Great Swordsman

Chapter 7 Ice Heart Art!

Chapter 7 Ice Heart Art!

After lunch, Li Mu drank tea in the gazebo in the backyard of Yamen.

The pavilion is made of wood, with four columns attached to couplets, surrounded by flowers, plants and strange stones. In the pavilion, there is a stone table with pen, ink, paper and inkstone on it.

Zhao Keman and Hu Ying, Wu Goushuang Xueming.

The silver saddle illuminates the white horse, rustling like a meteor.


It is not ashamed to be a hero in the world.

Who can write your Excellency, the White-headed Taixuan Sutra!
Good words, good poetry!
Li Mu concentrated and calmed down, silently comprehending.

The battle was imminent, so Li Mu naturally wanted to learn more about one or two styles of swordsmanship, just in case something unexpected happened.

It's a pity that he is out of shape at this meeting, and after watching it for a while, he doesn't understand much.

Cultivation should go with the flow... Li Mu didn't force it, and started practicing Xiaoyaoyou instead.

As soon as he thought about it, the spiritual energy free from heaven and earth quickly poured into his body, circulated in his body, and gradually condensed into spiritual power, nourishing his physical body.

Compared with this morning, the aura between the heaven and the earth has been at least three layers thicker.

If the aura of heaven and earth continues to grow at this rate, the prosperous age of cultivation is not far away!

Once Li Mu was distracted, his practice was also affected, and the speed of Xiaoyaoyou's devouring of spiritual energy was more than twice as slow.

Li Mu hastened to calm down, but now that the spiritual energy is recovering, the peaceful world is about to enter a world of great controversy. He will think of the two obstacles in the way, the county magistrate Su Yuan and the county magistrate Qian Wanjun, and then think of how the countless poems in his mind can evolve. Jue, for a while he wanted to go to the Hengduan Mountains, to see what kind of opportunities there were born under the urging of spiritual energy, and for a while he wanted to go to the nine heavens to embrace the moon, and go down to the four seas to catch turtles. Ripples continue, restless.

This is not possible. At the beginning of practice, one step is slow, one step is slow, and one has to find a way.

Li Mu recalled the past, his heart moved, and he said silently:
If the heart is as clear as ice, the sky will not be shocked;
Ever-changing still fixed, happy and calm;
Not stained with dirt, not stained with common appearance;
Emptiness and tranquility, nothing at all;
Nothing grows together, difficulty and ease complement each other;
Forgetting the part and the thing is the same as Hun Nirvana;
The world is boundless, everything is one;

Flying flowers and fallen leaves, open-minded like a valley;

Only when you worry about all kinds of things, do you worry;
That is to say, the eyebrows are raised, and the Lingtai is quiet;
Heart without hindrance, mind without attachment;
Relieve the mind and release the spirit, Mo Ran has no soul;
The water flows calmly, but the cloud cares too late;
One heart is not superfluous, past and present are free and easy.

This is the Taoist Bing Xin Jue, which once appeared in a certain martial arts TV series, just like Happy Journey, Li Mu liked it very much, and deliberately memorized it.

After reciting silently twice, Li Mu felt that his thoughts were much more stable, so he continued to recite silently.

After about a hundred times, Li Mu only felt that there was an ice mist floating in the depths of his mind, so that there were no distracting thoughts in his mind, and his state of mind was as clear and transparent as ice.

He raised his eyes to look at the scenery outside the pavilion, it was like peeping through the ice, and it couldn't cause ripples in his heart.

This is... the Frozen Heart Art?

Unintentionally inserting willows and willows into shadows... Li Mu smiled lightly.

After realizing the Bing Xin Jue and entering the Bing Xin state, Li Mu began to practice the Happy Journey, and the speed of absorbing the spiritual energy of the world seemed to be a little faster!



Li Mu went back to his study for dinner.

The Bing Xin Jue created in the afternoon is very easy to use. Once it is used, it can quickly enter the Bing Xin state, concentrate the mind, and prevent the demons from invading. It is of great benefit to practice!

That is, the statute of limitations is only half an hour, after which it has to be cast again.

Also, Li Mu has experimented, and Bing Xin's state can also be relieved on his own, just use his mind to clear the ice fog in his mind.

Halfway through the dinner, Yang Ma, the groom, came to deliver news again.

"My lord, the county magistrate and the county magistrate have joined forces to arrest and guard most of the yamen servants, the four major gentry families, as well as teachers and scholars in the county. It is said that there are hundreds of practitioners. They surrounded the drying field in advance and hired craftsmen to build it. The arena seems to be preparing for the competition three days later." The groom said.

