Weird internet celebrity company: female weird dressed as Two-dimensional

Chapter 303 Don't Open Your Mouth, You'll Lie Chapter [-]

Chapter 303 Don't Open Your Mouth, You Will Tell Lies

The tone of Ding Dong's words is very like a fake pockmark that makes bullets fly.

Can I change my life?This is what the play says.

What it wants is freedom.

Wei Kun's intuition told him that this folk incident was extraordinary.The ghost that merged with the female anchor Ding Dong is obviously an old monster in the windless world, but it neither showed the strong aggressiveness of the "real ghost", nor did it wantonly kill in the range of residential buildings, causing terrible disasters.

Yin Zhengming is the only victim so far.There is a huge risk for mortals to come into contact with the strange at such a close distance. Even if the "upside-down ghost" does not do anything, the mortal who rushes into the ghost will gradually become a ghost under its passive influence, until he changes from a human to a ghost and becomes one of its ghosts. ghost slave.

According to the records of the Bureau of Folk Customs, the Windless Realm, which is connected by the gate of the underworld and the world of the sun, should be a distorted world full of evil spirits and wandering around, and the higher the power of the strange, the more distorted and terrifying it will be.There shouldn't be a high-level weirdness that can communicate like the upside-down ghost.

Obviously, either the Windless Realm changed at some point, so that the data in Yangjian was not updated in real time and there was a mistake.Either there are problems with the records of the Folklore Bureau and the Thirteenth Bureau, and it involves major issues of principle.

They try their best to describe the Windless Realm as an inaccessible hell. Do they have other unknown plans?
Wei Kun doesn't believe in anyone, he only believes in himself.

Joining the Folk Customs Bureau is just to obtain information from official channels more easily, and at the same time to pull off official tiger skins so as to cover up the whereabouts of the ghost company and his secret operations.What he is most curious about now is the [Time War] frequently mentioned by countless acquaintances.

Even the Red Rain World where the Black Sun exists on Zuotou Mountain is directly related to the forgotten war of time. The plague in Yuexia Village began 30 years ago, and then entered the endless cycle of pain. , can never be separated from...

30 years ago, what happened to the taboo?

However, it was inconvenient for Wei Kun to ask too deep questions in front of Rong Liwen and the others.Among the four-member team, the recorder is the most important, and the recording device he carries is both a video tool and a surveillance tool. KQ has discovered the background control program of the recording equipment in the files of the Bureau of Folk Customs. It is hard to say the pros and cons of such a design.But it does play a role in restraining the behavior of investigators who are getting stronger and more extreme in psychology.

Rong Liwen was very excited about the keywords of "the gate of the underworld". He started pacing, muttering incessantly, sometimes asking Wei Kun to turn on the camera, and recording himself at the same time, sometimes writing and drawing on the smart watch on his arm , I don't know what data is being recorded.

Deng Wei, who always pretends to be a cool guy, also has red eye circles and heavy breathing. He put his hands on his knees and was so excited that he was fidgeting.

Ji Yun couldn't understand the gaffe of these two seniors.

"Is the gate of the underworld something very powerful and important?" She asked weakly.

"Xiaoyun, you don't understand! But you must understand!"

Rong Liwen clenched his fist, then put it down forcefully, looked at Ji Yun happily, grinned and said: "There is a joke in the police and the army that there is no first-class merit for being alive. Discovering the gate of the underworld is to let We lived to get the merit of first-class merit!"

"Promotion, that's all secondary. What's important is that our family members and future generations will enjoy permanent protection as credit. There is no need to worry anymore! Children can go to the best schools and enjoy the best education. Education, you don't have to struggle like you and me. After they graduate as special national defense students, they still have the right to choose to join the Thirteenth Bureau, or even the Human Resources Department... This is the most rare iron job I can think of The best possible future for our children..."

He didn't mention much about his future.He has been talking about his five-year-old son, with a smile in his eyes, the pride of his father, and the happiness overflowing in his eyes.

