Chapter 261 The song ends, the winner takes all
At the end of the song, there was no sound.


Weak wind, mixed with waking breath.

The strong sense of suffocation was finally relieved, the fresh air filled the lungs again, and the mind returned to the brain.

The audience felt the shock of being on the scene and being baptized in their souls.This is the true value of art to human beings. It is meaningless, but it makes people realize the true value of life.

I don't know who applauded first.

The second sound, the third sound, can no longer tell the sequence.All I know is that the applause that is scrambling to release the aftertaste of the brain is like the anxious drumbeat that can't keep up with the beat, like the sudden torrential rain, like the ecstasy from excited and flushed faces cheers—


The Spanish master, Mr. Ben Barnes, without the support of crutches, seemed to have a new strength in his body, and tried to straighten his body to show the greatest respect for this performance.His trembling hands are enough to express the unrest in his heart.

"The words I can think of, I searched the whole mind, is it Incredible? Is it Amazing? No, I want to use my mother tongue, and sincerely say Sacudir... a fantastic masterpiece!"

His voice represented the aspirations of many judges.

Looking at the center of the stage, the beautiful figure like a bird facing a phoenix makes people feel ashamed by comparison, unable to have the courage to look directly at it.

The mechanical scoreboard is remarkably quiet.

It has lost its meaning.Today's fashion show does not need to use anyone's ratings or votes to determine the real winner.Just by seeing the faces that were so excited and still excited, one can know the result of the unity of all people. Some people are sluggish, some are jumping for joy, and some are shedding tears...

Qiu Banshan couldn't describe his mood at the moment.

Is it a dream come true?
Or the imaginary figure that represents the ultimate in art, and the gorgeous obsession in the second half of his life, finally came into reality, amazed the world with unprecedented magnificence.

Qiu Banshan didn't think it was his fault.

He smiled hoarsely, Chi Mu's face was full of joy and relief, and the pain in his lungs seemed to have disappeared.

"Die without regret."

Qiu Banshan smiled happily.

Others applauded Qiu Banshan, and it was not clear who was the first to stand up to show their respect for the old artist.

Crashing—the sound of the stool turning over the music, the applause, and the shouts from the heart.

When Qiu Banshan turned his head, he saw countless figures like waves beating against the shore, and they stood up one after another, paying the highest respect to him.

Qiu Banshan felt that in the depths of his soul, there was a force that touched him deeply.

He was slightly moved, his cloudy eyes turned red at some point, and two lines of old tears could not help falling.But he stood upright willfully, and did not bow to the audience like ordinary artists.No one will find fault with the old man in this climactic finale.

Qiu Banshan was still laughing.

His laughter pierced Cui Ji's heart deeply like an awl.

Cui Ji looked blankly at her former supporters, those extreme dissidents who were encouraged by her, and those followers who didn't know why.Oh, now it’s hard to tell who is who. They have become Qiu Banshan’s supporters, and at the same time, they have become diehard fans of that new superstar. Listen to the sound of the mountains roaring and the tsunami, it’s the voice of the masses, It is the sound of celebration, the most beautiful sound of victory...

She failed miserably.

Until now, Cui Ji still couldn't figure out where she lost.Obviously I have the advantage, and I have broken the inner tower...

Is it Qiu Banshan?
Is it the mob off the field?
Who is it?

Cui Ji raised her head suddenly, her eyes trembled, and she jumped over the queen, because she had a fiery light that could burn her eyeballs... She stared blankly at Wei Kun, with a hint of expectation in her eyes, and asked softly.

"Xiaojia... Mr. Wei, can you let me go?"

Wei Kun coughed lightly.

The ghost energy in his body was like boiling water, painfully suppressing the burgeoning power.He has long been used to the pain and concealed the abnormality well.He looked back at Twiggy, the old woman who was once popular all over the world and was hailed as the "first supermodel" in the golden age of the last century.

Wei Kun pursed his lips.

"If it were you, would you let me go?"

The answer is self-evident.

Cui Ji seemed to lose her strength in an instant, leaning against the rostrum like a rag doll, she smiled bitterly, shook her head slowly and said, "I won't, because I know how much my opponent hates me..."

Wei Kun shrugged.

"I don't hate you."

Hearing this, Cui Ji looked at Wei Kun unexpectedly, suppressed a trace of joy, and said, "You really think so? Mr. Qiu must also respect your wishes—"

"But some people hate you."

Wei Kun grinned.

