind of conspiracy related to that group of schools..."

"Money is not a problem. Who is the murderer of Li Ruzhen?"

Detective M didn't rush to answer, but handed Li Zhiren a string of bank numbers.

After the transfer of 900 million was successful, Detective M told Li Zhiren the truth on the phone, including the terrible attack he had just suffered.

"The guys who attacked me, including those who killed your son, most likely came from a mysterious organization called Baoguang Tower, which is a non-profit organization in name. They are following you. I accidentally ran into them and was... I don’t want to mention it, but I can only tell you that those guys are no longer human beings... In short, be careful of the people in Baoguang Tower, they are real lunatics! I’m at a loss, it’s a loss! Keep in touch, Director Li , we are grasshoppers on a boat in their eyes..."...

The phone hangs up.

Long busy tone.

Li Zhiren accepted Detective M's information with difficulty, and he had heard the name "Baoguang Tower" in China.Baoguang Pagoda has an indistinct relationship with the "True Church" that is deeply rooted in South Korea and Dongying. It has a deep cooperation in crisis public relations and is one of the protective umbrellas of the Protestant Church. Therefore, many business people are very afraid and uneasy Organizations that dare to offend.

He doubted Detective M's judgment. He obviously hadn't offended Baoguang Tower, and even more so, why did he target himself everywhere?

The suspicion lasted only 3 kilometers and 8 signal lights.

About two 10 minutes later.

The driver, who had been keeping silent all the time, pulled up the handbrake, looked at Li Zhiren through the rearview mirror, his face was pale, and he said slowly: "Boss, I'm sorry, I still have family... They asked me to drive the car here and promised me , will never hurt us..."

Li Zhiren was horrified, and was about to grab the door and escape.

A tall, thin, stern woman opened the door and came in, sitting on the guest seat opposite Li Zhiren, her long legs intertwined, eyes painted with purple eye shadow, watching Li Zhiren quietly.

She spoke first.

"We hate the most national traitors." Before the flustered Li Zhiren could speak, she took out a silver-white metal box, threw it into Li Zhiren's hands, and ordered: "Open it."


The metal box in Li Zhiren's hand fell.A bloody hand rolled out, and there was a familiar Casio watch on the wrist, which was Li Zhiren's gift to Detective M.

"Don't try to investigate us, this is a little lesson!"

Li Zhiren fell into an ice cave.

He couldn't figure it out, and shouted angrily: "I have never betrayed the country and the nation! It was you, you made the first move..."

"Are you wronged? I heard that at the banquet held by Hu Hengtai, you are going to join forces with New Line Films?"

This woman named Gu Hye-sun smiled, patted Li Zhiren on the cheek, and whispered: "This Asian Fashion Show, as well as our business, are all about the future of the nation. It is your pursuit of interests." The traitors are holding back! I don’t want to see something like this again, haven’t I given you enough warnings?”

The warning she mentioned was the "black-eyed ghost" who appeared in the appearance of a little boy at the school entrance banquet, and the hand that was regarded as Li Zhiren's arm, Detective M.

It can be heard by Li Zhiren.

This warning is full of humiliation and anger.He didn't want to ask about Li Ruzhen's body behind Shuguang Hospital.Because from his point of view, except for Baoguangta, no one has the reason, motivation and ability to do such a thing.

Gu Huishan left quietly, her faint figure disappeared in the night, like water disappearing into the water.

Only in this limo.

The driver lowered his head guiltily.Li Zhiren's eyes were red and bloodshot, staring at the severed hand, he gritted his teeth hard.

"A group of...beasts..."

"Damn... arrogant... beast..."


"Arrogant, too arrogant."

Like a fly, Kong Xiangrui chattered around Qiu Yunying, making her face full of irritability.

He pointed to the dance team that was rehearsing, and said worriedly: "Niece, how can you do this? In today's society, the relationship is very important. It doesn't matter what ability you have, what matters is how many capable people you know! No matter how well you dance and how beautifully you sing, it’s useless!”…

"Uncle, you are really annoying!"

