Great Swordsman

Chapter 17 Solving the Sword?

Chapter 17 Solving the Sword?

Qingping County.

Lin Youjing was ordered to ransack the house, from the county magistrate Su Yuan, the county party committee Qian Wanjun, to the four major gentry. A total of 23 taels of silver, 3000 boxes of articles and books, more than [-] shops, [-] mu of fertile land, and other items were confiscated. Dozens of boxes of valuable treasures and antiques.

One day passed and the task of ransacking the house left only Shi Zhongyu's house three miles outside the suburbs.

Lin Youjing sent all the property and title deeds to the backyard of the county government office, and led people to Shi's house non-stop, but just after leaving the county gate, several people came running and crawling.

"Catch the head, it's not good, the Shi family has been forcibly taken over!" The people who came were all the catchers, and they were ordered by Lin Xiaojing to guard the Shi family to prevent You Xiaoxiao from fishing in troubled waters and stealing the Shi family's property.

"Who is so bold?" Lin Youjing frowned coldly.

"It's that fellow Qian Wanjun, and he brought his helpers, the one in the lead, he's quite the majesty." The policeman cried, "Those people are so domineering, they beat us up when they came up, and said, said Tell Master Li to go see him."

Lin Youjing was startled, and asked the adults to visit?

Could it be the high official Qian Wanjun invited from the county?

That's not right, it would take one day to go from Qingping County to Tai'a City at full speed. Even if Qian Wanjun rushed to Tai'a City immediately at noon yesterday, it would still take two days to go back and forth!

Lin Youjing couldn't figure it out. To be cautious, he immediately sent people to find Li Mu, and then he continued to lead people to Shi's house.

Soon, a group of people arrived outside the Shi family compound.

Not far away is the Lancang River, where the terrain is gentle and the river is not flowing fast, and the sound of gurgling water can be heard.

The Shi mansion is very quiet and silent. The members of the Shi family have been arrested and chased away. At this moment, there are only two servants in luxurious clothes standing outside the gate, looking down at Lin You Whale et al.

"Stop coming!" Hao Nu yelled softly, "My lord is resting here, it has nothing to do with others, stay away."

Such a great official authority, it's just a rest, and you want others to stay away?
Besides, this is the Shi family, and it was called by the adults to search!
Lin Youjing was extremely dissatisfied, and said loudly: "Xialin Xiaojing was arrested in Qingping County and ordered to search..."

But he was rudely interrupted by the other party before he finished speaking.

"It's just a headhunter, but you dare to make a noise here, bold!"

"If you want to seize this place, you are not qualified yet! You don't have to ask the magistrate of Qingping County to come here to meet my lord!"

The two slaves were unruly and arrogant, and they didn't regard Lin Butou as a cadre at all!

Lin Youjing was a little annoyed, and said, "May I ask who is your master?"

"You are worthy of knowing the name of my family!"

"Aren't you going to invite your county magistrate to come here to meet my lord?"

The words of the two slaves were full of superiority and contempt for the young whale Lin!
Lin Youjing was furious, and wished he could kill these two bastards directly, but he couldn't figure out the origin of the other party, and he was afraid that he would cause trouble to Li Mu, so he could only suppress his anger and wait for Li Mu to arrive.

at this time.

The front hall of Shifu.

A middle-aged man in a dark green official uniform sat on the main seat. He had a square face, a beard curled up on his chin, and his eyes were full of energy.

Beside him stood a man in a light green official uniform. This man was Qian Wanjun, the county lieutenant who ran out of Qingping County yesterday.

However, Qian Wanjun, who used to be as imposing as a wolf, now stood respectfully by the side with his shoulders hunched, like a loyal Pekingese.

"My lord, Li Mu is so bold that he kills people without batting an eyelid, and even has such vicious minions as Lin Youjing, I'm worried..." Qian Wanjun spoke carefully.

"Are you worried that Li Mu will be unfavorable to this official?" The middle-aged man sneered, "This official lends him ten courage!! Hmph!"

"My lord." A person walked into the front hall and said, "I have searched the warehouse of the Shi family, but no seeds were found."

"Could it be someone who got there first?" The middle-aged man frowned.

His name is Sun Youde, he is the Shaoyin of Tai'a County, he is a sixth-rank official, he is the confidant of the county guard, he was ordered to come here to ask for the gourd seeds in Shi Zhongyu's hand.

These gourd seeds were dug out from a thousand-year-old tomb. They are ancient plants. Once planted alive, they must be extraordinary!

"Look for it again." Sun Youde ordered coldly, "Dig three feet into the ground and find it for me too!"

"Yes, my lord!" The subordinate ordered and left.

Sun Youde stood up and paced irritably. If he hadn't learned that Shi Zhongyu's father and son were dead from the mouths of the previous policemen, why would he have to go so hard to find them?

"What kind of seeds are you looking for?" Qian Wanjun leaned over.

