Chapter 83 The Second Qi Dynasty Yuan Consummation
A cave somewhere tens of miles away from the tomb of King Qingping.

In the very depths, there is a bottomless gap, about the thickness of a thigh, and bursts of rich aura of self-soil permeate out of the gap.

Zhang Yucheng sat cross-legged next to the gap, concentrated his eyes and closed his eyes, and was running his natal heart method, the Greedy Wolf Star Sutra, madly devouring the aura of his own soil!
His natal mentality evolved from an ancient book called the Tanlang Xingjing, which focuses on killing and cutting, and corresponds to the Tanlang Xingxing, with great potential!

If it weren't for his limited understanding of this ancient star scripture, it is absolutely impossible to only have six purple qi!
Like his cousin Zhang Yulang, he also obtained his natal heart from an ancient star scripture called the Qinglong Star Classic. His understanding of the star scripture is better than his own, and he got seven purple qi. He is one of the 72 elites in Gyeonggi. It's the facade of their Zhang family!
However, Zhang Yucheng feels that his uncle Zhang Ziyao must be superior in terms of savvy. This uncle has read a lot of books since he was a child, and the ink in his belly is like a river of water, eloquent!

The ancient star scriptures of the two brothers were provided by Zhang Ziyao!

Zhang Yucheng felt that even his cousin could get seven purple qi, so his uncle Zhang Ziyao probably got eight purple qi as a base, right?
"If uncle is 30 years younger, he must be the tenth pride of the imperial capital!"

Zhang Yucheng practiced alone in this deep mountain and old forest, and would think of the prosperity of the imperial capital from time to time.

In the land of the imperial capital, Gyeonggi, anyone under the age of 30 and possessing seven purple auras can enter the list of outstanding figures. There are a total of 72 people on this list.
As for the Tianjiao list, only those who are under 30 years old and have eight purple qi can enter. In the huge imperial capital of Gyeonggi, there are nearly ten million people, and only nine people are on the list!
Zhang Yucheng sighed with emotion, although he was a doctor of the Ministry of Justice in the imperial capital and wore a scarlet robe, but in terms of cultivation talent, he couldn't even get into the list of outstanding figures!
However, that was the most prosperous Imperial Capital in the Great Zhou!
And here, in Tai'a County, a small place, he will never allow anyone to trample on his dignity!
He thought of Li Mu, who threatened him in front of so many people under the death pit, making him lose face, and after that, his pre-appointed woman, Hua Jieyu, went to Qingping County, suspected of wanting to put a hat on him!
This kind of deep hatred is simply unbearable!

Zhang Yucheng was so excited that he wished he could lead people directly into Qingping County.

It's a pity that among the people he brought, the imperial guards had their own commander and command. After finding out the truth about Qian Fengzhise, the former inspector, the commander took the imperial guards back to the imperial capital to reassess his duties, and only a few guards were left for him. It's eyeliner.

And Uncle Zhang Ziyao's more than a hundred disciples have an even more difficult task to find King Qingping's tomb, and they will never delay this matter for him!

The rest are the dozen or so disciples he raised. These people, how should I put it, are easy to deal with the three county magistrates of Chen Pingan, but they are still not as good as Li Mu!
Therefore, he had to wait until the Erqi Chaoyuan Consummation!
Now, it's only a star and a half away!

Zhang Yucheng calmed down, emptied his mind, and re-run the Greedy Wolf Star Sutra to absorb the aura of Jitu.

The pale yellow aura circulates along the meridians, taking out the shape of a wolf's head, dissolving the gloomy earthiness in it, and finally entering the spleen, where it merges with the essence of the spleen.

The setting sun is like blood, slowly sinking to the west.

Deep in the cave, there was a burst of joyful laughter.

"Hahaha..." Zhang Yucheng stood up, his face was like a crown of jade, and his eyes were shining brightly, "Finally, the Erqi Chaoyuan is consummated!"

Zhang Yucheng couldn't wait to find Li Mu.

Now, he has cultivated the sunflower water aura of the five elements and the aura of self-soil to the consummation of the Erqi dynasty. Shengbi, wearing a soft armor woven with white jade emperor silk and human-faced spider king silk, he couldn't imagine the possibility of his defeat!
However, it is famous to learn from others!

