Chapter 66 Dream Girl Group Puzzle

Attorney Zhou came.

Lawyer Zhou shook his head helplessly, put on a mask of pain, with a troubled expression on his face.

"Mr. Wei, your client has no ID card, no residence certificate issued by the street, and no contact information of immediate family members... This contract cannot be done!"

Wei Kun was also puzzled.

But when asked about Dong Yetian, she dodged her eyes, shook her head vigorously, and didn't explain anything, just kept bowing and apologizing.

"A black household? It shouldn't be. Could it be a female prosecutor who sneaked in secretly? But in broad daylight, Happy Entertainment has nothing to worry about investigating..."

The signing process is stuck.

Lawyer Zhou gave Wei Kun a secretive look, signaling to go to the next door to discuss in detail.

The two walked out of the large conference room and came to a corner where they could avoid eyes.

Lawyer Zhou lowered his voice and said.

"Mr. Wei, where did you buy this girl from Nanmian abroad?"

"I have no shortage of wives! Look at her surname and the skillful bowing movements, she obviously looks like someone from the east..."

Wei Kun shook his head with a sad face: "Forget it, it's not safe to use this kind of unknown source."

"Don't tell me!"

Attorney Zhou hooked Wei Kun's shoulder and said in a low voice: "The legal aspect is not a problem, I can help you solve it. I know you are an Internet celebrity live broadcaster. Who in this line of work has nothing to do with checking ID cards? Plus the beauty filter Mirror, even my own mother can't recognize it!"

"Not to mention, this woman is really beautiful. I have an indescribable feeling. Have you ever raised Xuanfeng or Zihong Parrot?"

"Raised and killed the chickens and ducklings sold at the entrance of the elementary school."


Lawyer Zhou took a deep breath and continued: "It doesn't matter if you haven't raised it before. This Ms. Dong Yetian gives me the feeling that she is a delicate and mysterious bird that has fallen into the mortal world. Teens, absolutely want to pursue her desperately, who cares where she comes from?"

"But I still don't think it's right. There are too many troubles." Wei Kun frowned.

"What's the trouble?"

Lawyer Zhou smiled confidently, shook his collar, and said mysteriously: "Mr. Wei, I'm afraid you don't know, who did I work for before?"

"Heaven and Earth, Qingwashuitai, Red Horse Clubhouse, you've all heard of it. There are two types of female technicians there. Those who fully confess are called wolves, and they have to give their ID cards to the owner. There is another kind, called Tu Wolf, you don't need to hand in your ID card because some female technicians are afraid of being caught in an accident, and at the same time, they don't want people to find out the details, for fear that they won't find an honest person when they go back to their hometown."

"I can handle both kinds of contracts. If something goes wrong, take my contract and sue the owner to get back the wages owed without revealing her identity. Her husband will check the files in the future and find nothing! You just Whether it is said to be beautiful or not, it will never be rejected!"

Wei Kun really underestimated this Lawyer Zhou, and couldn't help admiring him.

He would like to call him the crotch repair fairy!
"It's amazing! It's even better than digging up the grave of an honest man!"

"Small things, I am also protecting women's rights and contributing to the growth of the country's population. So you can rest assured that you don't care whether Dong Yetian is a smuggler or what she has done before, as long as she can make you money. Is everything all right?"

Lawyer Zhou chuckled, and said, "You are not responsible for what happened. You should pay more attention. If you really can't do it, report it in advance. Maybe you can get 50 yuan..."

Wei Kun thought for a while.

Indeed it is.

Marrying a daughter-in-law without checking the house opening record is the basic male virtue that contemporary male compatriots should abide by.

Looking for employees, there is no need to be like some enterprises or some kindergartens, wishing to investigate her parents and family situation clearly.

Besides, he has a backhand.

If something goes wrong, wouldn't it be good for Shasha or Honghong to talk to her in person?

Wei Kun really had nothing to do.

Honghong needs a lot of popularity, Carnival must not lose this battle!

The Shark Carnival ranking calculation has three indicators, namely the average popularity of the carnival day, the number of gift rewards and barrage.Based on these three data, the final carnival ranking is determined.

Many large companies have already started their publicity and distribution plans in full swing, buying advertisements, buying hot searches, and doing linkage between live broadcasts.

Wei Kun secretly asked the price before.

Good guy!
Because the above is cracking down on the navy, the cheapest carnival promotion package is 1000 million less!This is not counting the subsequent additional costs!Not to mention the promotion fees for big companies to buy top traffic, those are sky-high prices that Wei Kun dare not think about for the time being!