"Ordinary people who have been deceived and used, designers who have been slandered and hurt, old money who have lost their business and broken the rules...Ms. Twiggy, time is on the side of the winner. It doesn't take Dirty my hands, not to mention, you are not the king and queen on the chessboard. Finally, I might as well tell you a little secret..."

He said leisurely.

"I've been following you since the second day."

Cui Ji's pupils subconsciously contracted, and she took half a step back, feeling an inexplicable fear spontaneously.

She couldn't see through Wei Kun, if it was said that she regretted belittling this young would be impossible to describe the complexity in her heart at this time.She only understands one thing, that is, the guy in front of her, who is hiding behind the scenes and only takes advantage of Qiu's group and Qiu Banshan's scenery on the surface, is the real loser!
Hold your head high, hold your chest high, and tighten your thighs.

Cui Ji showed Wei Kun her charming smile that had appeared on countless magazine covers, and walked off the stage slowly with the most elegant steps of a model.

She walked slowly.

From lights, to shadows.

From hustle and bustle to silence.


Wei Kun suddenly stopped Cui Ji and said, "You are proficient in Chinese, let me give you an ancient poem."

Twiggy didn't stop, just shook her head.

The voice seemed to come out from the depths of her ears and reach her heart.

"Once the spring is full of beauty and old age,
The flower falls and the person dies without knowing..."

The sound drifted away.

Cui Ji's shoulders trembled slightly, but she still didn't stop, leaving Wei Kun and others with a straight, beautiful and lonely back.

It seems to announce that a beautiful and nostalgic golden age has come to an end.


In the lens of a reporter, this moment was faithfully recorded.

His compositions are exquisite.

Wei Kun and Hong Hong stood under the bright stage lights, and the models farther away were clapping their hands in celebration. At the junction of light and shadow, Qiu Banshan, a veteran in tears, looked up at the stage, past the cheering crowd and the bright fireworks. The farthest end of the depth of field in the photo, which is also the darkest and deepest place, is the lonely back of a pale yellow evening dress.

Later, this photo was named the best photography of the year by "VOGUE", and it was published in black and white on the last page.

This stupid young reporter doesn't know how much his photo will arouse in the fashion circle in the future. As a witness of history, he is still complaining about the awkward and difficult-to-use digital camera, thinking whether to use it or not. Go to the seventh day's sponsor - Hu's Image to buy a new one?
"Hu's Imaging is the largest equipment supplier in Shanghai. Besides, if you can't get ahead, is it a matter of tools? I really don't want to help you plead with the president anymore..." His friend was annoyed by this companion's shallowness, Cursing, he raised his long gun and short cannon, aiming at the beautiful sisters who were holding hands and taking the curtain call.

As for Her Majesty the Queen who almost made my heart stop beating?
I have already returned to the backstage in a chariot!
Many eager eyes, showing never-satisfied regret, inquired about this well-deserved fashion week heroine, the future superstar destined to be popular in the fashion circle, who is she?What is it?
Hong Hong, or Xiao Hong, is a mystery to those in the fashion circle.

But a glimpse today will leave a perfect figure of magnificence and elegance in everyone's hearts, which will be indelible forever.

When the bell of victory rings.

The third big show medal was lifted above the top of the head by a good sister in cool clothes, surrounded by a circle, and finally placed solemnly on the podium representing the country.

The flashing lights kept flashing again, and the news of the final domestic victory spread to various media channels in an instant. The online media was faster, but the faster ones were the personal self-media. Fans and netizens announced the good news.

Of course, I did not forget to mention the "Wu Zetian" Majesty who appeared in person.

In the center of the rostrum, Mr. Tang shook hands with officials, businessmen and big figures in the fashion circle one by one, and after a few excuses, he reluctantly took the microphone—in fact, he snatched it from the old man Ben Barnes. Only this kind of old guy doesn't care about his identity and wants to say a few words to that oriental muse from a distance.

Mr. Tang spoke as the chairman of the organizer, and his steady voice spread in all directions through the surround sound.

"I declare that the 14th Asian International Fashion Week, jointly organized by Shanghai, Xiangjiang, Seoul, and Tokyo, has come to a successful conclusion!"



Gorgeous fireworks resounded over the sky of the Demon City Exhibition Center.

Mr. Tang presented awards successively to outstanding designers in China, such as Guo Qing, Lawrence Zhou, Chen Pei and other leading clothing industry representatives, as well as several equally outstanding jewelry designers with a small reputation in the world. At the same time, he did not forget Several new-generation models who won the honor of "Best Fashion Girl" patted their shoulders and bluntly encouraged them to shine for domestic culture...