If Qiu Yunying hadn't considered her blood relationship with Kong Xiangrui, someone would have broken his leg and thrown him into the street.She is used to being strong, and friends, colleagues, and subordinates also dare not disobey Qiu Yunying because of Qiu Banshan's relationship, so she has a strong character.

Only in front of her father, Hong Hong, Wei Kun, and a few others, can she look like a very patient and obedient girl.

Kong Xiangrui deliberately avoided Wei Kun and Shi Haocong, and whispered to Qiu Yunying.

"No matter how troublesome, I'm still your relative! Don't blame uncle for speaking harshly, that Shi Haocong can't do anything, he is not a member of our circle at all, a movie maker, isn't it nonsense to hold the opening ceremony of Fashion Week?"

"Wu Xianer's conditions are good, and her temperament is in line with your design language, but Yingying, think about it carefully, the fashion circle is a circle that cannot be lost. If Wu Xianer was in Shi Haocong's team, because he was not selected for the opening ceremony, he would fall into a trap together." Come on, her reputation will be greatly damaged because of this, and you will also be implicated."

He didn't see Qiu Yunying at the school entrance banquet, so he found it with great difficulty, so he had to seize the opportunity no matter what.

"It's true that Shi Haocong is a fool, but there is Wei Kun!"

Qiu Yunying pursed her lips, signaling to Wei Kun, who was sitting upright and looking like a male model.She doesn't care, she is very confident in the "TGril series" she designed. It is based on the design language of the magic city of the Republic of China, and incorporates the gang elements of the old magic city. It is also a level that can win awards in international competitions.

And she has an inexplicable confidence in Wei Kun.

The two of them quarreled, and the more they quarreled in the past six months, the more tacit understanding they became.You don't need to speak, just with a look, you can understand the other party's subtext, like a close friend who has known each other for a long time.

"Wei, Boss Wei?!"

Kong Xiangrui recalled that terrible business card, and forcibly held back his slanderous words.He turned around, as if looking for a tail, and stomped his feet vigorously.

"600 million... No, niece, you just need to give me 800 million, I will find a friend and find a way to help you with this matter!"

"Uncle, do you know that when this fashion week is over, the contract I want to negotiate with Boss Wei, how much is the signing fee alone? Twenty times, 6000 million and [-] million! This is really the first contract The contract is definitely a big profit for the Qiu Group."

Kong Xiangrui was shocked by this number, and he looked at Wei Kun in astonishment.

Qiu Yunying pointed to Shi Haocong who was moving the small bench and kept his eyes on the rehearsal stage, and spread her hands.

"That fat man from the imperial capital, um, calls himself XHQ, no matter what kind of old or young he is, he spent 900 million for this opening ceremony just as a backup dancer, including the quotes from the choreographer, director and the entire team, all of which are top in the industry The elite is estimated to be 2000 million less. Excluding the labor costs, the bulk is venue fees, equipment costs, and fireworks shows, etc., and he has spent at least 5000 to [-] million for the opening ceremony. Tsk tsk, for the sake of his face, he really went all out. what……"

"We are not sure about things, why do you dare to promise?" Qiu Yunying looked at Kong Xiangrui and shrugged.

Kong Xiangrui showed embarrassment. …

He opened his mouth, let out a meaningless hoo hoo sound, and turned into a long sigh with enthusiasm, and said: "Niece, uncle really needs this money. I'm not asking for alms, I, I hope that with my own ability- —Hey, not much to say, Uncle believes that you will be selected, 50! Uncle is silently supporting you behind the scenes!"

Qiu Yunying didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "What's 50 yuan worth? You can take it back."

Before she could thank her stingy uncle, she heard Kong Xiangrui muttering: "After all, it's eighteen for one..."


Qiu Yunying watched Kong Xiangrui leave strangely.

She turned around and told Wei Kun the good news. "Wei, do you have spare money? Let me tell you good news, our odds will break through [-] soon."

Finding the opening external website on her mobile phone, she said to Wei Kun with black lines all over her face.

Wei Kun was still sitting upright.Just as Qiu Yunying was about to pat him on the shoulder, Wei Kun dodged him like he was hiding from the plague.

"No money, no investment." Wei Kun said blankly.

Qiu Yunying stared: "Hey! Where did the money I gave you for happiness and mutual entertainment go?"

