Weird internet celebrity company: female weird dressed as Two-dimensional

Chapter 288 Preparations before starting the machine

Chapter 288 Preparations before starting the machine

"Tomorrow is the carnival again."

"That's right, it used to be once a year, but now it's done twice in the second half of the year alone. It's frantic to cut leeks."

"The company has been preparing for more than a week, just for this matter. Last time the rookie king was Hong Hong. Is it possible that this time the rookie king is also ours?"

"What are you thinking! It's not just picking Chinese cabbage casually. I know the fate of everyone. At 5 o'clock, I get off work and go home quickly to save myself from being scolded. Two days ago, Manager Xia wanted to take the initiative to work overtime and stay in the company. I didn't leave until 9 o'clock, but I was scolded bloody by Mr. Wei, and I asked for leave the next day and didn't come!"

"There is such a thing, Mr. Wei is really weird... No, it should be said that our company is really weird!"

The employees clocked in one after another.

The bustling office area gradually became deserted, and finally no one could be seen.Only the pendulum of the old-fashioned wall clock, in the hazy darkness, made a rhythmic clang.

White mist filled around the compartment without knowing when.

The tables, chairs and furnishings became faintly visible, exuding a permeating sense of coldness.

Da da da!
The sound of high heels hitting the floor echoed very clearly.

Pushing away the mist reveals a delicate fox face, embellished with tear moles, adding a touch of charm to the dignity, and the giant black wings behind it make it look like a fallen angel in a lady's suit, capable and holy.

Dong Yejing took a breath of the familiar mist and smiled slightly.

"It's the ghost mist from the Windless Realm...there is no burnt smell, which means that the source is far away from the place of death. There is indeed a problem with this company! Wei Kun, your plot seems very interesting."

She stood at the gate of the company and took out her Sony mobile phone.

The phone was dialed, but the other end did not speak for a long time.

Dong Yejing spoke slowly with a half-smile.

"Wei Kun, as a partner, did you deliberately hide something from me? What is buried underground in the Innovation Building? I think I have the necessary right to know."

The voice on the other end of the phone was intermittent.

"I told you night...don't...stay in the company...why didn't you..."

Dong Yejing thought she had caught Wei Kun's handle!

When she first came to Happy Entertainment, she discovered Aji's problem.During the day, she heard from the employees that Wei Kun did not allow anyone to work overtime, especially staying in the company at night.With Dong Yejing's keen sense of smell, he caught this subtle abnormality in an instant.

as predicted.

The night of happiness and mutual entertainment will be filled with ghost fog!

Dong Yejing looked at Gui Wu, and said softly into the microphone: "As a senior consultant, I have my own independent personality, and abiding by the contract does not mean that I am your puppet. So, on the premise that I have not violated the law, why should I Follow your arrangement?"

"Why...don't you listen..." The voice over there was still intermittent.

"Because I wanted to take off your mask! I traveled thousands of miles, and not only didn't I see you in person, but I also couldn't see you being honest." Speaking of this, Dong Yejing recalled a series of encounters during the day, and felt wronged again. Annoyed again.

If it was her usual, she wouldn't be so impulsive and childish.

Dong Yejing has always been known for his rationality and calmness in the eyes of his tribe and peers.No one could guess what was going on in her heart.As for Modu Milk Tea, she was often deflated in front of Wei Kun, and had a huge embarrassment. The shyness and shame at that moment made Dong Yejing feel cold and her hairs stood on end, which is unforgettable to this day!
When faced with setbacks and dangers, ordinary people tend to subconsciously avoid them.She just didn't, so she must break in and have a better look!
"No more to say?"

Dong Yejing smiled.


The already blurred call sound suddenly turned into snowflake noise, with a strong sense of electricity.

Higashino Jing was slightly stunned, frowning and waiting for a long time, using her "original" power on the phone, trying to repair it, but with little success, the noise was still noisy.

The signal is obviously full.

She didn't feel right. As a related practitioner, especially growing up in Japan, which is full of urban ghost stories, she has very rich experience in this kind of situation.No need to guess, there must be a "friend" over here.

If it was an ordinary woman, she would have already panicked, and Zhao Yihuan screamed like picking her nose with her little finger.

Dong Yejing squinted her slender phoenix eyes, snorted heavily, and then the ghosts that belonged to the small god rank suddenly appeared around!

A crow screamed, and a large number of black crow feathers fell!
As long as you hear the cry of a crow, or get stuck to your body with black crow feathers, you will be affected by the ghost creature and directly transform into a black crow. If you can't get out of this form in time, wait until Dong Yejing invades the reality of the ghost creature, and the two will merge For one thing, the controlled person will also become a stupid crow in reality, and become Shizuka's puppet!
The raven-feather storm that surged like a tide blew away the thick to sticky white ghost fog, revealing the original appearance of the office area.

