Shi Haocong smacked his chest and swore, like a successful marketing master who understands applause.

It's a pity that he has neither white hair nor celebrity girlfriend.

There is no flowing long hair, and there is no stage name with the word "Xiao".

At night.

Xiao Hong, also known as Hongmei, who had been slacking off for several days, was finally picked up by Qiu Yunying in a car.When she was leaving, she pretended to shed a few tears and told about her sisterhood, which made some Xianyu employees itch with hatred.

Everyone knew that she was going to participate as Honghong's stand-in to prepare for the finale show of the seventh day of Fashion Week.

With the scale of this Asian Fashion Week, no matter the winner or loser, as long as you can show your face on the last day of the most popular day, even as a backup dancer, you can gain extremely high popularity and attention. The acting style is weird, and it is a precious opportunity that even hanged himself wants to get.

Xiaoyu said with a sour face.

"How many living people have to be eaten raw to make up for the lack of nutrition."

She took a big mouthful of the far-away taillights with her eyes, and her nose was so sore that it was crooked.She looks the youngest in the company, so any important and high-level activities will not be available to her. She wants to grow up quickly, but there are too many female ghosts and too few opportunities, so she is envious .

It's because Hong Hong was too ruthless at the beginning, and directly divided the jade noodles who worked in Paradise Media into three, ate one, and divided into two, one big and one small.

The young ones were aggrieved and worked part-time at Happy Entertainment.

"Wei Kun, aren't you afraid that it will become stronger and threaten your status?" Xiaoyu tried to bite her ear and fan the flames.

But her skill is much worse than that of the little secretary.

Wei Kun, don't like her at all!Xiao Yumian is destined to hit her own foot when she lifts a rock.

"It's not me who is introverted."

He turned Xiaoyu's face and said, "When the fashion week is over, there will be plenty of opportunities to work overtime... Besides, you're not afraid of my message?"

"You are shameless!"

Xiao Yumian's delicate face turned pale with fright, and she dared not speak out.There is the head of the Ghost Affairs Department pressing on the heads of all the ghosts and Wei Kun's waist. Which ghost employee dares to oppose the order of the leadership?

"The majesty exorcising the crime, wants to be a eunuch who spreads rumors, but he is reduced to... relying on female ghosts to betray his lust! Pooh, what a shame!"

"This year's bonus is Perfect Ghost Tears."


"Boss, actually...I'm shameless, don't believe me..." Xiaoyu turned her face off, even though Wei Kun was very experienced, he was also terrified by this horrifying scene.

He sighed with emotion that this little chic looks like a real thing, it is suitable to be placed at the entrance of the funeral home as a mascot, and it has a flexible moral bottom line.

The matchmaker, nicknamed Hongmei, went to the Qiu Group to make preparations in advance.

This means that the grand finale of fashion week is coming.

Wei Kun is still considering whether to promise Shi Haocong to meet Chen Chen, the boss of Oriental Star.Because the industry despises the chain, the live broadcast is at the bottom of the despise chain in front of the fashion circle.Relying on the happiness and mutual entertainment that started from the live broadcast, it is naturally quite discriminated against.

It's not that he doesn't take fashion week's popularity seriously, but because of industry barriers and cross-field discrimination, even through Qiu Yunying's relationship, it is difficult for Happy Interactive Entertainment to get a legitimate and reasonable quota for fashion week. …

This is the real reason why Wei Kun regards the trip to Shanghai as a vacation.

He is not from the fashion circle at all!
Opportunities are now in front of us, but troubles are also gradually emerging.

The accidents and investigation results of these days show that the Korean forces headed by Baoguang Tower and the Japanese forces headed by Ruya Shrine are eyeing the Chinese generation participating in Fashion Week.It even involved a large academic organization called the True Thought School.

The three parties must compete for the cultural discourse power in East Asia on the stage of international vision.

No matter how you look at it, it is difficult to participate in happy mutual entertainment.After all, when it comes to discussing cultural heritage and a long history, artists who are happy to entertain each other have no commendable advantages except that they die a little longer.

"Plus you look good?"

Wei Kun thought that the looks of Jealousy and Xiaoyumian were above average, not too outstanding in a fashion week full of beauties.Fortunately, there are two kings of beauty, Honghong, the queen fan, and Shasha, the mysterious gothic style, plus the little princess Narcissus, who focuses on the neutral style, each has its own merits...

But this is far from enough!

At least not enough to become an absolute factor in fashion week.

However, Wei Kun did not intend to wade into the muddy water.The future development direction of Happiness Mutual Entertainment is still live broadcast and the film and television that are about to be launched, and the reputation in the fashion circle is irrelevant.Because the audience in the fashion circle has almost no intersection with live broadcast and film and television...

