Great Swordsman

Chapter 30 Clues to the King's Tomb

Chapter 30 Clues to the King's Tomb
"My lord wants to know?" The voice of the will-o'-the-wisp suddenly became erratic again.

"Don't play tricks, say it quickly!" Li Mu snorted.

"Hehehe..." The ghost fire laughed sinisterly, before Li Mu got angry, he said, "Does your lord know the name of the ancient county of Tai'a County?"

Li Mu frowned. He didn't know much about the history of this world, let alone the name of the ancient county.

The ghost fire said with a smile: "Tai'a County was in the Qin Dynasty, and it was called Qingping County!"

Qingping County?
It sounds somewhat related to his Qingping County.

and many more!

"Qin Dynasty? Great Qin in 5000 years?" Li Mu was surprised.

"That's right, it was the Great Qin Dynasty that ended the chaotic wars in the Spring and Autumn Period and unified China 5000 years ago!" The voice of the ghost fire was full of inexplicable worship, and he said, "After the Great Qin Dynasty ruled the world, it once divided the kings. This place is Qingping. The fiefdom of Wang Ying's zodiac!"

King Qingping's zodiac sign... Li Mu reacted very quickly, and soon understood, and said, "Zhang Ziyao ordered you to fall into the grass and become bandits, because of King Qingping's tomb?"

"Exactly!" Ghost Fire said faintly, "Although Zhang Ziyao is insidious and cunning, he is indeed intelligent. He has read a lot of books. More than 30 years ago, he was promoted to be the magistrate of Tai'a County. When he read the local chronicles of this county, he was stunned. From countless remnants of chronicles, we found clues to King Qingping's tomb!"

Local chronicles are things like diaries that record events in various counties, including geography, administration, criminal law, legends, etc., which have existed since ancient times. , the local chronicles of various counties are difficult to preserve and handed down from generation to generation, because paper is not easy to preserve, bookworms gnaw at them, and time decays. In just a hundred years, the books recording local chronicles will rot, plus various natural and man-made disasters, especially the change of dynasty. The damage is greater!

Therefore, most of the local chronicles of the counties in Tai'a County only record the events of great achievements, or the legends of the previous dynasty. Therefore, it is simply impossible to trace back to the Great Qin Dynasty 5000 years ago!
But Zhang Ziyao just found a clue!

"We were ordered to become bandits here, and look for the tomb of King Qingping!" Ghost Fire continued, "In order to deceive people, we turned into bandits and robbed caravans from time to time. With Zhang Ziyao around, even though we were besieged by the army for several times, but every time there is a near miss."

"Then what? You found the king's tomb? So Zhang Ziyao killed someone to silence him?" Li Mu asked.

The ghost fire was silent, and continued after half the salary: "I don't know what happened back then, suddenly a large army came, I was caught off guard, the whole army was wiped out, and no one survived."

"After talking for a long time, you didn't find anything?" Li Mu pretended to be disdainful and provoked it.

The ghost fire was really fooled, and said angrily: "Nonsense! I have traveled through mountains and mountains, dug into mountains and waters, and after untold hardships, I finally found an important clue to King Qingping's tomb!"

"What clue?" Li Mu asked nervously.

King Qingping, the Great Qin prince 5000 years ago, in his tomb, not to mention gold and silver vulgar objects, he must be buried with a few bags of pre-Qin orphans, and the skull is smoked, right?
There are also bronze trees, snake-browed copper fish, and golden masks, you have to get a dozen too, right?

"Hehehe...Your Excellency wants to know?" Guihuo sneered sullenly.

"Speak well, and if you dare to be weird, I will kill you!" Li Mu put on his official authority.

The will-o'-the-wisp trembled for a few moments, then quickly laughed again, and said, "We have buried the clues in a secret place. If you want to dig them out, you must agree to two conditions!"

"Speak!" Li Mu was too lazy to talk nonsense.

