Chapter 2

There are more than [-] households in Qingping County, with a total of more than [-] people. Among them, there are four gentry families, and the Shi family is the head of the four gentry families!
The Shi family has always been domineering, and they are notorious crabs in this one-third-acre land in Qingping County, running amok.

The Shi family dared to be so domineering, naturally they had their own grounds.

Underneath, the Shi family and the other three gentry families have a lot of connections, and they have always advanced together and retreated together. Their minions have penetrated into the common people, often turning black and white, and manipulating public opinion!

On top of that, Su Yuan, the county magistrate, is the son-in-law of the Shi family.

Su Yuan is in charge of teaching and education in the county, and all colleges and universities in the county teach and teach students. He is the only one to follow. Whenever there is a dispute, these people will stand up and wave the flag to fool the people!
Therefore, Su Yuan and the Shi family united, even if they were county magistrates, they had to avoid their edge.

In order to show their dignity and independence, the Shi family did not live in the county seat, but lived in the suburbs three miles away, beside the Lancang River.

The Lancang River is a tributary of the Nujiang River. It winds from the Hengduan Mountains, which spans thousands of miles. The water quality is clear, the aquatic plants are lush, and the fish and shrimps are swarming. , planted bamboo forests, built pavilions, in summer, the water flows, and the streams are entertaining, and in winter, you can enjoy the wind and snow, dig ice and fish, and enjoy the most romantic and elegant things.

At this moment, Shi Zhongyu, the head of the Shi family, was chatting with his son-in-law Su Yuan by the bamboo stream in the backyard, and his son Shi Gandang was waiting on him.

"Lord Li has probably received the report from the imperial court, and I don't know what article he will recite, what kind of mentality he will evolve, and how much purple energy he will absorb." elegant.

Shi Zhongyu, who was sitting next to him, was over half a hundred years old, with a short stature and a pot belly. He was wearing a fur jacket and a square scarf on his head. Our county magistrate, I'm afraid I'm so scared that I don't know what to do, hey."

If it wasn't for Han Qingqian repeatedly rejecting his and his son's request to take concubines, how could things have come to this?
What a pity!

Yes... Shi Gandang on the side felt the same way.

Su Yuan drank a glass of wine with a smile, and said joyfully: "Yue Zhang is right, our Master Li comes from a poor family, and he has a demon in his heart. Even if he recites the article, I'm afraid he can only evolve a third-rate mind and get second or third purple energy!"

"From now on, all the treasures of heaven and earth in a radius of hundreds of miles in Qingping County will be in the hands of my son-in-law, how wonderful!" Shi Zhongyu soon became energetic again, and winked at his son next to him.

Shi Gandang immediately added wine to the two of them, and asked, "Brother-in-law, the mental method evolves from the article, how to distinguish the good from the bad? There is also Ziqi, how can I get more?"

Su Yuan thanked her, and replied: "The better the article, the better the mental method of evolution! The more you understand the true meaning of the article, the more purple energy you will get. Like that peerless famous article, once you recite it silently, the mental method of its evolution will inevitably It’s unrivaled, but if you can’t understand its subtlety and just memorize it by rote, you probably won’t get much purple energy.”

"I understand. The article must not only be good, but also understandable. Thank you brother-in-law for your guidance." Shi Gandang refilled his drink with a smile and asked, "Brother-in-law, what article do you plan to recite silently tomorrow?"

Su Yuan glanced at him sideways, and said with a smile: "You want to read the same article as me and give you pointers?"

Shi Gandang licked his face and smiled.

With a smile on the corner of Su Yuan's mouth, he mused and shook his head: "You don't know that there is an upper limit to the purple energy that each article can carry, up to nine! It must be a masterpiece! However, if many people read the same article article, then the upper limit of the purple energy it can carry will drop, originally it can absorb nine, maybe in the end, there will only be eight, or even seven, you understand."

Shi Zhongyu showed displeasure, this stinky son-in-law was worried that his son would share his purple energy!
Small belly chicken intestines!

Sure enough, the married daughter poured water!
However, this stinky son-in-law is in charge of the education of the county, and there are many teachers and students under his command. With his character, he will definitely arrange for these people to read the article tomorrow. By then, he will have many more practitioners under his command.

My son-in-law!
Shi Zhongyu was very relieved.

Shi Gandang has a bitter face, he doesn't like reading, if there is no purple energy, he will spend his whole life eating, drinking and having fun, ruining a good family, and being a fool all his life, but now he can practice and even get a glimpse of longevity, how can he give up, Hurry up and compliment her brother-in-law long and brother-in-law short.

Su Yuan was annoyed by him, so she said again: "Actually, it doesn't matter if it's not an article."

"What does brother-in-law mean?" Shi Gandang's eyes lit up.

"As long as the text contains deep meaning, no matter it is an article, Taoist scriptures, Buddhist texts, or poetry, you can feel it. However, poetry is just a small way." Su Yuan pointed him out.

"Taoist scriptures and Buddhist texts... I am familiar with this!" Shi Gandang threw down the jug and turned to his joy meditation.

