Chapter 74
Back in the county, Zhang Yucheng bid farewell to Lin Zhihe and others, and returned to the mansion alone.

He first found a different person and asked for information about King Qingping's tomb.

Yiren is from the Western Regions, responsible for breeding hawks, and has also cultivated a lot of flying pigeons. Usually, Yiren uses flying pigeons to connect with Zhang Ziyao's group of disciples who have escaped into the deep mountains and old forests!
"My lord, the tomb of King Qingping has not been found yet, but a cave has been found, which contains a strong aura of self-soil." Yirenhui reported.

"Is this true?!" Zhang Yucheng was overjoyed. On this trip to Tai'a County, he had relied on the strange stone sent by his uncle Zhang Ziyao to condense the second qi with Jitu aura. Now, he found the Jitu aura cave again. It's God's will!

As long as the second qi is complete, I can single-handedly suppress that powerful Li Mu who has no king, no father, lawlessness... Zhang Yucheng's heart is surging, he wants to go on the road immediately, but after thinking about it, he is not in a hurry at this moment. Something to do!
"Come here!" Zhang Yucheng yelled, and asked people to go to the Zuixian Tower, and ask the oiran flower to explain!
During the trip to the dead man's pit, he was very depressed, and he had to find a woman to vent his anger, otherwise it would be hard to dissipate the fire in his heart!
Then, he begins to shower.

Half an hour later, his people came back to report: "My lord, Hua Jieyu is missing."

"Huh? What did you say?!" Zhang Yucheng's face turned serious, he had already taken a shower, and you told him that Hua Jieyu was missing?
He is full of anger, you bear it?

The man lowered his head and didn't dare to look at Zhang Yucheng, and quickly said: "My lord, I will immediately notify the county guard and the county lieutenant, and ask them to send someone to look for it. I believe there will be news soon."

"Get out!" Zhang Yucheng said angrily.

"Yes, this subordinate will leave." The man bowed his head and left quickly.

"You bastard! You bastard! You bastard!!" Zhang Yucheng started throwing things in the room.


noon the next day.

The three of Li Mu rushed to the location of the ghost mountain, but they didn't stop, but continued to move forward for more than ten miles before stopping.

"Zhang Long Zhang Hu, you go back to the county first, I have important matters to deal with!" After sending the two brothers away, Li Mu went straight into the dense forest.

He was sure that Zhang Yucheng was looking for the tomb of King Qingping under Zhang Ziyao's order, so he didn't dare to enter the ghost mountain, worried that meeting them would cause trouble.

So I deliberately walked more than ten miles before entering the mountain.

Going deep into the forest, Li Mu ran the ice cap and hurried on his way.

After Yiqi Chaoyuan was consummated, Li Mu's speed increased greatly, and he crossed mountains and ridges like walking on flat ground. During the period, he also encountered wild beasts. He didn't make a move, but used his speed to get rid of them, so as not to attract Zhang Ziyao's men with the smell of blood!

A day later, the Qingping County Government Office.

With the voice of grievances, Hua Jieyu and Xiaohuan begged to see Li Mu with their burdens on their backs.

The yamen servant told them that Mr. Li is not in the county yamen, but they can go to Li's mansion outside the county to look for it.

The two of them didn't dare to delay and went to Li's mansion immediately, but the servants of Li's mansion told them that Mr. Li had not returned!

"Sister, this County Magistrate Li is too much!" Xiaohuan was very angry. The two sisters started the road half a day later than Li Mu. They have already arrived, how could Li Mu not arrive yet?
He must have avoided seeing them, fearing to offend Zhang Yucheng.

Maybe at this moment, Li Mu has already sent someone to notify Zhang Yucheng!

Xiaohuan suggested Hua Jieyu, run away immediately, or it will be too late!

Hua Jieyu shook his head and said with a smile, "If County Magistrate Li is really such a person, he would have sent someone to arrest us long ago."

When Xiaohuan thought about it, it seemed to be the truth.

She scratched her temple hair balls, looking delicate and naive.

at the same time.

In the backyard of the Li Mansion, Han Qingqian was pouring spiritual water on the gourd vines.

Under the nourishment of the spring's spiritual water, this gourd vine has fully matured. The vines climbed along the green bamboo, covered the wooden frame, and blossomed and bore fruit. The gourd vine was covered with green gourds the size of a little finger.

But the strange thing is that two days ago, these small gourds fell one by one, and they all died!

Han Qingqian was worried that it was broken, thinking that the gourd vine was malnourished and could not give birth to children, so she hurriedly watered it desperately, but it still couldn't stop the gourd vine from dropping the gourd.

But Li Mu was not around at this time, so she couldn't find anyone to discuss with.

Fortunately, this situation finally disappeared until there was only the last small gourd left on the gourd vine.

"Little gourd, don't drop it, or your lord will be very sad." Han Qingqian babbled to the green-skinned little gourd while pouring water.

"Mrs. Ru." At this time, a maid ran up to her in small steps and reported, "Mrs. Ru, there was a lady outside the door who came to see the master just now. She looks really good-looking."

"Huh?" Han Qingqian felt vigilant in her heart, she thought for a while, and said, "Please go to the side hall, I want to see her."

"Yes, Ma'am." The maid responded and left.

Outside Li's residence, Hua Jieyu and Xiaohuan were about to leave, the door of Li's residence was wide open, and the maid trotted out, saying, "Wait a minute, our Madam Ru wants to see you."

Ru Furen is a respectful title for concubines, Hua Jieyu thought about it, and nodded with a smile: "Please lead the way."

They followed the maid into Li's Mansion, walked around the screen wall, walked through the Orchid Pavilion Garden, and came to the side hall, where they saw Han Qingqian sitting in the main seat.

The two women meet and examine each other.

Proud breasts, wasp waist and round buttocks, slim... This is Hua Jieyu's evaluation of Han Qingqian.

Beautiful, graceful, charming... This is Han Qingqian's evaluation of Hua Jieyu.

A trace of urgency appeared in Han Qingqian's heart, but her expression remained calm. She ordered someone to serve tea. After they exchanged names, she smiled and asked, "Miss Hua, what do you want from my lord?"

"Come and ask Master Li for protection." Hua Jieyu told the story of being forced to be a maid, but deliberately concealed the identity of Zhang Yucheng's imperial envoy.

When Han Qingqian heard it, she felt the same way, because she was also coerced by Shi's father and son to be a concubine, and she was even imprisoned in the end!
Her fate is very similar to that of Hua Jieyu!
But as a woman, she knew that the more beautiful a woman was, the more she would lie. She didn't believe it, and said, "Your Excellency has not returned from a trip, and Miss Hua will stay in the county first. to inform you."

"So, thank you, Sister Han." Hua Jieyu did not refuse.


In a deep mountain and old forest dozens of miles away from the tomb of King Qingping, Zhang Yucheng led a few followers and followed the map to a cave.

There are several people standing outside the cave with knives. They are the subordinates sent by Zhang Yucheng to find King Qingping's tomb.

These people are all Zhang Ziyao's people, their cultivation bases are all in the same Qi Dynasty, they used to be soldiers, and they are all very brave!

"Second Young Master!" When they saw Zhang Yucheng coming, they saluted immediately.

Zhang Yucheng nodded slightly, and walked quickly to the outside of the cave. Standing here, he already felt a strong aura of self-soil!

Just standing outside is already so rich, but inside... Zhang Yucheng is excited, he is confident that he can condense the second qi to perfection within seven days at most!
At that time...

He no longer hesitated, and immediately went deep into the cave and began to practice.

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(End of this chapter)

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