Chapter 205 Warning from Players (1521)

"Master, you guys are back. Master was still talking about you yesterday."

The two servants bowed their heads and bowed to the big and small Qiao.

At a glance, he knew that he was a servant of Qiao's family who had been prostituted.

In such troubled times.

There are many people who sell themselves like this.

"Then I will go see him with my sister now."

Although Xiao Qiao was a little cute, but also very lively, she was about to leave with Da Qiao, but suddenly thought of Ding Ling and the others, and immediately said to the boy:

"These guests are our kindly invited guests. They are very honorable. You must treat them well and don't neglect them!"

Let Joe and Joe say that.

The boy was surprised.

Because Zhou Yu has never received such kind treatment!

Why are there a few people in front of me?
Although surprised, but they are just servants, how dare to question, dare to ask?

Just nodding obediently.

"Then I'll go see my father first. Then we met in the lobby of my house."

Xiao Qiao said to Ding Ling.

See Ding Ling agree.

She couldn't wait to pull Da Qiao inside, muttering softly as she walked:

"I must show my father what a top wizard is! What a creator of myths is. If he meets Ding Ling, he will be shocked, very pleasantly surprised."

Da Qiao smiled, but was noncommittal.

Obviously she agreed with Xiao Qiao's words.I think Ding Ling has such ability.

Big and small Qiao went all the way to the study.

They know that their father usually likes to stay alone in the study to read, practice calligraphy, and practice martial arts.

But when they rushed to the study, they suddenly smelled a smell of blood.

Can't help atrial fibrillation.

looked at each other.

It was Da Qiao who was more courageous and stepped forward to push open the door.

What came into view was the blood all over the ground, as well as the face of my father's death.


Big and small Qiao seemed to be struck by lightning, and big Qiao's body, which had just recovered from illness, staggered and fell directly to the ground.

Little Qiao's mind was blank, but when she saw Big Qiao's appearance, she immediately stepped forward to help her up.

"How could this happen?"

Da Qiao Lihua was raining, her eyes were red and swollen, her face was full of disbelief:
"Isn't it fine yesterday?"

The study is very spacious.

There were five or six bookshelves. The bookshelves were originally full of books, but now the books, bamboo slips, etc. were scattered all over the place. Several bookshelves were overturned and fell to the ground, mixed with blood all over the ground, making it a mess.

"Someone must have murdered father."

Although Da Qiao is sickly and delicate, he has shown his extraordinary insight, courage, and responsibility at this moment.

A strong sense of sadness hits my mind.

She suppressed it forcibly, stabilized her trembling body, and quickly scanned the whole scene with her almond eyes:

"Looking at the situation at the scene, the murder should have happened two hours ago. The murderer is either still in Qiao's residence, or he has run away."

She looked at Xiao Qiao:
"Now go and find Ding Ling and the others. Otherwise, even if we find the murderer, we won't be able to deal with it."

Xiao Qiao's eyes were red from crying. Hearing this, she was very obedient and ran to find Ding Ling and the others.

After a while.

Ding Ling and the others arrived.

Seeing Da Qiao kneeling in front of a dead body, Diao Chan sighed inwardly, and immediately stepped forward to comfort him.

As for Du Qingcheng, he was comforting Xiao Qiao.

Ding Ling glanced at the scene and felt that it was too cruel and bloody!
Do you want to?
Just arrived at Qiao's house, and this bloody thing happened? !
He originally wanted to come to Qiao's house to rest for a day or two. By the way, he would see if there were any big medicines to buy here, and buy some for himself to improve his four-dimensional attributes.

After all, his breathing method integrates the inside and the outside, and he can already break the limit!

But what I didn't expect was that such a thing would happen.

Isn't Qiao Guolao a big shot in Wan County, Lujiang County?How could he be assassinated in the study at home.

Ding Ling observed carefully, but couldn't figure it out.

Except for a few books missing from the organized bookshelf, it seems that there is not much missing.

"I found this."

Da Qiao wiped the corners of her eyes with tears in her eyes, and handed the crumpled piece of paper to Ding Ling.

Ding Ling took it, spread it out, and took a closer look. After seeing it, a surge of anger hit his mind.

I saw that it clearly said:

"Ding Ling, I didn't expect you to come to Wanxian County, Lujiang County. It's really a man's fortune. You are too greedy. You want everything.

Did you know that your shot ruined our perfect plan.

The plan we have worked so hard to prepare for a long time was ruined by you!
For Shan Jiuren, the success fell short!
Can you feel that sense of despair, of collapse?
Since the first plan has no effect, we can only start the second plan.

Everything you see now is what we let you see.You have to understand and figure out your identity.Don't get too involved with NPCs!

This is the first time we warn you and hopefully it will be the last.

We don't want you to randomly intersperse in various Three Kingdoms plots and disrupt our plans!
Otherwise, you in reality will definitely be in jeopardy.

Don't believe it.

We have this ability.

By the way, to be precise, this should not be the first warning, but the second.The first warning letter was taken by a Taoist boy.It looks like he probably didn't give it to you.Otherwise, you wouldn't react so slowly, hehe..."


Ding Ling looked more and more angry.

Clench your fists hard, crackling!
With a surge of energy, it was torn off, and the paper was shattered into slag by holes.

This is a letter written in a foreign language!

And it's a small language!
If it weren't for Ding Ling's proficiency in various foreign languages, he might not be able to understand it!
The opponent is obviously showing off his skills!

And from this point, it can be seen that people who can use a small language to this extent are definitely not ordinary people.

Definitely a high-tier player.

But the other party warned him so boldly.

Is this the kind that treats him like mud and squeezes it whenever he wants?

Ding Ling snorted coldly.

Don't let him catch who's up to it.

Otherwise, he must be killed to level zero!
As for reality?
Ding Ling felt that as long as he was strong enough, he didn't have to be afraid even if the opponent sent out thousands of troops.

If it weren't for the guns and guns in reality, Ding Ling would have lived in the city aboveboard, whoever has the guts to try to move him!
Taking the head of an admiral from among thousands of troops is like picking something out of a bag, and it's no joke.

In addition, his hacking skills are at full level.

He has already concluded that the so-called high-level players are just fooling him, waiting for him to mess up.

Not long ago, he checked on the Internet, and he was sure that no one could find him in a short time!
This guy who likes to show off his skills may just be intimidating and threatening him!

What he didn't know was that he had provoked an Almighty King!

Ding Ling frowned, called Zhao Yun, and asked him to go back to the Taoist temple to find a Taoist boy, and bring the letter in the Taoist boy's hand.

Fortunately, the Taoist temple is only a dozen miles away in Wan County, not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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