Great Swordsman

Chapter 80 Lightning strikes the wood fossil!

Chapter 80 Lightning strikes the wood fossil!
Changing the wind and cleaving the waves is the sword tactic of avoiding water.

Li Mu stabbed out with a sword, the sword energy divided into waves and broke through the waves, and the water waves more than ten meters high were easily broken by his sword!

boom! !

He was standing on the river, and the water waves more than ten meters high passed by him, and they fell heavily on the river surface, splashing water vapor all over the sky!
In the water vapor, the dragon and python swam around like ghosts, looking for Li Mu's flaws.

It is huge and bloated, comparable to a heavy-duty truck, but the speed of parading in the river is as fast as lightning.


Amidst the roar, the dragon snake swung its tail, wrapped several tons of water waves with its monster aura, and pulled towards Li Mu's vest.

Li Mu thrust out with a backhand sword.

It is still the wind and the waves, the sword energy is like frost, easily breaking through the water waves, and slashing heavily on the snake's tail of the dragon python.

There, the black monster power was boiling, and it was fighting fiercely with the sword energy!
The monster power of the dragon python is mottled and rich, like a pot of hodgepodge, although the quantity is large, but the quality is not good, especially, Li Mu's sword energy is cut by the seven-star dragon, its sharpness is unparalleled in the world!
The sword qi beeped, and finally broke through the monster power and cut into the tail of the dragon and python.

"Roar!!" In an instant, the snake's scales shattered, flesh and blood rolled, and was pierced into the snake's bone by the sword energy!
Under the severe pain, Jiao Mang rolled crazily in the river, and the surface of the river suddenly boiled.

Li Mu took advantage of the victory to pursue, his sword energy was like a rainbow, and he repeatedly slashed at Jiao Mang.

The dragon python was so angry that its monster power was like boiling water. It wrapped its whole body, hit its head and whipped its tail, and attacked Li Mu with all its might. However, under the blessing of Qixing Longyuan, the power of Li Mu's sword formula increased greatly. Dozens of huge and hideous wounds were left on the body of the dragon python!

One of them cut the Jiao Python's forehead, cutting off more than half of the jelly-like substance under its snake scales that looked like antlers!
The Jiaopyg roared in pain, and the roar was mixed with a bit of panic. It turned around and swallowed the jelly-like substance in one gulp, quickly got into the river, and swam further upstream.

Li Mu paused, but in the end he didn't go after him. Firstly, his purpose was to find Brother Crow. Secondly, the upper reaches of the Lancang River are not far from the Nujiang River. There must be monsters more terrifying than Jiaomang there. wisdom!
He went ashore here and followed the route he had come last time to find Brother Crow.

But after searching for a day, he did not find any trace of Brother Crow.

The next day, he climbed up and looked into the distance, and found that the sky was cloudless, and there was not a single cloud in sight.

If Brother Crow was born after thunder, he certainly wouldn't be here.

But the Hengduan Mountain Range is so big, and he doesn't know where it will thunder, so where can he find it?
Li Mu frowned, and then remembered that the last time he found Brother Crow by throwing stones and asking for directions, how about...

Li Mu broke off a branch decisively and threw it high.

After landing, the branch points northwest.

Although it feels a little unreliable, there is no other way.

Li Mu hurried on his way sullenly.

In one day, Li Mu ran for hundreds of miles like crazy, his legs were cramped. Finally, he saw dark clouds ahead, covering a high mountain, where the thunder was endless, and the purple thunder flickered like a snake!

Thunder echoed in the mountains, and accompanied by the terrifying power of heaven and earth, the oppressive beasts with a radius of a hundred miles bowed their heads and trembled, humming and trembling.

However, there is a crow flying outside the thundercloud!

Brother Crow, fate... Li Mu looked at the crow as big as a calf with relief, and felt... very relieved!
He didn't know whether Brother Crow was unlucky, or because he had nine purple qi, so he was blessed. In short, he really relied on throwing stones to ask for directions, and found his Brother Crow twice in a row.