"Idiot chairman, don't forget the "human barrier"! "

The little secretary jumped out at some point. It saw Wei Kun's hesitation, turned over, and tried to persuade him in a very seductive tone.

"Beiyin seal can collect weirdness and refine it. Whether it is the perfect ghost tears condensed or fragments of power, they are extremely valuable resources. But the sea of ​​people is vast, and weirdness is rare. It is just a demon city. I want to find It is very difficult to trace, not to mention the "human barrier" covering up the strange aura..."

"Even if we are here to make soy sauce, it doesn't prevent us from stealing some benefits! If you don't participate in Fashion Week, you won't be able to find those precious consumables!"

Wei Kun frowned.

"Don't look at the mess on the Internet, where did you learn that kind of heartless words?" He said this, but his heart was slightly moved.

The more chaotic Asian Fashion Week is, the more chances Wei Kun can make.

People eat people.

Ghosts eat ghosts.

The law of nature, the way of heaven...

"If we don't become stronger quickly, how can we defeat Paradise Media Group and solve the biggest hidden danger of the ghost company?" The little secretary's voice became smaller and smaller, but every word sank to the bottom of Wei Kun's heart, but the weight became heavier and heavier .

It patted Wei Kun's earlobe, as if to encourage, but also to comfort.

Wei Kun was slightly moved.

It seemed that only the little secretary knew his heart best. His eyes trembled, and he looked at the little secretary. When he saw the little secretary nodded encouragingly, he clenched his fist and said solemnly.

"Only in this way can we deeply implement..."

Wei Kun was almost so frightened that he turned his back angrily, and covered the little secretary's mouth: "You don't want to live hot? I still want to live!"

Except for the last forbidden curse, the little secretary's words actually made some sense.

When Shi Haocong called again to beg his grandfather, Wei Kun agreed.

But after seeing Chen Chen and his wife of the Eastern Star, he still couldn't help but have a strong urge to turn around and leave. …

in the cafe.

Chen Chen drank three glasses of American style in less than 2 minutes, and his dark circles were clearly visible, just like a national treasure giant panda.His wife, Sun Yan, is no better. She is like a mutated biochemical mother, Lu Yu, who accompanies her husband to practice evil martial arts.

They are sad.

The exhibitor team of Oriental Star Jewelry ran away.The team leader is said to have returned to his hometown and was hospitalized.Chen Chen originally wanted to use the excuse of medical insurance reimbursement to try to save this very important employee, but when he found out that this person lived in a monastery instead of a hospital, his face twitched and he gave up.

"This is the most nonsensical reason I've ever heard in my life. They actually said they met a ghost? I think I must have seen a ghost! I hate feudal superstition the most!" Chen Chen covered his face with grief, filled with unspeakable pain.

Sun Yan hesitated, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't open her mouth in the end.

Shi Haocong felt the same about this, he was not in the mood to watch the excitement, he patted Chen Chen on the shoulder and said: "Damn this thing is quite nonsense, look at me, I wake up from bed every day and open my eyes, I didn't say hell. "

Chen Chen coughed heavily, covering his mouth with his fist, thinking of Cai Meijuan's face, he felt even more pitiful for Shi Haocong, he shook his head.

"The one from your family can be regarded as "Alien" at most, which belongs to the category of Western horror films, and of course it is not a ghost."

Shi Haocong suddenly realized.

"I said why she always yells about letting men have children... There is some scientific basis." He waved his hand to indicate that there is no need to discuss further, whether his wife can take over the next Alien movie.Closer to home, let's talk about the cooperation details of the Fashion Week exhibition again.

He asked Chen Chen what family property he had left in Shanghai.

Chen Chen handed a list of exhibitors to Shi Haocong and Wei Kun in two copies.

Seeing the list, Wei Kun finally figured out why even Qiu Yunying emphasized that it is impossible for Happy Interactive Entertainment to qualify for the exhibition.

Because the exhibitors of Asian Fashion Week are not people, but things!
On the list, there are three full pages of all kinds of high-end jewelry, and the imperial green jadeite in the hand alone costs a total of seven yuan.Each jewelry has a separate number given by the organizer, and the number is used as the exhibition certificate and order basis.

The point is to showcase these luxury jewels.

The same is true for other exhibitors, either pure handmade clothing designed by masters, or decorations and accessories that catch up with trends from all walks of life. The word fashion of fashion week still falls on the "art", "style" and "personality" in the end. on the three key elements.

Models only served as an icing on the cake.For the happy mutual entertainment that has no background, the only things that can be sold are the paper figurines in the ghost affairs department and the multi-armed evil god statue on the other side of the gauze. If the human skin mask can also participate in the exhibition, Xiaoyu The noodle can be regarded as a piece of trendy toys with some artistic value. Wei Kun tested it with his own hands, and the water will come out as soon as he twists it. It is really not an ordinary trendy thing.

