Chapter 40 Want to Dating Online?
There is no doubt that the female corpse in red and the ghost mirror are well-deserved ghosts.

And it's still the kind with a high rank in Li Gui.

But both are fierce ghosts, and the degree of harm shown by the female corpse in red and the ghost mirror is very different.

The former is the popular brand and time bomb of the ghost company, while the latter is at best a semi-compulsive self-reward tool.

Looking at Honghong's "peaceful appearance" "sleep soundly" with her arms around the wedding mirror.

Wei Kun guessed.

"The ghost mirror may have been suppressed by the female corpse in red, and it was incomplete, so it didn't show any more harmful and aggressive nature."

"However, the only thing that can suppress the female corpse in red is the popularity it craves and the flesh and blood it feeds from time to time..."

He suddenly had a wonderful sense of déjà vu.

Isn't this the relationship between Water Company and the people of the motherland in "Black Robe Pickets"?

If it weren't for the people from the motherland enjoying and being addicted to the feeling of being adored by the public provided by Water Company, this psychopath who likes to drink milk would have long since ignored the rules and laws, punched cards everywhere, and became a walking human BOSS !
"Who is that ghost mirror, the headshot girl of Xu and Weishen? No, from the point of view of the pairing relationship, it looks more like Storm..."

"Heisha Wraith is the deep sea that was played by the people of the motherland, has zero combat effectiveness, and has unique XP..."

Wei Kun nodded.

The characters are all alive!
What's missing is a black-robed team that can die at any time to challenge the authority of the ghost company.At the same time, Xingguang, who hooked up with outsiders, and Huey, who was swaying from side to side...

"Bah! What a bad luck!"

Wei Kun hurriedly stopped his wild thoughts, he didn't want to meet some passionate team of exorcising demons and defending Taoism, and ran to the ghost company to die.

With the current trend, there will be more and more ghost employees. At that time, if the ghost company gets out of control... it will not be such a simple matter as a ghost.

critical moment.

It is to find a way to satisfy the "wish" of Heisha's resentful soul, that is, the online dating ghost.In order to prevent the wronged soul from turning into a ghost, there will be another unstable element.

The mood of the black gauze ball stamped with the ghost seal gradually stabilized.

The red-clothed female corpse is weird without sanity, while the black yarn ball is classified as simple sanity, unlike the sane little secretary, ghost mirror and Jinsan sauce, who have so many eyes.

Wei Kun tried to communicate with the black yarn ball, but to no avail.

This shitty thing just shouts that it doesn't want to go to work, and when it is touched, it will cause a nervous tremor, like an Internet addiction attack, and it will lose power.

"Internet addiction... attack?"

Wei Kun smacked his lips, and he gradually understood what the black yarn ball's wish was.

He called Li Zhiqiang from the technical department in the internal affairs system, and sent a new model of laptop.

Li Zhiqiang had question marks all over his face, and carefully placed the notebook outside the door of the live broadcast room. When he turned to leave, he muttered: "Does the new owner have a shameful quirk? They don't even knock on the door when they deliver the computer."

He couldn't help but look back at the dark red wooden door of the live broadcast room, feeling unspeakably depressed and restless in his heart.

Li Zhiqiang attributed this strange feeling to workplace stress disease.

The only way to be cured is to work hard and get your boss to buy a Ferrari.

Wei Kun waited for the sound of footsteps to go away before he opened the door of the live broadcast room a crack, brought in the computer, and quickly closed the door.

Connect to the network.

Wei Kun built a Xinxin trumpet, and he was waiting for the night to fall.

When the sun goes down and the sun doesn't reach Happiness Huyu, Happiness Huyu will transform into a gloomy ghost company.

In a ghost company, no trace of any cyber activity will be left.

The waiting time during the day is extremely long.

Wei Kun successively received calls from his good friend Bai Fei in high school, and Tian Ruifeng, a garment maker of Qiu's in the capital city.

Bai Fei brought up the old story again.

First reminiscing about the past, and then obliquely mentioning his marriage at the beginning of next month. In the coy words, he hoped that Wei Kun could be his best man.

Bai Fei was the one who pretended to be Maoya Platform when negotiating with Shark Platform.

