Chapter 281 Reversal of the Ending!

The cerebral cortex trembled, and the thinking was in a trance for a moment!
Wei Kun bears the heavy burden of backtracking many times, and breathes with difficulty.Every breath seems to blow the blood out of the lungs.

The picture in front of me is clear, Li Meng is arguing with the cameraman about the popularity of the live broadcast, Xiao Jia grabs Master Sun’s clothes, Master Sun eagerly flips through the books in the sacrificial hall, as if he is not a Feng Shui master, but a folklore who is the protagonist in a horror movie scholar.

Only Narcissus, who seemed to have sensed the strangeness, looked at the tightly closed main entrance of the sacrificial hall, and his eyes were aqua blue with power.

The timing was just right!
Wei Kun counted silently in his heart proficiently, without letting the time point be too early or too late, it was the moment before the "Gaze of the Black Sun" happened, and the moment before the filial piety ghost attacked the sacrificial hall!
He actually threw the Shadow Machine directly to Narcissus, while not forgetting the sound transmission.

"Don't worry about what's happening in reality, stare at the viewfinder and mark its location with your black water!"

Narcissus reacts very quickly.

Even though she didn't understand Wei Kun's intentions, she immediately acted according to Wei Kun's instructions.The heavy machine exuded a sense of coldness, and she looked into the viewfinder.In the misty world of ashes, in the white-toned scenery, she was shocked to find that this was the past of the sacrificial hall!

The time point is not too far away from now, judging from the angle of the shadow's inclination, it is about a few minutes' difference——

"This is!?"

Narcissus was stunned for a moment, and the next second, she saw air fluctuations. First, a familiar terrifying lantern with a human head appeared, slowly protruding out of the ripples. Then, the extremely difficult ghost in filial piety walked out carrying the lantern with a human head. The range of ripples came to the sacrificial hall.

It looked at the people in the sacrificial hall with resentment, full of killing intent.

Wei Kun took out the autopsy needle from his arm and reminded Narcissus at the same time.

"The reason why you have been unable to find its aura is not that its rank is far superior to yours, nor is it that it is proficient in concealment power. It is rather... that it comes from the past! All of its actions and attacks happened in the In the past time!"

"That's why the people killed by it will eventually appear in the Red Rain World. It is its power that pulls the corpse back to the time point 30 years ago! It is the land under our feet."

Narcissus was shocked.

Weird from the past?And this kind of scary guy?

If it wasn't for Wei Kun's possession of this ghost machine, and he himself is a user of the power of the time system, coupled with the reminder from that diary, absolutely no one would be able to discover the true secret of Xiaofu ghost.This explains that it has been raging on Zuotoushan for many years and killed countless people who entered the mountain, but no one knows the reason for its existence.

'"Big water"! '

'"Deep pool"! '

'"Bone Tower"! '

The three powers of Narcissus are all highly related to water.It was raining outside, even the peculiar red rain, which greatly enhanced the power of Narcissus.Her long black hair was windless, and there were two lines of blood and tears in her eyes.

The hard concrete ground turned out to be like a pool of water, starting to bubbling, and the loach-like black water was swimming wildly, looking for the trace of Xiaofu ghost.

Li Meng and the others also noticed the change!
Looking in horror at the extra black pool water in the center of the sacrificial hall, in the deep darkness, it seems that there are countless bones trying to climb out, pulling all the living beings seen into the deep pool of despair.If they saw the Jingguan tower with stacked heads and wildly dancing arms, the few sanity points remaining in the Jingguan tower would be instantly cleared.

Holding the mobile phone, the photographer felt the water flowing like ghost hands through the soles of the shoes, and his thighs were almost stiff.

"There's another ghost!"

Master Sun was also very frightened. He shouted calmly, changed several names under his mouth, and said: "The master, the goddess... the invincible water fairy, is arresting these ghosts! Don't panic, absolutely Don't run around!"

Narcissus didn't care to comfort these guys who were about to be frightened.She was staring at the filial piety ghost in the viewfinder frame, her hands were clasped, as if she was holding the neck of a living person, exerting a little force!
Corresponding to the position of the filial piety ghost in the viewfinder frame, an arm suddenly appeared on the ground under its feet.

Immediately afterwards, following in the footsteps of the filial piety ghost, thighs, spine, neck, head and other more terrifying things emerged from the hydrated ground one after another.

Li Meng, the photographer and Xiao Jia felt like their hair was about to explode.

"Master, are you sure this is catching ghosts?!"

Looking at Wei Kun's equally astonished expression, Narcissus' pretty face flashed a trace of shame and anger, and said, "That's all, do you understand?"

To Li Meng and the others, "Only these" is the confident declaration of victory of Invincible Narcissus!It's like acupuncture forcing out the residual poison in the body. These guys at the scene of the murder are actually the hidden ghosts she found with magical powers, and she is suppressing them one by one with great magic power!

Wei Kun understood...