Captain Rong handed Wei Kun a cigarette, but Wei Kun didn't pick it up.

He smiled shyly and said: "If the gate of the underworld is real, you are the biggest contributors. Some are presumptuous, and some are cheeky. We front-line players who are fighting for life and death want to contribute to the country. If you earn a salary that can support your family, if you can let them live a good life, then you will have no regrets. I hope that you and the Narcissus will not mind this little request."

Deng Wei and Ji Yun cast expectant gazes at the same time.

It's realistic.

You can't just talk about sacrifice, not about treatment, let alone the future.All men are created equal, no one deserves to die before the others, and deserves to die more.

When Wei Kun found that these three people were looking at three different open spaces, the slight emotion that had just arisen in his heart dissipated in an instant.Almost forgot the narcissus wasn't even here!

Whether it's the request of the entire Sixth Investigation Team or Wei Kun's own curiosity about Xin Mi, it will be an excellent reason to make a deal with the Upside Down Ghost.Since time retrospect shows that Wei Kun alone can defeat the Upside Down Ghost, but it is difficult to keep it intact and refine it into a company bonus.

Then it's better to go with the flow and get a big credit for yourself and the sixth investigation team.

Upside Down Ghost hangs on the ceiling for cosplay, like a quiet and stable young girl, her temperament is somewhat similar to Shasha, but more mature, not as tender and childish as Shasha.It waited patiently for the answer from Wei Kun, or "Master Narcissus", and combed its long hair slowly.

"I don't want to kill people, I just want to find a place to hide forever. Yangjian is too exciting and fresh for me. As long as it is weird with sanity, I won't have the heart to destroy this hard-won beauty. I like live broadcast very much. Especially the fanatical appearance of those mortals calling me a goddess, it is much more interesting than I used to pretend to be a city god and a land lord..."

Upside down ghost supported his exquisite and beautiful chin, his slender legs dangled under the table, hooked his insteps, and kicked Wei Kun lightly when he was in a daze.

"Idiot who smells so good, why are you in a daze? Can I go?"

Wei Kun raised his head and pointed at himself suspiciously.

"I am talking about you!"

The upside-down ghost's nose twitched like a gluttonous old alcoholic, it revealed a pair of dimples, and said with a shallow smirk: "If I hadn't promised this little girl not to hurt anyone, I would have to find a comfortable bed to eat." Drop you. You have a very sweet smell, so tempting... It's like the smell of burning red candles on a wedding night..."

"Stop talking about this unlucky thing."

Wei Kun was expressionless, he hated to listen to anything related to marriage, he gave half of his body to Narcissus.

"What's so unlucky about getting married? Yin marriage is comfortable! It's like a warm chill on someone—" Upside-down ghosts should have a common language with ghost mirrors, they are both trapped in a certain place Crazy guy.He also wanted to tease Wei Kun, but suddenly felt a strange aura that made his heart tremble, and it passed by in a flash!

It "sees" Wei Kun's fleeting scarlet ghost eyes.

If it wasn't in its ghost, and it was the second life fire's power and weirdness, Wei Kun would not have noticed that Wei Kun was using Taotie's eyes to transform into a ghost.

what happened!

He obviously smells like a human being, so why does he have that terrifying aura that only exists above the Great God Rank? !

The upside-down ghost put away his frivolity and didn't dare to think about it carefully. He only wanted to exchange information as soon as possible in his mind, and then left this residential building and flew away.

"The gate to the underworld is here..."

Upside down ghost uses the mobile phone skillfully but clumsily, opens the map app, and shows a detailed coordinate.

It said: "That door should have been closed forever. It was opened for some reason, and a mortal with a live broadcast device broke into it. Many weird people like me used the live broadcast device to try to invade a place called Maoya. On the platform, the most powerful of them is a ghost called "Ji Sun".I suspect that the purpose of the person who opened the door was to let it out. "

"There are not many people like me who can cross the gate of the underworld, come to the yang world or even fuse with the body of a mortal. Most of the weirdness is still in the windless world, and the influence of the spirit is released through that networked device. Just go to seal the underworld Most of the visions on the Maoya platform will disappear immediately.”