"This matter has nothing to do with you, just stay quietly by the side." Sun Youde didn't give him any face.

"The lower official is worried that Li Mu will take away the seeds that the lord is looking for." Qian Wanjun said wittily, "This person is greedy, and when he encounters good things, he will definitely suck the bones and suck the marrow, so he is not a son of man!"

He was worried that this Sun Youde would not stand out for him, and would even cooperate with Li Mu and sell him directly. Therefore, if he had no conflicts, he would create conflicts, just to make Sun Youde and Li Mu confront each other!

In this way, he can use the power of the county guard to eliminate Li Mu and his henchmen, so that he can return as king!
"I'm aware of the details, put away your little thoughts, County Captain Qian." Sun Youde gave him a disdainful look.

"I don't dare to be an official." Qian Wanjun hurriedly bowed his head respectfully.

"Don't dare to be the best! Hmph."

As time passed, Sun Youde's mood became worse and worse, because he waited and waited, it was almost sunset, and he still hadn't waited for the good news.

Finally, good news came.

"My lord, I didn't find the gourd seeds, but I found a miraculous seedling beside the bamboo stream in the backyard. It was shrouded in light and rain. Looking at the leaves, it should be a gourd seedling."

"Lead the way!" Sun Youde was overjoyed.

At the same time, Li Mu finally arrived at the Shi family compound.

After he lingered at the Longlin Jujube Tree for a while, he brought the groom, the pony, and the little tiger who was addicted to fighting with the pony back. On the way, he saw the people sent by Lin Youjing, and immediately split up the troops On the two way, he asked the groom to take the pony and the little tiger back to the county government, and ordered Zhang Long and Zhang Hu to dispatch Min Zhuang to guard the Longlin jujube tree, and he rushed to Shi's house with Shi Shiran.

"My lord." Outside the Shifu, Lin Youjing cupped his hands and told the situation here again.

"I see." Li Mu nodded calmly, and said, "The baby whale will follow me in, and the rest will stay here."

Li Mu led Lin Youjing forward, and when he reached the gate, he was stopped by Hao Nu.

"Stop, this is the resting place for my lords, idlers, stay away!" Hao Nu said.

"My official is the county magistrate of Qingping County." Li Mu said.

He wasn't wearing an official uniform, and it wasn't because Hao Nu couldn't recognize him.

"You are the county magistrate of Qingping County?" The two slaves looked Li Mu up and down, their gazes were presumptuous and rude, and finally, they glanced at the sword on Li Mu's waist, and snorted, "If you want to see my lord, you need to untie the sword. "

"What if I don't understand?" Li Mu asked him.

"If you don't understand, please ask the county magistrate where you came from and where you are going back." Hao Nu said arrogantly.

"You mere servant, but your tone is serious, who gave you the courage to talk to me like that." Li Mu asked with a smile.

"I want my lord to know that Ziqi came to the east, and the villain received the favor of my lord, and also read a volume of Taoism, received a gift from heaven, and evolved the natal mind, and now, like the lord, he is a practitioner! "Hao Nu said proudly, his tone was full of complacency, and he had the pride of a third-rank official in front of the prime minister's door!"
"That's it, then it's easy." Li Mu smiled, "Young whales, they've crippled their dantian Qihai."

"Yes!" Lin Youjing was upset when he saw this team of slaves. Now he got the order and immediately shot out.

"Fast in the countryside, don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth!"

"Today I will let you know what it means to have mountains beyond mountains!"

The two Haonu were not afraid at all, they drew out their long knives and fought with Lin Youjing.

clap clap clap!
After waving three times, the two of them were stabbed cleanly by Lin Xiaojing and fell to the ground, bleeding profusely from their abdomen.

"how is this possible?"

"you you……"

Hao Nu looked at the thick blood hole in the dantian of his abdomen in disbelief, wanting to burst into tears.

"How dare you, how dare you!!!"

"I have just embarked on the road of cultivation, how can you... I, I..."

The two slaves were devastated, and their eyes were full of horror and remorse.

"Now, do you two still want to untie my sword?" Li Mu stepped forward with a smile, and the setting sun shone on his warm and jade-like face, adding blood to it!
"you you……"

"My lord, my lord will definitely avenge us, yes, definitely will, you, you are finished, your future is gone!!"

The slaves hissed at the top of their lungs.

Li Mu smiled: "Your lord will offend the county magistrate for two useless people? I don't believe it, but you do?"

"We..." The two slaves looked at each other, and their hearts were instantly ashamed, because they didn't believe it either.

With the personality of his family, it is estimated that as long as Li Mu pays for something, the matter will be exposed...

The two of them felt as if they were mourning their concubines, thinking about what they had done before, they burst into tears, wishing they could turn back time.

"Hey, I still like your previous unruly attitude, can you please restore it?" Li Mu smiled.

Two slaves: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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