Chapter 253 So Angry and Jealous

Finally got rid of the excited young models who are suspected of tentacle demons——

These little girls heard that the next day's press conference was going to be held next door, so they didn't bother to take advantage of it. They rushed over with their skirts in hand, fearing that if they got there late, they wouldn't have the chance to be exposed by the interview.

Finally free.

Wei Kun stared at Jealousy fiercely.

Jealousy shook the boss's arm vigorously, smiled playfully, and coquettishly said in a voice sweetened by eight plus signs: "Boss~ just forgive me this time~ My appearance, figure and talent, none of them are better than those little green teas, I will definitely be a good S-level employee, absolutely!"

She raised her right hand and swore to God, her eyes were full of sincerity.

It also answers the choices she made.

If Wei Kun could be fooled by this series of nonsense, he would really be ashamed of his title of female ghost nemesis.He said coldly: "Your talent? I've been scolded by those lunatics on the scarf, please help me edit the essay, I'm not as dirty as you..."

Throw your phone over there.

Jealousy is like a docile cat, smiling cautiously and flatteringly.She didn't dare to open the boss's mobile phone easily. God knows whether the screen saver is the head of the ghost affairs department or the one from the finance department?If the latter is fine, if it's the former, I'm afraid I don't even know how I died.

She stared at her toes, and said coyly, "I'm not doing it for the company..."

Jealousy began to tremble.

Wei Kun stared at her for a while, and couldn't help but sighed deeply.Anyone else would definitely interpret Jealousy's trembling gesture as deterred by the majesty of the boss.In fact, it's just holding back, it's uncomfortable to hold back and tremble all over.

Let her say this kind of non-aggressive cat speech, pretending to be a lady and a good girl is still too embarrassing for her.

"Just once."

Wei Kun felt sorry for that ghost tear, but it was always used on ghost employees.He shook his head helplessly, and was hugged firmly by the jealous ghost.

There is something hard on the waist.

The expressions of Wei Kun and Jealousy changed almost at the same time, revealing strangeness.

Jealousy lowered his head, his face flushed red.

"Chairman..." Her voice was like a mosquito, her body twisted non-stop.

Wei Kun took a slow breath.

He stared at Jealousy, or should call her Aji...

Wei Kun said word by word: "Aji, next time you hit me with that broken knife again, the head of the Ghost Affairs Department needs to talk to you about employee discipline in person."

"The chairman doesn't want it! It's my fault for pushing someone..."

Jealousy subconsciously begged for mercy in horror, his voice was desolate and weak, and his mouth was like this, but his hand touched Wei Kun's arm disobediently, and his soft body pressed against it.

As a result, Shi Haocong and Chen Chen who rushed over were misunderstood.

Chen Chen turned his back directly, took out his iPhone, which was obviously not unlocked, and pretended to be busy negotiating a [-] million big deal.

Shi Haocong pulled Wei Kun's shoulders away and said with a serious expression.

"Old Wei! How should I criticize you? You, you, don't look at the occasion! It's obviously your problem, how can you make the little girl admit her mistake, right, Aji?" He turned to look at Aji Ji.

A Ji stomped her feet bitterly, and she gave Shi Haocong a vicious look. "Mom told me not to talk to idiots, you'll get sick." She didn't succeed, felt ashamed and ashamed, and was so angry that she almost ran away.

Shi Haocong also shouted at her back.

"You don't need to thank me, and I will trouble you to ask my aunt to say something later—she is wrong, because mental retardation is not contagious!"

He sighed unsatisfactorily, the sense of justice in his heart made him feel great.

Chen Chen brought two good news to Wei Kun.

Today's exhibition has just ended, and more than a dozen fashion agencies and magazines have contacted Oriental Star to inquire about the prices of the jewelry worn by the models during the catwalk.Not only can all the principal of more than 2 million yuan be returned, but there is also a considerable premium.

Chen Chen is very grateful to Wei Kun.His personality is somewhat similar to Shi Haocong's, otherwise he wouldn't have the same taste.

"This is a new contract of 500 million yuan. Also, you can choose which jewelry you like. I, Chen, have no second choice!"

Sun Yan tugged on Chen Chen's arm with a somewhat unhappy expression.

Chen Chen broke free, and abruptly stuffed the new contract with the official seal into Wei Kun's hands. He said that when the payment for the goods was paid, it would be transferred to Wei Kun's personal account immediately.

Wei Kun said embarrassingly: "Forget about personal ones, let's go to the company's account."

Chen Chen was stunned, he figured out something, smiled at himself and admired, and said to his wife Sun Yan: "Have you seen what is called pattern? You woman is short-sighted, don't I just have 1000 million more, If you want to make friends with Boss Wei, after passing through this village, you will never have a chance to climb high in the future, what do you know!"

Sun Yan snorted lightly, saving face for her husband.

She opened the Gucci bag she carried with her, and handed over the roster of Oriental Star's jewelry exhibitors to Wei Kun, dragging her feet without hesitation.

This red-faced and white-faced couple scene is just to make a good impression on Wei Kun.

What happened today made Chen Chen and Sun Yan see the investment value of Happiness Mutual Entertainment, especially Wei Kun.They are all shrewd businessmen. It is not a bad thing to make more friends with ability and background like Wei Kun, even if it costs more.