"This kid!" Shi Zhongyu snorted, and then asked solemnly, "My son-in-law, what is the use of this purple energy?"

"About Ziqi, Qin Tianjian only said that it can speed up the practice and improve the comprehension." Su Yuandao, "But I think it must be more than that!"

"Savvy is?" Shi Zhongyu was puzzled.

Su Yuan leaned over her head and said in a low voice: "As I said before, all texts contain profound meanings, whether it is scriptures, Buddhist texts or articles and poems, we can understand the secrets of the mind from them! Purple energy can improve our understanding and help us to learn from the name. The more purple qi in the article, the higher the success rate, and the stronger the mental method that can be realized. Not only do people with more comprehension have a higher chance of success, but also the secrets of mental techniques they comprehend are far stronger than those comprehended by people with less purple energy!"

"So that's how it is. If it wasn't for a good son-in-law, I would still be ignorant of the secret of this purple energy!" Shi Zhongyu poured wine for him with a smile.

"Yue Zhang is polite, we are all one family." Su Yuan took a sip of wine, with a reserved and self-satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth. A bag of gourd seeds flowing out from a thousand-year-old tomb might as well be planted with one, and when the purple air comes from the east, it may be able to bring the dead back to life."

"Yeah, why didn't I think of it!!" Shi Zhongyu's eyes lit up, and he clapped his palms and shouted, "I have been trying to plant this bag of gourd seeds since I got it, but unfortunately none of them survived. Now that the purple air is coming from the east... this gourd must be Can live!"

"Master, it's not good." At this moment, Steward Sun of the Shi family trotted over and said anxiously, "That Han Qingqian didn't die, and was rescued by County Magistrate Li!"

"Huh?" Su Yuan frowned, seemingly displeased, but soon let go, "If you're not dead, you're not dead. Then Li Mu was born in a poor family, and there are only a few good articles that he knows and is familiar with. There are so many poor families in the world." Let’s chant together, heh, he can’t become a great weapon!”

"Your son-in-law is right. The county magistrate Li will still be alone in any year. There is nothing to worry about such a person!" Shi Zhongyu raised his glass with a smile, "Drink victory!"

"Yin Sheng!" Su Yuan smiled reservedly.


The county government office in Qingping County occupies quite a large area, with the court in the front and wing rooms in the backyard. Li Mu has lived in the county government office all year since he took office.

After rescuing Han Qingqian, Li Mu placed her in the backyard of the county government office and watched her closely so as not to cause any further troubles from her.

"Your Excellency brought me here, exactly, what are your plans for me?" Han Qingqian changed into a plain white dress, a small jacket over her shoulders, a red silk shawl on her shoulders, a head of blue silk hanging down her waist, her figure swayed, her voice Like an oriole, crisp and sweet.

Her exquisite facial features carry a trace of the water quality unique to the south of the Yangtze River, moist and tender, like a weak willow supporting the wind.

The strangulation on her neck had already been treated with medicine, and she was wrapped with a blue ribbon and tied with a bow, which complemented her snow-white and slender neck.

"Don't worry, I have to reverse the case for you and clear up your grievances before sending you home. For the next few days, you will stay here temporarily." Li Mu said quickly, he didn't want to talk to this woman very much now, although she He has a good-looking figure, slender chest, long thighs and long legs, but, tomorrow, the purple will come from the east, so he has to prepare articles, how can he have time to spend on you.

"My lord, can I still go home?" Han Qingqian lowered her head and sobbed, "Just now in the prison, my lord did that to me in front of so many people, even if my lord returned my innocence, Me, what face do I have to face my dead parents?"

"What do you want?" Li Mu looked at her vigilantly: Are you trying to touch me?

"My lord, please give me a title." Han Qingqian blushed and almost buried her head in her chest.

"This... can't be done, haha, ahem, I didn't laugh." After Li Mu managed his expression well, he put on his official authority and said, "This matter is indeed my negligence, so I will reverse the case for you , I will give you an explanation!"

"My lord, Qingqian comes from an ordinary background. She knows that her fortune is poor, so she dare not ask for too much. I only ask for a concubine's room." Han Qingqian gritted her teeth, her voice so low that a needle could be heard.

After this incident, she has come to her senses, knowing that if she doesn't find a good family, she will probably be made things difficult by the Shi family in the future. If she is really sold into Yanliu Lane, it will be too late to regret it!

In Qingping County, the only one who dared to challenge the Shi family was the county magistrate in front of him.

She felt that it would be better to stay here than to enter the Shi family as the concubine of the father and son.

Even so, Han Qingqian was still flustered with embarrassment, her blush crawled from her cheeks to the back of her ears, and she wished she could find a seam to bury herself.

Li Mu felt uncomfortable seeing her like this, look at how this feudal society has persecuted other girls?
He couldn't take it anymore, so he immediately made a decision to accept this matter!
It's not because he's lustful, but because he's worried that this woman will be whining endlessly. He wants to cut through the mess quickly, so that he can prepare the article and deal with the purple air coming tomorrow morning!
 New book for collection recommendation!


(End of this chapter)

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