Great Swordsman

Chapter 19 Gourd God Miao

Chapter 19 Gourd God Miao
"Come on, let me take it down!" Li Mu ordered unceremoniously.

After the battle in the drying yard, now all three classes of yamen servants in the county belonged to Li Mu. With his order, more than a dozen yamen servants rushed out with iron rulers, water and fire sticks, iron chains, etc., ready to arrest Sun Youde and his party.


"My family's adults are from the sixth rank, and your county magistrate is only the seventh rank. Do you dare to offend the lower ranks and seek death?!"

The slaves drew their swords and swords, and with arrogance, they forcefully forced all the servants to retreat.

In their eyes, the sixth rank is higher than the seventh rank, Li Mu should listen to their adults!
As for what real power is not, they don't care at all.

Li Mu looked at it and was overjoyed: "So... so courageous! How dare you openly resist the law in the court. This act despises the imperial court and disrespects my law and order! It will be shot and killed!!"

Li Mu patted the gavel, signaling Lin Youjing to make a move.

Lin Youjing had long been dissatisfied with these slaves, and now he had a legitimate reason, and immediately drew out his spear. He poured spiritual power into the spear, and the spear was like a dragon, breaking through the heavy air waves, stabbing a man with a gun to death on the spot. Dao Hao Nu!

Blood sprayed everywhere, and the rest of the slaves were frightened and angry. Without waiting for Sun Youde's order, they directly killed Lin Youjing.

Although they are slaves, they are all able to read and write. When Zi Qi Dong came to Japan, he recited half-baked Taoist scriptures, and each of them obtained the heart method of life, one or two Zi Qi. In private, when they chat, they all regard themselves as practitioners, and they will live forever in the future After watching for a long time, my heart gets up unconsciously. I look down on country people like Lin Youjing from the bottom of my heart!

At this moment, when they saw their companion being killed, they were furious on the spot, yelling and cursing that they wanted to kill Lin Youjing to avenge their brother!
In the courtroom, the spiritual power was flying horizontally, the shadow of the sword was flying, and a group of slaves fiercely killed Lin Xiaojing!

Sun Youde narrowed his eyes slightly, but he didn't stop it immediately, even, he was happy to see the result!

"How dare you say that the official has no real power, and you are the one who takes over as the hen... Bah, you, Li Mu, are the hen!!" Sun Youde hated him so much that he wanted to wait for Lin Xiaojing to die, and then "indulge" his subordinates to riot in court , Let Li Mu make a big fool of himself, let's see how arrogant he will be in the future!
With his left hand behind his back, he stroked his beard gently with his right hand, and watched his subordinates kill Lin Youjing expectantly with his eyes, and then... heroically.

Lin Youjing shot mercilessly, with long spears criss-crossing, and the shadows of the spears were heavy, like a rainstorm on pear blossoms, piercing seven or eight bloody holes in Hao Nu's body in minutes, like a butcher cutting a cow, life and death were separated in an instant!

Sun Youde's expression changed, his right hand subconsciously tightened, and he shivered from the pain in his long beard.

"Li Mu, you, how dare you!!" The smell of blood came to his nostrils, and Sun Youde took three steps back, not knowing how to deal with it.

He breathed out a breath of spiritual energy, and wanted to capture and kill Lin Youjing himself, but seeing the spear in his hand dripping with blood, he faltered again.

Ziqi came to the east, he recited great Confucian articles, obtained the natal heart, absorbed five purple qi, and asked himself that he was a dragon and a phoenix among people!
It's a pity that he has been studying since he was a child, spoiled and spoiled, he can't lift his shoulders or hands, even if he starts to practice, he still doesn't touch weapons with his hands!He felt that demons and ghosts were far away from him, and if something happened, his slaves would naturally come forward. He himself only needed to practice in a peaceful and far-reaching environment. Therefore, although he had spiritual power in his body, he could only scare him. Scared the people.

Li Mu slapped the gavel again, ordered Sun Youde and Qian Wanjun to be taken down, and then announced his withdrawal.

Seeing the bloodshed in the courtroom, the common people were inexplicably excited. Soon, the story here was widely spread.

With yesterday's battle in the drying yard and today's bloodshed in the courtroom, Li Mu's reputation gradually spread, and there was a faint rumor that the child stopped crying.