The white cubicle, the swinging old-fashioned wall clock, the leaking water dispenser, and an old Yangyang brand printer humming in operation...

Dongye Jing took half a step forward.

She was able to teleport anywhere with feathers at will, and in the next moment, she appeared at the crow feather that was closest to the printer.

"Sneaky guy, what a nuisance!"

"No matter what your relationship with Wei Kun is, show up immediately! I have something to ask you—"

The printer stops suddenly.

After a brief silence, there was the sound of snickering erratically in the darkness.

"I think this is the second time I've seen such a big bird?"

Dong Yejing's face turned cold when he heard this, and the movements of manipulating the crow feather became more violent, and the owner who wanted to speak the voice forced it out.The black feather turned the office area into a mess, but still couldn't find the snickering guy, which made Dongye Jing even more annoyed.

"Have you ever seen someone like me? Where is she!" Dong Yejing seemed to be gradually losing patience, her movements became more and more impatient, and her bird-like yellow-brown pupils were full of coldness.

The snickering came this time from behind the little door at the end of the corridor.

"I won't tell you!"

"Stupid mother goose!"

"Wait for bad luck!"

Dong Yejing was actually pretending to be impatient, she had been calmly catching the source of the sound, but she couldn't help being furious when she heard the tittering mother goose.When she found out the exact location, her two slender fingers instantly struck out a kunai-like crow feather, tearing through the air, and penetrating deeply into the sounding wooden door!
The right wing hit hard and hit the wooden door directly!At this moment, Dong Yejing noticed the Chinese characters on the wooden door sign.

"Live Room No. [-]"..."Entry is strictly prohibited"!
It was too late to pull back.

The wooden door was smashed open!At the same moment, Higashino Jing felt a creepy chill on her cheeks and even half of her body, blowing towards her face!

The alarm bells are ringing!

Dongye Jing wanted to use the crow feather behind him to teleport immediately and get out of here!However, a vortex-like suction suddenly erupted in the dark No. [-] live broadcast room, dragging her to the deep place abruptly.This force was so shocking that it was indescribable, she only had time to grab the door frame——


The wooden door closed suddenly, and silence returned.Only the brand-new scratches on the door frame, hideous and terrifying, proved that someone had been there before.

The snickering sounded again not far from the door.

"Prudish idiot."

"The second narcissus."

The little secretary got out from the gap in the floor and knocked on the wooden door of No. [-] live broadcast room not far away.The door opened, revealing a variety of expectant eyes.

A shrill voice asked urgently, "Did the new big bird girl go in?"


The little secretary smiled sweetly, two words, it's my sister.The younger sister who just did something bad just likes to do bad things, it doesn't care about the result.

"Unfortunately, it should be recorded."

Xiaoyu rubbed her small face and sighed: "The last time Narcissus was hung up and beaten to the brim by them, I haven't seen enough of it. It's really a rare and wonderful show. Oh yes, it will be broadcast live on the [-]st today. Who is in the room? I forgot to read today's program..."

Standing behind her is Lady Aggie.

Aji sneered and said, "Tomorrow is the Shark Carnival and Maoya's annual grand ceremony, so all three of you will be here. You little shameless dare to videotape? That master went crazy but his relatives didn't recognize him. Don't forget the last time you went to a You peeked in the No. [-] live broadcast room, but she found out, in order to save you from her mouth, the boss was gnawed alive and almost squeezed dry before he gave up."

Xiaoyu stuck out her tongue and smiled with lingering fear.

"Who is shameless? Don't everyone want to see it! Oh yes, who of you recorded the boss screaming?"

What answered her was a bunch of mobile phones held up high.

"Pass it back to me, I'll be the phone ringtone."

"Charge 0.1 Ghost Tears."

"You are too dark! I owe it first, and I will give it to you after the performance bonus is paid."

Just as Xiaoyu was bargaining with Aji, there was a desperate scream of crows in live broadcast room No. [-], and all the ghosts looked at each other, showing tacit and terrifying smiles.

"This is the corporate culture of the ghost company, the welcome ceremony that newcomers must go through~"


Wei Kun let out a tired face.

He was not at the company at night, but in the First Hospital of Yunhai Medical University, where he was pestered by Li Xiaoya until midnight.

Although she is a lonely man and a widow, the content of the chat is colorless.There are only work arrangements, Li Xiaoya's fancy complaints about Narcissus, and her firm determination for the next water-testing skit.

In the end, Wei Kun gently and skillfully coaxed Li Xiaoya to sleep with a knife in his hand. Seeing her sleeping face as sweet as Mori Kogoro, he couldn't help smiling in relief.

late at night.

