Chapter 73 Blast the boss and run away!
Dong Yetian is a half-free man who is happy and entertains each other.

The employees also have a good impression of her, much better than Li Xiaoya who has dark circles under her eyes, a bad face, and likes to bully children.

After all, Dong Yetian is a beautiful person, and he doesn't talk much, and he always bows to everyone he meets.

Since joining the job, I have only seen her get angry once.

A post-00 young man named Wang Zixuan gave her a bronze horse head pendant, saying that he wished her success immediately, but Dong Yetian scolded her severely.

Yiyi's A105 office, Yiyi is not here.

Dong Yetian and Li Xiaoya are playing online games to catch fish.

After the two of them filmed the video together, their relationship was very harmonious.

Moreover, Dong Yetian always brought some small gifts to Li Xiaoya, and soon became one of the few friends of Li Xiaoya in the company.

"Does that Wang Zixuan want to chase you?" Li Xiaoya asked while rubbing her phone.

Dong Yetian shook his head.

"I hate horse heads the most. Seeing what he gave me, I wish I could kill him."

"Puff——You have a pretty good personality, but you always like to talk about fighting and killing. Girls can't do this, and you can't scare those stinky men."

"I'm telling the truth...My teammates are really rubbish, forget about it."

Dong Yetian ignored the 0-14-2 in the upper right corner and threw the phone to the table.

And Li Xiaoya became very playful, and she played another game.


Dong Yetian looked at Li Xiaoya, hesitated for a moment, and suddenly said: "Xiaoya, do you know...the real world is not normal?"

"That's definitely not normal."

Li Xiaoya didn't look up and continued talking.

"The rich die rich, the poor die poor, talented but not talented, want to do things but have no chance, see things that are easy to get, wait until you try, only to find that it is the responsibility of the family. At this time, I am tired and sleepy. I don’t want to work hard any more, and there are people who don’t feel pain in their backs, and come out and say that young people should be blah blah blah..."

"The reality is so magical, but fortunately the Internet is fair. An ordinary person like me, who has no background and no good father, can find the value of being a human being in games, in novels, and in the live broadcast industry. feel……"

Li Xiaoya looked into Dong Yetian's lavender eyes, paused, smiled, and made fun of herself. "At least I'm a house manager and a substitute. I'm quite happy. I'm learning from Honghong and you. I'm improving myself every moment. I'm trying to evade more taxes. Sooner or later, I'll send it to Wei to step on the sewing machine!"

Dong Yetian gently pinched Li Xiaoya's slender hand.

"I'm not talking about money...but there are unclean things in this world, and there are many, more and more."

"There are indeed more and more rotten crotches."


Higashino Tian was at a loss, and said helplessly, "I know you won't believe it, just pretend I didn't tell you. Don't run around, stay in the company if you have nothing to do, and I will protect you... Those guys are really dangerous. Some days I went to steal...well, get my papers back, and I met a really scary guy."

Her expression was slightly terrified.

Now that she recalled the scene of Honesty Firm, she still had the urge to spread her wings and flee immediately.

It was the scariest "dirty thing" Dong Yetian had ever seen. Even just looking at it from a distance, it seemed that he would fall into the endless darkness, smell the real blood, hear the endless wailing, and arouse the most instinctive fear feel.

Maybe it's not a ghost...but a ghost, a more abstract, weird phenomenon that has mastered the rules!

Dong Yetian knew many things, but he couldn't tell anyone about them.She didn't want to lose her friend again, and she didn't want Li Xiaoya to be frightened by it.

Shaking his head vigorously, he put the residual shock behind him.

At this moment, Li Xiaoya frowned suddenly.

She sees a news alert.

"Paradise Media acquired the Elephant Association and threatened to participate in the Shark Carnival with all its strength, and its stock price soared."

Li Xiaoya muttered: "Will it affect Honghong?"

She flicked the webpage with her fingers, browsed the news content, and soon found the list of anchors of Paradise Media participating in the Shark Carnival summarized by the media.

This media is building momentum for Paradise Media. It not only introduces the information of these anchors to netizens, but also attaches photos thoughtfully.

Seeing a certain photo, Li Xiaoya opened her eyes wide in surprise.

"Hey, isn't this female anchor the top brand of our company before? She also wants to participate in the carnival PK? I thought she would quit the circle and stop doing this business. She is so beautiful..."

Dong Yetian was very curious and subconsciously licked his lips.

Li Xiaoya is very outstanding, and if she can praise her, her appearance must not be lowered.

Dong Yetian is very interested in any beautiful young lady, even if Li Xiaoya wants to get a mobile phone, he will take a closer look.

Her face turned green.

blah blah blah!

The phone slipped and fell to the ground.

Before Li Xiaoya felt sorry for her rice pro, she raised her head, and saw Dong Yetian hid behind the sofa in fright, trembling, looking at the phone with horror.

"Why is it... No way... Are those people crazy..."

"Uh, you know?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to know! Xiaoya!"

Dong Yetian looked at Li Xiaoya in horror and said, "...Let's run!"

Li Xiaoya was full of question marks.

Why Dong Yetian... looks like a mistress whose adultery has been broken by the main house.

She couldn't laugh or cry and said, "Ah Tian, ​​he is no longer in the company, and he can't eat you raw, so frightened."

"Crazy, all crazy."

Dong Yetian's mouth twitched.

Eat it raw?

It's much more elaborate.

With a flip of that little hand, the skin can be peeled off.

Light a small fire, with a pot of gas.

Then he ate while arranging the plate, sucked in the storm, and jiojioed with joy, and finally picked his teeth gracefully with his tailbone, spit out half of the kidney with stones, and then showed a satisfied smile like a little fairy.

Dong Yetian was full of disbelief, and murmured: "I thought the things about Ice House, Minakamura, and Hyugayama were outrageous, why would there be a pervert who wanted to broadcast live for that kind of thing..."

"And...Xiaoya, you said that guy used to be our company's number one!?"

Her worldview has been greatly impacted!

Li Xiaoya looked innocent, tilted her head, and counted with her fingers.

"Yeah, the first generation is the ancient beauty Shiyin, the second generation is the enchanting fox with jade face, the third generation is the goddess of art Tao Yaoyao, the fourth generation is the long-legged cutie Honghong... and the fifth generation is the future, the beautiful and charming Li Xiaoya!"

Dong Yetian's hands and feet were cold.

She finally knew why both Li Xiaoya and Yiyi had her favorite scent...

It turned out that Happiness Interactive Entertainment Company was the former lair of that skinning monster!

"How to do how to do……"

"I have been unemployed for nine months, and finally found a reliable job, so I don't have to open treasure chests in the middle of the night..."

"Besides, the rent will be paid again soon, and Yuan Mo's next prize pool will come back for a limited time... I really can't be reconciled!"

Dong Yetian paced back and forth, her face full of confusion, she suddenly looked at Li Xiaoya with piercing eyes.

"Xiaoya, let's blow up the boss's gold coins and run away!"

(End of this chapter)

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