"Mr. Wei Kun."

Mr. Tang enthusiastically stopped Wei Kun who turned around and wanted to slip away.

He didn't notice that Wei Kun's face was flushed, and he was holding his nose, as if he had a lot of nosebleeds.Or rather, he doesn't care at all.

Mr Tang said.

"Du Tianming's old dog has gone home. The lawsuit against him for favoritism and fraud will get a verdict within a week. He and his bastard son will never turn over for the rest of their lives..."

"Who are you? Why are you telling me this? I'm not familiar with Vice Chairman Du!"

Wei Kun just wanted to run away, he was so bloated that he needed to vent.The only protagonist on the seventh day, His Majesty Empress Wu, was absolutely generous to his own people, and this ghostly breath made Wei Kun want to pat his thigh——

Mr. Tang is still shy as a young man.

He smiled boldly: "Be cautious, aren't you? I admire your brain! The gap in the Shanghai Media Association needs to be filled. Mr. Wei Kun, are you interested in doing work here? As long as you get the approval of the masses, this position is not bad. It will be left to others."

Where did this bureaucratic idiot come from?

What is a certainty?Who are the others?Do you think I have never experienced PUA in the workplace!
If Wei Kun hadn't been suffocated by ghosts, and he had used too many backtracking today, the burden was too heavy, and he would have to let him understand what is the righteous broken egg fist in a certain future!
"Sorry, not interested."

He's already very friendly without swearing.What's more, Wei Kun didn't plan to stay in the Devil's City at all. This place is full of land and gold, the forces are intertwined and complicated, and there are guys with frightening backgrounds everywhere. He doesn't want to stay here and suffer!

Wei Kun turned around and wanted to leave.

Mr. Tang was humiliated in front of the public, and his eyes suddenly sank, showing a posture of calm and prestige. "Young people have some achievements, don't they know how to be polite?"

He was about to have a seizure.

The crowd not far away suddenly gave way to a wide enough passage.

When no one was seen, a seemingly polite but threatening voice came.

"Who do I think it is—Mr. Tang, haven't I seen you for a few years? You're in pretty good health." A tall, strutting red woman with big hips appeared in front of everyone.

The onlookers, who were originally interested in watching a show, quickly turned their eyes away when they recognized the person, for fear of offending the dragon crossing the river in the imperial capital.

"Director Jiang?"

Mr. Tang frowned slightly, suppressing his displeasure, then smiled heartily, and shook hands with Jiang Zhiyao to say hello.

Jiang Zhiyao didn't answer.

Compared with Mr. Tang, who is a scholar and a Confucian businessman, she is more like a seasoned general, a not-to-be-provoked overlord.She just crossed her arms and stared at Mr. Tang with a half-smile. She didn't turn her head to look at Wei Kun until Mr. Tang showed unbearable embarrassment, said "Damn it" and turned away angrily.

Jiang Zhiyao looked Wei Kun up and down, and said with a smile, "You did well, you look good."

Wei Kun got the Beiyin seal, and his intuition was improved by a level.If the last time he went to the imperial capital, he only felt a little pressure from Jiang Zhiyao.So now, he could smell the boundless evil spirit emanating from Jiang Zhiyao's body from two or three meters away!
It's the fishy smell of rust!

Alarm bells were ringing in his heart, and he was alert to Jiang Zhiyao.This tiger-like woman is extraordinary.What state is she?
Jiang Zhiyao relieved Wei Kun without saying anything.She took a deep look at Wei Kun, smiled brightly, put one hand on his shoulder, and whispered.

"You are very good, which surprised me. I lost a small bet because of you, but what is more worthy of congratulations is..."

She paused, looked straight into Wei Kun's eyes, and said sincerely from the bottom of her heart.

"Wei Kun, congratulations for coming to the high society. No one can ignore your success. Even Tang Bin, the big gentleman in Shanghai, is wooing you, isn't he? I'm glad you rejected him, because I don't like him."

"We will meet again soon... remember our agreement."

Jiang Zhiyao blinked.

Wei Kun was a little surprised by Jiang Zhiyao's sudden gentle attitude, it wasn't like the tigress who almost ate her.

Jiang Zhiyao did not leave Wei Kun behind.

Looking at the end of the corridor where Wei Kun disappeared, she smiled very happily, and said to herself: "Is she really looking for Hu Hengtai? That businessman has a very useful film in his hand..."

A scarlet gleam flashed in Jiang Zhiyao's left eye, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Welcome to the film and television hunting ground!"

(End of this chapter)

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