Chapter 101
Is this looking down on him, the commander of the Imperial Guard? !
Could it be possible that his majestic servant has no deterrent power at all? !

A mere defender! !

Dong Huang was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven!
With smoke coming from his nostrils, he pointed at Yang Ding angrily:

"Yang Ding, if you don't go out of the city in person today, make a good apology to me. I will definitely deal with you in the future!"

"Master servant."

Yang Ding bowed his head to Dong Huang from the city wall, then pointed to Ding Ling and Zhao Yun and said:
"Are they Ding Ling and Zhao Yun?"


Dong Huang was taken aback.

Yang Ding understood it, especially when he saw that Ding Ling was still holding a big bow in his hand, he immediately retracted his head.

Bang bang bang!
The shield soldiers stepped forward one by one quickly, forming a 'bronze wall and iron wall' to protect Yang Ding.

Yang Ding said loudly behind the 'iron wall':
"My lord, I'm sorry. I can't disobey Chengxiang Dong's order. I can't open the door for you."


Dong Huang opened his mouth, feeling anger, shock, embarrassment, anxiety, uneasiness, fear... mixed feelings, nothing more.

He looked at Ding Ling in awe, fearing that Ding Ling would stab him with a halberd in his anger and end him.

He had seen Ding Ling's ferocity before, it was absolutely terrifying!

Ding Ling sighed:
"The dignified servant is so useless."

Dong Juan's legs were so frightened that his legs were weak, if he hadn't injured his leg, he would have rolled off the saddle and kowtowed to Ding Ling to apologize at this moment.

It's scary to say:
"This, this, this... Ying, hero..."

He stammered:

"I, I'll try again. I'm sure I can."

He hates Yang Ding now.

It caused him to lose his face without saying anything, and he was still so embarrassed and panicked!
He remembered this grudge.


Ding Ling nodded, noncommittal.

So Dong Huang stepped forward to try again, insulting, threatening, and intimidating Yang Ding in various ways!
But it seems to have no effect.

Ding Ling couldn't help but looked at Yang Ding carefully.

I saw that Yang Ding was eight feet tall, tall and broad, with good facial features, and three long beards fluttering under his jaw, very dignified!
Standing behind the shield soldier with a spear in hand, he is not angry and arrogant.

For this person.

Ding Ling was somewhat impressed.

It is recorded in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms that Yang Ding was a hero on Dong Zhuo's side. Later, when Dong Zhuo died, Yang Ding was promoted to General Anxi, General Later and other positions.

Such a person is actually guarding the gate of Yique City now?

Isn't this overkill?

However, thinking that Yique City could also be regarded as the first gateway to Luoyang, Ding Ling was relieved. Being able to put Yang Ding here to guard Yique City showed that Dong Zhuo valued and trusted him.


Dong Huang scolded loudly, his voice was smoking, but Yang Ding remained indifferent.

Ding Ling frowned slightly and asked Dong Huang to come back.

If it wasn't for Dong Huang's usefulness, Ding Ling might have killed Dong Juan now. Yique City is like this. Can he handle other cities in the later period?
Ding Ling was deeply suspicious.

With a pale complexion, Dong Huang rode back to Ding Ling's side, lowered his head slightly, and shrank a little, not daring to speak.

It's completely different from the domineering and domineering appearance in front of Yang Ding!

The people on Yang Ding's side were surprised, and there were many discussions:

"Who is that man? How do you think the servant seems to be very afraid of him?"

"It's unbelievable. It is rumored that Chengxiang Dong trusts and spoils his nephew, and now he will have such a timid day?!"


There are players who know the truth frantically revealing the truth.

Talk about all kinds of important things Ding Ling did in Luoyang!
It caused Yang Ding's party to be shocked and shocked.One by one, it's like hearing the Arabian Nights, I can't believe it!
Naturally, Ding Ling didn't know that he was already on Huang Menlang's blacklist, his information was leaked by Huang Menlang, and he was plotted against and targeted several times by Huang Menlang.

Yang Dinghui stopped in time and did not open the door, it was also Huang Menlang who was playing tricks in the dark.

Ding Ling didn't know anything.

But he knew one thing, that peace in many things is not obtained by asking for it.

It was made by strong punches and truth!
He directly bent his bow and set an arrow, aiming at Yang Ding. After Yang Ding hid more tightly, he turned the point of the arrow and aimed at the archer on the city gate tower.

call out!
Accompanied by the sound of piercing the sky, the arrow pierced the sky like a shooting star, bang!
Right on the forehead of the archer, an arrow shot through his skull, and a huge force brought him to knock down several archers along the way.

Ding Ling took the opportunity to shoot one arrow after another.

Zhao Yun immediately got off his horse and handed the arrow beside him.

Ding Ling bowed his bow and set his arrows, the arrows were like lightning, like a gust of wind, and the shrieking sound of the arrow hit the forehead, chest, heart and other vital points of each archer;
Some died suddenly on the spot;

Some were saved by the breast shield, but they were also sent flying backwards due to the powerful bombardment. Some fainted on the spot, while others were seriously injured and unable to get up.

Few of them were really intact, and all of them were more or less injured.


Yang Ding reacted and roared:

"Archers shoot back!"

At this moment, Ding Ling was only about 60 meters away from the city gate.

Very close.

Only by being so close can the power of the five-stone bow be fully displayed!
But it is not bad for ordinary soldiers to draw a crossbow.

60 meters apart, how can it show shocking power?

Even if there is really a master, but Zhao Yun next to him is holding a gentian silver gun and is always on guard. Whenever there is an approaching arrow, he will quickly push it away.

Ding Ling didn't need to worry about these things, he just focused on shooting the archers!
Just get the archers out.

Ding Ling can directly use the flying over the wall to go up the tower and kill Yang Ding!

Of course, Ding Ling could also choose to walk around the city.

But this is too time consuming.

The city is at least seven or eight miles long and wide. When he finishes walking around the city, Wei Xu's wolf cavalry will definitely catch up to him. Not to mention, there may be more large troops taking the opportunity to catch up!

If Yang Ding also joined the pursuit team.

Wouldn't he be trapped by ten breads?

It was impossible for Ding Ling to bear such a risk.

So killing Yang Ding is inevitable!

Ding Ling's arrow was fast and heavy!

Often when an arrow is released, one person must be seriously injured or killed, and there are very few minor injuries.

But for a moment.

Most of the more than [-] archers on the gate tower were killed or injured.

There were also more than a hundred archers who were so frightened that they hid and did not dare to show themselves.

Ding Ling turned his arrow and aimed at the other sword and shield soldiers and spear shield soldiers.

This time he rode his horse and walked a long distance, closer to the sword and shield soldiers.

Shooting arrows at such a close range, boom!
Often an arrow seems to have a huge force, and ordinary sword and shield soldiers can't stop it at all, and even the people with the shield are shot out.

The city gate was in chaos.

Yang Ding was dumbfounded and terrified:
"How can this person be so powerful?!"

He looked at the soldier who reported the letter before:

"How do you want me to stop him?"

(End of this chapter)

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