Great Swordsman

Chapter 38 Ghost Python

Chapter 38 Ghost Python
Out of the west city gate, the groom drove the carriage all the way away, but after walking for more than ten miles, the carriage turned around and headed towards Nanshan.

Approaching Nanshan, Li Mu discovered that this place has been under martial law, thousands of county soldiers surrounded it, and some scouts came out several miles away to keep the idlers away from this place.

Li Mu asked the groom to park the car deep in the dense forest, ready to go to the death pit alone.

If he doesn't take a look, it's hard to calm down!
But at this time, the foot of Nanshan Mountain has been surrounded by the third and outer third floors of the county soldiers, making it difficult for birds to enter!

Li Mu looked at the map and found that there was a river passing by in the shade of the Nanshan Mountain. His heart moved, and he immediately walked around the Nanshan Mountain and came to the shade. There was indeed a big river here. The eyes and ears of the county soldiers went deep into the dense forest of Nanshan Mountain and climbed the mountain quickly.

An hour later, he crossed the mountain and came to the other side of the death pit. He hid his body and saw a dozen people beside the National Temple, who seemed to be arguing.

Li Mu was running on a free and easy tour, merging his own breath with the heaven and earth, and walked quietly close to the ground. At this time, he was only five or six meters away from the death pit, and he could already hear the voices coming from the opposite side.

Lin Zhihe was furious: "Inspector Qian, Captain Zhao! Didn't I make an appointment to visit the death pit in three days? Why did you break the contract and come here!"

Qian Feng laughed and said, "The ghostly aura is pervasive in the dead man's pit. If it delays for three days, I'm worried that a ghost will be born."

"That's right, it's better to do this matter sooner than later." Zhao Binhong also chimed in, "I just don't know why Sheriff Lin had to leave after three days."

"You..." Lin Zhihe was very angry. He realized that his little plan was noticed by the other party, and he became angry from embarrassment, and said with a sneer, "In that case, you can go down on your own. The county guard wants to see it. There is no such thing as the county guard. Official seal, how did you get into the death pit!"

Although the dead man's pit was suppressed by Taizu's golden body, the ghostly aura still filled the pit. Without his official seal, even if they could enter, they would be swallowed by the ghostly aura!
Qian Feng and Zhao Binhong looked at each other and smiled, and each took out two... county seals!
It is the official seal of Yang Xiuqing and Wu An!
Yesterday they went to the Jiaofang Division to be happy together. When the wine was full, Qian Feng and Zhao Binhong offered to borrow the official seal. Yang Xiuqing and Wu An were already drunk, and they all agreed, so they took out the county seal on the spot.

Lin Zhihe was so angry that his face turned blue. He pointed at Qian Feng and said, "Qian Feng! It turns out that you planned it earlier, you bastard!!"

At the foot of Nanshan Mountain that day, Qian Feng proposed to use the national fortune of the four counties to strengthen the suppressing power of Taizu's golden body. He thought it was Qian Feng's hard work, but unexpectedly, he was waiting here! !
Qian Feng sneered: "Mr. Lin, do you still have to wait three days?"

Wait a fart!
If we wait any longer, all the treasures in Nanshan Hou's tomb will be gone!

Lin Zhihe almost gritted his teeth, without saying a word, he directly took out the seal of the sheriff and inspired it with aura.

Ripples of pale golden light overflowed from the official seal, turning into a golden circle of light with a radius of ten meters, covering Lin Zhihe.

Qian Feng and Zhao Binhong immediately followed suit and inspired the official seal, but their aperture was only five meters in radius.

Qian Feng looked at the entourage beside him, and ordered: "Everyone carry spears on their backs, enter the circle, and don't come out!"

There are more than a dozen cloth bags piled up in the open space next to the National Temple, and the bags are filled with long guns.

Lin Zhihe and Zhao Binhong nodded, signaling their subordinates to do the same.

Then, they came to the edge of the death pit.

Li Mu lay on the other side, watching from the corner of his eye.

Zhao Binhong took the lead. He took a long spear from his back and plunged it deep into the inner wall of the death pit. Then he jumped on the long spear and stabbed another long spear into the inner wall below. His followers followed closely behind. Guarantee the supply of long guns.

Lin Zhihe and Qian Feng also jumped off one by one with their entourage.

After a while, the group disappeared into the death pit.