"Saving the people and helping the country is in exchange for merit points."

"Your uncle, who are you lying to!"

Then she saw the certificates of transfer of property rights sent by Wei Kun, she was speechless, and said: "After investing in real estate this year, I really did a good job..."

Wei Kun quickly bought the entire [-]th floor of the Innovation Building.

He was indeed saving people. Ever since Hong Hong was promoted to the level of a small god, the territory of the Ghost Affairs Department has expanded at an astonishing speed, and a new area will be engulfed every night.This forced Wei Kun to invest most of the activity funds in buying property rights at a premium. He didn't want to wait until one night to see that Li Zhiqiang had a group of new colleagues.

Wei Kun has no doubts that if Ghost Mirror's performing arts department and Shasha's finance department also expand accordingly, the entire Innovation Building will be included in the ghost company's command just around the corner.

Can you wait?
That would really be a haunted mansion.

Qiu Yunying was disappointed that she couldn't get the betting money from Wei Kun.She was a little angry, but not because Wei Kun was hiding from her, but because of the outrageous odds!More than half of the costumes for the opening ceremony came from Qiu Yunying's treasured cloakroom, and they were basically designed by her.

The outside world has made it clear that they are not optimistic about the confrontation between New Line Films and YCJ Beauty Group, and even Qiu Yunying feels the inexplicable annoyance of being underestimated.

The news cannot be concealed.Soon, the entire opening ceremony team of New Line Cinema knew about it.

Qiu Yunying thought that she would see frustration or despair on their faces.

I don't know who yelled first.

"Gantt's Goryeo stick!"

The male duck's voice made everyone burst into laughter, the handsome men and women who accompanied the dancers, the budding dance masters with professional backgrounds, and those directors, directors and teams who were boasted to be the top in Shi Haocong's mouth, but were actually depressed and had extremely low appearance fees. The employees looked at each other and saw the same idea in each other's eyes.

"We will definitely succeed!"

Qiu Yunying couldn't understand their confidence. At this time, she found that the eyes of these people full of fighting spirit were all focused on a guy who seemed to be a marginal man——it was Wei Kun. …

"Wei Kun?"

"What kind of magical power is there on him!"

At this moment, Qiu Yunying seemed to see the personality charm hidden in this man, and was gradually infected by the emotions of others.Qiu Yunying couldn't help raising the corners of her mouth, and smiled gratifiedly and empathetically. She looked at Wei Kun like twinkling stars.

Until... a guy shouted excitedly.

"For Honghong's private house portrait!"

"Long live Honghong!"


Qiu Yunying's smile turned petrified.

I knew it.

This guy never has anything serious in his head!

Qiu Yunying patted her chest vigorously, trying to convince herself not to be angry. She immediately cast aside the slightest touch, grabbed Wei Kun's shoulders, and almost rode on Wei Kun's body, face to face at close range, staring at the The innocent little boy shouted angrily: "If you don't tell me, I've forgotten it. You promised me the photo of Honghong Quanguo! Also, did Honghong come with you! Where is she? If you don't tell me, I'm going to fuck you!" you!"

When Wei Kun heard this, his face suddenly changed.

A drop of cold sweat dripped from the corner of his forehead. From the corner of his eye, the little secretary who was pretending to be dead in Xia Yan's arms, the little jade face who was rubbing his face for fun, the jealous ghost who carefully recited his lines and was developing towards the host, and the half-exposed shoulders seemed to be the same as the big brother Yiyi, who was handing out benefits... looked at Wei Kun at the same time, with a variety of strange expressions, but there was a trace of pity and anxiety in them.

That lord Hong, the master of all ghosts in the ghost affairs department, the peeper of the board of directors, the master of greed and power, the uncrowned king of the company, the chairman's full-fit original charger, the talker of ten miles of red makeup... But just behind... Lying in the house to eavesdrop!
"Too bad." Jealousy couldn't help but muttered in spite of his instinctive nature.

Wei Kun felt a little cold, maybe he had a cold?

Suddenly there was the crowing of crows outside the house.

Several black vans were parked outside the gate, and a group of people filed down.

"This should be where Ms. Dongye explained."

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