Chapter 310 Those Things
While the film and television department of Happiness Entertainment was busy working on the "Red Leaf Micro Film Competition", other departments were not idle either.

The coffee machine in the VIP room was so busy that it was about to shut down due to smoke.

Xia Yan didn't care to pay attention to the movement of the "Haunted House" crew, she was so busy kicking the back of her head, how could she have the time to care about gossip about actresses.

As the end of the year approaches, various platforms, media, and program organizers will hold New Year’s Eve events, partly for the purpose of publicizing advertisements, but also to take the opportunity to pull out year-end KPIs to make the year-round performance table look better.

At the same time, this is also a critical moment for the eldest brother and the second brother to arrange their seats.Just like in the live broadcasting industry, Shark TV and Maoya TV fought to the death for the leader's reputation, and colleagues in other industries were also jealous at this time. What reflects the status of the rivers and lakes, one is financial resources, and the other is popularity.

No one can throw away coins as soon as the Chinese New Year comes, and throw away hundreds of millions of announcements like Baobao, Goose, and Toutiao.The vast majority of companies still have to follow the traditional publicity route of inviting stars and Internet celebrities.

After dealing with another middle-level leader who is said to be a certain star satellite TV, racking her brains and using excuses to push her request to meet "Wu Xian'er" in private, she looked in the mirror in the bathroom. I couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"Just give 200 million yuan to sing a song on stage, or fake singing... When did the company's artists become so popular?"

Xia Yan still underestimated the outside world's "enthusiasm" for happiness and mutual entertainment.

After all, she doesn't like to study cosmetics and fashion trends, and she doesn't pay much attention to the wind direction of the live broadcast circle.Speaking of personal hobbies, she usually watches some domestic dramas, but what kills the most time is fighting wits with Mr. Wei on WeChat.

Wei Kun tapped her shoulder lightly.

"I don't understand. How important is this microfilm? With this energy, why not take advantage of the opportunity of Maoya's suspension to recruit a few anchors with commercial potential, or find a hot spot, and then Yiyi, Aji Isn't it more in line with the company's current interests and route?"

"Want sick leave? Just approve it yourself, why do you want me?"

Could it be them?

"Can't speak but can make voice."

"It has nothing to do with money!" She turned and left blankly.

As an insider, Shi Haocong is obviously more aware of the subtleties and filthiness involved.

Wei Kun only knew that this was an opportunity arranged by the Yunhai Folklore Bureau, and that if he got the ranking, he would be able to participate in the Paradise Culture Film and Television Festival as a special invitation, which was considered a political mission.

"You are sick!"

"Afraid? think I'm afraid of those softies! Brother Wei, what do you understand! I'm not bragging, I've never suffered since I was a child, let alone be afraid of people! What I'm afraid of is...the kind thing!"

"Yes, it's that kind of thing!" Shi Haocong said firmly.

Wei Kun seemed to be able to hear his own heartbeat.What he is afraid of is not ghosts, but a trend that makes him feel chilly. The horror trend that the human world is being invaded by weirdness is more serious than expected.

"It is estimated that it will take a lot of time to collect evidence and make a private prosecution..."

"Speak people's words, I want to listen to my heart."

"That's why I'm worried... If your people really win the grand prize predetermined by the dignitaries in the circle during the competition, then it will be troublesome."

Wei Kun raised his eyebrows and gripped the steering wheel tightly. "That kind of thing?"

Xia Yan dumped the report to Wei Kun as a matter of course, and said, "There are still 9 projects and 14 contracts that require your signature. There is one more thing, the Qiu Group would like to sign a few more."

Xia Yan asked back: "Anyone can?"

Looking at Wei Kun's back, Xia Yan's eyes were touched.

"Have you heard of... Cthulhu?"

But he didn't know the inside story of the Hongye micro film competition.

Hearing this, Ghost Wedding Dress got out of Wei Kun's arms and looked at the phone microphone curiously.

Until now, Xia Yan has still not been able to find a reason to fish Wei Kun out, even if it is... a warm New Year's Eve dinner for the two of them.

"Except for the ones in "Haunted House"."

"Some things have nothing to do with money."

Wei Kun still doesn't know about his tidbits.In the car, he received a call from Shi Haocong.

"Is there a vote for the competition? There are judges, right? Some things are not selected by people. From small searches to big awards, they have been arranged long ago. Although brothers, I don't agree with Brother Wei's artistic taste..."

She admired and worried about Wei Kun's busyness at work.

The employees of the public relations department suddenly rushed over and shouted: "Minister Xia, there is another news that smears our company. It has 200 million hits. It tells the story of Mr. Wei and the actress, and there are noses and details. Do you want to... "

Wei Kun didn't take his warning seriously, and couldn't help but tease: "Is the father in Beijing also afraid?"

Xia Yan seemed to be angry from embarrassment, but the question in her words was extremely serious.


"Prosecute! You must sue!" Xia Yan gritted her teeth. .

Xia Yan sometimes suspects that she was a woodpecker in her previous life, and she loves to eat wood.She also thought about it in private, what exactly does she admire about Wei Kun?Perhaps it is also the trait of a workaholic, or a more serious personality?Or is it the sympathy between older leftover men and leftover women?

"Muddy water?"

Wei Kun frowned. He wanted to confirm but couldn't point it out. He asked knowingly: "But the crew of the competition has cooperated with the Liao General Group, so there's no reason to give up halfway, and that kind of thing? It's..."

Leave it alone!
She regretted it a bit, but when she saw Wei Kun's innocent eyes, she immediately understood why Li Xiaoya always got angry.

So when she saw Wei Kun in a black men's suit from Hailan House, with a caterpillar bread in his mouth, and a briefcase under his arm, he hurried towards the elevator.She couldn't hold back her impulse any longer, and stopped her with a left kick!

Wei Kun stared suspiciously at Xia Yan who jumped out like an app opening advertisement.

"We can talk about it." Wei Kun nodded.

Boom, boom.

"Are you really planning to participate in the Hongye competition? Why do you have nothing to do in this muddy water?"

Wei Kun gave Xia Yan a funny look, stared at her for a while, and shook his head until it made her blush.

Shi Haocong coughed heavily, "Although brother, I think the things you made are a piece of shit, especially those made by Liang Xi. I have been in the industry for so many years, and I have never seen such outrageous things. But you are evil. , everyone can eat it willingly every time, and it still feels quite fragrant in the end, which is even more outrageous."

It was difficult for her to understand that Wei Kunming was already a moderately successful person, but she had long fantasized about a chic life after retirement.Even if she doesn't retire, she will go back to her alma mater to visit the teachers from time to time, or hold a party with her old classmates, and provide some help within her ability.

Wealth and honor do not return to their hometowns, like brocade clothes walking at night.

Until Shi Haocong said.

Shi Haocong couldn't help raising his voice, his voice trembling.

His expression was stern, and countless faces flashed in his mind, and finally stopped on the big black sun high above Zuotou Mountain.

Wei Kun: "?"

Isn't this direction even more exaggerated than the weird recovery?
The two were silent.

At this time, Li Xiaoya sent a text message.

"Boss, I'm taking a short video with my water friend... Where are you? Do you believe it? There really seems to be a pen fairy in this world..."

 The update has been resumed, I have suffered a serious illness, and I would like to say sorry to the readers. . -
(End of this chapter)

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