"Can you find the person who opened the door? Or get his appearance and name?" Wei Kun put away the map coordinates and asked suddenly.

The Upside Down Ghost shook his head: "I can't find him, I only know that he has a mirror with him."

It draws a schematic diagram of a triangle on paper.

In the middle of the triangle is an eye pattern, which is very similar to the religious symbol called the eye of God in the West.

"It looks like this." The upside-down ghost nuzzled.

When Wei Kun saw this picture, he immediately recalled a group of guys he had forgotten in the corner.There is some connection with the girl Lu Xuan whose parents disappeared.The organization represented by this pattern is called the Mirror Society.It is a mysterious organization established by a group of very low-key and weird protectors who like to study history.

He was surprised by the motive of meeting in the mirror, and at the same time a little disappointed.

'Why isn't it Paradise Media Group... If you give them a dung pot that opens the gate of the underworld privately, you will have to torture them to death! '

Turning the ghost upside down with a smile on his face.

"I've said everything I know, now, can I go?"

Wei Kun just nodded.

The phone suddenly vibrated at a special frequency, his expression remained the same, but his heart was awe-inspiring.

This KQ contacting himself!To be precise, this is the hidden rescue channel that Wei Kun left for KQ as a "night devil", and the rescue message sent to Wei Kun through Li Zhiqiang from the ghost company as a relay!
What happened to KQ?
Wei Kun took out his mobile phone, and the three words "Help me" came into view, and the text messages that followed one after another made his heart beat even faster!
Shasha: "Boss, someone is calling Honghong!"

Shasha: "I can't hold it anymore! It's so hungry that it wants to bite me!"

Shasha: "Wei Kun, where are you! Honghong is really crazy! It has eaten a lot of ghosts! There is also an eight-armed bamboo pole ghost, worse than bagasse!"

Shasha: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Jealousy: "Chairman, something happened, because Yiyi is too explicit, the live broadcast room of our crew was shut down."

Yiyi: "Dad, don't trust that green tea whore! The entire Maoya platform is blown up! The crew has not waited for Honghong to come, director Chu Zhi asked everyone to go home first, only the big star named Quan Jian is not waiting." Go, I must see you again."

Li Xiaoya: "Mr. Wei, if there is a shortage of female ghosts, I can actually play two roles..."

Narcissus: "How long will I have to hide? My surname is Wei, what are you doing with my reputation again! Why is my communication bracelet being bombed all the time? By the way, the new Dong Yejing is What's going on? I went back to the company and saw she was still hanging on the wall, how long has it been hanging?"

Seeing the last item, Wei Kun's expression was not tense, and his face was full of surprise.

"What the hell is Dong Yejing going to the company in the middle of the night, why is she crazy! She must have been cheated by the little secretary!"

The text messages all came from more than ten or even twenty minutes ago. Needless to say, it must be the ghostly influence of the reverse ghost, which temporarily cut off the communication signal of the mobile phone.Turning his head to look at the big Hei Changzhi, it had an innocent face, grinning, revealing a jagged mouth of sharp shark teeth.

When he saw Shasha, he didn't worry about KQ's safety anymore.

KQ took a selfie with a red face. As long as this kid is not stupid enough to look at the photo, under the double constraints of gauze and law, his life will not be in danger.

But Wei Kun still felt something strange.

He turned his head to look at the upside-down ghost, and asked, "What kind of taste does it have on the day of death... Bah, what does it probably look like? Is it about the same strength as you?"

"Better than me, maybe close to the third fire of life, or maybe successfully ignited. Anyway, he is a very tricky and powerful guy."

