Chapter 236 If Starving Is Fashion

Zhang Chengdong was wrapped in a green military overcoat, shaking non-stop.

As a demon, he has been protected by a magical appliance called a heater in his hometown since he was a child. Every autumn and winter, he has the urge to give up everything and go back to his hometown.

Boss Hu Hengtai doesn't trust the locals, and he doesn't like to use the Korean family, so Zhang Chengdong, a rootless wage earner, is his favorite employee.He breathed into his red palms, and the white mist that spewed out of his mouth seemed to be indistinct, like seeing a salary slip, even if it was cold, he immediately felt infinite motivation.

"Mr. Wei! I belong to Boss Hu!"

Zhang Chengdong raised his hand high, shaking wildly.

He saw a man and a woman getting out of the car. The man was Mr. Wei who was specifically mentioned in the materials. He thought the woman looked familiar, but he couldn't name it.He was afraid of neglecting Mr. Wei's female companion, and he felt disgusted. After racking his brains, he suddenly remembered that he had brushed up on her video in his short video.

'Isn't this the big star at the opening ceremony...'

Feeling apprehensive, Zhang Chengdong realized that this Mr. Wei was not only a distinguished guest invited by the boss, but also a big shot in the fashion circle.

But he still inevitably brings a bit of superiority, as if he is Hu Hengtai's eyes and brain, commenting on the fashion circle, and at the same time, his superiority has turned into a prejudice in his heart that "fashion is a P".Therefore, he didn't think Boss Wei was so great.

Coupled with the rumors in the fashion circle and the Internet celebrity circle that the golden house hides the beauty, he can't help being a little more frivolous towards Xingfu Yuyu and Wei Kun.In his opinion, this holiday villa is just another boudoir where Boss Wei hides his beauty.

Thoughts in my heart, but never expressed.

"Hello, hello, Zhang Chengdong from Hu's image..."

Zhang Chengdong stretched out his hand enthusiastically, and greeted him in two or three steps with a smile on his face.

However, his eagerness went unanswered.

This Mr. Wei and that Miss Wu Xian'er raised their heads together, looking at the high-rise windows of the villa behind them with puzzled expressions, as if seeing some incredible scene.

Zhang Chengdong also subconsciously turned around.

As a result, by the window on the third floor of the villa, he suddenly saw a pale face flashing by, and the warmth he felt when he stomped his feet and rubbed his hands was instantly thrown into the sky, as if he had fallen into an ice hole for three or nine days inside……

What is that?

"Go into the room and talk slowly. What does Boss Hu want from me?" Wei Kun looked away and looked at Zhang Chengdong.

Zhang Chengdong opened his mouth, but couldn't make a sound. After a long time, he stumbled.

"Is there a face just now..."

"It should be, let's talk about it first, I have to deal with something." Wei Kun nodded, and was about to lift his leg when Zhang Chengdong stopped him desperately.

Zhang Chengdong was sweating coldly.

Is there something wrong?
He looked at Wei Kun, his lips trembling: "That face is still bleeding..."


"Then it disappeared! Whoosh!"


Seeing Wei Kun and Narcissus nodding their heads in tacit understanding, as if nothing happened, Zhang Chengdong finally couldn't bear it anymore, he lowered his voice and shouted anxiously: "Then you don't understand what happened to you?" !"

Narcissus tilted her head and said innocently, "I don't understand."

With longing eyes, she looked forward to Zhang Chengdong's answer.

Zhang Chengdong was dumbfounded.

He looked at Wei Kun, then at Narcissus, and he was in a hurry to spin around, these two are heartless!

Could it be that! ?

As an excellent employee of a film and television equipment company, he has a lot of opportunities to watch movies for free every year. He did not waste this precious resource. Even if he is not a professional film critic, he is still a senior fan.After reading countless classic horror movies at home and abroad, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind!
country house.

Mysterious grimace.

Unbelieving old white men, dead young white women, bold niggers, and...

Foreseeing the danger, he tried his best to stop everyone, but in the end he was the protagonist who witnessed the disaster!
'I wiped it!This is too visually appealing...'

Zhang Chengdong was still sweating slightly before, but at this time the sweat had already started to drill into his neck.

Seeing Wei Kun shaking his head, he said with a little dissatisfaction, "Go in first! What's the point of standing outside?"


Zhang Chengdong turned around and glanced at the dark gate, his heart was beating violently. He took a deep breath, his face a little dignified, and asked Wei Kun in a low voice: "Mr. Tendency, is it the kind of contradiction where you fight to the death and your face bleeds..."

The corner of Wei Kun's mouth twitched.

"Do you think I am starting a company or raising Gu? Don't spread rumors, you! This is not a place to talk, let's go in and talk!"

Zhang Chengdong was in a hurry: "Why not? Think about it, is there a possibility of mental illness, the kind of super mental illness that wipes the face of my aunt and stands at the window to stare at you—"

"It seems that you have some unreasonable prejudices against our industry? I think it is necessary to explain to Boss Hu in person." Wei Kun said coldly and slowly.