"This thing, at least [-] million! Some of it was borrowed, and it took up [-]% of my funds in total!"

Chen Chen scratched his head and said in pain: "If you can't participate in the exhibition, at least [-]% of the value will drop. I still hope to take this opportunity to sell some money and get some money back, or I won't even be able to pay the salary for the next quarter..."...

"Isn't there still [-]%?" Wei Kun asked doubtfully.

"Seventy percent? That's someone else's! The jewelry exhibitions of this kind of large-scale exhibitions are all hung with high-value insurance agreements and term contracts. When the settlement date comes, I can still keep [-]% of the funds. It's good luck." Damn, everything was going well, even if you can't make money, you won't lose money. Who would want to bring all the exhibitors to Shanghai to run away? I really hate feudal superstition the most! Anyone who engages in feudal superstition should be punished. decision!"

Hearing her husband's words, Sun Yan hesitated again. She really wanted to say something, and finally pursed her lips.

Shi Haocong handed Chen Chen a cigarette, and when he saw Chen Chen reaching out for a lighter, he pouted and motioned for Wei Kun.

"Seeing that I am useless, if you want to light a fire, you have to ask the right person."

Chen Chen held Wei Kun's hand, left hand.He looked at Wei Kun expectantly, and said sincerely, "Boss Wei, it's all up to you!"

Wei Kun didn't deny it, and said lightly.

"I actually don't have many artists under my umbrella, so I can't afford you so many jewels, can I?"

"It doesn't matter, other than A Ji we talked about, the more the better. As long as it is your people, and only your people can help me hold up this scene - of course, it would be the best if there is Wu Xian'er, my wife likes this very much A down-to-earth female star! She has wanted to know her for a long time!"

Shi Haocong and Wei Kun looked at each other and smiled.

Before Dongfangxing's accident, the only person that had been negotiated was Jealousy, and it was for Shi Haocong's sake.Shi Haocong also thanked Wei Kun for the opening ceremony, but after exhausting his words, he only got a marginal model spot.

Now Chen Chen wanted to grasp at straws.

On the surface, he was talking about Aji, but in fact, his real goal was Wu Xian'er, who was a blockbuster in the opening performance!
The YCJ beauty group that can cross the river and the P2K boy group with countless fans have spent tens of millions of funds and countless public opinion offensives, but in the end they are willing to give up the absolute C position of the opening ceremony-compared to the one just won at the opening ceremony. Popularity, the energy and background behind Wu Xianer are what Chen Chen values ​​most.

He didn't believe the gossip that the Korean people were happy when they saw it, and they gave up their seats generously. He has been in the jewelry industry for a long time, and he still doesn't know what the group of "national fire disease" Korean people who value face more than anything else are thinking?This is nothing more than naval propaganda for after-the-fact remedy.

"Please help me!"

Chen Chen bowed, and presented a contract with both hands... The lawyer notarized it and read it out. Oriental Star Jewelry Company is willing to invite Aji, Wu Xianer and other female artists who are happy to entertain each other as the main unit models at the price of 1500 million basic salary plus two pieces of jewelry for the exhibition , Join the exhibitor team at the main venue on the second day!

Yingying Yanyan at the next table couldn't help but stop the bragging and gossip in the fashion circle, and secretly looked at Wei Kun.

"Did I hear you right...the model of the main unit of Fashion Week!"

"The main unit, I'm so envious, that's the treatment only top supermodels have...Xiaoxiao, I remember that day you said that a small company with no eyesight didn't sign you, and then you turned around and found someone with a lot of money." The company with the main unit quota?"

The woman named Xiaoxiao has an excellent appearance and figure, and she looks even more radiant against the backdrop of her friends.She was the "90-point girl" who bumped into Wei Kun in front of Wei Kun on the day of the opening ceremony.

"This group of people must be bragging! Those of us at the same level in the modeling class, only Xiaoxiao can get a spot in the main unit, and the rest of the people can go up and show their faces. Do you really think it's just a casual stroll in the vegetable market?"

Xiaoxiao smiled with difficulty, she couldn't help but didn't want to explain.

Her so-called main unit quota, in fact, the international fashion media may not be in the sub-venues and fringe time slots.And the main venue... that is the International Vanity Fair that is beyond reach!
Until Wei Kun and the others left the coffee shop.

Xiaoxiao withdrew her gaze from Wei Kun's back, comforting herself, he must have recognized herself, and she was asking her friends to help her brag——

"The Oriental Star they mentioned seems to be the exhibitor on the invitation list for tomorrow's main venue. The middle-aged man with mustache is the boss Chen Chen!"

The companion's exclamation broke Xiaoxiao's only expectation.

She shook her head and smiled bitterly.


"It's so enviable."

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