Chapter 75
In the office area, the carnival countdown points to "2".

The employees celebrated the successful completion of today's work.

At the same time, she was worried about Paradise Media's strong entry. In the end, Xia Yan clapped her hands and found an excuse to cover up the topic. The slightly pessimistic discussion just ended.

Dong Yetian followed the off-duty team and left the Innovation Building with anxiety.

She looked back at the tall building hidden in the pale golden light. Against the backdrop of the surrounding low-rise houses, from a distance, the building looked like a monument to Yunhai City, or in other words, it was a building in the eyes of a Feng Shui master. A Jedi with a fierce and different layout.

The flow of people is like running ants.

Dong Yetian found a place to hide from his eyes, raised his sleeves to reveal the jade bracelet, and asked in a low voice.

"Did you foresee any danger again... Like the time at the Honesty Firm?"

The jade bracelet shook slightly, and there was a faint murmur.

"Big fierce."

"Do not marry."

"Not to be seen, not to be seen. External danger and internal security, fire and water cannot be tolerated..."

Dong Yetian was apprehensive, and put away the jade bracelet.After thinking about it, she took out her phone and sent a message to Li Xiaoya.

[Xiaoya, try not to leave the company during the time around the carnival.If you come across anything weird and obscure, especially someone wearing a wedding dress, or ancient bridal attire, run away!Then call me and tell me your location right away. 】

She bit her lip and sighed.


The remaining afterglow was completely submerged by the surging black tide.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, the sea is filled with fog, and the lights of the streets and buildings are like sparks reflected in the ocean.

Wei Kun withdrew his gaze, and his thoughts became more determined.

He planned to use the ghost company's anonymous feature to test the consequences of the red-clothed female corpse fully showing her face tonight.

Final preparations for the carnival.

He saw the black material bought by Paradise Media, which was nothing more than rumors that Honghong was Grandma Qiao, or that she had a physical defect so she didn't show up.In the eyes of Paradise Media's publicity and distribution department, Honghong is their primary opponent, so it is reasonable to do so.

This put Wei Kun in an embarrassing situation.

She didn't show her face, the audience was disappointed, the dog licking collapsed, everyone was happy, and fell into the chaos of one-sided public opinion. Honghong lost a lot of popularity. effort and cost.

But if there is no "staring" effect brought by high popularity, the female corpse in red will completely reveal its ferocious and cruel nature and completely lose control.

If it gets out of control, and joins forces with the wedding mirror, black gauze resentful soul, etc., it will undoubtedly bring irreparable and devastating disasters to Yunhai City and even human society.

Wei Kun was even thankful that with the help of the little secretary, the most horrific weirdness was restrained before the red-clothed female corpse caused more damage.

But if you show your face...

According to Wei Kun's test, as long as you look directly into the eyes of the female corpse in red, you will ignore the "stare". The characteristic of being unconditionally attacked also implies a lot of risk.

More importantly, Wei Kun is a little uncertain about how big a sensation it will cause if Hong Hong's "perfect human skin" appears in front of the world.

It's like a tacit understanding.

When Wei Kun looked at the female corpse in red, he happened to meet its purple eyes after waking up at night.

Those eyes are like the vortex in the depths of the galaxy, ruthlessly devouring what it sees, but its exquisite, perfect and stunning face, even after seeing it many times, still grabs Wei Kun's heart.The bridge of the nose is high and straight, a smear of vermilion lips is not spotty but red, the chin is soft and smooth, as delicate as blood, the collar is like a grub, and the skin is as smooth as velvet.

Looking down, if you want to find the location of the ghost pattern, you have to unbutton it.

For old couples, it’s boring to watch too much, and it’s just white flour buns when you close your eyes.But when Hong Hong woke up, she wanted to eat, and if she didn't eat, she would make trouble. She slightly opened her purple eyes, looked at Wei Kun, and licked the corner of her mouth with an "elbow, follow me into the house", looking like she was about to float over.

The scene was so exciting that Wei Kun couldn't bear it.

He quickly picked up Shasha, and let this sleepy little thing give Honghong [-] ghost money.

Hong Hong, who was nourished by the ghost energy, calmed down, temporarily let Wei Kun go, and returned to the ghost mirror.

Therefore, the secret to getting along well between husband and wife is: either pay public food or pay wages, choose one of the two.

Start your computer and open your browser.

The web page of the browser retains the content of the last search - "Korea country underground live broadcast website", but there is no specific URL of the website.

Wei Kun created another blank page, entered the website address, and logged in to the well-established Honker Home forum in China.

He wants to find a skilled assistant to help him pry open the window of the "underground live broadcast website", and then complete tonight's test goal.

Compared with the mysterious lone wolf-like hackers, Honkers are another kind of hackers who are highly skilled, have a strong sense of justice, and maintain national security.

The reason for choosing Honker is because many Honkers are willing to show their real identities on the Internet, and even show that they are senior technicians of some large companies, they will not hide their heads and show their tails, and the instability factors are lower.

The person selected by Wei Kun is called KQ, a technical expert with good strength and a strong sense of justice.

Every night at 7 o'clock, it will definitely appear in the forum chat room.

It is now 6:50.

Wei Kun intends to sit back and wait for KQ to appear.

At this time, the masters in the chat room were in full swing, discussing what happened in the hacker circle recently.

"Tell me, who is better than KQ and Lion, the webmaster of our Honker Forum?"

"There's no need to discuss it. Pretty Country did something yesterday and wanted to hack the user data of a company in a certain city. As a result, the master KQ knocked down more than a dozen Pretty Country websites. I really want to tell them what it means to throw a stone at yourself. foot!"

"You beautiful Chinese people say that you throw a rock at your own foot. They don't understand. You have to say be careful when flying a plane into your own building, or you won't be able to abort your pregnancy..."

"Is KQ's technology still doubtful? In the international offensive and defensive battle last year, the financial database of a certain country in Europe was breached in 17 minutes and 42 seconds, which made Interpol look ashamed."

"KQ looks like the abbreviation of KillerQueen, Queen means Queen, should it be a girl?"

"Why not Keqing?"

"Damn it, how come the Hongke Forum also has the original batch! Are you the legendary C language boss?"

Chatting and chatting, KQ is online.

In an instant, the news in the chat room increased several times, and these technical elites from all walks of life did not hesitate to praise KQ.

Wei Kun saw KQ's profile light up.

He sent a private chat message: "Hello KQ, how much do you know about the underground live streaming website in South Korea?"

When KQ saw this, the live broadcasting industry in South Korea was chaotic. He had heard about it before, and couldn't help frowning.

Out of professional instinct, he subconsciously wanted to check Wei Kun's IP address, but to his surprise, no matter what method he used, there was no trace of the sender.

As if, the other party is a ghost that does not exist.

(End of this chapter)

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