Objectify women?
Being buckled by such a big hat, Li Xiying showed an unbelievable expression like an electric shock, and was stunned for a while, without opening her mouth to refute.

Is there something wrong?

Have you ever offended Twiggy?

The flashing lights like a storm made Li Xiying's eyes completely blind.From shock, to bewilderment and then to anger, he was perfectly recorded by every frame of photo.It was his master Li Mingzhen who reacted more quickly, raised his hand, and skillfully blocked Li Xiying's face.

Li Xiying: "?"

This is not an anti-pornography scene, what's the use of covering your face!
On Li Mingzhen's sallow and aging face, there was only a gloomyness like dark clouds.

He suppressed his anger.

"Xiying, don't talk... this Cui Ji... who is taking advantage of?"

Du Tianming was also troubled by this sudden change of situation.He originally wanted to be a peacemaker, smiling all over his face, and tried to take Cui Ji's microphone, but he greatly overestimated his own face, not only did he not get a response, but even saw Cui Ji secretly make an "f" to him mouth shape.

His smile gradually faded, and he cursed in a low voice: "This crazy woman!"

"Vice Chairman, what should we do? The peers, the audience and the media are all watching..." The event director's fat face was covered with cold sweat, and said: "It's not a problem to let her continue to scold, in case it's decided today It turned out to be a surprise..."

"Accident? There can be no accident!"

These words seemed to have touched Du Tianming's weakness. He angrily said: "The rules of the game need everyone's tacit understanding to maintain, and all the cakes have already been distributed! I can't tolerate her going crazy here, calm down, I shouldn't be with this kind of crazy woman." Calculating. It’s just her alone, even counting her five votes, we have three votes more than No.2, and everything is still under control!”

The activity director nodded with a sneer, but he couldn't figure out who the "we" Du Tianming was talking about.

Du Tianming's words are exactly the voice of some big names in the fashion industry.

The development of the situation has exceeded everyone's expectations, especially those with interests in South Korea.

When Li Xiying discovered that more and more women were showing contempt for her and even glaring at her, Li Xiying understood that things might really be serious!
They underestimated the influence that Twiggy, the first supermodel of the last century, had on everyone.

She is the god in the minds of countless models and the dream muse of many top designers.She represents the best of an era.And this accumulated goodwill and nostalgia, after Cui Ji's erupted emotional fire was fully activated, produced unimaginable amazing energy!
"Isn't it? From them, I only saw the fettered aesthetics of being stared at and restrained by men. These girls who were supposed to enjoy a free life, under the distorted social rules, were reduced to completely different characters, figures, and even appearances. The same puppet, in the end there is only a sexy label that men love, to arouse the most primitive desire in their hearts..."

"This should not be called fashion, let alone aesthetics, but... naked oppression!


Twiggy has the firm voice of a real fighter.

She raised her right hand high, raised her voice suddenly, and roared angrily on the verge of breaking the sound: "Girls, do you still want to be silent?"...

Her response was at first silence.

When Cui Ji hit the table heavily and made a piercing noise, which echoed in the exhibition center, she took a deep breath, like a storm on a high cliff, and raised her right arm high again!

"Girls, do you still have to endure it?"

The sound scattered.

From nowhere, there was a small, hesitant response. "I've had enough!"

"Girls, answer me!"

boom -

The roar echoed in the venue.

Finally, after the first wave appeared and the first response was born, the second, third, and countless female audiences and female models couldn't help responding to Twiggy's cry in this emotional wave.

"We've had enough!"

It's like boiling water, and the sound waves are flowers turned into steam!

"Girls, no one is worthy of being your lifelong idol, everyone is the most unique self..." When Twiggy said, it affected the emotions of countless women present.She knew that the result she wanted had already been achieved.

There was a strong pleasure on her face.

This is a revenge against the fashion industry and authorities, and it is also her soulful voice for the past few decades.

Li Xiying's face became paler and paler. If his master Li Mingzhen hadn't comforted him repeatedly, as the center of the incident, he would have turned around and fled.

Auberdine asked blankly.

"Du, how long are you going to sit and watch her go crazy?"

Du Tianming gritted his teeth. Like many others, he is a passenger on the huge ship of interest groups in South Koryo today.He reluctantly defended: "Now I can't make her shut up, you can see and hear, all the women are crazy with her... However, the advantage is still on our side, this is just a hustle and bustle It's nothing more than a farce! Mr. Auberding, I will give everyone a satisfactory result."

Auberdine tapped Du Tianming's chest hard, and said word by word: "It's better to satisfy people. Don't forget, you are the one who arranged for the Eastern Star, and you are the one who ruined everyone's business."

He could no longer bear the atmosphere here, and his figure disappeared into the VIP passage first.

Du Tianming's mouth began to dry up.

The last sentence, which seemed light and fluffy, actually sounded like a sledgehammer hitting his mind heavily.He understands that if there is no result that satisfies the entire interest group, then he will be a sacrificial lamb, and his status and rights will all be far away from him.


Unsuitable applause reached Du Tianming's ears, making his facial expression even more ferocious.

