Great Swordsman

Chapter 97 Chapter 3: Fire Essence!

Chapter 97 The Third Qi: Fire Essence!

On the top of the mountain, red smoke filled the air, and the scorching high temperature distorted the air, steaming like a steamer.

However, a streak of frosty sword energy traversed the sky, and the icy chill radiated froze the scorching air. In the distorted air, an ice crystal sword path was broken, stabbing the Salamander straight.


The fire lizard turned around slowly, and the red scales on its body closed rapidly, ejecting countless crimson demonic powers. It rolled its long tongue, swallowed all the demonic powers in the mouth, and immediately spewed out violently.

The crimson demon power turned into a flaming tornado, roaring and colliding with the Frost Sword Qi!
Ice and fire collided fiercely, and the extreme confrontation soon caused a violent explosion, the air waves rolled, and the ground cracked.

"The gate of heaven interrupts the opening of the Chu River, and the clear water flows eastward to this point.

The green hills on both sides of the strait face each other, and the lonely sail is approaching the sun. '

The sword opens the gate of heaven! !
'The censer in the sun produces purple smoke, and the waterfall hangs in front of the river from afar.

Flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way falls nine days. '

The sword falls for nine days! !
Li Mu took one step at a time, one line at a time, one sword at a time, the violent sword aura wrapped in icy cold breath, forcibly suppressed the Salamander, and the sharp sword aura forced it back again and again!

"Roar!!" Seeing that he was about to be forced into the volcano by the two-legged beast, the Salamander was out of breath, and his cry changed from hiss to roar.

It frantically shook its long tail and pulled the nearby boulder towards Li Mu, but before it got close, it was torn apart by the sword energy!

"How about Dai Zongfu?"Qi Luqing is gone.

Chong Shenxiu, yin and yang cut faintly.

Zeng Yun was born with a chest swing, and he decided to enter the home bird.

It will be the top of the mountain, and you can see all the small mountains. '

Ling Jue Ding! !

Li Mu ruthlessly stabbed out the last sword, and the sword energy of ice and thunder descended on the top of Salamander's head instantly like a rainbow piercing the sun.

Fire Lizard felt the danger of death, and the monster power in his body boiled, gathered on the top of his head, and condensed into a real scale, but in the next moment, the red demon scale was pierced by the ice and thunder sword energy, piercing its forehead.

Salamander died on the spot!


Li Mu caressed the seven-star Longyuan lightly, the blade made a long sound, and the lingering sound continued.

It is indeed one of the top ten famous swords in ancient times. With Li Taibai's poems, it is invincible!
He put the sword back into its sheath, and Long Yuan was still clanking, as if he didn't want to put it back into the sheath, but wanted to continue fighting.

I'm psychic.

Li Mu was overjoyed, and actually wanted to continue fighting, but unfortunately, there are no enemies in front of us.

He stepped up to the summit and came to the crater. The crater was about ten meters in radius, emitting hot red smoke and exuding a pungent pungent smell.

The temperature here is very high. After standing for a while, Li Mu felt that his hair and eyebrows were going to be scorched.

At the same time, he circulated his mighty energy, protected his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and then looked down the crater.

There, the bright red magma is like boiling water, bubbling and bubbling, and emitting hot red smoke, which curls up and flies high into the sky.

Li Mu walked around the crater and confirmed that the rock walls under the crater were scorched like gray charcoal walls, and there was nowhere to stay.

Of course, if there was a place to stay, Li Mu didn't dare to go down. If his foot slipped, he would regret it forever.

In the end, he sat cross-legged in the crater, closed his eyes and concentrated on it, and began to absorb the spiritual energy nearby.

The aura here is a little hot, and Li Mu just absorbed a little, and felt hot all over, and wanted to drink water.

Li Mu frowned, he found that this was the Binghuo aura in the five elements aura, not the alien aura he wanted.

Empty joy?
Not reconciled, Li Mu moved closer to the crater and continued to absorb.

As a result, there was still Binghuo aura nearby.