This little princess from the Yunhai Civil Customs Bureau has some shady perverted hobbies in private.He saw far more than a row of tooth marks on these stumps on the ground.A normal woman's wardrobe is full of brand-name cosmetics and various luxury goods, but Narcissus hides a lot of corpses stolen from no one knows where.

According to a certain red book, as long as a girl is decent-looking, cultivates some hobbies such as shopping for bags, yoga, flower arrangement, photography, PS, etc., and at the same time knows how to eat when she is hungry, and knows how to go home when it is raining, she is considered a high-quality girl.

From a weird point of view, Narcissus should also be considered a high-quality female ghost.Thinking of this, Wei Kun felt strangely relieved?

"What am I thinking!"

Wei Kun shook off the fleeting distracting thoughts, clamped the autopsy needle between his fingers, and took a deep breath.

How about killing a spook from the past?

It's simple...

Predict all its futures!
For the first time, Wei Kun tried to infuse the special ghostly aura from the ghost mouth of his right hand into the strange thing called the autopsy needle.The post-mortem needle suddenly became foggy, looming, as if it would disappear in his hand at any moment.

This level of perfusion is not enough to make the post-mortem needle return to the past like Wei Kun's body.

But the post-mortem needle thus enters into a weak superposition state similar to "backtracking", the past and the present.The filial piety ghost wants to attack, it must have a moment, so short that no one can detect it, it will appear at the current point in time and attack them.

Wei Kun has already known its entire trajectory through the "past", plus the post-mortem needle of "slow down"——

Filial piety ghosts!
Victory and defeat!

He ejected the post-mortem needle and turned into a transparent silver snake. Its speed surpassed that of sound, but it passed through the sky above the first marking point of Narcissus in silence!
In the viewfinder frame, the vicious filial piety ghost was completely unaware of the approaching danger. As soon as it took the next step, its body froze immediately, and a slight bloodstain appeared on its forehead.


Narcissus seemed to be able to see the explosion sound of the half head exploding!In the world of ashes, the ghost in filial piety was blown out of his left brain by the post-mortem needle with the "ghost sound". The sonic boom was like a small bomb, instantly tilting his body, opening his black mouth, and hissing in pain. Call!

Wei Kun felt a shrill sound that seemed to exist in the air.

He used the power of Taotie to counter-summon the post-mortem needle, aim at the next marked point, and shoot the post-mortem needle again!

The process of the filial obedience ghost from the past to the present is like a pre-programmed ritual. In the second attack, it blew up the entire half of its body. Relying on the human-headed lantern in its right hand, it barely maintained its balance. , but it is still walking forward, as if it can only appear in the real sacrificial hall after completing these actions!
The third stitch!
Fourth stitch!
Until the seventh stitch!

The air trembled like water waves, and then a mutilated white figure was revealed.

It is the ghost of filial piety!
It couldn't even make the last sound, and struggled to raise its remaining right hand, trying to touch the diary in Wei Kun's hand, but it failed, and slowly fell into the black pool in the center of the sacrificial hall, gradually sank, and finally Completely disappeared.

Wei Kun felt like he was torturing little Yanzi's mother Rong.

"It seems that it is only a small god rank, otherwise, the ability would not be so rigid..."

'It's rigid, but if it weren't for the combination of various factors, even a master of the minor god rank would die in this sacrificial hall for no reason. '

'wrong! '

Wei Kun's complexion changed, and he muttered to himself: "The one who got stabbed so loudly was not Little Swallow but Ziwei! But looking at it now, Mother Rong really did not stab the wrong person..."

While the black water pool engulfed Xiaofu ghost.


Narcissus suddenly covered her mouth, her eyes widened, her face was full of tangles, every muscle in her face was trying to describe how unpalatable this ghost thing was.Her cheeks puffed up, her throat moved, and she tried to swallow, but she couldn't do it at all.

Wei Kun thoughtfully opened Narcissus' mouth with his left hand, stretched out his right hand, and used the Beiyin seal to absorb the remnant body stuck in Narcissus' throat.

"If you pull my tongue again, I'll really be a hanger!"

Narcissus' eyes were red and watery, aggrieved and angry, as if she was about to cry.She glared at Wei Kun angrily, then coughed violently and retched non-stop.In the next second, Wei Kun, who had just won, swayed and almost fell.

It was still the half-faced ghost who supported Wei Kun in time, with a terrified and loving motherly smile on his face.

of course.

From Li Meng's perspective, it was another picture.Because Narcissus turned his back to them, he didn't see Wei Kun's movements.They only knew that the invincible Narcissus slapped the little ghosts in the pool to death first, and then stared to death the big invisible ghost in the air with his eyes.

The young man with a boyish face was frightened and fell into the arms of another female ghost just after being glanced at by the invincible Narcissus, as if fainted and about to twitch.

"What is an expert!"

"The female monks in the novel are nothing more than that..."

