Chapter 203 Primary Taiqing Talisman (1321)

Ding Ling used his breathing method to hold a pen and draw amulets.The pen moves between the dragon and the snake, and a piece of talisman is vividly displayed on the paper.

Just a moment.

Ding Ling finished drawing three talismans.

They are talismans for treating plague, minor illness, and serious illness respectively.

The three talismans are of different difficulty.

The degree of complexity and the energy that needs to be injected are naturally different.

The plague talisman is the most difficult, followed by the serious illness talisman, and the easiest is the minor illness talisman.

even so.

These talismans that need to be re-engraved, most people don't have seven or eight years of hard work, so it may be difficult to perfectly re-engrave them.

Daoist Yu Ji is considered a talented person, but it still takes a long time to re-engrav the talisman.

It is conceivable that the time it took him to practice this talisman-making method must be extremely long.

The same is true.

Daoist Yu Ji has specialized in two things all his life during his journey in martial arts: the practice of internal breathing and the method of making talismans.

Yet even so.

After seeing the talisman drawn by Ding Ling.

Daoist Yu Ji still couldn't hide the shock on his face!
He was moved and paled:

"I actually practiced the method of making talismans to the point of instinct, how did I do it?!"

He was puzzled, astonished, and bewildered.

I have worked hard all my life, but I haven't reached the supreme perfection.

Ding Ling arrived in a moment.

This crit.

While Daoist Yu Ji was slumped and shaken, a feeling of excitement and joy arose in his heart that he was witnessing a miracle, witnessing the rise of a mythical statue!
"Although I find it incredible and incomprehensible. But I have to say, you are really outstanding and perfect."

Daoist Yu Ji was not stingy with his words of praise:

"Before I was worried that if you learned one more internal breathing method, it would ruin you. Now it seems that I was completely unfounded. Now you are integrated with the inside and outside, and the breathing method is unparalleled in the world.

As long as you cooperate with the big medicine and practice hard for a period of time.It must be a thousand miles a day.Reach the realm of heaven and man! "

He is fascinated:

"If you reach the realm of heaven and man, I don't know if you can get the Tao and fly away."

He looked at Ding Ling with piercing eyes:

"All my hopes are pinned on you. If you can sense that you are about to ascend to the Dao, you must remember to take me to watch the ceremony that day! I want to see with my own eyes what it is like to ascend to the Dao!"

Ding Ling was also very curious about whether there was such a thing as ascension.

Then agreed.

"Haha, let's go."

Daoist Yu Ji personally took Ding Ling to the front yard:

"You have learned all my skills now. If Zhang Zhongjing knew it, he would be amazed."

Ding Ling smiled and said nothing.


The two arrived at the front yard one after the other.

Zhang Zhongjing and others immediately surrounded the past and asked one after another:
"How about it?"

"That's all right? Is it so fast? Or do you mean to continue teaching the Fa tomorrow?"

Big and small Qiao also looked at Ding Ling and Daoist Yu Ji curiously.

Daoist Yu Ji didn't hide it either, he laughed, stroked his beard and said:

"Ding Ling's talent is really rare in ancient times. It's really amazing. It's hard for me to calm down now."

"You mean Ding Ling has already learned your technique?"

Zhang Zhongjing looked sideways.


Daoist Yu Ji nodded and said:
"Not only have I learned it, but I have also merged it into my instinct. But in terms of the depth and degree of my instinct, Ding Ling is better than me!"


Big and small Qiao was dumbfounded and speechless:

"How long has it been? Why does it feel like it's only been a few cups of tea?"

"It really hasn't been that long."

Daoist Yu Ji said with a smile:

"Actually, it took me more time to explain and practice. Ding Ling just learned, and didn't learn for long. I was also stunned at the time."

He glanced at the crowd and said:
"To be honest. At the beginning, I absolutely did not believe that Ding Ling could have a talent comparable to medicine in terms of talisman making and internal training of breathing."

"what about now?"

Zhang Zhongjing stroked his beard and said proudly.

"Of course I believe it."

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Zhongjing became more and more proud, after all, this is the legend and myth he unearthed!
And he brought him in front of Yu Ji himself, which means that he is Ding Ling's guide!
As a guide, he is naturally proud of Ding Ling's achievements!

The stronger Ding Ling is, the more proud Zhang Zhongjing is, the more he feels a sense of honor and accomplishment!

It's like watching my family climb to the highest peak step by step.

The feeling of turning a genius into a legend is indescribable.

For others, it takes time, effort and energy to develop a genius.

Zhang Zhongjing here 'raises Ding Ling'.

Just hit the fast forward button.

Swipe all the way, and quickly become a myth and legend.

The sense of cultivation that suddenly arises is even more sudden and rapid, which makes Zhang Zhongjing's heart full of excitement, excitement and joy!
He does.

Needless to say, Zhao Yun, Diao Chan, and Du Qingcheng are a small group with Ding Ling. The stronger Ding Ling is, the more they feel the radiance on their bodies, and they have an indescribable sense of lightness, freedom, and glory!
"Then don't forget your promise to me before."

Zhang Zhongjing said.

"I won't forget."

Daoist Yu Ji nodded and looked at Ding Ling:
"Would you like to show your talisman-making method? And the breathing method that integrates the inside and the outside?"

Zhao Yun and others immediately looked sideways, expressing their curiosity.

All their own.

Ding Ling didn't pretend to be garlic either, and immediately satisfied them.

Write and splash ink.

Sway freely.

The talismans are condensed one by one like a painting.

It looks beautiful, full of charm and mystery.

It was as if mysticism was born in front of my eyes.

"Sure enough, I have learned it. And this method of making talismans has reached the realm I dreamed of."

Zhang Zhongjing's heart was shaken, hearing and seeing it with his own eyes were completely different things.

Thinking of the method of making talismans that I had been pursuing tirelessly, I gave up because it was too difficult, or my qualifications did not match.

Now I saw a wizard who learned it so easily.

Compare the two.

Zhang Zhongjing instantly felt like a scumbag!

I don't feel it yet.

The more contrast.

The more radiant Ding Ling is, the more insignificant he is!
"Come on. Each person takes a few."

Ding Ling gave the painted talismans to Diao Chan, Xiao Qiao, Zhao Yun and others, and said:
"These talismans are all talismans for treating serious illnesses. The longer they are left on, the more inspirations from heaven and earth will be absorbed. The effect will be better. In the future, whenever you have a headache that cannot be cured, try putting this talisman in water and wait for the talisman Soften it, just drink the talisman water."

"Is this the legendary talisman?"

Xiao Qiao turned the talisman up and down curiously:

"The handwriting on it looks like a bible. I can't read it. But it's so beautiful. It looks like a painting. Can this really cure serious illnesses?"

"Ding Ling said yes, it will definitely work."

Da Qiao gave Xiao Qiao a hand, signaling her not to question Ding Ling:
(End of this chapter)

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