What's more, even the former No.1 model Cui Ji publicly expressed her affection for Wei Kun.With the rank of Eastern Star, it is difficult to even meet Cui Ji, so why doesn't this make them more interested?

Wei Kun flipped through the roster casually.

He originally wanted to pick one and deal with it, because this amount of jewelry money was simply not enough for the future battle for the shareholding of the Shark Group.So he didn't take it seriously until he caught a glimpse of something familiar on the roster.

"This bracelet..."

Wei Kun's eyes moved, suppressed his surprise, and said with a smile: "I quite like it."

Sun Yan showed a troubled expression.


"No, it's nothing, Boss Wei, the jade bracelet's age can't be distinguished, and the appraiser's estimate is only 200 million. Could it be... too cheap? Why don't you choose a more expensive one?"

"That's it. I don't like religious jewelry very much."

Seeing Wei Kun's resolute attitude, Sun Yan could only agree, and still complained about her husband Chen Chen, saying that he shouldn't have put the cheap ones on the table.It wasn't until Wei Kun and Shi Haocong found an excuse to leave on the grounds of the incident that the couple stopped bickering and acting.

Sun Yan murmured.

"I really met a nobleman..."

"Your Majesty?"

Chen Chen chuckled, and said: "Just relying on a dozen young models who have just entered the industry, a little make-up artist who plays house, can reverse the inevitable defeat, even old money from Europe and the United States have to vote according to their faces, my wife You call this a nobleman? This is called a real person, a real person who doesn’t show his face! Think about Qiu Yunying, and then think about the old Mr. Qiu who will come out to support the show in a few days—”

He said leisurely.

"Brother Shi is the real wise man, great wisdom is like a fool, great wisdom is like a fool!"

"I think it's more than mentally handicapped."

Sun Yan's comments on Shi Haocong are still spicy.

She raised her head and listened to the main venue of the Convention and Exhibition Center. The sound of music, fireworks, and cheers that lingered for a long time, even though it was far away, was still like a tsunami, and the echoes were shocking. She couldn't help being stunned, and then , pursed his lips and smiled.


Aji smiled like a little fox stealing candy.

Narcissus is unhappy, it is obviously the property of two people, and it is monopolized by one person.Looking at this hateful face, it is clear that she should be called the jade-faced fox...

There is also a press conference, which requires Oriental Star and Happy Interactive Entertainment to accept interviews from domestic and foreign media.

The time they waited in the lounge.

Aji told Narcissus and Xiaoyumian what Wei Kun had promised, and she also yelled that she would immediately advance to S-level ghost, only half a step away—these words made their two teeth almost fall out.Especially Xiaoyumian, who was so angry that she threw herself on Aji's lap, yelling that she would tear her stinky face apart.

"Empathy" is the power that jealous ghosts have awakened long ago. Originally, there were only lower ranks of wraith spirits. After she swallowed the perfect ghost tears, she also broke through to the lower ranks of fierce ghosts with the exclusive popularity blessing of her successful scheme.

She enjoys breathing in the narcissus and the thin pink thread around Xiaoyumian, which is the breath of jealousy.

Empathy can make her keenly aware of any kind of hidden emotion in others, and can amplify it. When it is amplified to the extreme, jealous ghosts can drive it into madness, thereby devouring this sweet emotional fruit and filling the body. Stomach, self-strengthening.

Therefore, the crazier Narcissus and Xiaoyumian were, the happier she was, and she almost made a hole for their Tianling Gai to hug and gnaw on.

"Sucking Gululu—huh? It smells strange!"

Aji looked suspicious, looking through the wall to another area of ​​the exhibition center.

Her lovely white nose twitched like a standing Samoyed.


Aji tilted her head, the suspicion on her face deepened. "It smells a bit like paste?" She told Wei Kun about the smell of paste.

Wei Kun inquired about the exact location, and was delighted.

"Isn't this the Korean resting area? It's really confusing!"

On the Internet, accusations and attacks on the objectification of women by the South Korea team have spread from the domestic network to South Korea itself, and there is even a tendency to travel east to Japan and sweep across Asia.Lee Hee Young and the ghost models of "Dance of Silla" were under the greatest pressure and struggled in the storm of public opinion.

Wei Kun originally had the mentality of watching the excitement.

He suddenly froze, thinking of an acquaintance, oh no, it was a familiar ghost—Chesia the hanged ghost!
At the beginning, with the help of the small video, he shattered Chesia's character design and at the same time destroyed Chesia's "human barrier". It seems that Chesia also has a strange smell?
"Could this be a sign that the Human Barrier is damaged..."

If it weren't for the special power of the jealous ghost, who has a strong perception of emotions and breaths, he wouldn't be able to detect the smell of burnt paste from a distance of more than 1000 meters.

Wei Kun looked down at the red thread around the ghost's mouth in the palm of his eye.

He told Aji: "Remember this smell... How far is your perception at most?"

"Well, after "Empathy" has advanced to the level of Li Gui, the scope has expanded a lot.Ghost level, should it be considered the level of urban monsters?Now, as long as I keep an eye on it, I can find it within the scope of the magic city! "

Aki replied proudly.

She was still deliberately angry with Narcissus and Xiaoyu noodles, and took a big mouthful of pink strings of jealousy contentedly.

Wei Kun was thoughtful.

(End of this chapter)

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