Chapter 84 Do you want to meet the real me?

The turn around is so sudden.

The audience who were chased by Liu Ning to the Honghong live broadcast room like ducks by pinching the network cable were all stunned.

"Who can explain what happened!"

Excluding the viewers who angrily shut down the live broadcast, this wave of cutting the network cable to divert traffic caused the popularity of Honghong's live broadcast room to skyrocket to 800 million!
On Shark Channel, this is already the popularity value that can only be enjoyed by veteran anchors at the top of the second tier, or at the end of the first tier.

Wei Kun didn't collapse either.

He was very surprised, and said to himself: "The P2K boy group in South Korea has disappeared... Wait, South Korea, the boy group, is it the underground live broadcast!?"

Wei Kun suddenly raised his head, and through the bottom of his skirt, he seemed to be able to see Hong Hong's delicate face.

"... Was it all eaten?"

"No, this group of scumbags actually have tens of millions of fans!?" He then realized the problem and was very annoyed.

Wei Kun said angrily.

"It's better to let ghosts become idols!"

Withdraw the angry thoughts.

Wei Kun started the serious, serious and critical carnival live broadcast tonight!

The first is the signature leg clamp, coquettish and coquettish, with a variety of styles.Selling meat, it's not shabby, and the ghost has no sense of shame, cheating the first wave of gifts and barrage.

Then use the remote rocker to pull up the lens, and select the viewfinder in the area where the leg ring is up and the neck is down.

At this time, the ghost mirror is in place.

Wei Kun can trust Li Xiaoya's physical fitness, but not her professional ability, so he has no choice but to force himself!

He used the ghost mirror to transcribe the voice of the microphone, pretending to be Honghong talking.

"As a new host, Honghong is so lucky to have you all by my side all the way to the carnival today..."

Lucky Nima!Where are you so meowing!

"Thank you, brother Yu Lei, for being so hot, so kind~"

Bi Xin Nima!This broken mirror is so perverted that it makes me sick!

"Yeah, I know everyone has always wanted to see Honghong's true face, and if her popularity exceeds 1000 million, Honghong swears that she will definitely show her face!"

Swear Nima!Tomorrow I will kick your big flying feet to pieces!

Wei Kun was full of resentment and vowed never to pay Gui Jing half a dime of salary.

But the live broadcast room was already in full swing.

The ghost's body and ghost's voice have an influence on the living that is beyond the reach of ordinary good-looking female anchors.

Normal girls are still playing with physical transformation such as plastic surgery, but the female ghost has already ascended to metaphysics and psychic power, okay?
Ordinary female ghosts can fool passers-by and ghosts into walls with a few words.

As for the anchors of Happiness and Entertainment, after all, through the network cable, it is not realistic for ghosts to hit the wall, and it is almost the same for ghosts to fight glue.

Wei Kun showed off his amazing music library reserve again.

The original idea was...

On that "Black Friday", the girl wore "Wedding Dress", hummed "Confession", and told herself that "suicide would not hurt", because "he didn't know", and later she was made into "Human Skin Doll", One day, "Sister Carrying a Doll" came to "Angel's Room", as if "No.13 Pair of Eyes" was staring at her, and a demon emerged from the shadows, the girl called, but "No one could hear".

But just after singing "Wedding Dress", Chao Guan jumped out and called grandma to change it, these are forbidden songs!

no way.

Chairman Wei has nowhere to show his talents, so he can only start with "Goddess Split View", and then follow a few songs similar to "Dancing Girl" by Hayami Saori, "Difficult to Break the Boat" by Akina Nakamori, etc. .

He felt like he was in the VIP room of the bathing center, singing KTV with the female technician.

But in the eyes of others, it was more of a shock from the soul.

Live room number two.

Yiyi and Li Xiaoya looked at each other with disbelief.

"Boss is so good! He really... I cried to death... He sings more flirtatiously than me, my phantom limb is about to move!"

Li Xiaoya bluntly gave Yiyi, who was full of nasty jokes, a headache, shook her head and said.

"Now I'm a little suspicious of what Wei Kun is usually watching."

the other side.

Qiu Yunying, who was watching the carnival, was dumbfounded.

"With such a voice and singing skills, you are still working as a small anchor on Shark TV? Where did Wei Kun find this treasure!"


"Spend another 800 million, and push the popularity to the [-] million mark!"

"This money burns faster than ghost coins! The old man probably wonders if I'm keeping him..."

Star Entertainment.

Xiang Wenbin only listened to the beginning, and silently opened the live recording software.

Seeing him shaking his head, the secretary didn't know whether he was in a good mood or a bad mood, so he waited anxiously for a while before seeing Xiang Wenbin open his eyes and sighed.

"With this skill, we are not wronged. At least a master-level senior musician, a good apprentice taught by hand, plus a god-given voice. If she is not popular, I may lose my respect for the live broadcast and the Internet celebrity world. Judgment of confidence."

"Wei Kun, Wei Kun, it turns out that he is waiting for me here, no wonder he rejected my cooperation proposal straight away."

"But in the online entertainment industry, you can't just sing and have fun! Secretary, if you have time, ask Dadongzi and Xiaose, what kind of plane are they doing? The carnival is almost over, and the video that should be filmed Forget it, don’t scold them, the video will always be useful in the future..."

And in the live broadcast room where the red is not popular.

The audience's reaction is more direct.

850 million, 900 million, 950 million... The rising popularity is the best expression of the audience's fanatical love for Honghong.


It was as if an invisible barrier had been shattered, and it became clear immediately.

1000 million popularity!It suddenly appeared in the upper right corner of the live broadcast room!
"Celebrate the flowers!"

"Congratulations to Hongmei for breaking through [-] million popularity!"

"I took a look, No.2 seems to be only 700 million, Hongmei is sure to win!"

"It's still Paradise Media's show operation. The traffic that was originally prepared for their anchors is all white and cheap, and it's red and red. I laughed so hard."

The gift bar on the right was refreshed so that it almost overlapped.

Due to too many bullet screens, there were frequent freezes. Liu Ning's superman even ran to the live broadcast room in advance to congratulate Honghong for winning the first place in the carnival rookie track.

The phone on Wei Kun's waist vibrated.

He raised his hand and glanced, it was Liu Ning, the leader of the midnight shift.

"Congratulations to Mr. Wei, Honghong's A-signature upgrade to S-signature should be sure! This is a popularity level of tens of millions. I didn't even dare to think that there could be a rookie anchor of this level on the rookie track! Many old-line anchors are It has been compared!"

Wei Kun was calmer than those fans between Liu Ning and the anchor.

Honghong must show her face tonight, otherwise it will be nothing but castles in the air!

Paradise Entertainment has suffered such a big loss, and the black material prepared in advance will pounce on it at any time, tearing Honghong's weak popularity to pieces.

He pondered slightly.

In Hong Hong's tone, she first thanked the audience gentlemen softly, and then asked timidly like a little rabbit.

"1000 million people are popular, do you want to meet... the real me?"

 Lao Hei hung up 8 bottles of water today! 8 bottles!Archie yesterday, tested cephalosporin today, and tomorrow he has to get up early to get an infusion, hey... Readers, you must pay attention to your body and be careful of flu, it is too torturous.

(End of this chapter)

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