Chapter 29 Laughing at You Just Like You?

The photo is a beautiful profile.

Vermilion lips and jade face are all over the country and the city.

If the brightest gemstone in the crown is called the peerless pearl, the photo of the owner of the crimson dress engraved with phoenix patterns and dragon carvings is enough to make the pearl eclipse.

Qiu Yunying looked dazed, chanting incomprehensible words such as "Golden Cut", "Perfect Curvature", "Heavenly Man-made Creatures".

Her thinking seemed to be struck deep by a sharp lightning bolt, filled with subtle currents of dopamine, her breathing was short, and her scalp was tight.

Many artists spend their whole lives pursuing the perfect Aphrodite beyond the limit of imagination.

If you can't get what you want, you will be dull, crying, crying, and hysterical, trying to use the craziest ideas to break the outdated routine and find art that shakes the soul.It is an elusive electricity, the unreachable clouds in the sky, the light at dawn and dusk, and the "regretful" side face in this photo.

If Venus with Broken Arms represents the ultimate of Western aesthetics of incompleteness, then holding a pipa half-hidden is the pinnacle of Eastern hazy aesthetics.

The side face of the photo, taking into account both, directly hits the depths of Qiu Yunying's soul and unlocks the answer to her life.

Qiu Yunying's mind was like a turbulent sea, she held her mobile phone and remained silent for a long time.

The longing and greed revealed in the eyes gave Wei Kun the illusion that Qiu Yunying and the female corpse in red were a family.

However, one is to pursue the ultimate beauty and not settle for it.The other is that it is OK to eat as long as you are full, and you are not picky about food.

Wei Kun saw that Qiu Yunying was trembling as if she was having an epileptic seizure, and was afraid that she would jerk away with a bang.There is no doctor named Zhao Dabao around here!
He hesitated for a few seconds.

"You..." Wei Kun wanted to interrupt.

Qiu Yunying threw the phone out like an electric shock, and couldn't help screaming: "Ah—"

Then, like a puppy teasing himself, he crawled to the ground remorsefully and eagerly, picked up the phone carefully, and blew off the dust on the screen as if it were a treasure.

Wei Kun remained silent.

He really didn't dare to speak anymore, what if Qiu Yunying bit him?
The rabies vaccine is quite painful...

Qiu Yunying looked up at Wei Kun, her eyes were reddish, she had a surprised smile on her face, her trembling voice seemed to be asking for proof.

"She just smiled at me, she must like me..."

Wei Kun couldn't help taking a breath, stood up immediately, and said nervously: "You said, the photo is smiling?!"

"Maybe I'm fantasizing, she is so beautiful that I have hallucinations that I shouldn't have. I'm really sorry, I'm a little out of control..." Qiu Yunying gradually eased from the out of control state, sighed softly, her hands were still tightly Holding the phone, he didn't intend to return it to Wei Kun.

Wei Kun really wanted to call out sister, are you okay!

This is a static image not an animated gif!What's more, the shot was of a profile face!How the hell is it smiling?Crooked mouth God of War!

"Can you give me the phone back?"

Wei Kun panicked.

It was clearly a side face, and the purple eyes of the female corpse in red were not photographed. I thought there would be no danger, but now it seems that there is still something wrong!

He stared at the phone, afraid that in the next second, a pale white arm would stretch out and strangle someone's neck.


Qiu Yunying's face was full of conviction, she turned her body, and firmly held the phone to her chest. "Wait, can you wait a while?" She begged Wei Kun in a flustered and unfamiliar manner.

If I had known earlier, those who engage in art are more or less seriously ill!

Wei Kun was dumbfounded.

Is there really someone who can't tell what is a supernatural event and what is a dog-licking brain supplement?
He is ready to use the ghost seal at any time, even if he vaguely feels that frequent use of the ghost seal will bring a huge burden and hidden danger to the body.

But Wei Kun couldn't sit idly by.

The two sat across the table, Wei Kun stared at Qiu Yunying, Qiu Yunying stared at the phone.

The diners at the left and right tables secretly inquired with strange eyes.

They secretly gossiped about the weird scene between Wei Kun and Qiu Yunying, it was like a man who was caught by his girlfriend for cheating and found evidence.

It's just that the girlfriend took into account the old relationship and was obviously in pain. Looking at Xiaosan's face, her heart was pierced like a knife, and she was trembling with anger. She still had final fantasies about her boyfriend and tried to persuade her to stay.

Especially with dialogue.

"give me."

"No, unless you bring me to her!"

"If you see her, you will die, bah, I will die... It's not right, anyway!"

"I knew that you men didn't have a good thing! Return the 200 million to me!"

"Can I change the subject..."

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow, how could you treat me like this—!"

The onlookers couldn't bear to watch.

An aunt was carrying an umbrella and tapped Wei Kun on the back with the umbrella handle.

Wei Kun turned his head, and without waiting for a reaction, spit flew across his face and was sprayed all over his face.

"Young man, be a man first! You're such a nice girl, you're so heartless!"

Others helped.

"Hey, if you are adopted, you can find a younger one. Give me 200 million, and I will guarantee three meals a day. This is called professional ethics."

Seeing the onlookers, Wei Kun was so excited that he wished to kill him, a heartless man, on the spot.

Thousands of people point to it!
Some people even want to take out their mobile phones and become a camera man.

He had no choice but to drag the crazy woman away from the scene of gossip.

Fire exits.

Wei Kun said with a helpless face: "I said, Ms. Qiu, can you be normal? You are the general manager of Qiu's Garment, and I am the boss of Happy Interactive Entertainment. Can we have some serious business negotiations? I still like you better That rebellious attitude just now..."

"Cough cough!"

It was only now that Qiu Yunying came to her senses, she blushed a lot, and she was clearly wearing a heroic black lady's smoking suit, showing a rare female shyness.

She coughed heavily, and reluctantly returned the phone to Wei Kun.

Wei Kun glanced at the phone screen, the photo was normal, it was a side view of the female corpse in red that he secretly took.It's just the crack that appeared in the lower left corner at an unknown time, which almost made his heart stop beating.

He just wants a peaceful life!Make a small fortune safely and steadily, but daily life seems to be getting more and more exciting...

Qiu Yunying finally returned to her cool business style.

"Boss Wei, you need to help me."

She draped Wei Kun's shoulders, stared into Wei Kun's eyes with piercing eyes, and said seriously: "I want to get her..."

Wei Kun almost missed the phone.


He changed his face, shook his head resolutely and said, "It's impossible, do you think I'm a pimp?"


Qiu Yunying couldn't help grinning, and patted Wei Kun's shoulder hard. "Look, I'm in a hurry, I just said that casually, to tease you, to test your character."

She opened her wallet and took out an artistic business card.

"You are very interesting. Here, this is my father Qiu Banshan's personal contact information... If you are in trouble, just call this number and say you are my friend."

Qiu Yunying chatted about the details of the contract, agreed on the signing time, and waited for the two legal departments to contact.

However, she didn't mention Hongmei anymore, and she didn't even discuss the filming of the advertising endorsement, as if she was willing to just buy the name of Hongmei and travel thousands of miles to give money.

But the more this happened, Wei Kun felt that she had ulterior motives.

That attitude of pretending not to care was very much like the devious tactics his college roommate used when chasing his girlfriend.

"She won't come for real..."

Looking at Qiu Yunying's striding back, Wei Kun felt a headache.He knew very well that this cool girl with a strong artistic sense would not let it go.

(End of this chapter)

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