These words scared Zhang Chengdong out of his wits.

Shit mansion fierce ghost!

Capitalists are the real ghosts!
Zhang Chengdong didn't even have the slightest bit of apprehension and fear on his face. He had a decisive look on his face, and even trotted over to open the door for Wei Kun, drew a cross on his chest, and muttered, "I'll jump off the building to kill you if I'm fired", and then resolutely He stepped forward decisively.

Narcissus looked at Zhang Chengdong who was running faster than the female ghost, and couldn't help being shocked.

She puzzled and said, "Is there anything wrong with this person? He also wants to die as Ning Caichen?"

"First of all, I deleted the word 'also'! Let him in because there was a little accident inside, and a living person's "staring" is needed to temporarily stabilize the situation... Neither you nor I can do it, if Xia Yan is still there , I don't have to provoke him at all.Don't worry, the most dangerous head still has a legal order, it won't do anything—"

"What else is death? This is the professionalism of human beings! Do you understand professionalism? If you don't have the means, you would have been expelled based on your professional level."

Wei Kun fiddled with the tie and explained slowly.

Narcissus was stunned. She had a new understanding of Wei Kun's flexible moral bottom line and human obsession with work.

Then he and Narcissus walked into the holiday villa one after the other.



Zhang Chengdong groped to find the light switch, and vaguely touched what seemed to be a button, and was about to press it hard, when he suddenly caught a glimpse of what the "switch" he touched was from the corner of his eye.

A slender human face was stuck to the wall, and the gray-white eyeballs stared directly at Zhang Chengdong, looking at him.

Zhang Chengdong was so frightened that his hairs stood on end, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He felt that the hand no longer belonged to him, so he turned his head stiffly, and forced a smile to Wei Kun and Narcissus behind him, "It's still bright, so I won't open it." The lights are on..."

Wei Kun nodded and read silently.

'One, Xiaoyu's face is safe. '

Zhang Chengdong turned around again, and found that the face had disappeared, and his tense and stiff body relaxed a little, comforting himself that it was an illusion caused by too much tension and watching too many movies.

He didn't notice that the moment after being "stared" by him, the face suddenly showed a cold and sly smile, emitting a faint white light, and then blended into the wall.

Go through the porch.

It is a straight corridor, and the south side is a light-transmitting glass curtain wall, which is projecting soft light.

Zhang Chengdong looked down at the phone, then regained his courage and walked forward in big strides.

Narcissus felt strange.

"Isn't he scared yet? He's not afraid of meeting other colleagues..."

However, Wei Kun caught a glimpse of Zhang Chengdong's mobile phone screen, and he couldn't hold back Le, and said in a ghostly rhythm: "He is hypnotizing himself. It is a talent to regain courage in this way."

Narcissus couldn't figure it out, and frowned, "Is it an app that makes you hypnotize just by looking at your phone? It shouldn't be used here..."

"What strange things do you usually see!"

Wei Kun was speechless. "Have you seen "Inception"? It is the totem used by those dreamers to distinguish dreams from reality."

"Uh, I've seen it a little bit. Is he using a totem to hypnotize himself to be safe? Can a mobile phone also represent safety?"

"It's the content of the phone."

Wei Kun explained: "At least in horror movies, certain things will never appear. When he sees Shimizu Jian and Kato Taka on his mobile phone, he feels more secure than seeing Uncle Jiu and Yan Chixia..."

Narcissus was startled. Thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case!
While the two were discussing the number spell of this method, Zhang Chengdong stopped again. In the reflection of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the left, he saw a fourth figure... a face full of cracks, facial features could not be seen clearly, wearing a Light gray woman in cheongsam.

He almost missed the phone and shivered.

Wei Kun nodded again.

'Second, the ghost mirror is safe. '

Trembling, Zhang Chengdong turned on the flashlight, illuminated the glass so that he couldn't see anything, and smiled at Wei Kun with a smile uglier than crying, and explained: "I have been afraid of the dark since I was a child, and I need light. Mr. Wei , do you think that there may be more than three people in this corridor..."

Narcissus took over the conversation. "Yeah, it's really not three people."

Zhang Chengdong almost fainted.

"Two. Because the boss is not human." Narcissus pouted.

"Ha, hahaha, you really like to joke, how could Mr. Wei be not human!" Fortunately, with the company of Wei Kun and Narcissus, Zhang Chengdong was not on the verge of collapse. The light, as well as the bursts of talking and laughing, gave him strong hope.

Zhang Chengdong rushed over, pushed open the door, and looked into the living room as if he had survived a catastrophe, his smile gradually froze.

"I shouldn't be watching so many horror movies!"

It was his last thought before passing out.

Wei Kun walked in and asked Narcissus to take the unconscious Zhang Chengdong to the safe room first.

He counted the number of people.

