Great Swordsman

Chapter 41 A Glimpse!

Chapter 41 A Shocking Glance!
That night, Li Muwo absorbed the ice-type heterogeneous aura in the eyes of the spring, and every half an hour, he came out of the river to breathe. During this period, another vicious fish came from the upper reaches, and was mercilessly beheaded by Li Mu.

The sun is rising in the east, and the warm sunlight illuminates the Lancang River, reflecting the sparkling light, but the bottom of the river is still pitch black.

After a night of practice, the ice soul in Li Mu's body has grown a lot, and his cold resistance has also been greatly enhanced. He couldn't help but lurk in the depths of the spring again, wondering how deep it is, and whether there is any greater good fortune below!

Ten meters, 12 meters, 15 meters...

The water temperature is getting lower and lower, Li Mu fully runs the Haoran Qi body protection, and then covers the surface of the body with the power of ice soul, resisting the cold outside the spring.

18 meters, 20 meters...

Li Mu felt the biting chill again. He tried to use his spiritual power to stimulate the official seal in his arms, and a hazy golden halo spread out to protect him, but in this extremely cold spring, this golden halo was suppressed to the extreme , covering his body like a thin film, but it finally resisted the cold outside.


Li Mu dived again excitedly.

22 meters, 25 meters!
At this time, the water temperature here was extremely low. Li Mu saw ice crystals floating out from the depths of the spring. They collided, shattered, and reunited in the water. The process was extremely gorgeous, like entering the tiniest microscopic world. Live with emotion the magic of good fortune!
At the same time, Li Mu's limbs were also bit by bit frozen, and he gradually lost his vitality. He knew that he could not dive any further, otherwise he would turn into an iceman and fall down, sleeping in the underground glacier forever!
He looked down unwillingly, and found that there were more ice crystals below, and vaguely, he seemed to see huge scales underneath. The scales were moving slowly, like living things. These ice crystals overflowed from the gaps in the scales. , Li Mu was shocked: What is this? !

He widened his eyes and wanted to take a closer look, but when he looked again, there were no scales, and there was darkness below, and he could only see many ice crystals floating up from the darkness like water bubbles.

Li Mu didn't have time to think about it, so he moved his limbs quickly and left the spring.

After surfacing on the surface of the river, Li Mu panted heavily. He found that the surface of his body was covered with a layer of fine ice crystals. It was extremely cold, and even the sun could not melt it.

"These ice crystals contain different types of ice-type spiritual energy." Li Mu ran the Happy Tour to absorb the different types of spiritual energy in the ice crystals. In the blink of an eye, these ice crystals melted quickly.

Inspired by this, Li Mu thought of a way to speed up the growth of gourd seedlings, that is to use gourds to fill the water near the spring, where the water is full of aura, and use this water to water the gourd seedlings!

When he came to the shore, Li Mu saw Zhang Long, Liu Qi, and Ku Ding Zhou Cang who had taken over their shifts. They were practicing under the dragon scale jujube tree, bathed in the morning light, and they were peaceful and quiet.

But next to the Longlin jujube tree, there were a few more corpses of ferocious beasts, including tigers and leopards, all of which were more than four meters long, dripping with blood.

The injured Min Zhuang had already returned to the county to recuperate with Zhang Hu, Deng Yan, Wu Zuo Song Dian and others on the night shift. The new Min Zhuang was venting for them, dissecting the beast, burying all the internal organs in the ground, cutting off the meat, and starting ……barbecue!
Li Mu didn't go over to disturb them, but sat on the shore, lost in thought.

Is what I just saw under the spring eye dizzy, or did I discover a certain truth in the underground glacier in a glimpse?
Scaled armor... Such a huge scaled armor, could it be that there is a prehistoric python in the underground glacier?
Because it was accidentally frozen and sank into the ground, now that the aura is revived and the underground glacier melts, this prehistoric python is also resurrected?
Or is it just simply being frozen and hallucinating?
In the previous life, scientists conducted experiments. In extremely cold environments, people will have hallucinations. For example, it is very cold, but they will feel very hot and take off their clothes.

