Chapter 207 Technical Crack and Lock
These guys.

"Ning Yi, Ning Zhen? I remember."

Ding Ling has already decided to take the time to return to reality and check the background of Ning Yi and his group.

Check it out.

Then check their network IDs, lock their posts, and analyze where they are.

He rushed out of the capture in one fell swoop.

If you can't handle these guys this time.

They really thought that Ding Ling was a bully!


Zhao Yun grabbed Xu Sheng and went back to Qiao's house.


He threw Xu Sheng to the ground of the training ground.

Ding Ling looked at Xu Sheng.

With delicate features and delicate features, she looked about thirteen or fourteen years old.

But his stature is tall and straight, Kongwu is powerful, but he looks like a fierce general!

It's no wonder that at such a young age, he can become the little commander of the Qiao family's nursing home.

But no matter how strong.

How could Xu Sheng, who is still a teenager, be Zhao Yun's opponent?
He was not Zhao Yun's single-handed enemy at all, and was easily captured here.

At this moment, his mouth was flattened, and he looked up at Ding Ling very stubbornly.

Ding Ling was stunned and laughed:
"Xu Sheng, do you know what stupid things you have done, and you are still so stubborn?!"

"I did nothing wrong."

Xu Sheng said loudly:
"I'm just paying back."

"Do you want to kill your own master to repay your kindness?"

Ding Ling sneered:

"What kind of favor do you repay?"

Xu Sheng blushed:

"I didn't kill the man. I just led the guards a little further away, as if I didn't know what happened in the study."

"After all, you still indirectly killed Duke Qiao!"

Ding Ling reprimanded coldly:

"You are the leader of the inner court! You are fully responsible for Mr. Qiao's security work, but how did you do it? You blatantly let the murderer go and kill people, and even allowed the murderer to escape from Qiao's house. You can't absolve yourself of the blame!"

Xu Sheng was dumb, frustrated, drooping his head and didn't refute.

"If you still have a bit of conscience, tell me clearly about the origins, whereabouts, and all kinds of dirty things that those murderers did to Qiao's family."

Ding Ling was not polite to Xu Sheng either:
"Otherwise, you will be put in prison to eat, or you will die."

"I'm not afraid of death."

A stalk on Xu Sheng's neck:
"Win the king and lose the bandit. Now I'm in your hands, you can kill me or cut me to pieces!"


Da Qiao's eyes were red, and she wanted to cry and said:
"Xu Sheng, our family treats you kindly. How could you treat us like this?"

Xu Sheng blushed and felt ashamed, and his head that had been raised just now drooped like frost, and he just argued:

"I didn't kill people. I didn't kill people!"

"Are you going to say it or not?"

Ding Ling asked with a frown.

"I will not betray my benefactor!"

Xu Sheng said decisively:
"As for the master's life, I am also responsible."

He glanced at Xiao Qiao, bit his teeth, and slammed his head towards the steps on one side:

"I'm sorry, young masters. I'm going to exchange one life for another."

Before the sound fell, it was accompanied by a heavy sound from Peng.

Ding Ling and the others couldn't stop them at all.

Xu Sheng slammed his head hard on the steps, his head was bleeding, and he fell to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.


The whole place was dead silent.

Ding Ling didn't expect Xu Sheng to be so strong at such a young age.

This is really unexpected.

"never mind."

Ding Ling lost his spirit and waved his hand:
"If Xu Sheng is not dead, take him for treatment. If he is dead, let's bury him properly. As for those criminals, I will find a way to find them."

Little Joe has long since lost his backbone.

What Ding Ling said was basically what he said.


Ding Ling asked Diao Chan and Du Qingcheng to accompany Xiao Qiao.

He himself found a single room in the inner courtyard of Qiao's house and closed the door tightly.

Choose to return to reality.

After a while.

real world.

Ding Ling sprinted across the mountains with his laptop, sometimes spreading his wings like a flying crane, sweeping tens of meters in a single stroke;

Sometimes it looks like flying swallows playing in the water, tapping the big trees with their toes, moving and dodging among the tall trees, without any disadvantages.

Run fast all the way.

It's like a gust of wind and lightning.

No slower than a steed.

Wait until you arrive at a small town that is dozens of miles away from where you live.

Ding Ling immediately turned on the laptop.

Start hacking nearby WIFI.

After cracking, connect to the network.

Ding Ling first checked the computer, and after confirming that there was no trace of his personal information, he began to use hacking techniques to search for 'Ning Zhen', 'Ning Yi', 'Xu Sheng', 'Zhou Yu', 'Da Qiao', etc. A few key words.

After half an hour.

Ding Ling is under one of Da Qiao's posts.

A person is locked.

This person's ID is 'I am the Emperor'!
The words are extremely sharp and presumptuous.

Said that they have dealt with Da Qiao, as long as everything goes well, Da Qiao will become his pocket.

Naturally, there are many comments below.

There are praises and doubts, and more people despise.

This man is still impatient.

Let these people wait, and soon, he will prove it to everyone.

Thinking of what happened to Da Qiao, Ding Ling immediately locked the ID 'I'm the Emperor', and began to use hacking techniques to search for his posts and other records.

Thus, he locked his approximate location, hacked into his personal computer along the network cable, and began to quickly browse various information on his computer.

After half a day.

After Ding Ling got the information he wanted, he immediately started the work of "destroying corpses and removing traces" on the Internet.

I'm done.

Shut down the computer.

Turning around and running back to the residence, after eating and drinking enough to replenish his energy, he put on the game helmet and entered the game world.

game world.

Joe's house.

The inner court.

Ding Ling pushed open the door and called Zhao Yun, as well as three teams of soldiers from the county government, totaling 300 people.

Go straight to a farm ten miles away from the city of Wan County!
Ding Ling just went online, hacked into Ning Yi's online chat group, and confirmed that Ning Zhen and Ning Yi's group of players will share the spoils here at Zhangjia Farm!

They run separately.

And it's a group of people acting together.

There are even some dark lines in Zhou Yu's place.

Now those shadow lines will also return to the spoils.

After all, breathing techniques, great medicine, and high-level martial arts are too rare to come by.

No one will give up.

It is normal for major group members to gather and discuss how to properly distribute the 'items' evenly.

"Fortunately, these people are so arrogant that they think the most dangerous place is the safest place, so they ran to a place not far from Wan County and hid. It's an act of death."

This is next.

The most important place.

Perhaps it was because they looked down on Ding Ling.

He felt that it was impossible for Ding Ling to find them alone.

Even if Ding Ling really used the officers and soldiers, they hid them very well, in the cellar of the Zhang Family Farm.

Moreover, the owner of the Zhang family farm is still the object of their kindness, and he is loyal to them!
Under such circumstances!
Who can discover them?
That is to say, Ding Ling cheated by cheating, using hacking and other high-ranking and full-level techniques to directly invade their computers.

(End of this chapter)

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