Great Swordsman

Chapter 25 Ice Elemental Heterogeneous Spiritual Qi

Chapter 25 Ice Elemental Heterogeneous Spiritual Qi
Aura of water!
Surrounding the dragon scale jujube tree is water aura, one of the five elements aura!

Li Mu absorbed and transformed it, confirming that it was Renshui aura of yang attribute!

He was overjoyed, originally he wanted to absorb the ordinary heaven and earth aura to condense for a while, in case the county guard retaliated, but he didn't expect to find Renshui aura here!

God helps me too!

But immediately, he noticed something unusual.

Renshui aura?

its not right!
This is a dragon scale jujube tree, how could it emit Renshui aura?

Shouldn't it be Jiamu Reiki or Yimu Reiki?

Li Mu circled around the Longlin Jujube Tree, and finally, his sight fell on its roots.

The roots of the Longlin jujube tree are intertwined and deeply penetrated into the ground, and not far away is the Lancang River.

Could it be that the roots of the Longlin jujube tree went deep into the Lancang River and absorbed the aura of Renshui in the river?
He walked to the side of the Lancang River and looked down. The water in the river was clear, but the visibility was only a few meters. Even deeper, it was chaotic, and only a huge, distorted, blurred shadow could be faintly seen.

"My lord?" The groom and Zhang Long followed behind.

"You guys stay here and watch. I'll go down and have a look." Li Mu drew out his long sword, ready to dive into the water to find out.

In fact, he has always had this idea, because all the spiritual creatures discovered so far grow near the Lancang River, and there must be 'ghosts' under the Lancang River!
"My lord, be careful." Zhang Long and the groom didn't dare to stop them, they stood aside with folded hands.

Li Mu took off his coat and shoes, and jumped into the water. In an instant, the river boiled, and in the huge ripples, countless vicious man-eating fish over two meters long swarmed to hunt Li Mu.

Li Mu recited the Bing Xin formula silently, his mind was filled with ice fog, and he entered the Bing Xin state.

He looked around, and there were vicious fish with ferocious fangs indistinctly around him. He raised his sword horizontally, poured spiritual power into it, and in an instant, the blue sword energy filled the air, killing dozens of vicious fish forcefully!
But the river was full of vicious fish, ten of them were killed, and the smell of blood came out, attracting more vicious fish.

I don’t see you, the water of the Yellow River comes up in the sky, and it will never return to the sea.

Don't you see, Gaotang Mingjing's sad white hair is like blue silk in the morning and snow in the evening. '

Li Mu circulated the sword art, the sword light was like snow, drifting with the current in the river, killing countless evil fish that approached!
It's just that, the river was rushing fast, and the Sword of Entering Wine was unable to be used after all, and more and more spiritual energy was consumed, and a few vicious fish swam close in the gap between the sword lights relying on their agility, and hit him with a hammer. Li Mu felt chest tightness and shortness of breath.

I need to understand some sword techniques that can be used in water... Li Mu crossed the sword in the river, thinking quickly in his heart, and soon, a poem appeared in his mind.

"Golden cups of sake are worth ten thousand dollars, and jade plates are ashamed to cost tens of thousands of dollars."

Stopping the cup and throwing the chopsticks, he couldn't eat.

To cross the Yellow River Bingsaichuan, will climb Taihanghang snow-covered mountains.

When I was free to fish on the Bixi River, I suddenly dreamed of taking a boat to the side of the sun. '

While reciting poems silently, Li Mu beheaded the evil fish. There were countless evil fish, and they were invincible.
Li Muru was stuck in a quagmire and couldn't extricate himself. He was restrained and unable to move, and the depression in his chest was constantly accumulating.

'The journey is difficult!Difficult to travel!There are many divergent roads, where are you today?

There will be times when the wind and the waves cleave, hang the clouds and sail straight to the sea. '

At this moment, the depression in Li Mu's chest seemed to pour into the sword along with the poems, and the blade in his hand was naturally pierced. Kill all the fish!