Get a little closer!
Li Mu frantically tried on the verge of death, and gradually approached the crater. In the end, he almost sat on the edge of the crater. The magma below was boiling, splashing meteor-like sparks, and brushing past Li Mu's feet.

He focused again, the temperature here was a little higher, but fortunately there was ice soul, just to be on the safe side, Li Mu recited the Bing Xin formula silently, entered a state of absolute calm, and then absorbed the nearby spiritual energy.

The fiery Binghuo aura poured into his body, as if it was going to steam him. Li Mu absorbed and filtered, absorbed and filtered, and finally, traces of hotter and violent aura poured into his body than the Binghuo aura. His whole body felt as uncomfortable and painful as if he was on fire, as if magma had been poured into his body. He had only felt such horrible pain when he absorbed the ice-type aura and the thunder-type aura.

found it!
Fire-type alien aura!

Li Mu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Li Mu suddenly heard a shrill wind behind him.

He was very calm, quickly pulled out Qixing Longyuan, and slashed away with a backhand sword.

Amidst the sound of the sword, a fiery snake covered in red scales was split in two, and hot blood fell to the ground and evaporated instantly.

It is close to magma, and the ground temperature is extremely high. If Li Mu hadn't had the Ice Soul body shield, his butt would have been scalded.

Filtering out the mediocre Binghuo aura, Li Mu transported the fire-type aura to Zhou Tian, ​​gradually dissipating its fiery characteristics, and finally, it entered the heart and merged with the essence of the heart.

The moment the fire-type aura entered his heart, Li Mu felt his heart skip a beat, and his brain went black, as if he was dead. Immediately, his heart beat violently, as if it had been burned through a hole. He didn't even dare to take a big breath!

If it weren't for the Bing Xin Jue to keep him in a state of absolute calm, it might be difficult to continue.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. It took Li Mu nearly half an hour for the first ray of fire-type spiritual energy to successfully merge with the essence of the heart and condense it into a trace of scarlet spiritual energy.

This strand of spiritual power is extremely hot, exuding a bright red light, like condensed magma, like the essence, the heart seems to be illuminated by this spiritual power, shining brilliantly!

Li Mu gasped for a while, letting his body, especially his heart beat back to normal, before he dared to continue absorbing the fire-type aura.

This process is very painful, far more than the previous two times, not only because the fire-type aura scalds people, but also because it corresponds to the heart!
The heart is one of the most important organs of the human body, and a slight problem can seriously affect the health of the body.

Not to mention such a fiery fire-type heterogeneous aura, once it gets out of control, it doesn't take a few breaths to cook the heart, which is very dangerous!

Li Mu didn't dare to be careless, and strictly controlled it. He only dared to let a trace of fire-type heterogeneous aura enter his heart every time, and never greedy for more.

But in this way, his practice speed inevitably slowed down.

After cultivating like this for a long time, Li Mu finally condensed the crimson spiritual power into Qi, which he named: Huo Jing!
The shape of Huojing is not a small flame, but a meandering magma river, about the size of a little finger, swimming in the heart like a snake.

After the fire essence is formed, the next practice is much faster, but it is still very tiring, because the spirit needs to be highly concentrated throughout the whole process, and the mind must be distracted. Always pay attention to the dangers from the surroundings. If you are not careful, there will be fire snakes, fire Lizard came to attack.

As the evening approached, Li Mu was a little hungry. He put down the basket he was carrying. Inside were the spiritual herbs he picked all the way here, but many of them were charred and cooked by the high temperature here.

Li Mu didn't eat these spiritual herbs, worried that they would mutate after roasting.

Fortunately, there are still a lot of high-temperature-resistant spiritual herbs, and Li Mu gnawed some of them. The spiritual herbs nourished his spirit and body, making him feel much more comfortable.

Li Mu continued to practice until the moon was in the middle of the sky, he was tired and stopped, and planned to go down the mountain to rest for a night and continue tomorrow.

At this time, the moonlight was like a waterfall, and the silver light poured down, covering the magma. Li Mu looked down and saw a strip of red fish swimming in the magma!
He was startled: Am I dazzled?

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(End of this chapter)

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