Weird internet celebrity company: female weird dressed as Two-dimensional

Chapter 245 Powerful black stream, everyone is saved

The red thread quickly absorbs the nutrients of the ghost in the painting, like a water pump, after a few breaths, it sucks the female ghost in black until only a thin skin remains.

Wei Kun was a little surprised by the new situation brought by the Beiyin seal, but his intuition told him that it was not out of control.

He even thought about it leisurely.

The ghost in the painting should have this flat Two-dimensional appearance...

I don't know if it's the ghost aura, or the fierce aura, or this weird god-level fate, Wei Kun suddenly felt a sense of comfort that he was full, which was far more intense and direct than the ghost aura when Honghong "drained" it back. And it is much more substantial, which shows how much toll Honghong usually charges.

clap la la la-

The waves of wheat in the paddy fields withered as the ghosts in the painting withered, and the world of ghost paintings trapped in the hotel building also faded and shrank accordingly.

This is a manifestation of the failure of the ghosts in the painting.

In a sense, ghosts are the weird "breathing" of the lesser gods. If the breathing cannot be maintained, it can be evidenced from the side that they are weak and even withered.

The lethality of this post-mortem needle, although it is a B-level monster, but it can sneak attack and greatly hurt the ghost in the painting who is a small god, is really beyond Wei Kun's expectations.The vines growing from the red thread were still absorbing ghost energy, and the autopsy needle had quietly returned.

It didn't fly back, but returned to the new owner's hands in a terrifying way that grew out of the flesh and blood in Wei Kun's palm.

With a crackling sound, the flat skin of the ghost in the painting cracked and shattered.

After all, it failed to survive the blood vines and turned into nutrients in the seal and Wei Kun's body.

The cold aura moved along the right hand, wandering in Wei Kun's body, and it was clearly divided into two different black streams.

The ice-like, highly condensed ghost energy can be regarded as strange "blood", and it is the precious substance they depend on for survival.And this icy edge-like black flow finally compressed and merged into a crystal clear, silver-white drop at the root of the blood vine, that is, in the palm of Wei Kun's right hand.

It's just a drop of "perfect ghost tears" that is enough to make the weirdos covet and go crazy!
And another black stream of thorn-like pain, with a rough friction feeling, close your eyes, as if there are countless sharp fragments.This is the shattered object of the small ghost-level crystal in the painting, and it contains a lot of power and power it once possessed.

Wei Kun didn't dare to absorb another power at will.

He wanted to guide this force out, but the black stream of thorns was like an ownerless car, crashing into Wei Kun's body uncontrollably. Wherever it went, the skin faded and turned into the pale color of a corpse, and the muscles and bones began to swell. It turned black and rotted, and spread to most of the body within the cover, arms and thighs began to numb, and eyes gradually turned black. If he didn't stop it, Wei Kun knew that he might become a real corpse——


Wei Kun used time regression without hesitation!

Time went back 15 seconds!
There are two black currents again, ghost energy and power!Wei Kun didn't care about the ghost energy at first, this eerie and cold force would be dealt with automatically by the Beiyin seal.The key issue is the fragments of power that entered his body along with the blood vines!

An extremely strong ghost phenomenon appeared in his body, which is the most terrifying "rejection reaction" when fusing new powers! …

Fingers, palms, forearms...

Wei Kun watched the grayness spreading along his skin, and he tried to guide it with his mind.

But he failed.

In the end, the fragments of power spread unstoppably to the lower abdomen and chest, heading fiercely towards the neck and brain!


Wei Kun's face turned pale, with blood oozing slightly from the corners of his eyes, mouth and nose.

He knows that he has no special training, neither has foreign objects to help suppress, nor has experience in dealing with power fragments, nor does he have the special power of "greedy" comers take all.Just relying on the mind, it is impossible to prevent the power fragments absorbed by the blood vines from spreading wantonly in the body...

'There must be some way! '

20 seconds!
Wei Kun counted silently skillfully, and he began to observe the route and trend of the spreading frustration.

According to the description of the Bureau of Folklore, power is a power rooted in the soul.The physical body is nothing but the carrier of power in reality, a fragile glass vessel.Any slight change in power is very likely to break the container, releasing the stored and condensed ghost energy and weird power, and instantly alienating into the purest weirdness-evil spirit!
Or special rules for loitering in a certain area - weird!

And these two kinds don't have any thought and sanity, and they are the most dangerous and terrifying existence.The Bureau of Folklore defines these two types of "horror" as the deadly spooky, also known as "dun," which stands for utterly twisted, malevolent, and insane.

Wei Kun didn't want to become that kind of ghost.

'Since the power of authority is connected with the soul.Then the flow direction of these power fragments must also be related to the soul...'

He suddenly thought that the three powers in his body were located in the right eye, throat and right hand.

The flow of these power fragments also starts from the right hand...