"The third one, Yiyi, the fourth one, little secretary, where's your head? The fifth one... Shasha, can you come down from the ceiling and hang it on the chandelier for fun... The sixth one, thank God, this auntie Didn't run out..."

Wei Kun also noticed the abnormality at this time.

These ghost employees all revealed their terrifying truths, even Yiyi, the most harmless to humans and animals, had blood in his eyes, as if he wanted to eat a living person alive.Fortunately, Zhang Chengdong's weak "staring" power stabilized their shape a little bit, and did not evolve into a more twisted and terrifying direction.

Seeing Shasha crawling down the wall, Wei Kun asked with a frown.

"what happened?"

Shasha's body was haunted by a ghostly aura, and in a blink of an eye she changed from a black gauze wraith with countless arms into a human form with red pupils and black long straight.Wei Kun sneaked a glance at Hong Hong, who was holding a ghost mirror and pretending to be a lady, and secretly observed whether it was a trace of running out to eat secretly.

In Wei Kun's view, the accidents of happiness and mutual entertainment are nothing more than the daily contradictions of whoever bites someone else and who is hung up and beaten to tears.He always needs to play the role of the head teacher to mediate and say something reasonable such as "Why does it gnaw on you instead of others."

But Shasha's answer still exceeded his expectations...

I saw that the red pupil was black and straight, with his head held high, his waist crossed, and he spoke outrightly to Wei Kun.


"You're having fun with wild women in the opening ceremony, we're all going to starve to death!"

Wei Kun was incredible. "No! Where's your piggy bank?"

Shasha couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"There is no live broadcast during the holidays! The popularity captured by Ghost Net has been embezzled by a certain senior leader! Although I don't want to work, you have to pay me wages!" she roared angrily. , but with her soft and weak appearance, she didn't show any threat, but was a bit cute.

Wei Kun was not fooled by Shasha's playful performance.

From what he saw along the way, this is not starvation, it is so hungry that it shows its original shape!Even the little secretary started lying on the table to fill toilet paper, the matter is not serious.However, Wei Kun scratched his ass and couldn't figure it out, but he just accompanied Narcissus to the opening performance, how could Happiness Mutual Entertainment seem to be haunted?
'Could it be a "starving ghost" attack? ! '

Wei Kun was thinking wildly, when he suddenly felt an undetectable ripple from the strange bodies of the two little gods in the room.

This is the power of their authority!

Represent the breath of "greed" and "laziness" respectively.

After discovering these two hidden fluctuations that appeared from time to time, Wei Kun suddenly understood what the accident happened in the holiday villa... If you guessed correctly, under the influence of Hong Hong and Shasha's power, greed awakens hunger, while laziness wakes up. If there is laziness again...

"These female ghosts are really greedy and lazy! What kind of little fairies did I raise?"

Wei Kunru was struck by lightning.

At this moment, the double notice from the Ghost Affairs Department and the Finance Department finally arrived long overdue.

"The combination of the two departments of the ghost company triggers a special event - "No bonus, it will be bad." Under the influence of the department leader, all ghost employees enter a "weak state" of passive sabotage!Please reward all employees in time to mobilize and enhance their work enthusiasm! "

"Reminder: When the state of weakness is lifted, the level and ability of the ghost staff will be greatly improved!"

Wei Kun looked at the beautiful employees who looked sluggish and gasped, and heard their trivial sounds of licking their lips and smacking their mouths... Wei Kun was so angry that his face began to tremble!

This is war!

It's wage earners declaring war on the big boss!
Isn't it just that no bonuses have been paid for half a year, no performance and wages have been paid, no five social insurances and one housing fund have been given to you, so is it so bad?
The most abominable thing is that the two department leaders secretly used their power to put eye drops on the employees?

"I was too gentle before, or you are in the rebellious period!"

Wei Kun laughed out of breath, gritted his teeth and said.

"Want a bonus? Can Perfect Ghost Tears work? It's really a good idea—"

As he spoke, he raised his right hand, the red spiral glowing in his palm, and the blue spirit jade and green marrow condensed from the "turning back ghost" sent by Dong Yejing before, that is, the perfect ghost tears, are gathering into a precious gem in his palm Silver droplets.

The next second, the familiar red figure teleported, his mouth widened like a throat, ah, and then he bit Wei Kunhu's mouth hard, and stretched out his tongue to lick the ghost tears away.

The ghost employees silently watched the chairman and the head of the ghost affairs department habitually fight together, and no one came to help.

"Hache—this is our company's corporate culture, it's so warm."

Yiyi leaned on her small face, ate the five-spice melon seeds sleepily, shook her head and sighed, rubbed her rumbling stomach, pouted her mouth, her eyes seemed to be able to see through the wall, and saw that the narcissus hit the next door hard Zhang Chengdong, who was blissfully sleeping with a knife in his hand.

A trace of greed flashed in her eyes, she didn't even realize it, she subconsciously licked the corner of her mouth...

(End of this chapter)

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