Weird internet celebrity company: female weird dressed as Two-dimensional

Chapter 8 Red clothes in hand, the advantage is in me

Chapter 8 Red clothes in hand, the advantage is in me

Happiness Interactive Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd.

The employees came to clock in and go to work one after another.

Although they are happy and entertaining each other, they look like they are half dead and ready to explode at any time, sending graduates to the society.

But this kind of company is free.

The middle-level leaders knew that everyone was going to be over sooner or later, so they put away the look of wishing PUA would cause a mental breakdown, and became a good big brother and big sister who knew each other well.

For the first time, the employees realized that the company is the warmth of home, and they all studied when to run away from home. It would be even better if they could share some of the family property.

main entrance.

"Hello, boss!"

"Mr. Wei so early?"

"I'm sorry for the traffic jam on the road... Ah, it's only 8 o'clock, so I'm not late?"

Like a door god, Wei Kun stood at the reception desk and counted the number of employees.

19 grassroots employees, 3 management.

"These people are enough."

He looked at the wall clock.

The wall clock that stopped last night has been repaired by him.

At the same time, he also confirmed that the mysterious liquid that dripped on his face yesterday was the water from the sewer of Temiao's upstairs company. 30 years of men's restrooms, 30 years of women's restrooms, it's not a gentleman not to take revenge.

3, 2, 1... Dang Dang, eight beeps.

It's eight o'clock.

Wei Kun clapped his hands, signaled the employees to look at him, cleared his throat, and said loudly: "OK, all eyes are on me, look at me, I have something to announce..."

"Employees who come before eight o'clock will still be hired by the company."

"If you are late, I will notify them to find someone and go through the resignation procedures."

The voice just fell.

There was a young man in a flowered shirt who hurried to the gate of the company, and immediately bumped into Wei Kun who was blocking the gate.

Wei Kun patted him on the shoulder.

"You don't have to go to work tomorrow."

The flower shirt was stunned for a moment, and then he showed an unbelievable look: "Boss, it's just a little bit late, isn't it?"

"Policy adjustments, good gatherings and good separation."

Wei Kun didn't want to make trouble, so he immediately added: "According to the N+1 resignation compensation, the insurance and so on will be linked to the company first, and after you find a next job, I will help you with the transfer procedures."

Who would have thought...

Not only was Hua Shirt not angry, but he raised his arms and punched Wei Kun, giving Wei Kun a firm hug.

"Thank you boss for letting me live! Thank you, thank you!"

He was jumping for joy, as if he had finally escaped from his clutches.

Wei Kun was expressionless, turned around and continued: "All employees on duty will be raised by 50%, performance audit will be cancelled, the six-day system will be changed to five-day system, and there will be two days of personal leave per month. As long as they do not miss work, they will be paid in full."

The smile of the floral shirt froze.

He stammered: "Boss, I still like the atmosphere of the company, and I hope to continue to contribute to the collective..."

Wei Kun shook his head and whispered softly into the floral shirt.

"Brother, I'm really doing it for your own good. Believe me, find a good next home."

Seeing Wei Kun's sincere gaze and sincere tone, Hua Shirt seemed to understand something.

He didn't know the fact that Happy Entertainment was on the verge of bankruptcy, but he learned that the company's funds were not running smoothly during the chat with the middle-level leaders.

Could it be that……

The company is going to close down, the boss thinks of my hard work, and doesn't want me to die together?

Where can I find a good boss who cares about employees like this!
The floral shirt was a little hesitant and moved.

He hesitated, stomped his feet for the last time, held Wei Kun's hand, and said in a low voice, "Boss Wei, I believe in you, take care!"

After all, he turned around and walked away chicly.

If Wei Kun told Hua Shirt the truth, he would probably run faster.

Happiness and mutual's haunted!
Wei Kun first streamlined the company's employees as much as possible, and maintained the basic operation of various departments.

The fewer people there are, the less likely something will happen.

