Chapter 270 The ghost company killed the game!

In the live broadcast screen, Ding Dong, who turned into a younger sister from Dongying High School, raised her eyebrows.

She was amazed at the other party's boldness and persistence.

You must know that the contract signed by the anchor clearly stipulates the non-competition clause, which firmly prohibits the signed anchor from broadcasting in places other than this platform.

Many broadcasters who thought that there was a deskmate in the university and that the student union was a non-profit organization turned a blind eye to the legal provisions, and jumped left and right on various platforms, only to turn pale and shout "I don't know" because of the sky-high liquidated damages. Those who are not guilty.

"Are you so angry that you lose your mind?"

Ding Dong tilted her head, her long black hair fell to her shoulders softly, and the small bow on her chest looked vigorous and charming, firmly attracting the attention of hundreds of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room.

Not only a breach of contract, but also breaking into the enemy's camp!

Maoya is her base camp!With an extremely rich fan base, what is this silly girl named "Yiyi" fighting against herself?
What a bloated and ugly feeding machine...

Ding Dong learned a line from a leaked episode of a web drama called "Crossing the Line" two days ago, and cursed secretly in his heart.Such a highly creative and insulting word would never have been conceived of if it wasn't for being a woman.

She coaxed the barrage masters a few good words in a coquettish voice, then lowered her head and turned on the phone.

Ding Dong didn't panic at all, she was just curious.

Maoya Live App, Xingxiu, Yanzhi area, swipe down, swipe, swipe hard, until the bottom of the page, she was about to lose patience, and finally found a pitiful live broadcast room with few dozen people.

"Yiyi is very handsome."

The cover is still the default cartoon cat cover that just started broadcasting. Ding Dong confirmed with Fang Guan that this is the hostess of the hostess Shark whose fans destroyed the live broadcast room and fan base.

Tap lightly with your finger.

The screen loads and is displayed.

Ding Dong didn't manage her expression well, and couldn't help frowning.The same sex repels each other, let alone the same kind made out of the same model?

In the live room screen.

A "beautiful female student" who was sitting on a duck, held the skirt between her legs with both hands, bent her waist forward very carefully, slightly bringing out the charming curves of her back and thighs.Under the illumination of the fill light, the black pantyhose reflected a fluffy luster.

The most scheming thing was that she deliberately wore a size smaller.The tight elastic band draws a shallow depression on the upper part of the thigh, which makes people think of the elasticity and sensuality of the fair skin.

If you reach out and touch it...

Dingdong didn't notice that she stretched out her hand and reached forward in a trance.

"Ding dong?"

The suspicious sound of the room pipe boiling sheep in the earphones pulled Dingdong back from the mist.

When she realized her behavior, her ears turned red, and she suddenly became angry from embarrassment!
This little rascal!

The young girl she called Long Hoof suddenly raised her head, her eyes seemed to be able to see through the lens, reaching Ding Dong's eyes—the eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, were confident, flamboyant and slightly mocking.

Ding Dong, at this time, there was a sense of panic and nervousness being stared at by a handsome and handsome guy with a veteran in the field of flowers.

"A guest is coming."

The corners of Yiyi's mouth rose.

She turned her head and looked at Mr. Wei in the live broadcast room. She smiled even wider and blinked slightly, as if to say: "Watch my performance!"
Wei Kun didn't realize it until then.

Yiyi, who has always been neglected by him, has grown into a "general" who can stand alone, or more precisely, a qualified ghost employee who recognizes her strange identity and can skillfully use her own advantages.

There is no doubt that whether it is her now or in the past, Yiyi is a real genius in the live broadcasting circle.

No one understands a man's mind better than her.

Yiyi seemed to be able to see Dingdong who was making the ward rounds, she pursed her lips and smiled and said, "Come to connect to PK, dare to be a...stinky woman."

"Beat her!"

In the distance of the microphone, there is the milky voice of the black gauze ball shouting angrily.

The passers-by and viewers in Yiyi's live broadcast room didn't know, so there were only two or three kittens. They clicked in to appreciate the lust and pure desire of this little black and straight.Seeing Yiyi seemed to be declaring war, she was provocative to the camera, and some audience members who were about to leave couldn't help but stay together.

"Who is the host talking to?"

"I haven't seen you before, little sister, did you just start broadcasting?"

"Pure and charming, I think you are the one..."

Yiyi didn't respond to the barrage at all, she cleared her throat, called her name and said, "Ding Dong, I know you are watching, and you also know why I came..."

"Ding dong, isn't that the handle of the face value area?"

