Chapter 284

"Can I get in touch?"


"He's such an old man, in his twenties, so there won't be any problems."


"Don't look at me, I'm not Li Xiaoya's two legs!"

Narcissus stared at Wei Kun, who was getting more and more guilty, and pouted.Although it was later found out that Wei Kun did not do it on purpose, but encountered a turbulent vortex when passing through the ghost gate of the half-faced ghost. It may be careless for a while, or it may be that the presence of a good employee is really not high, so she As it should be... lost!
She sighed.

"Li Xiaoya is an idiot, she's a college student after all. Let's contact the police in Fengjing and see if we can find her through Skynet. It shouldn't be too far away, right?"

Wei Kun agreed.

He called Chen Yuanli first.Then entrust him to transfer the request to Fengjing Public Security in the name of Yunhai.

Private use of public equipment is a very sensitive matter, not to mention that Wei Kun is still a non-staff cooperator, so there is no need to make taboos about it and cause unnecessary gossip.

Chen Yuanli was surprised when he received the call.

"I was about to call you."

He paused, and there was the rustling sound of writing on the other end of the phone, and then asked him about Zutou Mountain.

"I heard from Fengjing that there seems to be a gate to the underworld in Zuotou Mountain Scenic Area? This is a big deal, Brother Wei, I'm your old friend, why didn't you call me immediately?"

old friend?
As for being so familiar!

Wei Kun recalled the number of times he had met Chen Yuanli, counting the debts owed by the integrity firm, the time when he met Chen Yuanli who was pretending to be a lawyer was still one of the few.

He thought that Yuanli Chen was trying to get close, but then he heard him speak with confidence and angrily.

"I'm Tutu's number seven!"

Who is Tutu meowing again!

Wei Kun thought for five seconds before he remembered, this is Yiyi's little follower, who used to be a certain blogger V?The writing is said to be good.

He held down Michael Kong and said in a low voice.

"Team Chen, you should ask Narcissus about this. After all, I don't know as much as her. There is always a first time. I'm really confused. I should call you first. After all, there is only one in the gate of the underworld." Tens of thousands of ghosts are nothing to our Yunhai Sub-bureau—”

"Damn it! How many? Have you broken into the ghost's nest? Even in Fengdu, there are only a thousand or so wandering spirits recorded in the files! But ghosts like wandering spirits are not even considered ghosts. , and won’t cause any harm, but anyway, the number is too astonishing.”

Chen Yuanli couldn't hold back, he coughed heavily.

Wei Kun is still pretending to be cute, which makes the Narcissus next to him roll his eyes hard.

He said in a deep voice: "Brother Chen, you are right. I just remember that there are ghosts all over the mountains and plains, and there is one pretending to be the sun above its head."

"Fake, pretending to be the sun?!"

According to the level of ghosts, only ghosts rated as powerful by the Bureau of Folk Customs can move freely during the day.Wandering spirits, or relatively weak wraiths, will melt or even dissipate when they see sunlight. Most of them only act at night, so folklore events mostly occur at midnight.

It can be seen from this that the sun, as the greatest star mother in the galaxy, has amazing restraint on weirdness.

Traditional ghost legends and national stories are also people in the past who discovered the power of the sun in the process of understanding the strange, so they compiled a large number of related bridges. Over time, they evolved into different cultural versions in various countries around the world, such as the big demon , vampires, horse demons and other monster images are very afraid of the sun.

According to the research of the "wisdom" gods, "All mouths make gold" is a powerful phenomenon in which the collective subconscious influences reality.As the setting of the sun restraining monsters has become more and more widespread, reaching its peak in recent decades, experiments have found that wandering spirits and wraiths suffer more damage when facing the sun than decades ago.

The sun is the biggest taboo for Weird.

When Chen Yuanli heard that a ghost dared to pretend to be the sun, his first reaction was that Wei Kun was talking nonsense.However, he had read the psychological profiling and personality analysis of Wei Kun done by the psychological warfare office. It was mentioned in the file that Wei Kun was a person with a restrained personality, a firm will, and a person who attached great importance to commitment.

More importantly, his identity is very clean, and he has no connection with those weird groups.

These are also the two key factors for the Yunhai Civil Customs Bureau to finally absorb Wei Kun into the system after careful research.

The possibility of Wei Kun lying was overthrown by Chen Yuanli himself.

"Then what you encountered may be a legendary monster of the Great God Rank! It is the greatest luck to be able to survive. When you return to Yunhai City, you have time to write a detailed report...I didn't leave it to me, I didn't Such a high level can be handed over to Director Yang or Director Jin."