And after Li Mu retired, Lin Youjing immediately asked Lin Youde to push Sun Youde to the back office, because he had something to ask!
"Li Mu, you, you are so courageous!!" Seeing Li Mu in the back hall, Sun Youde immediately felt that he could do it again.

He is a sixth-rank official of the imperial court, with the backing of the county sheriff, even with Li Mu's ten guts, he dare not touch him!
"Sun Youde, you are now wearing a sinful body, don't be rampant in front of this official!" Li Muping retreated to the left and right, leaving Lin Xiaojing alone, before asking, "Why did you come to Qingping County!"

As early as in Shifu, he noticed that this Sun Youde was sneaky, he was not a good person at first sight!

"For those of my generation who study and practice, riches and honors cannot be distorted, poverty and lowliness cannot be moved, and might cannot be subdued! I want this official to speak up and make your spring and autumn dreams come true!" Sun Youde raised his head with a cold snort, choosing to ignore Li Mu.

very good!

I just like your rebellious character.

Li Mu sneered: "Young whale, bring Qian Wanjun here!"

"Yes, my lord!" Lin Youjing immediately brought Qian Wanjun who was wearing an iron chain.

"My lord, my lord Li, please forgive me!!" Qian Wanjun's knees gave way, and he knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

Sun Youde frowned, thinking that Qian Wanjun really couldn't be supported by mud, and Li Mu frightened him into such a virtue, bah!

As a result, just as he finished poohing, he saw Li Mu stabbing out with a sword, the sound of the sword clanging, piercing through Qian Wanjun's... sea of ​​energy in his dantian in an instant.

"Ahhh..." Qian Wanjun clutched his bleeding abdomen and wailed piteously, his cry was filled with despair and remorse.

This fellow Li Mu, actually abolished him so simply... Sun Youde's expression changed drastically.

"Master Sun, don't say good things twice, and if you don't confess again, this will be your end." Li Mu's threat was simple and direct.

Sun Youde's expression was ugly. After thinking quickly in his heart, he felt that it was okay to tell the truth. Could it be that Li Mu still dared to snatch his teeth?
"I'm here in Qingping County, and I'm looking for an ancient relic for the governor!" Sun Youde stopped pretending, and confessed that Shi Zhongyu had a bag of gourd seeds that flowed out of a thousand-year-old tomb.

When Li Mu heard the word "seed", he felt itchy in his heart, and subconsciously asked, "Have you found the seed?"

He felt a little ashamed inexplicably when he asked the words.

"I didn't find the seed." Sun Youde smiled, "However, before you came, I found a gourd seedling beside the bamboo stream in the backyard of the Shi family. It is extremely miraculous. It seems to be the seed planted by the Shi family father and son."

His smile was somewhat sarcastic, as if he was mocking Li Mu: Aren't you very kind just now?Then you are greedy for this fetish, you are greedy, do you dare Li Mu?

Of course Li Mu dared, the premise was that the matter would not be known by the sheriff.

He got up and came to Lin Youjing, and softly ordered him to execute all the slaves in the stone mansion, and then bring the two abolished slaves outside the stone mansion. He was useful.

These two slaves have been guarding outside the gate of the Shifu from beginning to end, so they definitely don't know about the fetish. Through these two people, the county guard can be easily paralyzed!

As for Sun Youde, Qian Wanjun and others, of course they cannot be let go.

Lin Young Whale led the way.

Li Mu looked at Sun Youde, thinking that he could use some waste, so he immediately changed the subject and asked about his cultivation realm.

In the past few days, Li Mu practiced free travel and stored a lot of spiritual power in his dantian, but it is not a problem to keep it like this. In addition, he has no previous experience in cultivation, so he can only ask Sun Youde.

Unexpectedly, Sun Youde actually knew it.

It turned out that Qin Tianjian had already announced the mansion report about the state of practice through the post office, but this mansion report was stopped by the county guard when he was in Tai'a County.

Li Mu didn't need to guess to know the evil intentions of the county guards, it was nothing more than to make them, the county magistrates, one step behind.

One step after another, step by step, in this way, even if someone has a peerless appearance, the county guard can take the lead step by step, coercing Tai'a County, and leading the way!

Really smelly and shameless!

Li Mu originally felt guilty for coveting the divine seedling of the gourd, but now, hehe!
"Master Sun, tell me!" Li Mu regained his composure and asked.

"The first realm of cultivation is called... Chaoyuan realm!" Sun Youde said.

(End of this chapter)

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