These toads are ugly and playful... Li Mu didn't care, nodded and said, "Continue to investigate."

"Yes!" The groom bowed and left.

After the meal, there were no recreational activities in the county, so he could only go back to his room and continue his practice of leisurely excursion.

When passing by the backyard, he found that the vegetation in the yard was lush and full of vitality, and even the flowers that only bloomed in spring and summer were competing to bloom, which was too beautiful to behold!

This is all caused by spiritual recovery.

Silent night.

Da da.

There was a knock on the door outside.

It's so late, so Yang Ma's came to deliver information again?

Li Mu got out of bed and opened the door, it was cold and shallow outside.

"Qingqian has seen adults."

After the purple air came from the east, the temperature became warmer. Tonight, Han Qingqian was dressed in a plain blue dress, her hair was shawl, and her skirts were fluttering.

She seemed to have just taken a shower, and the tips of her hair were still moist and fragrant.

"Qingqian, why are you here?" Li Mu invited her in to talk.

"My lord, Qingqian has already heard about the matter at noon." Han Qingqian came in with her head lowered, her delicate and small earlobes were covered with blush.

"Don't worry, after three days I'll wait for the official to sweep the acupoints in Liting, clean up the serious ailments, and then I will appeal for your grievances, and then, heck, I will accept you as a concubine." Li Mu said without looking sideways.

Han Qingqian didn't see it that way, she didn't know that the purple energy came from the east and the spiritual energy revived, all she knew was that there were many people on the other side. , Scholar!
If your lord loses, most of your power will be taken away. He is an official of the imperial court. Those people dare not kill your lord, but she is finished.

The father and son of the Shi family coveted her beauty, if it fell into their hands, life would be worse than death!
She hesitated for a day and decided to attack!

"My lord, Qingqian will serve you in bed tonight, please help me." Han Qingqian bowed profusely, her hair fell down on her chest, she was so beautiful.

Ah this...

Li Mu was a little bit at a loss, but he always hated people who were indecisive, and secretly told himself that he must not do this!
"Get up, I will help you." Li Mu pretended to be an old driver, showing no expression of emotion or anger.

Han Qingqian responded with a hum, and got up, but she didn't dare to look up at anyone again.

Seeing that it seemed to be windy outside, Li Mu hurriedly closed the door, and then led Han Qingqian's green hands to the bed.

Her hands are as white as jade, with green onions and five long fingers, which are extremely tactile. The nails are round and rosy, and seem to glow under the candlelight.


"Qingqian, it's getting late, let's..." Li Mu looked at her pretty face covered with red clouds, and his breath was clogged.

"Listen to your lord Qingqian." Han Qingqian closed her eyes tightly, her long eyelashes trembling.

Li Mu didn't hesitate any longer, pushed her down gently, removed the curtain, and covered her with a quilt...

Half an hour later, Li Mu walked out of the bedroom, looked up at the moon, and felt that the bright moon was like a clean and round buttocks, which made people nostalgic.

Gentle Township, it really is the Hero Tomb.

Li Mu took a deep breath of the icy air, and then activated the Bing Xin Jue.

The heart is as clear as ice, the sky is not shocked...

Soon, Li Mu's mind was filled with icy mist, and he entered a state of icy heart. Everything in the world could no longer tempt his mind.

"In the middle of the night, be careful of candles~" At this time, the voice of the watchman Xu Tong came from afar, with a hint of righteousness. In this silent night, it didn't sound harsh and disturbing, but rather Feel the peace of mind and make people sleep more securely.

Li Mu smiled lightly, raised his head and looked at the moon again, only to feel that everything is not in his heart, and his mind can't help but widen.

Xiaoyaoyou started with a single thought, crazily devouring the aura of the surrounding world.

Then he broke the branches into swords, and used the nine-style sword formulas evolved from the wine, one by one.

Generally, when practicing swordsmanship, one must practice sword moves first, and then comprehend the sword intent after mastering the mastery. When the sword intent is realized, all flowers, plants, rocks and trees can be used as swords, and you don't stick to foreign objects, and you will no longer be trapped by sword moves!
But Li Mu's nine-style sword formula is directly inspired from "Jian Jin Jiu", and it contains sword intent when he starts to use it. To use the old saying, all roads lead to Rome. Li Mu was born in Rome!

Of course, having a sword intent doesn't mean that Li Mu doesn't need to practice swords. There is also an arena in Rome, and the sword intent naturally has its strengths and weaknesses!
Li Mu's sword intent is sharp, heroic, and open-minded, but it is still weak, and needs more practice to hone his sword intent!
(End of this chapter)

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