Chen Yuanli said regretfully and fortunately: "Fortunately, you contacted Fengjing at the first time, otherwise Zuotoushan's files would fall into our sea of ​​clouds. It's not that we want to shirk responsibility or are afraid of trouble." and sacrifice, but the situation in Yunhai City is already very complicated, and it is impossible for us to separate our people and go to Zuotou Mountain, more than 1000 kilometers away, to investigate the gate of the underworld."

He completely forgot that he was complaining about Wei Kun just now.

"When you were in the mountains, the investigation team of the Human Resources Department went to the Yunhai Sub-bureau and took away this year's folklore files. The next day, the guidance was sent to the bureau. I still remember the [Black Gate] and [Nothing] in Dahuang Film and Television City. face] event?"

Chen Yuanli tapped the gel pen and expressed emotion.

"The [Black Gate] is defined as a suspected special gate to the underworld. Ordinary people who inadvertently break in will either turn into cold corpses or be turned into half-human, half-ghost living corpses as long as they take a breath of ghost mist. That would be worse than death. The Bureau attaches great importance to it, and plans to investigate the matter of [Black Gate] in depth in the near future.”

"The other thing is this [Faceless], not only it, but also [Bride], [Wedding Mirror] and [Side Leak]... I almost forgot, the investigation team changed the name, they thought it was too disgusting, so they changed it to It's called [Blood Clothes]. In short, it doesn't matter what the name is, what matters is the level of this large-scale folk incident. Investigators above level [-] are obliged to submit any information related to it immediately. If you have clues, use internal affairs as soon as possible. Handing in the system is at least a great achievement!"

He seemed lonely, and he refused to put down the phone even though he had finished talking about the recent key news, and then chatted about the strange analyzes and opinions of the various branch bureaus on Yunhai City, which made Wei Kun's expression quite strange.

Especially the analysis of the blood coat.

Some investigators actually speculated that "it" was menstrual intercourse and death from excitement, so it was suggested to make sanitary napkins into bait to attract bloody clothes...

This group of people is really perverted.

Wei Kun gradually lost his patience, he was coping with it, and suddenly interrupted Chen Yuanli, saying: "Captain Chen, I have other things at hand, why don't we talk about it?"

"Ah? Oh oh!"

On the other end of the phone, Chen Yuanli blushed with embarrassment and said with embarrassment: "My, my, I haven't talked to my friends for a long time. I used to always like to chat with old Sun. Since they left, there is no one in the office. whom to speak to."

"They... sacrificed?" Wei Kun's heart trembled, his voice was soft.

"Hey, look at what you said! They all went on annual vacation. But they must not be as unlucky as you. You can bump into the Great God Steps after climbing a mountain. After all, you are really born to do this job! Usually we travel, I also went to visit the well-known ghost buildings, ghost villages, and ghost kilns in various places. If you don’t get anything, it’s relaxation, and if you get something, it’s a surprise. You really encountered a big surprise! Old Wei, I don’t know if you can give me another surprise... "

Chen Yuanli finally revealed the reason why he babbled and twitched for a long time.

"Well, I heard that you guys are going to make short videos and online dramas. There must be Honghong and Shasha, right? If possible, give me a first look, just one look! I will never tell anyone! I swear to God!"

"If you talk about this, I'm going to do business."

"Don't! I'm an old fan too. It's not that I want to see black and white girls and JK beautiful girls. It's that many netizens on the Internet are talking about this recently. Those dogs who can't spit out ivory actually slandered me. Red Goddess and JK The beauty and acting skills of the Goddess of Sacrifice, scolding Narcissus as a good crotch in the fashion industry, and asserting that the female anchor will definitely overturn when crossing the border, hey, I have a bad temper, and I am not used to them!"

"Don't use power for personal gain, like the Twitter executives of the beautiful country, who engage in such things as banning accounts! This is unconstitutional!"

"I didn't do that."

Chen Yuanli snorted and said, "Besides, the Internet Office is not familiar with our unit. However, this does not prevent me from cracking down on these gangsters!"

Wei Kun was suddenly a little curious, could this Captain Chen be a hidden hacker like KQ?
Without waiting for him to ask.

Chen Yuanli proudly said: "I sent them crazy pictures, first activated their reputation, let them die! Then I made a report back, and they died together. I didn't leave them a chance to beg for mercy! I have nothing else, There are many real-name trumpets on the prisoner's ID card—"

Maybe, this is the real hacker.

It's comparable to the master who bribed the security guard to pull the switch.

"Pfft!" Narcissus eavesdropped on the phone, almost choking to death with saliva, her eyes widened.

Wei Kun was also shocked, and said: "You are pure cyber terrorism... Send me some when you have time, don't report me."

The phone hangs up.

"First of all, I declare that Chen Yuanli is not my leader, but Director Yang is!" Narcissus looked disgusted and decisively drew a line with him.

Seeing Wei Kun lowered his head in thought, she couldn't hold back for a while, and lightly slapped Wei Kun's arm.