The upside-down ghost didn't understand Wei Kun's subtext at all, and continued to say heartlessly: "It's tall and thin, it stands six or seven meters tall, and has eight arms. From a distance, it looks like an old man from the last century. Once it finds the target, it will emit a piercing siren sound, and then kill it brutally... It is a well-known urban legend, and it has a quite a reputation for horror and spookiness! Its whereabouts are uncertain, if it runs away , It is estimated that many people will be killed."

Wei Kun rubbed his forehead: "Needless to say, it's fucking right, it's turned into bagasse."

"Huh?" The upside-down ghost tilted his head.

"It's okay, just talking nonsense, the big dog at home likes to eat sugar cane, so that's all."

"Having a dog is not good for ghosts."

Deng Wei couldn't help but interjected: "You guys are so weird that you even kill people, and you are so hypocritical that you still care about dogs? Is it better to give dogs? Are you letting dogs live—"

"Don't say a few words!" Rong Liwen knew that this colleague had a bad mouth, but it was too late.

The upside-down ghost smiled sinisterly.

"I'm afraid of her, but I'm not afraid of you. Little guy, let me teach you a little lesson, reverse in and out, use your butt to talk in these twelve hours." Then it snapped its fingers, and a force of inversion immediately rushed towards Deng Wei mouth.

In the next second, everyone turned their heads sharply.

Only Deng Wei was cursing.

The Upside Down Ghost smiled triumphantly. It nodded towards the air beside Wei Kun. With a flash, it suddenly grabbed Wei Kun's cell phone and ran away as soon as it was about to snatch it—"When I get to a safe place, this one who saved the address of the Gate of the Underworld I will return the phone to you!"

"Don't open the gallery!" Wei Kun's hands were empty, and he was about to go back subconsciously, but he stopped suddenly.

The upside-down ghost floated to a safe distance, opened the photo in front of Wei Kun, and then flung the phone out with a frightened expression on his face, before disappearing in an instant.It's just that it didn't see it, and there was a light red shadow behind it, staring at its neck coldly.

Wei Kun knew that it was Hong Hong's hunting pattern, "Another one being targeted by Hong Hong..."

Fortunately, the mobile phone is still back, but it just bumped and broke a crack.

Wei Kungang was going to tidy up the scene with Rong Liwen and take back the half-dead Xiao Xiami who jumped off the building.This ghost is so weak that he has no interest in refining.Suddenly received an emergency call from Director Yang Sihan Yang.

"Wei Kun, are you in the investigation operation? Have you encountered a strange thing called Ding Dong? It shouldn't hurt you, but it holds an important secret, and many people are fighting for it. There is a master named Guan Changsheng. Where did you get the news about Dingdong, he may rush to your side at any time, don't conflict with him, this is a very surly ghost feeder!"

"Listen to me now, bite the tip of your tongue right away, don't speak with blood in your mouth. That ghost feeder will use people's mouths to jump! And he doesn't care about the lives of others! I'll be right there, if you get that secret, absolutely don't Give it to anyone, only to me!"

The phone hangs up.

Wei Kun hurriedly relayed the news to Rong Liwen and the others, and when they heard that a monster who could talk was coming to claim credit, everyone's expressions changed instantly.

Fortunately, Yang Sihan said that biting the tip of his tongue to get blood can prevent this method, so everyone was a little relieved.They have more or less heard of Yang Sihan's reputation.As the director of the Human Seal Operation Division of the Thirteenth Bureau of Tianshui Province, she has made countless military achievements, has a great reputation, and is deeply trusted.

Everyone followed suit one after another, and when they all closed their mouths and stared at each other, Ji Yun suddenly showed a frightened expression, faltering, not daring to speak, but desperately pointing at a person.

Wei Kun looked in the direction.

It was Deng Wei, who was still trying to speak in a puff.And he probably couldn't bite the tip of his tongue, after all, that part is caught in the gap of the hook behind...

"It won't come, will it?"

Wei Kun's face changed, and then everyone was shocked to see that the back of Deng Wei's pants was full of black air, and it seemed that terror was expanding.

(End of this chapter)

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