Chapter 77
Editor's notice, at noon tomorrow, that is, at 8 o'clock on August 9th, this seedling will be put on the shelves for a fee.

When typing this passage, Lao Hei felt a little indescribable.

What did the predecessors say?

Aging is astonishingly fast.

Although Jin Hua changed his mind, he did not change his mind, so try the golden cup.Listen to old songs again.It's like the sound of drunkenness back then.

Five years later, the readers who were still middle school students have entered the university, and the readers of the university have also entered the society.Sometimes I think, on the lonely road of life, stopping and going, accompanied by a group of readers who appreciate me, should be my greatest blessing in the twists and turns in the past few years.

In the early years, due to practical factors and Lao Hei's personal mental state, many readers who followed the update were deceived, and I would like to apologize to all genuine readers.

Thank you for still being willing to believe me, thank you for liking this story.

Some readers reported to me that there are many typos.I try to check the manuscript several times before uploading, because I have eye problems, high myopia, and it is difficult for both eyes to focus at the same time, so it is inevitable that there will be mistakes in writing and checking, and I will pay more attention to this in the future.

At the same time, explain the update plan to readers.

Normal update tonight.

It will be on the shelves tomorrow, and more than 6 words should be posted that day, and more than [-]k updates will be posted every day after that, breaking out from time to time.

Set up a small flag.

When it goes on the shelves tomorrow, there will be almost 10 favorites. If there is a subscription ratio of 3000, that is, 8 first orders, at least 1k-[-]w updates will be made within two months after the shelves, and the quality and quantity will be guaranteed.

Tomorrow at noon, ask for the first order, ask for the first order, ask for the first order~
The first order is a whip, the author is a donkey, how much more it can be, it all depends on the strength of the readers...

At last.

Thank you (compare heart)~
(End of this chapter)

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