"This little anchor is going to make trouble when he first arrives, there's a good show to watch!"

"It won't be blocked, I haven't watched enough, Dingdong's bad temper, he will be caught at one point, and there are so many fans, the anchor will regret it later..."

the other side.

Dingdong looked at the phone in astonishment, she didn't expect Yiyi to be so "arrogant" in Maoya's territory!
As the passers-by said, she hides her true character of vengeance under her innocent appearance, and she is not as fresh as she appears on the surface.Most of the peers and newcomers who wanted to step on her to the top were ruined by the guild behind her and her die-hard fan group.

The easy victory, on the contrary, made her feel that she deserved her success at this time.She is the queen of this division, and Yiyi is a lowly pariah who offends the dignity of the queen!

Ding Dong pretended to be annoyed at the audience, raised his phone and showed the screen.

"Ding Dong is obviously working hard, cherishing my family and everything you have brought me, but there are always people who treat me with the greatest malice... Ding Dong also wants to make friends, but Ding Dong can't figure it out..." She was talking , His eyes turned red with grievance.

She sneered inwardly.

Die now, bitch!
This superb acting skill of retreating into advance instantly aroused the strong desire to protect hundreds of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room.

"Don't cry, my heart hurts to death..."

"Where is the wild woman? Fuck her to death!"

"Come on! Go to her live broadcast room!"

"Dare to bully our little sister Dingdong, where is the Dingjiajun?"

It's time, today is Dingdong's fan celebration, and all the big fans on her list are present.

The location is right, and I'm sitting on the Maoya platform to fight shark anchors, and I have the advantage.

And the most important people and...

Dingdong's pitiful cry is so pitiful, it not only transfers the responsibility for instigating conflicts to Yiyi, but also mobilizes everyone's emotions.

In her expectant eyes, the two live broadcast rooms started the PK mode!

The loading bar spins.

In the end, two black, long, straight girls with similar outfits and similar temperaments, but very different appearances, appeared on the left and right sides of the live broadcast screen at the same time, which immediately stunned the audience in the two live broadcast rooms.

The house manager scolded angrily: "Brothers, it turns out that they are colleagues who are causing trouble!"

He thought that he would raise his arms and call out, and thousands of troops would respond.

But at this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room paused briefly and strangely, as if some force had pressed the pause button.

In a certain high school dormitory.

The boy with a flat head was holding a bowl of instant noodles, staring blankly at the screen.

In front of the computer in the study.

The middle-aged man dressed as the boss became short of breath.

In a disco with flickering lights.

The young rich second generation, who was bored with female public relations, stopped typing and sending barrage fingers.

The young mother who was cooking in the kitchen, staring at the phone, couldn't help slowing down...


This is Yiyi's innate skill, a gift from the resentful soul of the mother's black yarn.

After the Intangible Cultural Heritage Competition and the Asian Fashion Week, she seized every opportunity she could and grew rapidly. Until today, she finally revealed her hidden strange power.

That mysterious, shy, and seductive sweet smile is releasing a fatal attraction to the people in front of the screen through the camera and through distant signals.

Yiyi hooked her fingers, then timidly put her fingertips on her lower lip.

Stretch out the uvula, lick it lightly, then follow the jaw, neck, collarbone, and finally stop on the chest, as if magically locked all eyes.


Dingdong was like waking up from a dream, she stared at Yiyi tightly, and felt an unprecedented threat!
In his intuition, it seemed as if a voice was crazily reminding himself that the little black with long straight hair in front of him was very dangerous!
Ding Dong sounded angry, waking up the audience in the live broadcast room from their obsession.

"This anchor named Yiyi, shouldn't you say sorry to the audience? You are the one who makes the live broadcast platform become a mess!"

Everyone came to their senses, most of them were Ding Dong's die-hard fans, their minds seemed to have a rudder with inertia, and they subconsciously followed the anchor's words, accusing them all.

"Yes! Apologize to Ding Dong!"

"Where did the illegal roast chicken come from, go away!"

Neutral barrages such as the new anchor is so beautiful, have you misunderstood, etc., were submerged in a vast ocean.

There are only dozens of seconds left before PK opens the gift voting.

Seeing that the fan base is solid, Ding Dong secretly let out a sigh of relief because of the geographical advantage of the Maoya platform, and the public opinion is still on his side.She secretly greeted the fan group, complained, pretended to be wronged, and deliberately said that Yiyi was a shark station to make trouble, as if she hadn't intended to say it...

The fan base exploded immediately!