"One, swear to the heavens, help us to avenge Zhang Ziyao!" The ghost fire cheered up, "Second, help us turn into ghosts!"

Li Mu: "Hehe."

"My lord agrees?" The will-o'-the-wisp blazed and rose up.

"You look ugly, but you think beautiful." Li Mu sneered, "Listen, I won't agree to a single condition!"

"Since that's the case, then my lord will kill me and wait." The ghost fire also sneered, "You will never find any clues about King Qingping's tomb in your life!"

"That's not necessarily true." Li Mu narrowed his eyes, his eyes flickered as he recalled what the ghost fire said before.

"Oh, tell me, my lord, where did I hide the clues." The ghost fire didn't believe it, and thought that Li Mu had swollen his face to pretend to be fat, and didn't want to lose face in front of his subordinates.

Li Mu pondered and said: "Since ancient times, when a king treats his ministers like brothers and feet, the ministers regard the emperor as his heart; when the emperor regards his ministers like dogs and horses, the ministers regard the emperor as the people of the country; Back then, Zhang Ziyao relied on you to search for the king’s tomb. Even though the army was besieging him, he was able to report the news, which shows that he attaches great importance to you! Naturally, you should also trust him very much, so when you find the clues, your first reaction is definitely not to hide the clues in the A certain hidden place, but it must be reported to Zhang Ziyao! Is what I said right?"

The will-o'-the-wisp flame twisted, but remained silent.

Li Mu continued: "You just said that an army came suddenly, and you were wiped out, and none of you survived, which means that the battle was horrific at that time, and you didn't have time to find another hidden place to bury the clues, so the clues are where you died! "

The will-o'-the-wisp was terrified, turned and ran away.

Li Mu knew that his reasoning was correct, and immediately activated his mighty energy, and struck out with a sword.

The cyan sword energy was covered with a layer of brilliant golden light, which instantly cut off this head-sized will-o'-the-wisp!

A green spot of light in the center of the will-o'-the-wisp, flickering like a firefly, seemed to want to be resurrected, but in the end, it went out.

"Kill!" Li Mu went up with his sword, and killed the green will-o'-the-wisps on the grave mounds.

Seeing this, the groom hurried forward to check for omissions and make up for the vacancies, bravely... put out the fire!
Soon, all the will-o'-the-wisps were wiped out by Li Mu and the groom.

"My lord, do the clues to King Qingping's tomb really exist?" The groom looked around the gloomy environment and wanted to leave immediately.

"You'll know if you dig it out." Li Mu said, "After the officers and soldiers killed the bandits, it was impossible to find another place to bury them. It should be buried nearby. The clues are nearby!"

"My lord, how about digging during the day?" The groom still felt a chill in his heart.

Li Mu said: "As you like."

"Ah? What does your lord mean?" the groom asked cautiously.

"I'm going to Tai'a County, leave tomorrow morning, you stay here." Li Mu said.

"My lord, don't!!" The groom was so frightened that his hairs bristled, and he was left here alone to dig... What if the corpse under the dirt is another fraud... Will he still be alive?
Li Muxiao told him with emotion and reason that there are no ghosts in this world... Uh, it seems that after the spiritual energy is revived, there are ghosts.

"Forget it, let's dig when we come back." Li Mu said.

The groom heaved a sigh of relief. The reason why he didn't want to stay alone was because he was really afraid of ghosts, and secondly, he was afraid that the clues would be false and he wouldn't be able to find them.

Think about it, if there is a clue, he dug it up and handed it over to Li Mu, so it’s fine, but if the clue is false, or it’s gone, no matter how you dig it, you won’t be able to dig it up, and then Li Mu will suspect that he has dug it up, because he was greedy for the king’s tomb. If he refused to hand in the clues, then where would he go to reason?

Is he dead or not?
So, no matter what, you can't stay here alone!

Although he is a horse driver, he is very good at being a man!

(End of this chapter)

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