Weird internet celebrity company: female weird dressed as Two-dimensional

Chapter 51: The audience's aesthetics did not keep up

Chapter 51: The audience's aesthetics did not keep up
Liang Xi was a tall, thin young man with clean hair and face, wearing simple sportswear, and exuding a mild musty smell of damp.

He doesn't like to look people in the eye, especially afraid of eye contact.

It seemed that the momentary eye contact would peel off his fragile protective color and expose his true and sensitive heart.

This person is Wei Kun's netizen.

I have known him for more than ten years, and he is a well-known Internet writer.

Lu Xun said it well, most young people in their teens and 20s who have nothing to do and no job will imagine themselves as writers.

When Wei Kun heard that Liang Xi also lived in Yunhai City, he had the idea of ​​asking him to do the script.

Whether it is a live broadcast, short video, medium video, or even a good thing starting with P, an interesting and eye-catching script is needed, so that in a short period of time, contradictions and accidents can be concentrated to produce an excellent program Effect, enhance the audience experience, make it emotionally satisfying.

Only by making the audience happy first can we gather stable popularity.

The growth of the female corpse in red's desire for popularity is like the increase in the requirements of a very small number of fairies for Guo Nan over the years.

The latter’s conversation collapsed, and at most they called Jimeis to rage on the Internet, such as you rubbing my ass, stealing earphones and so on--these are all normal in the eyes of the little fairy, but extremely outrageous operations in the eyes of the majority of female compatriots... …

What if the former is not settled?

Considering Honghong's performance reward, Wei Kun's legs must be lost.

He also fantasized, what if Hong Hong just greedy her body and didn't want to kill herself?

After thinking about Honghong's character, these two things do not conflict.

Wei Kun can only bully and bully a mentally handicapped like Shasha, or use the child as an excuse to coerce the little secretary. For the time being, he can't hold down the strong woman, Minister Hong Hong, whose posture is stronger than others, so she has to tolerate her actions.

"Sooner or later, I will be on top and crush her hard." He secretly made up his mind, and for the dignity of the chairman and his own life, he will fight for it!

in the office.

Li Xiaoya sat awkwardly on the sofa, looking like an uncombed Teddy.From the corner of his eye, he kept wandering between Yiyi and Liang Xi.

Yiyi played with her immature little hands, licked her fingers from time to time, and gave a strange smile from time to time, as if her heart was satisfied.However, under her slender and beautiful girlish appearance, she is a bit weird and playful.

Wei Kun looked at the thin young man in front of him again,

He recalled what the employee Xia Yan told him, the scene of knocking on the door when he went to Liang Xi's house in the morning...

"Dong dong dong."

Xia Yan tapped on the anti-theft door, dressed in a neat business attire, and asked crisply, "Is anyone there?"

Wait a while.

There was a sound of footsteps inside the door, and it took another 30 seconds before a mature voice squeezed his throat and answered courageously.

"My lord is not at home!"

Screen cut off, back to the office.

According to Xia Yan's report, Liang Xi lives alone and doesn't have a girlfriend, let alone have children.

Is the older society afraid of young people?
Wei Kun looked at Liang Xi's cautious appearance, knocked on the table, and said, "Xiao Liang, I read the script you wrote. How should I say it? It's generally okay, but can you write less satirizing society and alluding to reality? ?”

Speaking of this, Liang Xi became excited, raised his head and said with a stiff neck.

"I'm oppressed, won't I be allowed to scream silently? I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream! (I have no mouth but I must scream)"

Wei Kun shook his head, waiting for his emotions to stabilize first.

Li Xiaoya finally combed her hair.

She admires writers very much. In her opinion, the poorer and more miserable a writer is, the more shockingly good he can write.According to her standards, Liang Xi should have won the Nobel Prize for Literature long ago.

So she defended Liang Xi.

"Boss, I think the public needs something with depth to fill their empty hearts."

"How deep do you have?"

Wei Kun tilted his head to look at Li Xiaoya, took a breath of Sharp 5 unhurriedly, and continued: "Live broadcast and short video are roadside fast food. Concern is to take a business card and plan to meet another day. Everyone’s life is hard enough, and they don’t need others to stab them in the heart, let alone call 110 for them to call the morality police, understand?”

Li Xiaoya tried to refute.

"But, but I still think that writer Liang is right. He is oppressed, and many people are oppressed. There must be someone who speaks for these oppressed! I think my acting style is very suitable for Liang The author's style of writing, this kind of in-depth and insightful story, a young girl will definitely not be able to act it out, the protagonist needs to have a profound social experience..."

While speaking, she still didn't forget to sneak a glance at Yiyi, seeing that Yiyi was still shaking her fingers, she secretly felt relieved.

"Oppressed, um..."

Wei Kun heaved a long sigh, and said, "Xiaoya, I'm here, I suggest you communicate with Liang Xi first, and ask him what he used to do and what works he wrote..."

Li Xiaoya could see something from Wei Kun's expression.

It seems that there is some misunderstanding?

do not care!
For the heroine, for the sake of being famous, Li Xiaoya is even willing to be stuck in the washing machine!
Li Xiaoya looked at Liang Xi, waved her hand awkwardly, said hello, and smiled.

"Well, Writer Liang, you said that you started writing because you were oppressed. May I ask what you did before?"

Liang Xi was a little nervous, and said coyly.

"I'm a doctor, so I'm not afraid of your jokes. On the spur of the moment, patients with unspoken rules were reported, so I lost my job."

Li Xiaoya complained secretly.

can not tell--

With a bamboo pole figure with a small head and small arms, can it still unspokenly rule patients?If it is placed in Europe and the United States, I am afraid that the head can be stuffed in it!

But she still has to support Liang Xi, after all, she is the screenwriter of the company in the future...

She showed understanding, rolled her temples, and continued to smile.

"Who is not impulsive? Give people the opportunity to make up for their mistakes. Compared with ordinary people and rich people, we just lack the opportunity to try and make mistakes, so we always hit the wall. Looking at it from another perspective, this is also a manifestation of being oppressed." Well, oh, by the way, Writer Liang, what kind of doctor did you use to be?"

"I'm a veterinarian."

"Oh, the veterinarian is good, caring, likes small animals... what?!"

Li Xiaoya's eyes widened, her lips trembled as if struck by lightning. "It's not so good with cats and dogs..."

"Who said it was a cat or a dog?" Liang Xi shook his head.

Li Xiaoya was horrified, took a breath, and blurted it out. "You took the initiative to dive for a chipmunk? A lizard? A Brazilian turtle?"

"Who said he took the initiative?" Liang Xi shook his head again.


Li Xiaoya couldn't pretend to be a lady, she couldn't sit still, she was dumbfounded: "It doesn't mean that the chrysanthemum is not safe..."

Liang Xi showed a hint of nostalgia for the memory, and criticized sadly.

"You're thinking again, why not your belly button?"

Li Xiaoya is numb.

She looked at the boss Wei Kun, as if falling into an ice cave, her hands and feet were cold, she squeezed out an ugly smile, and said: "Boss, I may not be ready for the script of Writer Liang. Well, it's a good job..."

"Life style is just a small problem, and it doesn't affect the celebrity's comeback. You can read writer Liang's past works before talking about it."

Wei Kun pushed the tablet over and gestured for Li Xiaoya to take a look.

(End of this chapter)

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