Great Swordsman

Chapter 51 Heavy Burden

Chapter 51 Heavy Burden

The setting sun is like blood.

Outside the palace, officials from the six ministries were on duty, and the doctors, Yuanwai Lang, and principals of each ministries left along the Suzaku Avenue, and those who knew each other exchanged hands and greeted each other.

"Chen Langzhong, I heard that there is a new famous actress in Ganyin Pavilion, why don't you listen to the music tonight?"

"Haha, let's go together."

"Master Sun, if you solved a major case today, you will have to eat a gluttonous house, right?"

"It's just a poor family suddenly gaining strength, serial murders, small cases, let alone the gluttonous building, let's live in peace."

"Mr. Zhang, I heard that His Majesty intends to order you to go on a western tour. Why don't you ask Zhang Shangshu later?"

"West tour?" On Suzaku Avenue, a handsome man in a scarlet official robe frowned. The person who was talking to him was the head of the official department, responsible for the transfer of officials.

However, he is a doctor of the Ministry of Punishment. Although he is only a fifth-rank official, he holds real power. In this imperial capital, he is a person of any size.

And after the spiritual energy recovers, he can receive a large amount of cultivation resources every day. Now that he leaves the Imperial Capital, he has nothing left!
Zhang Yucheng hurriedly left Suzaku Avenue.

There is a square outside Suzaku Avenue, where many carriages are parked, most of which belong to officials from the six ministries.

Zhang Yucheng found his carriage and drove to Zhangfu.

Ever since he was promoted to be a doctor of the Ministry of Punishment, Zhang Yucheng has moved out of the Zhangfu. Speaking of which, he hasn't been back for several days.

"Second young master, you are here. The master is waiting for you in the quiet room." The gatekeeper graciously invited him in after saddling his horse.

"Roll, roll." Zhang Yucheng waved his hand angrily, went straight around the shadow wall, stepped into the hall, and then walked along the corridor through two courtyards to Zhang Ziyao's quiet room.

"Uncle." Zhang Yucheng pushed the door open and asked, "I heard that His Majesty ordered me to tour the west. Is this true?"

The quiet room is large, but it is very empty inside, except for the mahogany floor, only one window, and a futon.

Zhang Ziyao is sitting on the futon at the moment, beside him, there are more than a dozen pieces of white ore the size of a fist, and he is absorbing the energy of gold and iron in the ore!
"Yucheng, you are still so reckless." Zhang Ziyao slowly opened his eyes.

"So it's true?" Zhang Yucheng was very displeased, "Uncle, it's all right, why does Your Majesty want me to go west?"

"It's not Your Majesty, it's me." Zhang Ziyao said in a deep voice, "Tai'a County is no small matter. I can't trust anyone except you!"

"Tai'a County?" Zhang Yucheng vaguely heard of this small county located in the remote southwestern border, but he couldn't remember it.

Zhang Ziyao first talked about official affairs, and told him about the death of the inspector of Tai'a County and the mutual excuses between the county guard and the county lieutenant.

After Zhang Yucheng heard it, he became anxious again: "Uncle, for such a trivial matter, just ask anyone to go, why does it have to be me?"

"Because in addition to official business, there are also private matters!" Zhang Ziyao recalled, "I served as the sheriff of Tai'a County decades ago. As a result, the first emperor promoted me, and this matter has nothing to do with it. Originally, this was nothing, the tomb was at most some funeral objects from the pre-Qin period, and my Zhang family was not short of that little money, but now that the spiritual energy has recovered, There is news from the Qin Tianjian that some special ancient relics will be favored by Ziqi when they come to the east, and they will evolve into magical weapons. You go here to investigate and inspect the death of the envoy, but in fact you are looking for the tomb of King Qingping ! I will send a hundred disciples to follow you, and if you have any news, report it to me through Eagle Eagle!"

Harrier Eagle travels three thousand miles a day, and it only takes two and a half days to fly back to the capital from Tai'a County.