"It turned out that Shark TV sent to make trouble! She must be dealt with!"

Yiyi doesn't care about those provocative barrages of abuse.

She smiled slightly, and glanced at the chat box on the right side of the screen. The nickname she chatted was "A Ji Wenjing Little Beauty".This little beauty has a unique "specialty" and acts as Yiyi's on-site foreign aid.

Yiyi scratched the ends of her hair, wondering: "Is the PK going to start? Uh... Ding Dong, I seem to have heard someone mention you..."

Ding Dong still wants to maintain the personality of a 26-year-old high school goddess.

She seemed to accept Yiyi's "kindness" reluctantly, and snorted: "There are already many people who know me, so they can't be my fans?"

Yiyi tilted her head.

"I just remember that person complaining, but I didn't expect the blind date to be a bus... Oh yes, his name is Optimus Prime."

Ding Dong angrily said, "You're swearing again!"

"You discriminate against Autobots!" Yiyi stared at the chat box and turned back. "Be careful that the Cybertron Protection Association will come to your door and block your broken exhaust pipe!"

Ding Dong was enraged, she wanted to refute, but she couldn't find anything other than the three-character curse.

Yiyi nodded gently.

Jealous Sister...

There is really a set!

The two Xiaohei Changzhi had a few more addictions on their mouths, and finally ended with Yiyi winning a big victory.

At this moment, the PK link begins!
The fans of Ding Dong and the big brother on the list who had been prepared for a long time overwhelmed Ding Dong's PK value in an instant, crushing each other to a thin strip that was almost invisible!
All kinds of gifts swiped the screen, and the popularity soared. More and more viewers poured into the live broadcast room, wanting to see what happened.

Ding Dong kept thanking for the gift, and sent provocations to Yiyi with hidden eyes.

This is the Maoya platform!
"I'm sure to win." This was Ding Dong's thought.

"We will win." This is what the boiling sheep think.

Yiyi didn't panic at all, she pinched a decorative red rope mirror pendant, cleared her throat, and then magically changed to a very seductive tone, and slowly sang the yellow song to the accompaniment. Ling's "Sigh"...

When Sister Yu's voice of "forget, forget, forget, sway with my rhythm, ah ah ah ah" sounded...

She has killed the game.

The PK value instantly counterattacks!
Ding Dong didn't expect that she licked the gifts from the dogs, which made the popularity of the live broadcast room of both parties reach the peak of the time period, and instead attracted countless passers-by viewers.Among the passers-by, there are many strong people, and there are many big bosses, and these gifts are just those fans of passers-by who are convinced by Yiyi, and they are willing to offer them with both hands!

Eight to two, seven to three, six to four, five to five!
Offensive and defensive reversal!

Dingdong's pretty face broke out in cold sweat, she murmured to comfort herself, this is a technical adjustment, it's only temporary——


She had a plan, grabbed the microphone, pointed at Yiyi and shouted righteously: "You are a Shark Channel anchor, why do you come to Maoya to cheat gifts?!"

This little trick worked!

Many passers-by and fans above had a moment of stagnation and confusion in their excited emotions. The PK bar that originally wanted West Wind to overwhelm East Wind finally wanted to overwhelm Yiyi again!
Yiyi smiled sweetly.

"A Shark Channel anchor?" She shook her finger at the screen. "You're wrong~"


Behind her came two equally youthful and graceful young girls.

Master of Shadow Stream, cheat book, multiple sisters.

Tutu and Shanshan stood nervously behind Yiyi. They looked at the old senior of the company, recalled the special training they had received, gritted their teeth, nodded vigorously, and finally let go of the past, becoming the accomplices of the ghost company sweeping the female anchor circle !

When three girls with similar appearances and different temperaments, like three-headed hell dogs who are sissy, poke the cuteness of the Chinese people, or dance with shyness, vitality, or pure desire, appear in the live broadcast at the same time... …

Yiyi used Rise of the Dead on the game, then killed the game for the second and final time!

Ding Dong slumped in front of the live broadcast chair, weeping uncontrollably.

The boiling sheep and sheep didn't say anything, because they couldn't spare their hands to type.

[Yiyi Haoshuai's live broadcast room is suspected of violating regulations and has been banned by Maoyachao. 】

Chao Guan was too fascinated by it, this ban came too late...

Angry viewers stormed Dingdong's live broadcast room, like maggots that had been blown out of a toilet, flocking to all parts of the network.They want to release today's anger in the entire Jianzhong Internet!

 Make it up tomorrow, err.

(End of this chapter)

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