Great Swordsman

Chapter 63 How is this horse?

Chapter 63 How is this horse?

Back at the inn, Li Mu handed San Pang, who was drowsy from drinking, to his subordinates, and went back to his room.

Zhang Long and Zhang Hu were still awake, when they heard the movement from Li Mu's room, they rushed over to say hello and asked about the dead man's pit.

"My lord, are we really going to the dead man's pit?" Zhang Hu didn't stay idle all night. He paid the people in the post house for a drink and got a lot of information about the dead man's pit. It is easy to go down, but difficult to come up!
"My lord, the inspector Qian Feng died in the death pit. If we go down, don't we die?" Zhang Long was also very disturbed.

"The dead man's pit is dangerous, but below..." Li Mu fiddled with the candle, and the candle flickered, and a strange little person was printed outside the wooden window, lying on the wooden window paper, twisting and turning.

What is this... Li Mu thought about it, and changed his words, "This matter is a foregone conclusion, it is useless to talk too much, you go back to your room early to rest, and we will set off tomorrow morning!"

"Yes, my lord." Although Zhang Long and Zhang Hu were uneasy, since Li Mu spoke, they would never go against it!
Even if there are mountains of swords and flames under the dead man's pit, they will die in front of Li Mu!

Zhang Long and Zhang Hu closed the door when they went out. The room was very quiet, and a needle could be heard.

Li Mu came to the window lightly. The little man was very intelligent, with his limbs clinging to the window paper, his left ear and right ear sticking to the window from time to time, moving around like an ADHD... brat?
Five ghosts luck?

Imp's death?


Various thoughts flashed through Li Mu's mind, and in the end, he decided to wait and see what happened.

After blowing out the candles, Li Mu lay down with his clothes on.

In the darkness, there was an inaudible barking sound from the wooden window. Li Mu squinted his eyes and circulated awe-inspiring energy, his eyes flickering with light. At this moment, he actually saw a paper man come in through the gap of the wooden window with difficulty. Tiptoe ran towards him.

The paper figurine was not slow, and soon came to the head of the bed. It swung its two paper arms and slashed at Li Mu viciously.

What a mess.

Li Mu flicked his fingers, shooting out a blast of extremely cold spiritual power, freezing the paper figurine in an instant.


In the next moment, tiny cracks appeared on the surface of the paper figurine, and it fell apart in a blink of an eye.

Li Mu picked up a scrap of paper, which was a very common kind of paper, but there was still a trace of water attribute spiritual power left on it.

The fluctuation of this spiritual power is quite extraordinary, with a cold air, which is similar to the strength of the Renshui spiritual energy from the Longlin Jujube Tree, but completely different. Li Mu guessed it should be the spiritual power of sunflower water!

The identity of the person behind this paper figurine is definitely not easy to condense the sunflower water aura, one of the five elements aura, into qi.

Lin Zhihe?
Zhao Binhong?
Or Zhang Yucheng?
What is the purpose?
After Li Mu burned the fragments of the paper figurine with a candle, he leaned against the head of the bed, his eyes slightly closed, and he seemed to be half asleep. He was worried that there would be an assassination at night.

But after one night, nothing evil happened in the posthouse.

In the early morning of the next day, Li Mu joined Sanpang, led their subordinates, rode on official horses, and galloped mightily towards the south gate.

Not long after, Lin Zhihe, Zhao Binhong, Qiu Zhao, Zhang Yucheng and others all arrived.

Li Mu watched from the sidelines. Lin Zhihe and Chief Shi Qiu Zhao brought more than ten practitioners, Zhao Binhong brought eight people, and Zhang Yucheng also brought ten people. guard.

After they came, they waved their hands and greeted each other with a very natural expression, and Li Mu didn't see any flaws.

"Everyone, let's go without delay!" Lin Zhihe said loudly.

A group of more than fifty people, riding tall horses, set off towards Nanshan.

"Magistrate Li, what do you think of my horse?" On the way, Lin Zhihe drove the white horse to Li Mu's side. With a bit of incomprehensible embarrassment.

"My lord's horse is naturally excellent." Li Mu replied, but he was a little suspicious.

Last night, Lin Zhihe came over to provoke him out of nowhere when he was assassinated by a paper figurine. Could it be that the paper figurine was sent by him?

He carefully sensed the fluctuations of spiritual power in Lin Zhihe's body, but he could only feel that the other party had already completed the Qi Dynasty. As for the kind of spiritual power in his body, he couldn't judge it unless he fought.

"Hahaha!" Lin Zhihe laughed, stroking the horse's mane, and said, "This horse has extraordinary aptitude, plus I feed it with elixir every day, it has been completely reborn, and it is completely different from those ordinary horses! "

"Yeah~~" Just as he was speaking, the white horse under Lin Zhihe's crotch let out a long hiss.

Li Mu glanced at it, and found that the horse was indeed muscular, with soft and shiny hair, but it was a bit short.

And... it looks familiar, he seems to have ridden it before.

Li Mu recalled carefully, and finally remembered, isn't this horse the same as the white official horse under his crotch when he went to Nanshan last time?
"Magistrate Li recognized it?" Lin Zhihe was full of smiles, as if you were the horse's bole, but in the end, it was my ****, hahaha, happy!

He is very happy!

Li Mu stared at him strangely, like looking at a fool.

That day, when they rode to Nanshan, ghost cries were heard from the death pit in Nanshan, everyone's horses were startled, only Li Mu and Qian Feng's horses, Qian Feng was able to quickly appease the horses because of his own destiny, and Li Mu... he was at that time Nonsense, saying that this is Bai Bufan, I didn't expect...

The muscles at the corners of Li Mu's mouth twitched slightly. He looked at the white horse under Lin Zhihe's crotch. Well, after taking the elixir for so many days, it extraordinary.

"Master are wise!" Li Mu praised him ignorant of his conscience.

He thinks that even a pig can evolve into Bajie if he takes elixir every day, so you still have the nerve to tease me here, idiot!
There was a smile on the corner of Lin Zhihe's mouth. While he was happy, he faintly felt that something was wrong. This Li Mu's smile... tsk, made him unhappy.

Not far away, Zhang Yucheng was riding a horse, but out of the corner of his eye, he paid attention to Li Mu calmly.

Last night, he manipulated a small person to test Li Mu by coordinating with Zhang Shengbi with the method of speaking, but unexpectedly, the paper figurine disappeared in less than a quarter of an hour.

He was sure that Li Mu's cultivation base was definitely not low!

The reason why he can't see through Li Mu's cultivation is nothing more than two reasons. One is that Li Mu may have mastered the secret method of concealing aura, and the other is that his cultivation is far beyond his own.

But he felt that the second possibility was unlikely. After all, he came from the Imperial Capital, which is the center of the world, rich in treasures, and possesses all kinds of spiritual objects. How could a small county magistrate in a remote village be able to compare?
Just as he was thinking, Lin Zhihe came with a horse and asked calmly, "Master Zhang, what do you think of my horse?"

Li Mu's appearance gave him a sense of foreboding, so he came to ask Zhang Yucheng, the other party was from the Imperial Capital, and he must have seen more horses than he had ridden!
"???" Zhang Yucheng glanced at it, a little puzzled. With his eyes, he could tell at a glance that it was an ordinary white horse with ordinary bones. Three hundred miles a day was the limit.

After all, it’s the countryside, the dignified sheriff only has this kind of virtue, and Li Mu probably does the same... Zhang Yucheng smiled and said, "What a horse! Master Lin is so lucky!"

"Hahaha..." Lin Zhihe swept away his unhappiness and laughed heartily.

(End of this chapter)

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