His uncle is the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and countless people are staring at him. As an imperial envoy, if he bullies others, he will definitely cause endless troubles for his uncle.

Zhang Yucheng's eyes flashed, and he quickly thought of a way.


Two days later.

Hengduan Mountains, on top of a certain mountain.

Li Mu and his crow brothers stood next to the lightning strike wood fossils every day, rain or shine, absorbing the lightning-type heterogeneous aura within them day and night.

Two days later, Lei Xiao on Li Mu's liver grew bigger and bigger, from the size of a little finger to the size of a middle finger!
The reason for such progress is that there is an endless supply of lightning-type heterogeneous spiritual energy here, even if you eat and drink, you can still practice by relying on lightning strike wood fossils!
Secondly, with his natal heart method, Happy Journey, combined with nine purple qi, his cultivation speed can be called the ceiling level of human beings!
His crow brother is not bad either, the whole bird leans on the lightning strike wood fossil, like sitting, can not move for a few days, but Li Mu seriously suspects that it is lazy to sleep!

Li Mu was worried that its muscles would become weak after sitting for a long time, so he asked it to grab some game from the mountain from time to time. Brother Crow was very grateful to him, and he quacked every time, very happy.

"It's not far away from Erqi Chaoyuan's consummation." Li Mu felt that the growth rate of Lei Xiao in the liver was slowly slowing down. He guessed that it had already reached its consummation, and it might be his last breath!

Half a hundred miles away, with his last breath, Li Mu worked harder and more cautiously. He specially drove the crow brothers out to catch wild boars, and monopolized the lightning strike wood fossils.

A trace of thunder-type alien spiritual energy poured into his body from his hands, and circulated in his body as he wandered freely, feeling the power of destruction and vitality with his muscles, bones, flesh and blood, and finally, it flowed into the liver, merged with the essence of the liver, and turned into a purple spirit Force, into the thunder-shaped Thunder Xiao.

This process is very sour and refreshing, even if it has been practiced for many days, it is not uncomfortable!

One day later, at a certain moment, Lei Xiao suddenly radiated purple light and thunder flashed. Li Mu was very familiar with this kind of vision, and knew that it was Lei Xiao's great achievement, and the Erqi Chaoyuan was consummated.

He hurriedly circulated Lei Xiao, transferring it from the liver to the dantian.

In an instant, the Ice Soul and Lei Xiao in the dantian spun rapidly like yin and yang fish, the purple Lei Xiao's power and the blue Ice Soul's power confronted each other, and finally, a balance was reached.

Bing Po and Lei Xiao float in the center of the dantian, each radiating light and not invading each other.

Li Mu let out a sigh of relief, it's done!
"Quack!!" At this moment, Brother Crow flew from the sky with a strange cry, holding a struggling wild boar in its claws.

This is their lunch.

But, before lunch, get some exercise!
Li Mu's second qi dynasty was complete, and he couldn't wait to feel his own combat power.

He pulled out the seven-star Dragon Abyss and stood on the top of the mountain. In the distance, the undulating mountains and forests were all dyed, and the abyss thousands of feet below was filled with clouds and mist, and the dark clouds above the city weighed down the city. He felt a sense of pride in his chest:
"How about Dai Zongfu? Qi Lu Qingwei is now.

Chong Shenxiu, yin and yang cut faintly.

Zeng Yun was born with a chest swing, and he decided to enter the home bird.

It will be the top of the mountain, and you can see all the mountains and small ones at a glance! "

Li Mu had a realization, he leaped up in the air, stabbed out with a sword, the ice soul and Lei Xiao circulated at the same time, spurting out two completely different spiritual powers, pouring them into Longyuan, and shooting out an ice thunder sword energy angrily!
'Ling Jue Ding! ! '

The sword qi was like frost, faster than lightning, flashing past Brother Crow's crotch with lightning speed, rushing to the sky, swaying away the dark clouds, a glaring ray of sunlight passed through the gap of the dark clouds, and landed on Li Mu's body.


At this moment, Brother Crow felt a slight chill in his crotch, and at the same time, the wild boar struggling under its claws suddenly split into two, spilling pig blood all over the sky.

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(End of this chapter)

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