Chapter 92

That night.

Li's dinner.

Li Mu invited Master He, Han Qingqian invited Hua Jieyu, plus Lin Youjing, Zhang Long, Zhang Hu and others, it was very lively.

Hu Tun Tun and Little White Horse also came. The latter saw a lot of people, pretended to be an honest horse, and followed the groom in a well-behaved manner.

The groom was seriously injured during the day, but after eating more than a dozen pieces of dragon scale dates and two pieces of red blood vine, the injury improved by half.

Hu Tun Tun came to the table very impolitely, occupying a seat. It supported the stool with two legs, its left paw touched the table, and its right paw pointed at the pig's trotters. He patted the rice bowl in front of the table, the rice bowl was bigger than his head.

Han Qingqian dotes on it very much, he will pinch it whatever it refers to.

Hu Tun Tun buried his head in the rice bowl, gobbled it up, it was so crunchy!

"Mr. He, thanks to your worrying about the affairs of the county these days, you have worked so hard. I would like to respect you!" Li Mu sat with Mr. He, knowing that Mr. He was too old to drink, so he poured him a glass Tea made from red blood vine.

The tea is as red as blood, but has a pleasant aroma. Drinking it can increase qi and blood, and the medicinal effect is mild. For the elderly, it is a rare tonic.

"My lord, you are welcome. Being able to do things for the common people is what I have been seeking all my life, and I dare not say it hard." Master He took a sip of tea, his face was flushed, and the turbidity in his eyes seemed to be a little less.

These days, he has been supplemented by spiritual things every day, and his aging is gradually disappearing. Unfortunately, he has no intention of practicing.

Everyone has their own aspirations, and Li Mu doesn't force it, just let nature take its course.

Halfway through the dinner, the oiran raised his glass to Li Mu, came to toast, and said with a smile, "Master Li, please take care of me in the future."

She changed into a pink and white glutinous dress with pink makeup and jade-like makeup. After drinking, her cheeks were flushed, which perfectly blended the femininity and enchantment of a woman.

After this battle, she has decided to live in Qingping County for a long time and belong to Li Mu, so she naturally wants to have a good relationship with him.

Li Mu expressed his welcome.

This oiran is very talented. In Qingping County, he is only under him and Lin Xiaojing. If he is trained well, he will definitely be able to stand on his own!
However, some things still need to be clarified.

"Master Hua, that Zhang Yucheng came from a famous family with a profound background and outstanding talent. He will return to the Imperial Capital in a short time and has a bright future. If you follow him, not to mention the prosperity and wealth, it will also be of great benefit to your practice. Why would you rather die? From where?" Li Mu asked.

"Your Excellency, just call me Xie Yu." Hua Jieyu explained, "If he treats each other with sincerity, I will naturally reciprocate, but since the first time he saw me, he has always regarded me as a plaything. If I follow He will never see the light of day."

She is not only explaining why she rejected Zhang Yucheng, but also expressing her position to Li Mu, as long as she treats each other with sincerity, she will not betray
"Hua Da... Xie Yu can be called an amazing woman." Li Mu boasted.

"Your Excellency is laughing at you." Hua Jieyu changed the subject and mentioned the different kind of aura.

"Only people with more than five purple qi can condense and absorb it?" Li Mu was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook his head. It seems that it was wise not to let Zhang Long and the others absorb the ice-type heterogeneous aura, otherwise, they might be attacked by the heterogeneous aura. It sinks directly into the underground river under the spring.

Li Mu looked at Hua Jieyu, seeing her eyes staring at him like water, he couldn't help but smile, he was able to defeat Zhang Yucheng with a single sword, it must have been condensed with a different kind of spiritual energy, as long as he is not stupid, he can tell.

Li Mu's eyes were full of meaning, and he said with a smile: "Jie Yu, you are only attached, and you want to get a different kind of spiritual energy from me, aren't you afraid that I will suspect you?"