"Fucking Star of the East, damn happy mutual entertainment... Wei Kun, it's definitely him, it must be him, taking revenge on me in this way!" Du Tianming said through gritted teeth.

From his point of view, it was just to use some upright means to give his son Du Zhaozhao a sigh of relief.He would not consider at all, if according to the script, he would suffer terrible public opinion violence as the last Eastern Star and Happiness Interactive Entertainment in the event of a domestic defeat and no award for the big show.He only thought that this little bug bit his finger and ruined his hard work and sweat.

Wei Kun is the instigator, the worst spoiler who should be dealt with the most. …

Du Tianming wanted to make today's fashion show run smoothly at all costs.And the Star of the East is the...price to appease the country and curry favor with South Korea!
Why not obediently die?
"Twiggy, Twiggy, Twiggy—"

The audience cheered!

Models feel the deepest about this. Many of them have long been fed up with the morbid aesthetics of the fashion circle. Because of the problem of the lens frame and TV aspect ratio, the people on the screen are fatter than in reality. In order to perfectly highlight the For clothing and jewelry, models have to maintain a much lower weight and measurements than normal people.

How many models have been in a sub-health state for a long time. When they retired, they were covered with diseases and lived in great pain for the rest of their lives.

Cui Ji's words resonated with the models, as well as the depressed women in real life.


Cui Ji pressed her palms down, and the cheers stopped abruptly in respect, waiting for Cui Ji's next words.

"Here, I would like to thank a group of people in particular. It is their hard work that reminded me... Let us welcome, Eastern Star and..." Cui Ji had already obtained the key information that the assistant had queried. She stared at the card in her hand and said with high spirits.

"Happiness Entertainment Company, all participating artists, and most importantly, a true feminist, a selfless fighter standing on the front of the opposite sex, and a young artist with this wonderful theme—Mr. Wei Kun!"

The spotlight very interestingly found Wei Kun who looked shocked and hadn't had time to escape.

Under the light of the lamppost, Wei Kun's already excellent appearance looked even more radiant.His face was flushed, as if he was inspired and moved by Twiggy and the grand event of awakening women's consciousness - if he was given another chance, he would choose to go back in time.

But he found that there were too many people at the scene.Even if he went back, it was not enough for him to squeeze out of the venue, and in the end he became the focus of attention like now.

The scene started to shout Wei Kun's name, just like they cheered Cui Ji.

Cui Ji looked at him with encouraging eyes, and motioned for him to come up to the stage as well.

Narcissus and Xiaoyumian, who were watching the excitement, almost laughed out loud. It was the first time for them to see such an embarrassing and nervous look on the boss's face, like an innocent boy who wanted to go upstairs to see his girlfriend's kitten.

"Actually, I'm not an artist...nor a costume designer..."

Wei Kun waved to the audience, walked quickly to Cui Ji, lowered his voice, and explained in English: "I'm just the boss of this company, Ms. Cui Ji, I'm afraid you misunderstood..."

Twiggy blinked.

The former No.1 model, who was about the same age as Siqin Gaowa, seemed to be able to see through Wei Kun's thoughts. She covered the microphone and smiled at Wei Kun. "Of course I know. But it doesn't matter, what matters is that I'm not a hero, but people need a hero who slays a dragon. You wouldn't say no to a lady's little request, would you? No harm..."

Wei Kun realized that the former No.1 model had premeditated.He interacted with happiness and became the opportunity she had been waiting for.

This is the first time that Wei Kun has been exposed to the public as the protagonist of the incident. …

He had to say something to avoid being Twiggy's tool.

"I don't think women need to be preached, let someone tell you what to do. You are flowers walking freely...I am not qualified to teach you, and even, I don't think I should stand on this stage. The real master should be every A hard-working model should be every free person who loves work and enjoys life, and everyone here..."

Wei Kun smiled, looked at Cui Ji and said, "And this was originally arranged, wasn't it?"

These words are very dangerous, and can be called heartbreaking!It can even directly destroy the frenzied atmosphere that Cui Ji managed so hard to manage...

Cui Ji's smile froze.

When she was about to explain, Wei Kun raised her voice again. "It is an inevitable arrangement of fate, rules and historical development. No one is born to be oppressed! Thank you, Ms. Twiggy, I'm done, thank you."

Wei Kun deeply forgot to take a look at Cui Ji.

Cui Ji quickly turned from flustered to calm. She understood Wei Kun's danger and difficulty.She put away her frivolity and impetuosity.

She took the phone.

"I will cast my five review votes—"


The mechanical scoreboard beeped five times in a row.

At this time, Du Tianming hastily turned on another microphone, and shouted hastily: "I announce that the counting of votes is over today—" He broke out in cold sweat, and it was not too late to make up for it. Seeing the lingering three-point gap, Du Tianming Tianming let out a long breath.

He stared at Cui Ji, Wei Kun and every member of the Eastern Star team proudly and coldly, secretly thinking of a way to settle the matter.

The sound did not fall.


The sixth tone sounded.

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