Chapter 4 Red Clothes

A slight mouse click.

Hua Xiaomiao paid special attention to the popularity of the live broadcast room, and fixed it at a strange 4444 popularity.

The number made her a little uncomfortable.

Especially at night, she likes to read supernatural and thriller novels, and she has a rich imagination. She is often frightened by sudden strange noises and black shadows that suddenly flash past, making her hands and feet cold.

The self-protection mechanism of the human brain will subconsciously keep people away from danger, thereby increasing the chance of survival.

Fear is the hysterical instinct to remind your brain to stay away from it, or you will die.

"I've read too many novels, and I'm scaring myself again."

Hua Xiaomiao rolled her temples, but quietly put her legs back from the bed and sat cross-legged instead.

It seemed that there were invisible things hidden in the darkness under the bed, and they would suddenly appear and grab her ankles at any moment...

The network is a bit stuck.

Before the live broadcast screen was loaded, a full screen of bullet screens gushed out like a tide.

"Woooooo, my goddess..."

"Too beautiful!"

"Honey, the first day without you, I'm going to die."

"Anchor anchor, talk to me."

"Please, I really want to hear your voice."

Hua Xiaomiao let out a cry.

"It's almost blowing up to the sky, why don't you rely on beauty filters?"

As women, the most hated thing is to show beauty to another woman.Even though they have never met each other, they still feel jealous and disdainful.

Click, click, click, she clicked the mouse irritably.

But the network seems to be particularly stuck, and the live broadcast screen cannot be refreshed for a long time.

The wind blows the curtains.

The cold wind gently caressed his neck.

In the past, the annoying cicadas and the cries of frogs were silent, only the rustling sound of the gray curtains being blown by the wind.

The light from the computer screen illuminates Hua Xiaomiao's slender body.

On the wall behind her, a black shadow was reflected, and farther away was the light of the screen, a dimness that could not be touched.

"Wife, please, I really love you!"

"I am willing to die for you..."

"If you don't speak again, I will kill myself!"

"I cut my finger, isn't that enough to prove my love!"

"Cut open my chest, look at my heart, it's beating just for you..."

"Die, die, take one step forward, fall to pieces, turn into a ghost, I want to find you..."

The barrage content is becoming more and more extreme, weird, and horrifying.

Hua Xiaomiao's eyes narrowed slightly.

She clicked on the accounts of these speakers and found that they were not the trolls of the live broadcast company, but from the data such as consumption records and number of speeches, they were all real people.


"Are they crazy?"

The most extreme is a user whose name is a string of numbers, and he frantically brushes the barrage.

"Finger, I love you."

"Toes, I love you."

Palms, soles, bridge of nose, ears, tongue, eyes...

"I can't speak anymore, I can't see you!"

"A knife inserted into the chest, one inch."

"Two inches..."

"Where are you, in the darkness, I seem to see your figure..."

"What a beautiful red dress."

"It's really... so beautiful..."

Hua Xiaomiao couldn't help but shuddered, her face showing horror.

The vivid description and gradual death made her feel as if she had fallen into an ice cave, and an uncontrollable panic gradually grew in her heart.

She said to herself: "Hehe, this must be a boring man who made up an eye-catching barrage, believe me..."

The sound became smaller and smaller.

At the same time, she stopped reading those bullet screens.

Hua Xiaomiao wants to close this live broadcast room.

She no longer has the slightest, not even the slightest, interest in the so-called newcomers. To be more precise, it is the instinct of the subconscious mind, reminding it to escape the imminent danger.


After a slight noise, the live broadcast screen was finally refreshed, and the light was bright.

Hua Xiaomiao couldn't help but be attracted, and saw a bright red.

The bright red, gorgeous, and beautiful quaint long dress...

Under the skirt was a pair of exquisite, perfect, female legs.

Her red lips with rouge revealed a charming smile.

"It's really beautiful..."

Her eyes were blurred, and she tried to reach out to touch it. When her fingers hit the cold screen glass, a strong emptiness appeared in her heart for no reason.

Emptiness is like a big hole, deep, with no end in sight.

It devours people's rationality, and makes people unconsciously give birth to the madness that wants to satisfy all its requirements.

