Chapter 45 She is so good
Zhenzhen, whose real name is Song Naizhen, is the origin of her host's nickname "Zhenzhen, the Southwest milk bully".

As the name suggests, frontal armor, Everest.

In the past five years of live streaming, she was often ridiculed and ridiculed because of her overly prominent selling point, and she even survived the big storms like cyberbullying.

But today, she was really wronged, her nose was sore, she wanted to cry but didn't want to put on makeup in front of the camera.

"Why... I would lose to a man..."

"Why... that man is so handsome!!!"

Zhenzhen waited for the friend application to be approved, and took a deep breath.

There was a framed live photo on the table, and Zhenzhen's reddish eyes were reflected in the glass. She stared at the photo in a daze, and it turned out to be a handsome and handsome Hu.

It is said that chasing husband crematorium.

Song Naizhen has a secret affection for Shuaihu, who is also the anchor of Shark Channel, and has a faint feeling of affection.

But what she couldn't even think of was...

One day, she will compete with Bai Yueguang, whom she has a crush on, and fail miserably in the area she is most proud of in seducing the old woman!

Song Naizhen's exquisite love, which has not been confessed, collapsed, shattered, and could never be closed again.

She even hated because of love, recalling "Shasha"'s electric eyes and dimples, she gritted her teeth with anger from her heart.

"Grass mud horse! More coquettish than my old lady!"

"I'd like to see what you say, dressed like this indiscriminately, you don't have the slightest manhood!"

"Should have sent you to Curry Country, dressed as a lizard, damn it!"

The more Song Naizhen thought about it, the more angry she became, and the more angry she became, the more aggrieved she became. Tears flowed uncontrollably. Tears followed Everest to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and finally joined forces victoriously.

She turned on the live broadcast, but turned off the camera and microphone.

The barrage in the live broadcast room is still fanning the flames.

"The anchor should have broken the defense."

"What era is it still doing traditional live broadcasts?"

"Zhenzhen, I don't think your problem lies in your appearance. Now the audience likes excitement...and she is really good at it!"

"Men know men best, do you understand?"

Song Naizhen's face was ugly, she wiped away her weak tears, she turned on the microphone and said.

"I hope that anchor Shasha will turn around sooner or later, and don't step into this road of no return..."

At this time, the black fan [Student of Navigation Academy] who was trapped in the room management, sent a barrage and exclaimed.

"Shasha is off the air!"

Off the air?
Song Naizhen was stunned for a while, but then her eyes lit up.

She looked at the phone, and the friend request that hadn't been answered for a long time, inevitably had a glimmer of hope in her heart.

Is it...

When Shuaihu saw my news, he was ashamed and shameless, is he going to reform himself?

It must be the goddamn entertainment company that forced him to wear that dress, put on gothic makeup, and wink at the audience!
The evil capital has forced people to live like this!

He definitely didn't want to.

He is still saved!He is still my white moonlight!
Staring at the handsome face on the phone screen, the corners of Song Naizhen's mouth could not be restrained from rising, like a smirk, but also like a secret joy, a kind of joy of a child who secretly did something great.

She was in a better mood and just wanted to turn on the camera and interact with the audience.

The students of the Nautical Academy sent barrage again.

"Xiasha is on the air again! Wori, this time it's really fun!"

A few seconds later, question marks flew across the screen in the live broadcast room.


"Oh my god, I went to take a look. Brother Sailing is right, it's so weird."


"I am a Buddha, I am really a Buddha..."

"It can only be said that Zhenzhen suffered a crushing defeat."

Song Naizhen couldn't hold back her curiosity, and asked aloud: "What are you talking about? Why can't I understand it! Could it be that he was broadcasting normally? You were surprised by his real body..."

She eagerly opened the browser.

Go straight to the face value section, and then find the live broadcast room of "Shasha is really not afraid of the dark" whose cover has not been refreshed yet.

In her imagination, she involuntarily substituted Shuaihu's handsome young face.



As if struck by lightning, Song Naizhen tilted her head, petrified like a sculpture.

What catches the eye is the iconic black gauze dress, still black and long straight, or Gothic smoky makeup and dimples. If there is any difference, this time there is K[-].


She stared at the deep scar that divided K[-] into two, and she was so shocked that her thinking stopped, and there was a storm echoing in her mind!

After a short shock of horror, Song Naizhen uttered a shrill and desperate soprano.

"Where did he get this thing!!!"

next second.

【The live broadcast room of "Naiba Zhenzhen" you watched has been broadcast...】

The audience appreciated what is the unique skill of mentality collapse at the speed of light, and happily received a flood of gifts for Zhenzhen's wonderful performance.

in a small room.

"Hu Shuai!"

"You are a psychopath!"

"I want to lie to myself, but I can't even clean it up for you! Because your thing is whiter than mine!!!"

Song Naizhen looked crazy, hammering on the screen of the phone non-stop, muttering words that she couldn't understand, Lai Lai, Impossible, etc.

"Ding dong!"

"Your friend request has been approved!"

She wanted to speak, but her voice was hoarse, so she could only type like a storm.

"Hu Shuai, if you don't give me an explanation, I'll report you! Including your contracted company, and this shabby Shark TV station! I want to sue and report you for promoting obscenity..." She was about to send, but stopped, After thinking about it carefully, it was wrong.

If you want to report Shasha as obscene, then what are you?Want cows?
"Report you for promoting and selling fake products!"

Click, whoop, successfully sent!
After a while.

Shuai Hu sent a voice reply.Song Naizhen quickly clicked on the little red dot, and heard Shuaihu's slightly low and depressed voice.

"I do not feel like working."


Seeing this text, Song Naizhen pursed her lips, and a trace of worry flashed in her eyes. She seemed to understand that Shuaihu's climbing of Silicone K[-] was not voluntary, but involuntary!

It's not as simple as it seems!
She thinks differently, if the live streaming company were to give her a Burj Khalifa, she would probably be driven crazy too.

Song Naizhen frowned and typed.

"Is it a unilateral move by the company? Are they blackmailing you or intimidating you? I will help you!"

Shuaihu was silent, and continued to reply for a long time.

"is her……"

"A very bad very bad guy..."

"She's using me..."

"She wants more people..."

"I don't want to do this..."


The voice stopped here!

Song Naizhen was flustered, ignoring her sore throat, and asked hoarsely, "Who is he! My uncle is a big shot in the capital, and he will definitely free you from the clutches of evil! But what?"

10 seconds.

20 seconds.

40 second……

The waiting time seemed as long as a whole day.


"I also like this feeling..."

"The breath of the living..."

"It's really wonderful..."

Hu Shuai's voice became more and more resentful, distorted, and gradually revealed a vicious and greedy feminine tone!

until now.

Song Naizhen suddenly realized that it was not Shuai Hu who was talking to her!But a stranger with the name of Hu Shuai!


She suddenly felt that a plain white hand was gently touching her shoulder.

From the corner of her eye, she saw the computer screen. The horrible picture made her speechless and her fingertips trembled.

In the reflection of the screen, she only saw a black figure like a spider, stretching out countless pale arms, slowly surrounding herself...

(End of this chapter)

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