Great Swordsman

Chapter 28 Ghost Fire!

Chapter 28 Ghost Fire!

After returning to Li's Mansion, Li Mu took the official seal, and the groom led out the carriage. After meeting up, the two immediately followed the official road to Tai'a County City.

Qingping County is about two hundred miles away from Tai'a County City. The road is winding and winding, and it needs to cross several hills. There are deep forests and lush trees, and there are virgin forests everywhere.

If you hurry up, you can arrive in one day, and it will take about two days if you use a carriage.

The groom rode the carriage and drove all the way. Li Mu lifted the curtains and looked at the forest outside the official road. The mountains there were full of dyed forests, and under the sun, it was as beautiful as a fairyland.

But after watching too much, Li Mu got tired of it, so he put down the curtain and practiced cross-legged.

Running the Xiaoyaoyou, Li Mu absorbs the aura of heaven and earth, refines it into spiritual power and stores it in the dantian Qihai.

Although there is ice soul, but ice soul is still very weak, it should not be consumed too much.

Practice does not know the time, soon, it will be night.

"My lord, it's getting dark, let's find a place to rest." The groom raised the curtain and said with his head.

Li Mu looked out, the sky was dark, his field of vision was greatly restricted, he could only see ten meters away, and beyond that, it was pitch black.

This is not modern times. There are no street lights on the road. When the sky is dark, you can only see things with the stars and moon. Tonight there are only stars, but the moon is not visible.

"Alright." Li Mu got out of the carriage and looked around. This place is between two lofty mountains. Under the starlight, you can see the vague black mountain tops and the dark dense forest. The mountains and forests are continuous, like a black sea, under the night wind Make a weird noise.

The groom drove the carriage to a nearby tree, picked up dead branches and set fire to them, dispelling the darkness.

"My lord, I'll go find something to eat." The groom drew out his long knife and entered the dense forest.

Li Mu fiddled with the matches, watched the sparks burst out, and felt a faint coolness.

This feeling made Li Mu suspicious, because after condensing the ice soul, his cold resistance was greatly enhanced, and he was no longer afraid of the cold, but now, he really felt the cold!
The situation is not right!

He turned around and drew out his long sword. Behind him was a mountain forest, hidden in the darkness. The terrain was relatively steep, about 45 degrees, which was very suitable for charging, but it was very quiet there. Like a pool of stagnant water.

Li Mu let out a long howl, and the power of the ice soul spread with the sound, turning into invisible ripples, which wrinkled the mountain forest. In an instant, Li Mu saw green flames appearing in an arc shape in the pitch-black mountain forest. In the center is his carriage.

The green flame is fleeting!
"My lord, it's a will-o'-the-wisp!" The groom came out of the forest, but he didn't catch the prey, because there were no living things in the forest.

He suggested driving away immediately because the location is unknown!
Li Mu shook his head and said solemnly: "This is the only way from Qingping County to Tai'a City. I am the magistrate of the county, how can I just sit idly by?"

He seriously suspected that ghosts had already appeared here and had already killed people. Otherwise, how could there be no news of it?
You must know that in feudal society, rumors of ghosts and ghosts have always spread extremely fast!
"Running the awe-inspiring energy." Li Mu reminded the groom, and then went up the mountain with his sword.

The groom smiled wryly, gritted his teeth and followed.

Based on the will-o'-the-wisps he had seen before, Li Mu headed all the way up, and soon came to the middle of the mountain. The altitude here is more than 300 meters, and the view is excellent. You can see the official road below the mountain.

And this place is also the place where the ghost fires appeared the most!

Li Mu's chest spun with awe-inspiring aura, emitting a warm aura that flowed all over his body. His eyes emitted a gentle and sharp light. Looking around, he found traces of the green will-o'-the-wisp.

The groom followed closely behind, his arrogance was stronger than Li Mu's, and he found the final spot where the will-o'-the-wisp disappeared at a glance.

He was a little uneasy because he thought of some legends.

When he was a school boy when he was a child, he heard that bandits appeared near Qingping County. Later, they were confiscated by officers and soldiers, beheaded to death, and buried on the spot.

This place is condescending, has a wide field of vision, and is not easy to be spotted by people below. It is very likely that the bandits are the 'outpost' to observe their prey!
If his guess is true, the end of the disappearance of the will-o'-the-wisps is probably where they were buried after being killed by officers and soldiers...the graveyard!
"My lord..." The groom didn't dare to hide anything, so he hurriedly told him these things.


"Hee hee hee……"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

As soon as the groom finished speaking, the surrounding forests suddenly overflowed with gray and gloomy mist, and quickly closed to surround the two of them. At the same time, various strange sounds came out from the mist, from left to right, heavy and light, disturbing Eyes and ears, disturbing the mind.

There are clusters of green will-o'-the-wisps floating faintly in the mist, flickering and disappearing. The two dare not be careless and stare at the will-o'-the-wisps cautiously. , and there were all kinds of weird and obscene sounds, and soon, Li Mu and the groom were dizzy, what they saw in their eyes and what they heard in their ears seemed to be distorted and trembling!

Li Mu was busy reciting the "Song of Righteous Qi" silently, the great Qi in his chest was running wildly, and the warm breath flowed around his body, and he was able to get rid of this predicament.

Then, he ran the Bing Xin Jue again, his mind was highly concentrated, and he was no longer tempted by the melody.

He looked at the groom, this guy was stronger than him, but his cultivation base was a little weaker, and he was still fighting.

Li Mu flicked his fingers, and his arrogance hit the blade: "Listen!"

In an instant, the clear and mighty sound of the sword sounded like spring thunder, helping the groom out of the predicament in an instant, and knocking back the surrounding fog three feet.

"Thank you, my lord." The groom finally woke up, with cold sweat on his forehead, panting heavily.

"Be careful." Li Mu slashed with the horizontal sword, Bing Po spit out spiritual energy, merged into the blade, and slashed out a clear frost-like sword energy, emitting a cold light, tearing the fog like a rainbow piercing the moon, tearing apart five or six will-o'-the-wisps Kill!
But immediately, the mist closed, and the few extinguished will-o'-the-wisps burst into flame again, even more vigorously than before!
"Hey hey hey hey..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The eerie and gloomy voice sounded again, provocative and provocative. Li Mu was very upset, and immediately slashed out with a sword again. This time, he poured half of the little awe-inspiring energy in his body.


The sword energy pierced through the air, and a few will-o'-the-wisps aggressively approached it, but they were mercilessly cut off!

The mist closed again, and where the few will-o'-the-wisps disappeared, there were green lights that lit up, as if they wanted to burn again, but after a long time of hard work, in the end, they failed and were completely annihilated!
In an instant, the gray mist suddenly boiled and twisted, and all kinds of sharp cries were like the sound of spatulas rubbing against each other, which was extremely ear-piercing!
"In a hurry?" Li Mu sneered, but he kept reciting "Song of Righteous Qi" silently in his heart to replenish his noble spirit.

Then, he unleashed another sword to extinguish the three will-o'-the-wisps!


The gloomy wind howled, the mist was like raging waves, accompanied by green ghostly fires, completely drowning Li Mu and the groom!
(End of this chapter)

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