Happiness Interactive Entertainment simply can't afford that much money on the books, so they have to think of ideas or take out loans.

The loan was temporarily put on hold, and Wei Kun realized that the debts of Xingfu Huyu seemed to affect the ghost company, and he would not easily increase the debts of Yangjian unless it was absolutely necessary.

Therefore, Happiness and Entertainment can only take a slanted approach and take the path of creative publicity.

Shooting short videos for drainage is one of Wei Kun's current solutions.

However, Li Xiaoya has very strong opinions on Writer Liang's script, which will affect her Oscar for Best Actress.

As for Yiyi, it's not impossible, but Yiyi is related to Shuaihu's identity, if Xingchen Entertainment plays tricks secretly, I'm afraid it will be negatively affected.

In the final analysis, Wei Kun is quite satisfied with Dong Yetian's image.

With a face of pure desire and a sensual body, if you wear a devil horn, it will be the big sister succubus, which enriches the aesthetic coverage of happiness and mutual entertainment, and can attract more obsessive old sluts.

At present, there are countless strong players in Happy Mutual Entertainment.

The Bingshan beauty is red, noble and glamorous, absolutely beautiful!
The followers of Shasha, the King of Fishing, come with a ghost effect, a dark and gothic enchanting little tablet!
The voice is a wedding mirror, the beautiful voice is melodious and pleasant, and it is the best help to match everything!

There is also a half-step big anchor Li Xiaoya, the company's koi, the best housing management, wedding mirror consumables, can share the pressure for the boss in a critical moment, it is a pity that the business ability is not good, but they can be cultivated slowly!

Cold and hot, dead and alive, hard and soft, cannibals and non-cannibals, those who want to rule the boss and those who want to be ruled by the boss...

Wei Kun called this idea the "Live Girls Group" plan!Whatever the audience wants, Happiness Interactive Entertainment can provide it!

The more he thought about it, the hotter his thoughts became, and it seemed that Dongyetian was the only piece of the puzzle!

"Then sign it."

Wei Kun nodded solemnly, everything was for Hong Hong.

Lawyer Zhou smiled in satisfaction, and stretched out two fingers.


Wei Kun raised his eyebrows, reluctantly agreed, took out his mobile phone and transferred 20 to Lawyer Zhou, and was about to take him back to the conference room.

Lawyer Zhou gently pulled Wei Kun's sleeve and smiled deeply.

"Wait a minute, you still need 20 yuan from me...I'll keep it a secret."

Wei Kun stared at Lawyer Zhou for a while, with a faint invisible pressure, which made Lawyer Zhou's scalp tingle, and finally happily transferred another 20.

He patted Lawyer Zhou's shoulder hard, and said calmly.

"You'd better hold on to this money."

Lawyer Zhou didn't know why, but he felt a chill on the back of his neck, as if some inexplicable existence was watching him.He nodded vigorously, and quickly said: "Don't worry, I have been in the industry for more than [-] years, relying on word of mouth!"

Back in the conference room, with the help of lawyer Zhou, Wei Kun signed a five-year artist contract with Dong Yetian.

Dong Yetian successfully received the three-month salary advance. She thanked Wei Kun and agreed to come to the company to report at 8 o'clock the next day.

Step out of the Innovation Building.

Dong Yetian rode a shared bicycle to a jewelry and gold shop sixteen kilometers away.

"I brought the money, give me back the bracelet!" she said to the boss.

The boss saw the 6000 transfer reminder, nodded, turned around and took out the box, and handed a jade bracelet to Dong Yetian.

Dong Yetian put the jade bracelet on his hand and raised his arm in satisfaction.

She looked at the jade bracelet and whispered happily: "The new boss is quite generous. I finally earned money to redeem you. Thank you for what you are doing. We are all the same kind. We need to help each other. Damn it is some human beings... And you helped me a lot too, didn't you?"

Then humming along the way, riding a shared bicycle back to her rental house.

The room was sloppy and untidy, with takeout bags, buckets of instant noodles, and strange things all over the place.

She washed her hands first and cut a piece of watermelon.

The whole person lay comfortably on the sofa, turned on the mobile phone, and played the mobile game seriously, operating the game character nicknamed "Tengu", muttering "Sima's 648"...

The sunlight slanted on her body through the window, her skin glowed with golden light, delicate and beautiful.

Her shadow is projected on the wall behind the sofa...

Reflected a pair of huge black wings.

(End of this chapter)

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