They have endless admiration for Narcissus, even Narcissus coughing and retching in anger and annoyance, in their view, it is a natural and strong painting style after a hearty battle.

Xiao Jia surrounded her in admiration, holding a compressed towel that had been moistened with water.

She handed it to Narcissus.

"Sister, are you injured? Is it an internal injury? Or is Qihai, Danding, Nascent Soul damaged..." Xiaojia's imagination was limited to this, and there were stars in her eyes.

The corner of Narcissus' mouth twitched.

My special meow is the damage to the lining of the mouth!My tonsils are so uncomfortable!
Just as she was about to explain, she heard "myself" answer the little fan girl's question in a calm and powerful voice.

"It doesn't matter, if I encounter danger again, I will make a move!"

Li Meng couldn't extricate himself from the shock, and said subconsciously.

"There are really goddesses and fairies in this world..."

The audience in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded.

Because the hands of the photographer uncle are as steady as a cloud platform, they can only see Li Meng's big face in close-up, and experience the face-changing Peking Opera immersively.Isn't it the script of encountering a poaching team and fleeing in the rainy night?
What is a goddess?What is a goddess!

And what happened to the half-faced woman who flashed by just now?

Has the live script been updated!

Li Meng realized that she had said the wrong thing and was flustered. She hastily corrected: "The Goddess is me... It's a gift with goods under my live broadcast room. Click your hand and add it to the shopping cart... It's gone? It must be too hot It's gone, it's been robbed, hehehehe, tricking people to go out and bump into ghosts..."

She stood there giggling.

Then the oath was fulfilled.

Perhaps because the filial piety ghost was absorbed and refined by Wei Kun, the "Gaze of the Great Black Sun", which was supposed to arrive earlier, was a few minutes late.


The temple trembled!
A red light flashed outside the window!The color of the sky and the earth changes instantly!It was the red light curtain that descended again, watching the tiny existence on the earth.

The group of intruders in camouflage uniforms on the mountain just changed places, and their experience was still extremely miserable.The canopy melted, and they were completely exposed to the pouring red rain. At first they shouted in horror, and then they turned into screams of misery. In the end, after only two or three breaths, these brand new "rotten meat monsters" Standing up slowly, showing the same happy smile as the villagers, he looked up to the sky and let out a big laugh of ecstasy.

The villagers seemed to sense the addition of new companions, and they also started laughing.

The piercing laughter came one after another, like a prayer to a noble song, whoever started to read the eulogy, and it quickly joined together.

"Big black sun, the Buddha's mother is kind..."

"All living beings are suffering and cannot return..."

"Windless Realm, now in the world..."

"Dongheimen, Xiyuefu..."

"Nan Shiyin, Beilong Coffin..."

"The authority of the great ban, ascending to the rank of God..."

"After the years, you will be eternal..."

The sound wave is like an all-pervasive bug, piercing the eardrum and drilling into the brain!Xiao Jia, who was in poor physical condition, started to bleed from her nose, and her eyes turned white. She looked a bit like those villagers in Yuexia Village with milder symptoms!
Wei Kun suddenly remembered what the half-faced ghost had said.

Can neither see nor hear!
All the visions here are to keep the intruders in this so-called paradise forever!

He didn't have time to sort out the gains from the Beiyin seal. This filial obedience, which is suspected to be the third life fire of the minor god rank, is weird, and the benefits contained far exceed his expectations!But now there is no time!

The red light curtain, representing the sight of the Great Black Sun, was moving slowly and powerfully, ignoring everything, in the direction of Yuexia Village.

"If he is watching, no one can leave here. Even me is no exception."

The half-faced ghost sat quietly on the chair, and said quietly: "If you can't get out of here, who else can? You killed the jailer, and the big black sun has already discovered it. The red rain outside will not let anyone leave Of...we can't leave anymore!"

Master Sun's eyes trembled, and Xiao Jia stepped back half a step, murmuring in disbelief.

Li Meng looked at Narcissus expectantly.But Narcissus looked at Wei Kun.

The half-faced ghost knew very well who was the one who really killed the Xiaofu ghost.

Laughter is approaching the sacrificial hall!
The red rain was like countless hands, slapping the windows of the sacrificial hall frantically!

Narcissus also panicked.

Except for Wei Kun, she knows better than anyone else the horror above her head.The Great God Rank is already an urban legend, so what will happen to the master of the Great God Rank?Undoubtedly, they are ghosts and gods outside the world!

Wei Kun felt Narcissus grabbing him with soft palms with increasing force.represent her fears.

He looked at the half-faced ghost and said suddenly.

"Can't leave? Then how did you return to reality and lead us here step by step?"

The half-faced ghost was taken aback suddenly.

It seemed to recall something, screaming in horror.

"It's Red Rain! Red Rain is affecting my thoughts, making me forget about it subconsciously...I remembered! I remembered everything! How to get out...After 14 years, another exit, just After 14 years!"

(End of this chapter)

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