"King Qingping?" Zhang Yucheng recalled carefully, his face changed slightly, "King Qingping of Daqin?"

Zhang Ziyao nodded.

Zhang Yucheng got excited in an instant. He lowered his voice and said, "Uncle, I heard from the gossip that Daqin was the first dynasty to unify China, so its national fortune was the most important in history. All the ancient relics left by Daqin are baby?"

If this is true, then King Qingping's tomb must be a spiritual treasure!
Zhang Ziyao nodded slightly, and said: "Tai'a County is poor and remote, and there will be no people who are too difficult to deal with. Your natal heart is the Greedy Wolf Star Sutra, which focuses on killing and cutting. You have six purple qi. , and then comprehend the Jiuqu Manghe Sword Jue and Lingxi Body Technique, and use the sunflower water aura to enter the Yuan Dynasty and the Great Perfection, and you will be invincible in Tai'a County, but just in case, I still want to ask you one or two."

He took out a pen and said, "This is the pen of Zhang Sheng, a great Confucian in the former dynasty. The purple energy comes to the east, and this pen shines day and night, exuding sword energy in the slightest. It is full of spirituality. Use this pen to perform the Jiuqu Manghe Sword Art , the power is doubled!"

"Zhang Sheng's pen?" Zhang Yucheng's heart was shocked, because his Jiuqu Manghe Sword Art was learned from Zhang Sheng's poem "You Manghe"!
Zhang Sheng's pen, Zhang Sheng's words... are invincible!
Zhang Yucheng was breathless, exhilarated and surprised: "Thank you uncle!"

Zhang Ziyao smiled and took out a golden silk armor from behind, saying: "This is made of white jade silk and human-faced spider king silk, which can prevent fire and swords."

"Uncle Xie!" Zhang Yucheng said Zhang Yucheng had a pen in one hand and a soft armor in the other. He felt very energetic and couldn't control himself!
Zhang Ziyao continued: "When you go to Tai'a County, you will pass the Mang River. When you are there, you need to carefully observe the situation of the Mang River, which may increase the power of your Jiuqu Mang River Sword Art. .”

"Uncle, my nephew knows!" Zhang Yucheng felt deeply moved by the care from his uncle.

Finally, Zhang Ziyao got up and came to a corner of the quiet room, and moved a wooden board, the mechanism was activated, revealing a hidden compartment.

He took out a dark blue stone the size of a human head from the dark grid, and said: "This is a strange stone, which contains the spiritual energy of the five elements. You have already completed the first Qi Chaoyuan. If you absorb it, you can enter the Second Qi Chaoyuan. From now on It may take a long time to go, but when you get there, you will find your own spiritual energy, understand?"

"Yes, Uncle!" Zhang Yucheng bowed respectfully, the slightest bit of dissatisfaction with Zhang Ziyao before had disappeared.

Leaving the quiet room, Zhang Yucheng was filled with emotion. In fact, his background was somewhat rough. Before he was born, his father died, and then his mother also died because of dystocia. It was his uncle Zhang Ziyao who brought him up. , treated him like a son, and when he became an adult, his uncle even used his connections to silently promote him to the doctor of the Ministry of Punishment, and now, he entrusted him with such an important errand!
Tomb of King Qingping!

How many spirit treasures must there be in there?
If I get them... no!
Uncle is so kind to me, Zhang Shengbi, software, and strange stone, how can I betray him?
Zhang Yucheng let go of the shackles in his heart, and left Zhang's mansion briskly as if he had relieved a heavy burden.

The next day, an imperial decree came down, ordering Zhang Yucheng to be the new inspector of Tai'a County, concurrently serving as an imperial envoy, throwing out three hundred guards, and strictly investigating the death of Qian Feng, the former inspector of Tai'a County!
At noon that day, Zhang Yucheng led the [-] guests and [-] imperial guards given by Zhang Ziyao, and left the imperial capital in a mighty way.

(End of this chapter)

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