Li Mu got up slightly, looked around, and after confirming that there was no one there, he immediately took out his official seal and stimulated it with spiritual power.


A hazy pale golden halo enveloped him, and Li Mu jumped to the opposite side of the dead man's pit with a light leap, then found the right position and jumped down.

For a split second, a ripple appeared from the light circle beside Li Mu, but it soon went out. At the same time, Li Mu found that his vision suddenly went dark, as if entering the extreme night from the extreme day. Fortunately, the dim light circle beside him brought a faint light, Bring him back the light.

He looked up, and above the death pit, there was a layer of golden light film, which separated the inside and the outside. There was a ghostly spirit lingering under the golden light, looking around like a fish, as if looking for a gap in the golden light.

Li Mu looked down, and found that the spear under his feet was covered with black dry blood, glowing scarlet in the dark environment.

This is a battle spear, the blood on the gun is human blood!

Diagonally below the inner wall, there are hundreds of battle spears inserted every half a meter.

Li Mu jumped down with spears one by one, while looking around solemnly, remembering the number of spears under his feet, and using this to calculate the depth of the death pit.

When counting to one hundred, the place was already pitch black, ghostly aura pervaded and whistling, and slapped on the light circle inspired by the official seal like a stormy wave, splashing countless ripples, and at the same time, there were countless ghostly sounds rustling, seemingly invisible It seduced Li Mu's mind.

He hurriedly recited the Bingxin Jue silently, and then circulated the awe-inspiring energy in his chest, avoiding all evils!

Continue to descend, when counting to [-], the ghost energy here changes, turning into giant pythons, swimming in the darkness, and slowly entangled in the hazy circle of light inspired by the official seal, Li Mu raised his head and could clearly see the ghost pythons The snake scales on his body rubbed inch by inch outside the aperture, and there was even a real sound of rubbing!

After a while, the aperture was crumbling under the pressure of the ghost python!

At the same time, the official seal in Li Mu's hand also made a difficult 'click' sound. He looked down, and the surface of the official seal was actually cracked with hair-like fine cracks!
If you stay any longer, something will happen!

Li Mu made a decisive decision, quickly turned around, stepped on the battle spear, and left the dead man's pit.

When he arrived at the entrance of the dead man's pit, his heart skipped a beat, and he used up all his strength to pull out the top five Hundred Battle Spears.

After leaving the death pit, Li Mu carefully wiped off the fingerprints on the Baizhan spear, and then inserted them into the ground!

When I went to the clothes, I learned the name and the name.

Li Mu jumped over the death pit and left the same way.

Not long after Li Mu left, the ghost energy in the dead man's pit suddenly burst out, and the golden film on the top of the impact shook. At this time, golden ripples appeared on the golden body of Taizu in the National Temple, suppressing the ghost energy forcefully!

At the same time, a figure rushed out from the death pit at a high speed, it was the Sheriff Lin Zhihe.

At this time, he was extremely embarrassed, his clothes were torn, and his clothes were covered with claw-like tear marks, even on his face, dripping with blood.

"What's going on?!" What made him most angry was that when he came up, he found that the top five Hundred Battle Spears were gone, and he almost fell in the last three meters! !
He turned his head in surprise, but found nothing!

At this time, County Lieutenant Zhao Binhong also rushed out from below, but because of the lack of five battle spears and his lack of jumping strength, his figure fell down involuntarily!

"Brother Lin, save me!!" Zhao Binhong looked at Lin Zhihe who was close at hand, and stretched out his right hand in horror.

Lin Zhihe watched coldly, but he didn't offer any help!

Seeing that Zhao Binhong was about to fall into the death pit, at the critical moment, Qian Feng, the inspector, also jumped up. Hearing the wind behind him, Zhao Binhong kicked away without thinking. , he successfully jumped out of the death pit!

After landing, Zhao Binhong's feet were weak, and he half-kneeled on the ground panting for breath, but his eyes were fixed on Lin Zhihe!
And Qian Feng was ruthlessly kicked into the death pit!
"No!!!" Qian Feng's voice was quickly drowned in the ghostly aura, and it was inaudible.

After that, they heard several screams coming from the death pit. It was obvious that none of their entourage jumped the last three meters.

"Lin Zhihe!! You are so cruel!!!" Zhao Binhong gasped, and stared at Lin Zhihe with a livid face after getting up, with murderous intent boiling!
(End of this chapter)

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