So, hallucinations can also... understand?
Li Mu shook his head, throwing these wild thoughts out of his mind.

"When I complete my qi dynasty and complete my ice soul, I will be able to dive into the underground glacier and see the truth." Li Mu took a deep breath and suppressed his thirst for knowledge.

There is a smell of meat, cumin and chili.

These folks are getting better at living... Li Mu couldn't hold back, and ordered a few slices of stuffed meat, swallowed them whole, and it tasted good!

Moreover, there seemed to be residual spiritual energy in the meat, although it was weak, it really existed!

Li Mu's heart moved, and he immediately ordered the people to store all the meat of wild animals, so that they must not be wasted.

Naturally, he doesn't like these tiny auras, but no matter how small a mosquito's legs are, they are still meat. For practitioners who don't have purple aura, this is definitely a gluttonous feast!

Of course, for these people, eating meat that contains aura has great benefits. It can strengthen the body, cleanse the tendons and cut the marrow!


Suddenly, the clouds and mist shrouded the depths, and between the mountains and mountains, there was a deafening wolf howl piercing the sky like thunder.

The birds in the forest startled up, and all the beasts roared and ran wildly, creating a mess.

Zhang Hu, Deng Yan, and Kuding Zhou Cang, who were concentrating on their cultivation, were also awakened, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"You stay here and don't move, I will go and have a look." Li Mu practiced for a night, and the ice porch became more and more condensed. He wanted to go deep into the Hengduan Mountains and see the scenery inside.

"My lord, be careful!" Zhang Long and the others did not dare to follow, for fear that they would drag Li Mu down and become a burden.

"My lord, my subordinates will follow you!" Lin Youjing arrived on a white horse, followed by Hu Tun Tun and the little white horse. They were running panting, and when they got here, they lay down on the ground, sticking out their tongues and spitting out , Tired into a dog.

Now Lin Youjing has also condensed the ice soul and entered the Yuan Dynasty of Yi Dynasty, and his combat power has greatly increased!
Li Mu did not refuse, and led Lin Xiaojing to ride the waves and go deep into the Hengduan Mountains.

They walked against the river, the river was turbulent, and there were more and more ferocious strange fish in the upper reaches. They rushed out of the river crazily and killed the two of them. Li Mu didn't make a move.

Li Mu found that Lin Youjing had a lot of experience in actual combat. A long spear was like an arm, and it was extremely accurate. There is only one move, the carbine return learned from the great Confucian poems of the previous dynasty, but the carbine return focuses on surprise. Facing the endless stream of vicious fish, it is impossible for Lin Youjing to always turn his back on the enemy with the carbine return.

Li Mu thought about it, and planned to give Lin Youjing a few poems later, so that he could realize a one-and-a-half way to shoot.

The sounds of beasts on both sides of the strait gradually disappeared, and the ferocious beasts fell silent again, dormant in the hidden place of the dense forest, under the cover of green trees, waiting for their prey to come.

Going forward, the two sides of the river bank are gradually steep, like two mountains facing each other across the river, sandwiching the river horizontally!
The beautiful scenery is magnificent, Li Mu's chest is full of poetry, and he seems to have realized something!
Soon, the two stepped on the river for three miles, meandering around two hills. Here, there was a charming fruit fragrance overflowing on the river. The roar of the beast was like thunder, and the sound of claws tearing flesh was like a nightmare roaring in his head, which was creepy.

Li Mu drew his sword, first crossed a piece of woodland in front of him, and came to a cliff where blood flowed like a river, and more than 20 beasts were dead here. In the middle was a two-headed giant wolf bathed in blood. It was seven meters long and four feet high. Mi, under the sun, the blood-stained silver hair reflected the silver hair, majestic and mighty!
Its two heads are as big as a millstone, with one golden vertical pupil and the other silver vertical pupil, exuding endless majesty.

At this moment, the two-headed giant wolf lowered its body slightly, its four claws embedded in the blood-colored grass, it growled lowly, its blood-colored fangs were exposed, and it was rushing to the cliff to let out a threatening roar.

(End of this chapter)

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