Hua Xiaomiao picked up the fruit knife with a dull expression, her gaze was dull, and she slowly moved it across her neck.

"Will I also become this beautiful..."


At the last moment, Hua Xiaomiao woke up suddenly, stared at the fruit knife in her hand in horror, screamed and threw it away, and retreated desperately to the corner, hugged her legs and shivered, buried her head in her legs, trying to find a sense of security, The fear in my heart reached the extreme.

"What the hell am I doing..."

"That live broadcast room..."

"There are ghosts!!!"

for a long time.

The room was still quiet and familiar, there were no mysterious figures or abrupt voices, which made her regain some sanity.

The teddy bear next to the bed, the succulents on the table that forgot to water and were about to hang up, and the underwear that was thrown all over the floor.

There is nothing strange about it.

Everything before was like a sleepy dream.

Hua Xiaomiao gradually settled down.

She raised her head cautiously, and when her gaze touched the screen, she hurriedly dodged it, but she still saw the real picture on the screen in a short peripheral vision.

No red dress, no morbid barrage.

On the contrary, it is like the live broadcast room of the most common good-looking anchor.

"Brother is not at home, secretly broadcast for a while".

Very cute pink bunny foot pads, slender thighs wearing diamond patterns and white stockings, wriggling non-stop.

The relaxed and lively animation BGM is singing about fish, such a big fish, tiger shark.

Everything looks so normal.

"Am I hallucinating?"

Hua Xiaomiao was stunned, she boldly glanced at the barrage, and saw all kinds of pure 24K dog-licking style and various speeches in the late stage of cancer, she couldn't help but groaned in disgust.

Then look at the popularity of the live broadcast room.

【Popularity 267504】

Her fear seemed to have been shattered by a mahogany sword with a long eyebrow!

What the hell?What are you afraid of?
She looks like a ghost right now!Eyes are red!

Scratching her hair, she wailed:

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhss cities !!!”

Hua Xiaomiao panted heavily, slapped the keyboard viciously, and typed a barrage:
"That's it? I think it's ugly."

As soon as the trigger was issued, a barrage war at the level of a hundred regiments battle began.

"Brothers, there are dogs! There are sour dogs!"

"I declare that the host is the wind god Barbatos in my mind!"

"The original Moba Tieba sightseeing group, come here for a little bit, but I don't think it's as good as Miss Shenzi."

"Blue Boxing Tourist Group, it's appraised as top-quality. Can the original demon players stand aside for a while?"

"A group of two-thorn salamander eggs, when they meet a cos anchor, they start to lick them."

"Just lick, just lick, are you angry? I am 16 years old and drive a Ferrari with one hand, how about you?"

"My 1-year-old single-handedly opened your *ponytail!" [The user has been banned by the super management for 1 day]

"Damn it, Chaoguan is diving here? Come out and give Dad a one-year package." [The user has been banned by Chaoguan for 365 days]

"666666, super tube killing crazy."

"A rocket, can you show your face?"

"Hey, who wouldn't, I'll make ten super hot..."

[Thanks to Earl user General Thunderbolt's dog for rewarding the anchor Honghongbuhong with a super rocket! 】

When Hua Xiaomiao saw the reward banner, her heart ached.

Obviously I came first, why did it become like this... I really want to be super hot!
She was full of resentment, staring straight at the jumping super-fire animation, and for a while, sadness welled up in her heart, and she wanted to cry!
Hua Xiaomiao's face was full of criticism, and she said sourly: "Aren't you just more beautiful? It's not your credit either! That's what parents did!"

"No, I want to report her!"

The sourness turned into gnashing of teeth, and Hua Xiaomiao was furious. She clicked on the report page and was about to type when her elbow bumped into a cold object.

Turning his head to look, it was a fruit knife.

Hua Xiaomiao's breath was stagnant, recalling the creepy hallucination just now, no matter what, the fingers that were typing on the keyboard couldn't fall down.

at this time.

The live broadcast screen was suddenly interrupted, the BGM stopped, and the screen turned into a black screen.

[The live broadcast room you are watching has been banned. 】

 The new book period is updated twice every night from 5:7 to [-]:[-], thank you readers for your support~ Ask for tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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