This time, Wei Kun didn't try to influence the flow of power fragments with his thoughts. He fixed his eyes on Huibai on the body surface. Under Narcissus' astonished gaze, he tore off his clothes, revealing his well-trained, strong upper body.

as predicted!

The power fragments did not wander around like headless flies, but tracked along the right side of Wei Kun's body in a strange pattern-like trajectory, trying to find something.

Wei Kun recognized the shape of the strange pattern, which was some kind of ghostly script used in the Windless Realm.Fortunately, he used the Folklore Bureau, KQ and the little secretary to supplement some relevant knowledge, and he also tried to explore the world outside the night ghost company, so he wrote down these complicated patterns.

"I've seen this shape before!"

And this means that Wei Kun has discovered the law of the movement of power fragments.This thorny black stream that brought him severe pain was advancing along a fixed route of mysterious ghostly characters.

But just knowing the rules does not mean that the current predicament can be solved immediately.

The little secretary said that the Beiyin seal is held by a ghost and god, which has the effect of gathering sand to form a tower, and one will succeed and ten thousand bones will wither.It can absorb strange ghost energy and refine their power...'

"If it's not wrong, this and the current performance that directly lead to the consequences of ghosting form an opposite contradiction..."

'Could it be... that the fragment of power caused the ghost to stay in my body for too long?If the Beiyin seal can refine the power of the ghost in the painting and turn it into a power that can be used by the user, then this power must also have a definite end. '...

'The Black Ridge is now a running train, mindlessly wreaking havoc along the way, in fact, looking for a station to stop! '

Wei Kun stared.

At this time, Narcissus noticed the sign of Wei Kun's ghost transformation, her face was pale, and she grabbed Wei Kun's arm anxiously. "Boss, what's wrong with you—"

She put one hand on Wei Kun's chest, and she wanted to use herself to share the terrifying fragments for Wei Kun!

Almost instantly—

When Narcissus came into contact with the berserk fragments of power, her blue eyes were filled with blood and tears, her facial features gradually turned ferocious, her hair danced without wind, and a strange sound like a stone falling into a pool began to sound in the air.

She couldn't absorb it at all, and there were signs of ghost transformation, and it was faster than Wei Kun, and she turned into a real ferocious ghost in the blink of an eye!

Wei Kun was stunned for a moment, and he clenched his right hand without hesitation.

"Last time, backtracking...!!!"

The picture is weathered, and it returns to the critical moment when the black current invaded the body.

This time, Wei Kun no longer hesitated.

He wants to provide a final stop for the "guests" who broke in from the right hand!Raising his arm suddenly, using four fingers as a knife, he pierced precisely and ruthlessly deep into the neck, avoiding the most critical carotid artery and nerve structures, and reaching the throat!

Shards of Power have finally found the end they crave!

It poured into the black throat representing the power of Wei Kun's "Ghost Voice"!


It was as if the soul was trembling and the brain was ringing.

Wei Kun felt dizzy, followed by a burning sensation in his throat as if swallowing a ball of flame.At this time, he finally realized the relationship between ghost feeders and power.His throat is not what a human being should be at all, but a ghost throat that co-existed in his body!
"The power "ghost sound" has been supplemented by ghost-level power fragments, and the awakening is advanced!Advance to Wraith Intermediate level..."

The full black flow of fragments has not been completely consumed, and continues to increase the power level of Wei Kun's "Ghost Voice"!

"Superior Wraith..."

"The highest level of wraith..."

"The devil's subordinate..."

"Ghost Intermediate...!"

The level of ghost sound power has been greatly improved like never before, which is also related to the low level in the past. Even so, it has been raised by a whole big level, reaching a considerable "ghost intermediate level".

And the raging underworld was finally exhausted, and the trend of rioting as ghosts subsided.

Wei Kun was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

If it weren't for going back in time...

Just using this reckless and reckless method to promote power, in exchange for any ghost feeder, it is enough to die dozens of times.

He thought he had found the right way.

They don't know how special the Beiyin seal and ghost throat are. If you want to know about ordinary ghost feeders or weird ones, if you want to upgrade your power level, you must first find the extremely precious promotion monsters, and at the same time prepare the monsters corresponding to them. Activation rituals and a heart-pounding horror-movie plot can only be promoted.

There is no such thing as Wei Kun's brutal treatment of swallowing the ghost in the painting alive and directly swallowing it into the ghost's throat.

This time, not only did Wei Kun find a way to further improve his power level, but also made him more aware of the special features of "Ghost Mouth".The power fragments from the ghost in the painting did not respond to the ghost's mouth at all. …

It seems that the level of power is too different to arouse the "appetite" of Guikou at all.

There is also a possibility that Wei Kun just made a random guess and didn't take it seriously.Over there is "Ghost Mouth", in fact, there is no upward path, it has already been the most powerful existence...

at this time.