The two had a good relationship in high school, with similar views and similar interests, so they have kept in touch till now.

Wei Kun did not agree.

He is not willing to appear in front of acquaintances now, because Wei Kun found through the mirror that his appearance and temperament have been changed under the influence of the ghost seal.

The skin is whiter, not the suppleness of a woman, but the paleness of a corpse.

The natural defects of the body were gradually repaired, and the acne and acne marks that had plagued him throughout his adolescence, and even the scars on his arms that had been scalded by boiling water when he was a child, all disappeared.

Sleeping for 2 to 3 hours without getting sleepy, and my appetite is getting worse.

Wei Kun is now able to maintain the minimum consumption of his body with half a meal a day.However, he found that his dependence on ghost energy was getting heavier and heavier.

If you don't absorb ghost energy for a day, your right hand palm and internal organs will be starving, as if there is an evil fire burning.

The female corpse in red made him feel very comfortable, and he felt the pleasure of releasing his soul.

If it wasn't for the fear that Hong Hong would wake up and bite him, Wei Kun would have even thought of sleeping with her pillow in his arms. After thinking about Hong Hong's hideous appearance when he cannibalized, he still gave up this dangerous idea.

Then came Tian Ruifeng's call.

Fatty Tian asked Wei Kun what ecstasy drug he gave Qiu Yunying.

"Brother Wei, aren't you comfortable serving that tomboy?" He smiled wretchedly and strangely.

"I took a look at the new contract, tsk tsk, there is no breach of contract clause, and I will just give away 900 million for free. I can sign the plane when I land in Yunhai tomorrow, and pay on the day I sign it."

Wei Kun said that he only likes those in red dresses.

Tian Ruifeng kindly reminded: "Be careful of Qiu Yunying, she is a bit crazy. It will be the shark carnival soon, don't let her get in trouble. It's just an endorsement contract, it's nothing compared to Hongmei's bright future."

" must treat Hongmei well, and you can't bully her by being the boss! Brother Wei, promise me!"

The fat man whimpered suddenly, making Wei Kun look dazed.

Only then did Wei Kun know that Tian Ruifeng is now a loyal fan of the Hongmei support group and one of the staunch leaders of the "Listening to Songs Party".

When Tian Ruifeng chattered and asked whether Hongmei would sing in the next live broadcast, Wei Kun hung up the phone without hesitation.

Wei Kun cursed: "I bullied it? It combined with the ghost mirror to bully me, and it's almost like a meow!"

Night falls.

The employees of Happiness Entertainment clocked in to go to work one after another.

The only night shift employee, Li Xiaoya woke up.Now, she is eating and lodging happily and entertaining each other, and she has a kind of determination to die here if you don't give me the heroine project.

Li Xiaoya skillfully landed in the background of the live broadcast of "Red or not".

Delete all useless private messages, and filter out some useful private messages from business cooperation or shark officials.

Li Xiaoya noticed a somewhat special private message.

It was sent by a young man with a handsome face, so handsome that Li Xiaoya's heart stopped beating!

The identity verification is the president of the Star Guild.

"Hi Hongmei, I'm handsome. I like your live broadcast very much. Is there a way to help you become a blockbuster in the carnival? Let's meet and make friends?"

Li Xiaoya even wanted to help Hongmei and agreed.

"So handsome!"

She murmured nympho.

Li Xiaoya kept this private message, and then sent the private message and a screenshot of her identity to her boss Wei Kun.

"Wei, there is a silly dog ​​who wants to pick up Hongmei! You can figure it out, he is quite handsome, hey, it would be great if he picked me up..."

Wei Kun ignored the nympho in the dozens of words behind Li Xiaoya.

He frowned, and through a simple investigation, he discovered that behind the Stars Guild was actually Xingchen Entertainment, which had dug out Tao Yaoyao, the front brand of Happy Interactive Entertainment.

"I haven't settled with you yet, and want to make trouble?"

With a dark face, Wei Kun turned his head to look at the languid black gauze ball.

He snorted coldly.

"You want to date online, don't you..." Then, using the newly registered letter signal, he sent a friend request to Shuaihu.

(End of this chapter)

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