Chapter 37 Bragging will be checked
He Wu'an maintained the posture of crouching with his head in his arms, listening to various marching songs all night, and all night was peaceful.

Until the sky gradually brightens.

Emotionally stable, he covered the scratches on the floor with a carpet, and before he could rest, the anti-theft door was knocked again.

dong dong——!
He Wu'an's heart trembled, and he looked towards the gate in horror.

"Check the water meter."

shouted outside the door.

Only then did He Wu'an feel relieved, thanks to the warm and bright morning sun, which gave him enough courage.

He looked carefully at the cat's eyes.

There are no scarlet venomous eyes, but a young man wearing a peaked cap, impatiently holding a water meter registration form, and a community work badge on his chest.

He Wu'an let out a long breath, and opened the anti-theft lock.

A sudden force knocked him over, and his eyes went black.

He Wuan was dumbfounded.

Really check the water meter!

"I am Captain Wang of the Pingxi City Investigation Bureau. Here is my document and search permit."

Captain Wang showed his police officer ID and license, then stared at He Wuan with piercing eyes.

"Are you He Wu'an, the anchor of the dili platform?"

Captain Wang is dressed in black tactical gear, K71-style facial protection, and a BNVD1437 monocular low-light instrument. He is fully armed. He is not like the domestic police at all, but more like the special forces that often appear in some disaster movies in northern countries.

He Wu'an nodded blankly.

He often plays war-themed games, and recognizes the appearance of the low-light instrument. He is slightly puzzled, isn't he afraid of being blinded by the low-light instrument in broad daylight?

Captain Wang looked at his temporary deputy, Wu Yuan, who had been transferred from Yunhai City, and motioned her to continue asking.

Wu Yuan took off her mask, revealing a pale and beautiful face that seemed to have just recovered.The gentle identity of a woman made He Wu'an let down his vigilance and uneasiness a little.

"Please sit down."

She asked the team members to bring chairs to He Wuan.

The two faced each other, surrounded by a group of special police officers, and started a simple questioning.

Wu Yuan sat in the shadow away from the sun, she raised her head to look at He Wu'an.

Only now did He Wu'an see that Wu Yuan's black pupils were slightly red, as if he was tired from using his eyes too much, and also a bit like pink eye syndrome.

Wu Yuan turned on the tablet to take notes, and said softly.

"Next, I will ask you a few simple questions, you just need to answer truthfully, yes or no."

"Last night on the dili platform, at 10:35, you started the game live broadcast and interacted with a female escort, right?"


"You asked the audience for help on the live broadcast, right?"


He Wu'an glanced at Wu Yuan, then at the serious special police officers around him, hesitantly nodded vigorously and said, "Yes!"

Wu Yuan continued to ask thoughtfully.

"Before the live broadcast was cut off, you claimed to be...the descendant of the He family, the disciple of the eight strange sects, the nemesis of black mountain ghosts, and guarding the mountains and rivers?"

He Wu'an kept on doing one thing, nodded vigorously again, and said firmly.

"That's right!"

"Okay, I'm done asking."

Wu Yuan stood up and looked at the information on the tablet, and whispered to Captain Wang.

"Preliminary inspection, the alarm device did not respond, indicating that there are no traces of folk customs, and it is cleaner than the scene we have dealt with..."

"The lie detector proved... this kid is bragging."

"The Ministry of Information checked his family tree for six generations. It was either the leading party or the leader of the puppet army. There are well-known traitors, high-level traitors, and intellectual reactionaries. His family tree claims to guard the country and protect the country. It’s really a bit against the ancestral precepts…”

He Wu'an heard this, and hurriedly defended: "I can explain the genealogy problem! My dad once asked my mother about the paternity test, and my mother said that if you want to do the paternity test, there is a 95% chance that it will be fine. Yes. That's a 5% contingency left!"

An investigator held a portable tactical computer and signaled to Captain Wang: "Report Captain, we investigated the target's disk video, compared it at eight times speed, and found no abnormalities."

Captain Wang and Wu Yuan nodded. At this time, another investigator was reporting loudly in the bedroom.

"Mysterious scratches found under carpet in bedroom!"

The two rushed into the bedroom immediately.

The investigator who found it said, pointing to the scratch marks on the floor.

"There were only traces of He Wuan's body fluid in the scratches, and no other DNA clues were found. It seemed that some kind of sharp object was randomly scratched out. It was very suspicious, but the pattern could not be identified."

"and many more?"

Wu Yuan's eyes were fixed, she bent down, lying on the floor with her cheeks pressed tightly against the ground, and then looked at the scratches, and found that two lines of text could be formed at this angle.

The text is long and thin and only visible at that angle.

The first line is "help".

Wu Yuan read out gently, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly changed.

Captain Wang changed his face in panic, took out his gun, and carefully looked around.

The rest of the special police officers also showed nervous faces and quickened their breathing, which could be clearly heard in the silent room.

They are all professional investigators from the Bureau of Folklore. They have experienced many horrible folklore incidents, so they naturally understand the terrible meaning behind these two words...

The atmosphere tensed into a straight string, ready to break at any moment!

Seeing that Wu Yuan had an unbelievable expression, she slowly read the second line.Everyone changed their faces.

"I don't want to work in a company"...

Captain Wang: "???"

He also imitated Wu Yuan and lay down on the ground, reread it several times, and stood up with a strange expression.

"That thing also wants to lie flat?!"

Captain Wang was full of doubts about his life, and muttered to himself: "It's outrageous that the mother opened the door for the outrageous... It doesn't look like it was carved by that thing!"

Wu Yuan was speechless.

"Either Comrade Ma and Comrade En, the work below is going very smoothly. Or this kid is pure and defiant."

Everyone imagined the scene of lettering.

A big man with his butt pouted—the body fluids from scratches may be tears or saliva, either crying bitterly or smirking—these two lines of scratches full of affection and complaining about going to work were engraved.

There's a beauty that's missing the brainstem.

Captain Wang took a deep breath, gritted his teeth faintly and said: "Our investigation is over, and it turns out that you have no connection with international criminal organizations. I am very sorry to disturb your normal life. In order to avoid alarming the enemy, please resume the normal live broadcast tonight and cooperate with our work. "

"I don't want to start the broadcast!" He Wu'an frightened and shook his head desperately.

Wu Yuan said lightly.

"If you don't broadcast live to prove yourself, and wait for the audience to misunderstand, then you are suspected of promoting feudal superstition, and the local police will come to you immediately."

Captain Wang patted He Wuan's shoulder hard, and said earnestly.

"Brother, don't brag in the future... If you brag too much, you will be checked by the water meter."

The SWAT officers took pictures and then left one after another.

Watching their leaving figures, He Wuan sat slumped on the ground. After a long time, he seemed to suddenly remember something, crawled away, came to the computer, opened the button to find a contact.

"Xiao Miao, yes, Xiao Miao can prove it!"

(End of this chapter)

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