Wei Kun lingered in the mortuary of the First Hospital of the Medical University, taking pictures with the Type [-] Shadow Camera.He is not afraid of consuming "film". Although this thing is difficult to deal with, it is not impossible.Hu Hengtai, a big equipment dealer in Shanghai, has some supernatural powers, and promised to send Wei Kun a new batch of "film" next month.

He emphasized again and again that it is okay to ask for "film", and he is absolutely not allowed to hook up with his precious daughter Hu Yaxuan again!
Wei Kun called out his grievances, it was Hu Yaxuan who took the initiative to add Thaksin letter.Besides, isn't this little girl still alive and well?Can't float up!It is not in the scope of Wei Kun's personal hobbies at all.

I didn't notice it before, but with this shadow machine, Wei Kun found that the hospital mortuary is quite lively.

Using these ignorant "good brothers" who had just died, he tested the functional differences of the Type [-] Shadow Machine again.

Mode 1, "real vision", the most normal shooting mode, can lock the disguise of the female ghost without revealing the truth.The real function of this mode is to detect ghosts and ghosts, which has been confirmed in Zuotoushan.

In fact, the live footage will not reveal the truth, because there is a "stare" that fixes the appearance of the ghost, which is equivalent to the observer's collapse of the observation target.

The camera on the set occasionally has gaps in "staring", or in other words, there are too few people on the set, and the stability of "staring" is not enough, which is why ghost images and real scenes are captured.

If you insist on using conventional means to solve it, you can get a hundred people to watch it like a monkey on the set. Is it something else?Inevitably want to shoot something special...

After passing the test, Wei Kun wondered if there is an eye with the ability to "stare" in this machine?

He was afraid that the machine would be broken, so guessing was just guessing.

Mode 2, "Ash World", can see past shooting modes.It is impossible to adjust the past time point. According to Wei Kun's simple test, the Shadow Machine seems to use the strange activity frequency as a time beacon, and will only find the past time point with strange existence, and how long ago it is completely random up.

Through mode 2, Wei Kun took a lot of "wonderful pictures". He found that many people feel cold in the mortuary, but it's not just the low temperature environment and the effect of ghosts.

Rather, some newly born wandering souls are urinating and spitting on living people...

It's almost dawn.

Wei Kun rubbed his temples with a headache, ashamed to be with such a guy.He put away the Shadow Machine and checked the props on his body.

He took it out of his pocket.

"Chiu Mi!"

Well, a ghost wedding dress that is afraid of the cold and likes to sneak into the bed.

Then touch the inside of the forearm skin.

A good post-mortem needle for cutting fruit.

Rolling down the forearm, the palm of the hand is the ghost mouth that can never be full, and the red spiral pattern around the ghost mouth is the "high imitation version of Beiyin Maharaja seal" embedded in the flesh and blood.

In the seal of Beiyin, the filial obedience ghost is still less than half refined.

However, seven perfect ghost tears have been produced, as well as three power fragments of "the past", "ghost clothes", and "lantern".It can be seen that Zuotoushan and his party have gained a lot.

Wei Kun smeared two drops of perfect ghost tears on his right forearm, and the color of ashes faded away slowly, and gradually recovered, and the signs of ghosting were finally significantly suppressed.The remaining five drops are reserved for the performance benefits of ghost employees.

He planned to say hello to Li Xiaoya before leaving, and asked her if she wanted breakfast.

When I got to the door, I heard two little nurses muttering.

"Have you heard? The mortuary was haunted in the middle of the night! The head nurse on duty was so scared that he didn't dare to go out! I heard from her that the ghost was so tall and big that he couldn't see his face clearly. , is definitely the kind of ghost that a perverted murderer turned into!"

"Ah! It's really scary... This kind of behavior, even if he wasn't a perverted murderer, he's still a psychopath who deserves to be killed. It's a good thing he can do it by filming a female teacher in general!"

"Why don't you talk about evil gates?"

Wei Kun pretended not to hear anything before entering the door, and was surprised to find that Shi Haocong had arrived early.

Shi Haocong is cutting yellow peaches for Li Xiaoya.

He turned around and saw Wei Kun's face full of surprises: "Old Wei, you are finally here! I just brought the team over, and the plane fell into the sea of ​​clouds in the early morning. How are you preparing for the water test drama? I heard that these two days Your company has a big event, is it called a carnival or something? It won't delay things, right?"

Li Xiaoya silently put the broken yellow peaches aside, muttering that it didn't smell like Wei Kunqie.

Wei Kun hung the clothes beside him and said.

"Let's go to the company to do a script seminar together in the morning, don't delay things, in fact, these two things can be done as one..."

(End of this chapter)

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