Hua Jieyu shook his head with a smile, and said: "Cultivation is a long-term thing, but it is also a matter of time. If Mr. Li did not arrive in time today, I am afraid that I will be hated in Zhang Yucheng's writing, so, so..."

"So, 1 years is too long to seize the day?" Li Mu understood what she was thinking.

1 years is too long, seize the day...

"Your Excellency's words are really good." Hua Jieyu was deeply moved, and Yingying bowed down, "Please, Your Excellency, please fulfill me."

Li Mu pondered for a while, and finally agreed to her.

This time Zhang Yucheng attacked, if he hadn't rushed back in time, the consequences would have been unpredictable. This made him realize that although Lin Youjing is powerful, he is only one person after all, and someone needs to help him to support Qingping County together.

As for the practitioners in Qingping County, only Hua Jieyu, who has five purple qi, can barely help him.

That being the case, Li Mu naturally wouldn't be stingy with the exotic aura.

Of course, if Hua Jieyu crosses the river and demolishes the bridge, or plots against her, let alone Li Mu, Lin Youjing can suppress her alone!

At the end of the dinner, Li Mu called Master He to the side, and asked him to write a memorial about King Qingping's tomb and send it to the Ministry of Rites of the Imperial Capital!

"My lord, the tomb of King Qingping is of great importance. If there is any discrepancy, it is a crime of deceiving the emperor. Have you thought about it clearly?" Master He was a little worried that Li Mu was deliberately deceiving in order to deal with Zhang Yucheng.

"Don't worry, I've found King Qingping's tomb a long time ago." Li Mu said with a smile, "You write the memorial to me tomorrow, and don't worry about the rest."

"That's it, I will do as the next official does." Master He bowed his hands and agreed.


That night.

After drinking a lot, Han Qingqian asked Li Mu for advice.

The next day.

Li Mu got up early and rushed to the backyard.

The gourd vines beside the bamboo stream are spreading branches and leaves on the shelf, the pavilion is like a cover, and there is a fist-sized green gourd hanging in the middle, which emits fluorescence and is extraordinary.

If you look closely, you can find that its green skin is gradually deepening and developing towards blue.

Li Mu caressed the gourd lightly, but unfortunately, the gourd didn't respond to him, let alone shouting 'Grandpa, grandpa, grandpa' to him.

After eating the porridge made by Han Qingqian himself, Li Mu came to the study and found a map of Tai'a County. According to his memory, he circled the location of King Qingping's tomb with a red pen.

Although there will be deviations, it is generally in this position.

"Master, Catcher Lin and Miss Hua are here." The maid Xiaocui trotted over to report, "They are waiting for you, Master, in the side hall."

"Understood." Li Mu put away the map, walked all the way through the garden corridor, and came to the side hall.

"My lord." Lin Youjing and Hua Jieyu saluted together.

"How was your rest last night?" Li Mu asked Hua Jieyu.

"The heart disease is gone, Xie Yu is resting very well." Hua Jieyu had no makeup on her face, and she actually had the feeling of Xiaojiabiyu.

Li Mu didn't talk nonsense, and said, "Little Whale, take Xie Yu to the Lancang River spring to absorb the ice-type aura, pay attention to safety."

"Yes, my lord!" Lin Youjing didn't ask much, and answered cleanly.

"Thank you for your trust." Hua Jieyu said, "Xie Yu will definitely live up to you."

After the two left, Li Mu waited and waited, but Master He didn't come.

Could it be that he is old, has dementia, and forgot about the memorial?

Or did he have ulterior motives and ran away with news of King Qingping's tomb?
That's not right, I didn't tell him the exact location of King Qingping.

After lunch, Li Mu finally couldn't sit still, and was about to go to the county government to look for Master He himself, but just as he was leaving, he saw Master He get off the carriage.

"Your Excellency has been waiting for a long time." Master He handed over the two papers respectfully, and said, "The incident happened suddenly, and I didn't have time to report it to Your Excellency. Please read it first."

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(End of this chapter)

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