Li Mu didn't consume too much spiritual energy for this sword, but the sword energy is like a rainbow, far better than drinking wine!
Li Mu relied on this Long Wind and Wave Breaking Sword Art, laying down all the way, killing all the evil fish in this section of the river!
During this period, he surfaced several times to breathe fresh air.

Finally, the river calmed down, leaving only the mighty river.

He paid the surface of the river again, took a deep breath, and then went deep into the bottom of the river in one breath.

The bottom of the river is more than [-] meters away from the surface of the river. The visibility here is very low, it is dark, with silt knots and aquatic plants.

Li Mu used his spiritual power to move his eyes, and he could vaguely see the scenery several meters around him. He searched all the way, and finally found a spring in the center of the river bottom. There was a strong aura of Renshui gushing out from there, causing the river to rotate, forming a circle of several meters. swirl in the water.

Li Mu roughly estimated that the concentration of Renshui aura here is at least ten times that of Longlin jujube tree!
Li Mu's heart was as clear as ice, without sadness or joy, he quickly approached, and saw a black shadow like black lightning, crashing into his chest at top speed.

Long winds and waves!

Li Mu was in the state of Bingxin, and his reaction was extremely fast. He struck out with a sword, and the cyan sword energy split the pitch-black river, like a vacuum cut, hitting the shadow in the middle!
boom! !

Under the soundless impact, countless water cannons filled the air, and a half-meter-long 'small fish' rolled out. Li Mu looked and found that this small fish had exposed fish bones, as if wearing an exoskeleton battle suit, which was extremely ferocious !
The sword qi slashed its fish bones, leaving only a few cracks. It was extremely ferocious. It swayed its tail to stabilize its body, and slammed into Li Mu again, as fast as lightning.

Li Mu was fearless, he crazily devoured the rich Renshui spiritual energy permeating the bottom of the river to supplement his consumption, and at the same time, he used his sword art, created several sword energy, spread out the river water, and slashed heavily on the fish bones.

bang bang bang...

After hitting again and again, the sword energy finally smashed its fish bones and split its fragile fish body in half!

What kind of fish is this... Li Mu has never seen this kind of fish before, so he guesses it is a fish that has turned into a monster after its spiritual energy has been revived.

After beheading the strange fish, the bottom of the river finally calmed down.

Li Mu took the opportunity to go deep into the vortex, frantically absorbing the aura of Renshui gushing out from the spring.

Suddenly, a thought rose in Li Mu's mind: What is under this spring?
Can release such a rich Renshui aura, is there any treasure in this spring?
Curiosity arose, Li Mu couldn't hold back, turned around quickly, and went towards the spring.

The spring is not big, only the size of a human head. Li Mu used his sword to open the way, and forced the spring to be half a meter in size!

Silt flew across, Li Mu closed his eyes tightly, held a sword in one hand, and groped for the wall hole of the spring with the other, swimming with his feet, diving down little by little, opening up the spring hole little by little.

After diving for about four or five meters, Li Mu felt a faint chill, and the more he dived, the colder it became, like boiling a frog in warm water. When Li Mu came back to his senses, he found that his hands and feet were frozen and unable to move.

He hastened to run the Getaway to get rid of the chill. He floated up a little bit, and after confirming that there was no problem, he began to absorb the aura in the vicinity. The result shocked him. In addition to the rich aura of Renshui, there was also a kind of weird Aura!
This kind of spiritual energy is like a trace of ice, extremely cold, absorbing into the body, like falling into an ice cave!
Li Mu's heart was shocked, and he realized that this was most likely a different kind of aura!
He checked carefully and confirmed that this aura is not in the five elements, and its power is especially above the aura of Renshui!

It really is a different kind of aura!
Li Mu was inexplicably excited.

According to Sun Youde, there are three types of heaven and earth spirit energy, one is ordinary heaven and earth spirit energy, the other is five element spirit energy, and the third is this strange spirit energy.

He roughly absorbed it, and confirmed that what Sun Youde said was true, the grade of the alien spiritual energy was definitely higher than the five element spiritual energy, but correspondingly, it was also extremely dangerous!

Li Mu hesitated for a while, then immediately decided to condense his first qi with the ice-type aura!
(End of this chapter)

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