He was going to give Brother Crow a surprise, so he quietly went up the mountain.

He has a free and easy life, can hide his breath perfectly, and is not afraid of being discovered by Brother Crow.

But halfway up the mountain, Li Mu found something unusual.

Because, his crow brother has always been hovering outside the thunderclouds, not approaching the mountain top.

Is there another demon on this mountain?

Li Mu became more and more cautious. He slowed down the speed of going up the mountain while observing the thundercloud.

A thunderbolt fell from the thundercloud, winding and landing on the top of the mountain, fleeting.


At the same time, a thunderous roar came from the top of the mountain, and the sound waves carried black demonic power and spread around like ripples.

Li Mu's eardrums hurt, and he was almost injured by a shock!

He circulated his awe-inspiring energy, protecting his eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

This roar sounded familiar... Li Mu recalled carefully, it seemed to be similar to the roar of that dragon python.

Could it be another dragon python?

At this moment, there was an ear-piercing and sharp eagle cry from within the thundercloud. Li Mu raised his head and saw a huge gray roc spreading its wings and flying in the thundercloud. Thunder flowers crackled and exploded, and there were visions in both claws, accompanied by flames!
The roc descended from the sky, the crowing of the eagle overwhelmed the thunder, its power was unparalleled!

Li Mu looked at this roc, and felt as if a big stone had been crushed in his heart, and he couldn't breathe!

He looked at the crow brother outside the thunder cloud. It flapped its wings and flew lower and lower. It seemed that it dared not fly higher than the roc, and it had a tendency to drift outwards!

Facing this big roc that shuttled through the thunder clouds and bathed in the thunder light, his crow brothers seemed not to dare to snatch the opportunity on the top of the mountain.

Li Mu sighed. If he had encountered this situation a few days ago, he might have to retreat. After all, although opportunities are precious, life is more important!

But now... Li Mu caressed the blade of Qixing Longyuan lightly, relying on the sharpness of this top ten famous swords in ancient times, he had the opportunity to glimpse the good fortune on the top of the mountain!

Li Mu lowered his body and continued to head towards the top of the mountain.



On the top of the mountain, eagles were singing and roaring. Li Mu looked over while driving, and saw a thick snake python soaring into the sky from the top of the mountain, shooting towards the roc like an arrow from the string.

The roc did not dodge or dodge, it swooped down extremely powerfully, its wings fluttered, and the thunder light exploded between the gray peng's feathers, it turned into a pair of lightning wings, and it slashed down heavily towards the Jiao Mang's head!

Jiao Mang went head-on, colliding with Lei Guangchi.

boom! !

The monster power rolled, the air wave exploded, and the dragon python was cut off by the thunder wings, roaring and rolling into the mountain top.

But it was fine, it swam around the top of the mountain for a few laps and then rushed into the sky!

Li Mu looked carefully, only to find that there was a sharp horn on the head of this dragon python!
Is this a dragon that has already turned into a dragon?

Li Mu was shocked, but at the same time, he also realized that the opportunity on the top of the mountain might not be just the lightning-type aura, otherwise, how could it cause a life-and-death confrontation between these two monsters?

Finally, Li Mu came to the top of the mountain. The place was desolate, without a trace of greenery, and the land was scorched black, probably struck by lightning.

However, near the cliff on the top of the mountain, there is a dark... tree?

or stone?

That thing is pitch black, most of it 'grows' in the ground, it is said to be a tree, more like a stone...

At this time, another thunderbolt fell, and it fell straight on this tree-like stone. The thunder and lightning, like a purple waterfall, poured down from it and spread indiscriminately to the surroundings.

Faintly, Li Mu saw a smear of purple light on the top of the thing, and shredded thunder.

This is indeed lightning strike wood!
But look at the skin, could it be...

Li Mu's heart skipped a beat: Lightning struck wood fossils? !

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(End of this chapter)

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