He didn't want to see the news headlines one day - the whole internet was shocked, the employee of XX company died in a strange way, and he left a horrible last word before his death: I saw a two-dimensional white silk female ghost in red!

Should it be accompanied by a bald exorcist with a rosary?
After the floral shirt is gone.

Wei Kun persuaded the next few employees to leave one after another.

In the end, there are only 8 technical, 2 financial, 4 operational, 3 marketing, and 1 legal.

He counted back and forth, snapped his fingers and added, and confirmed again and again that there were a total of 19 employees, plus 3 middle-level leaders who also served as personnel.

When everyone was ready, Wei Kun held a simple meeting.

"Our next plan is to prepare for both live broadcast and video..."

Li Zhiqiang from the technical department, an honest-looking middle-aged man, raised his hand and asked, "Boss, Tao Yaoyao, the former top anchor, has terminated our contract with us. Where can I find the main content now?"

"Yeah, yeah, we can't take pictures of ourselves."

"Why don't you raise points and rewards, and invite Sister Yaoyao back?"

Wei Kun pressed his palm down.

The employees still wanted to sell the face of the new boss, and they all fell silent.

Wei Kun coughed, touched his nose and said.

"Where is the new head anchor, I have already found it."

"Did she not come to the company?"

"Boss, let us meet in person, otherwise we won't be able to do market research and business proposals."

Wei Kun said leisurely.

"Her relatively introverted, and she doesn't like to communicate with people. But don't worry, she will definitely become the next hit of Happy Interactive Entertainment!"

The employees looked skeptical.

The anchors are all going to high places, and the famous ones will not condescend to come to a small company like Happy Interactive Entertainment.

If it's an amateur anchor, anyone with potential has already been poached by the major platforms, so it's not their turn to get them.

Wei Kun knows that before he has made achievements, it is difficult to gain the trust of employees with a few words, and building trust requires facts and time.

Jingle Bell!
The company phone rang suddenly.

Wei Kun remained calm and overjoyed. Is it the signing number of Shark Platform?

Probably in the morning, the account "Honghongbuhong" sent a message to Shark Platform and they saw it.

In the backstage text message, Wei Kun told the shark platform in the tone of the red dress that it was not convenient for her to come forward, and Happy Interactive Entertainment will be fully responsible for the subsequent signing matters.

In fact, Wei Kun has considered the possibility of putting aside Happy Interactive Entertainment to engage in purely anonymous live broadcast and video operations.

However, if you want to be anonymous, have you asked the social iron fist?

Wei Kun really didn't want to be hit by the capital iron fist and the social iron fist.

In the current Internet environment, due to policy risks and other considerations, no live broadcast, video, or novel platforms will accept purely anonymous publishers.

There must be a physical company or a real-name individual who endorses it before further discussions on signing, promotion, publicity and other follow-up matters.

He is not afraid of being targeted by relevant departments that may exist.

He also wished for the powerful X group, who believed in the country and the government, and quickly rescued himself.

But at present, the late-night live broadcast of the female corpse in red has not attracted the attention of any mysterious departments.

After all, the camera and the network cable are separated.

No matter how awesome a 13 Taoist priest is, he can't be a fairy, sucking wifi, fingering the router, following the network cable, chanting the words "the old master of the root server shows his might", and then yelling at the phone screen: You are a ghost... …

If there is this kind of Taoism, it would be really meowy cyberpunk.

Wei Kun collected his thoughts and picked up the phone.

"Wei, we will give you one week in the end. Your address book will explode if you don't get 600 million in the account! All your relatives and friends will know that you are Lao Lai..."


Wei Kun said with a blank face: "Advertising sales. What was the topic just now?"

The staff fell silent.

Jingle Bell!
The phone rang again.

"Hello, we are Shark Platform..."

Wei Kun pressed the speakerphone decisively.

"Is it red or not, is it a contracted anchor of your company?"

(End of this chapter)

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