"Hey! Are you still the boss?"

Seeing Wei Kun's blank expression, Narcissus got angry and said angrily, "I didn't hear from Team Chen that there are people who scold us on the Internet? You have to think of a way!"

"It's not scolding, but it's the truth. After all, the two aunts in red and black really don't have much acting skills."

Wei Kun was looking down at his phone, and said casually.

"Hmph, I don't care, anyway, I won't wait for overnight revenge!" Narcissus gritted his teeth. "I'm just a narcissus, I don't tolerate swear words, I dare to say that my colleagues are good crotches with bad money, I have to knock on the windows of their houses one by one along the water pipe—"

"Don't change the concept secretly, that's scolding you."

"You don't care if you scold me? Am I that unimportant in your eyes? Oh, I see, I'm a person with a different surname after all, and I'm not close to your family. They all talk about sharing the same bed and different dreams, let alone not being loved by the same family. I understand that I am the most loyal and loyal narcissus cutie of the boss, MUA~"

Narcissus's nose fluttered, her eyes stared at the perfect ghost tears shining on the back of Wei Kun's hand, and her pupils dilated accordingly.She had only been sour and insane for a while, and then she was taken away by the "fragrance" of Perfect Ghost Tears. Before Wei Kun could speak, she jumped up and rushed over and took a mouthful!
"Hiss! Who did you learn to bite people from!"

Wei Kun covered the teeth marks on the back of his hand, and glared at Miss Narcissus, who was absorbing ghost tears and ecstatic.She was so angry that she lost her mind, but she was not only not angry, she was still giggling, her eyes were blurred, and she hugged Wei Kun's ears and rubbed her hair, like a bear itching all over a tree.

He was watermarked all over by the narcissus. Seeing the hazy eyes of the narcissus getting bluer and bluer, he took out the A4 paper of the little secretary that he carried with him, bit his fingertips and wrote down the law of "no flooding", and then slapped him hard Slap on Narcissus forehead.

Only then did the demented water ghost be cured at last.

Wei Kun got rid of Narcissus.

He looked down at his phone just now, he was contacting Yiyi who was far away in Zuotou Mountain Scenic Area.The phone call that I haven't dialed for a long time finally got an answer.

Yiyi's overjoyed voice came.

"Boss, everything is fine here!"


Zotou Mountain, Yuexia Village.

Yiyi was looking helplessly at the group of newcomers who were frightened into stupidity, and she had the illusion of taking care of children in the upper class.

Before she contacted Wei Kun in a hurry, it was not because she encountered something strange, but because Yuexia Village suddenly fell into a mysterious white mist with less than half a step of visibility.

She often deals with female ghost colleagues in the ghost company, especially the mysterious Aunt Jing, who likes to chat with her to relieve boredom.So I learned a lot of common sense and secrets about the weird world.

This white mist is not real mist.

Instead, it comes from a mysterious world called the Windless Realm, which has the characteristics of being non-dispellable and non-absorbable.Ordinary people will feel dizzy and dizzy if they inhale half a mouthful, and feel cold all over, and those with weak yang energy may even have hallucinations.

If you stay in the ghost fog for a long time, your life is in danger of being swallowed by the ghost fog and turning into a lonely ghost.

The newcomers didn't obey Yiyi's order to stay in the youth hostel, and sneaked into the countryside outside Yuexia Village to explore, only to encounter ghost fog falling from the sky.

If it weren't for Yiyi's "Hooking" power, the hooks would have been buried in them in advance.

It is also impossible for Yiyi to find these lost little idiots in the vast ghost fog... But what is more troublesome is not these little idiots, but the group of big idiots wearing camouflage uniforms and having a mental breakdown.

She stared at the two men on the haystack in front of her who were hugging their legs with terrified faces.

There are also bear traps and shotguns.

This has already revealed their true identities, they are the gang of poachers in Zuotou Mountain Scenic Area!
"Chain saw..."


"It's a ghost, it's a ghost! You have to tell Big Brother, you can't come here... you can't come here..."

They were about to break down, crying and laughing.It is known from these two people that seven or eight of them entered the mountain at first, but only two of them survived in the end.

Yiyi frowned, and after getting Wei Kun's consent, she called the local police phone number.

She looked at the four newcomers again.

"Next time, don't disobey my words. Otherwise..." Yiyi's eyes moved, and she stomped hard on the calf of a poacher who had regained some sanity and wanted to sneak away.


The poachers howled.

The newcomers looked pale, looking at this calm Hei Changzhi in shock.

Yiyi didn't say anything in her heart.

'Next time, I may not be able to save you, idiots..."

 The Xun X members of Temiao will not limit your speed, but if you do, you will be prompted that illegal resources cannot be accelerated!
(End of this chapter)

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