A mournful cry from the female ghost pulled Wei Kun back from his state of mind to reality.

"Boss, don't be overwhelmed——!"

Narcissus hugged Wei Kun's thigh, lowered her head and cried, "If you really can't think about it, can you first terminate the ghost company's labor contract..."

She looked up at Wei Kun at this moment, and a trace of fear flashed in her eyes.

This is not to blame Narcissus for being ignorant.

Instead, if any normal thinking individual sees a weird guy with a bare upper body grinning silly and poking his own throat with a bloody finger, he will have a sense of fear that the dry toilet is haunted and scares the maggots to death.

Narcissus finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Wei Kun's calm eyes and the thought of buckling her own bangs.

'It's a good thing he didn't stab the temple...'

'Ok?Why do I think so? '

When Wei Kun helped Narcissus tie Liu Hai to the fourth shoelace buckle, Narcissus couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed towards Wei Kun frantically, raised his right paw, and was about to scratch Wei Kun's human skin mask, suddenly, a sound of 3D surround sound came out at the same time. Than the coquettish panting of sound effects.

Narcissus: "?"

Her eyes were terrified, and she covered her mouth tightly.

But the voice seemed to come out of her throat.It was different from when Wei Kun teased her before, like a walkie-talkie, with a slightly false feeling.

This time, even she herself had instinctive doubts, whether she really has the M attribute, the hidden attribute of wanting to pant when being played with...

Do not!
Absolutely impossible!
Narcissus stood obediently, looking like a lady who just passed her first seven days.She realized that she was not M, but Wei Kun's ability to control the voice, which was greatly improved again.Her heart is gloomy and desperate, which means that the possibility of her escaping Wei Kun's clutches is already lower than the freedom of speech in the beautiful country.

Wei Kun recalled a certain future, Narcissus's good performance, and decided to let her go.

I picked up the remaining dander of the ghost in the painting on the ground with my hands, and saw that the edge of the dander made of paper was engraved with the number of the collection of Dongye Gallery.

What did he realize.

"The missing person is not here, but in..."

Wei Kun looked at the dilapidated ghost painting world that was about to disappear, then took out his mobile phone and ordered Narcissus to clamp the screen.

"If you dare to turn on the vibration, I will definitely kill you." Narcissus spoke softly, her beautiful eyes were full of fierceness, she obediently injected ghost energy, and successfully made the phone haunted.


There is really no 5G signal in this ghost place!
The Shasha brand ghost teleporter successfully took Wei Kun and Narcissus out, and returned to the alley opposite Dongye Gallery in an instant. He first took off Xiaoyu's human skin mask, and then walked out of the dead end.

At this time, Dong Yejing had been waiting for a long time.

She felt that Wei Kun was a little different, but she couldn't tell where it was different.

According to the original plan.

Higashino Jing used her special ID card to come to the interior of Dongye Gallery from the staff passageway.In the name of Shizuka Higashino, Ken Watanabe found an excuse to dismiss the security guards in the monitoring room, shut down the monitoring, and then got the surveillance video disk. …

"Go there." Wei Kun pointed to the diametrically opposite route and said to Dong Yejing.

Dong Yejing frowned and said, ""The Disappearing Woman" is exhibited in Area C, and the direction you are pointing to is Area E, which is the personal style of some small painters..."

"Just follow me."

Wei Kun held the skin of the ghost in the painting in his hand, and felt a faint wave of attraction coming from the direction of E area.

That is where the ghost painting really lies!
The crowd avoided the tourists and came to a wall in Area E. Behind the glass panel hung a landscape oil painting of a rice field, but it was different from the one that appeared in the Kyushu International Hotel. The difference lies in the angle.

Although they are all rice fields, the perspectives of the painters are different.

In the depths of the paddy field, you can faintly see some fuzzy and crooked figures, like the shadows of suits, sportswear and floral skirts.

"This painting is very clean." Narcissus said something incomprehensible.

Wei Kun nodded, and then took the oil painting away.He actually felt that there was an indescribable aura in Dongye Gallery, dormant in the depths.But he didn't want to cause more trouble, saving people was the most important thing, and his intuition told him that the missing person was in this painting.

They took the paintings out of sight, and decisively left Dongye Gallery, and came to the warehouse that Dongye Jing rented on the outskirts of the city.

The ghost mirror has already told Wei Kun the most direct way to crack the world of ghost paintings.

He took the painting to the window and pointed it at the sunlight.

Accompanied by a burning smell, a group of comatose people fell out of the painting one after another under the effect of repulsive force.

Jealousy wakes up first.

She looked at Wei Kun with a puzzled face: "Boss, why are you here... No, why am I here too?" When she found the messy people in the room, she was stunned.

"Would the female ghost of a migrant worker also dream of living in silver? '

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