Chapter 222 I am God (1112)

At this moment, Ding Ling has the ability that many people dream of: Immortality!
"Although I'm not sure how long I can live, but this explosion of vitality, as if I can live for 3000 years, or even 10000 years, is really wonderful!"

Ding Ling was pleasantly surprised.

He really didn't expect that his physique would break through the boundaries of ordinary people and reach the realm of heaven and man, and he would have this ability!
so horrible.

But also at this moment.

Ding Ling was almost certain.

If there really is such a land god as Nanhua Old Immortal in this world.

Then this Nanhua old fairy is very likely to be a super strong man who breaks through 30 in physique, agility, etc., and reaches the realm of heaven and man at 31 points!
And it can almost be concluded that if the old fairy Nanhua really lived for a long time, then he must be practicing the breathing method of the unity of internal and external!

And it has reached an extremely high level.

Because if the realm is not deep, it is impossible to refine the medicinal power perfectly, and the time it takes is extremely terrifying.


Ding Ling was extremely excited.

He walked to the box of the 900-year-old medicine.


There are three big medicines in it!
"Very strong."

Ding Ling was moved.

It is worthy of being the Yuan family of the top aristocratic family!
900 years old medicine has three plants!

He picked up a Kacha Kacha and devoured it.

A strong heat spread throughout the body.

after a little while.

【Strength +0】

[Agility +0.3]

【Physical +0】

[Defense +0]

Agility also reached 31 points at this moment.



Ding Ling's muscles and bones were stretched and forged to the limit, and in just a moment, Ding Ling felt as if he had completely broken another bondage of this world!
This time, the world seemed to be freed from the constraints of its own weight and leap.

Ding Ling came to the courtyard, performed the Flying Swallow Kungfu, and with a light leap, he jumped directly to a height of tens of feet, more than a hundred meters, as if he could pluck clouds with his hands.

Because the flight was too high, Ding Ling couldn't control it for a while, he didn't know how to change positions in the air, danced and danced, and fell directly from the height of [-] meters like a meteor, boom!
A pit was smashed out of the earth.

However, Ding Ling was unscathed.

It's just that the clothes and armor are a little tattered.

He is excited and joyful:
"This jumping ability is simply invincible!"

Ding Ling had imagined it earlier.

After all, after the defense and strength break through the shackles of the world, they are simply terrifyingly strong.

Quickly break through the shackles, there is no reason not to be strong.

And so is it.

Quickly break through the shackles, and after reaching the realm of heaven and man, you can jump a hundred meters at will. If you take off with all your strength, can you jump hundreds of meters?Even kilometers high?
This height?

How is it different from Superman? !

"I just don't know if the me in the real world will become so strong?"

Ding Ling is eager to try.

Wanted to try it before.

But there are more things in the game that need to be dealt with.

In addition, some experiments in the real world are really difficult to do too much, so Ding Ling went online and offline several times in a hurry.

But he decided to go offline next time.

Be sure to do some research!
"If it's a reality, I can live forever. I can easily kill several generations just by staying alive."

Compare strength etc.

In Ding Ling's opinion.

The boundless vitality is the strongest.

Without the support of a powerful Shouyuan, no matter how powerful a person is, they will only shine for a while before dissipating in smoke!

"The world of the Three Kingdoms is really extraordinary."

Ding Ling looked up at the sky:

"It's no wonder that God-like figures such as Nanhua Old Immortal and Zuo Ci Taoist can be born. It's not unreasonable!"

The more he practiced the internal and external breathing method, the deeper Ding Ling's feelings became.

Breaking the limit many times now.

All four dimensions have reached the realm of heaven and man.

Ding Ling became more and more aware of the world.

"It can be said that. I am now the god of this world!"

Ding Ling clenched his fist slightly, feeling his majestic strength and vitality!Great satisfaction.

"It's not a problem for me to push the Three Kingdoms horizontally in this state."

Ding Ling pondered:

"Even if I am the emperor, I don't think anyone can compete with me."

But what's the point of being emperor?
Ding Ling's strength is already invincible in this world!

Super-class masters are not his single-handed enemies!
No matter how many soldiers there are, they are just decorations for him, they are just paper!

He has already transcended above this world, looming above everyone's heads!
"Being an emperor has to deal with all kinds of government affairs. It's too tiring. Where can I be relaxed, carefree, and at ease as an idle god?"

The more powerful it is.

The greater the change in mentality.

Earlier, Ding Ling still had thoughts about the power in the Three Kingdoms world.

After all, it is a dream of lying drunk on the lap of a beauty and waking up to take power in the world.He did too.

But as he stood on top of the world, Ding Ling suddenly looked down on secular power!

Feel like tasteless!
The reason why he longed for power before is that power can bring him enough strength and backing!Enjoy an unparalleled sense of security!

but now?
His sense of security is overwhelming!
Even the emperor, he can kill whoever he wants!
In this world, it can be said that he has the final say!
"Choose an agent to come out. Let's end the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms as soon as possible."

Ding Ling thought:

"After all, I promised seniors like Hua Tuo, Zhang Zhongjing, and Daoist Yu Ji. People can't break their promises to respectable seniors!"

To gangsters, gangsters, villains.

Ding Ling believes in using violence to control violence, and using evil to control evil, so when dealing with bad people, he doesn't know etiquette and morality, and keeps his word.

But Hua Tuo, Zhang Zhongjing and others are different!
They are sages worthy of respect and recognition.

Ding Ling must keep his word to them!This is his bottom line!


He also promised Zhao Yun, Diao Chan and the others.

But Zhao Yun and the others are their own people.

For his own people, Ding Ling is partial and loving, and it is even more impossible for him to break his promise!

"Who do you choose as your agent?"

In an instant, names popped up in Ding Ling's mind.

What he needs is a hero who can let the people live and work in peace and contentment, who can quickly stabilize the situation, and who has peerless talent!

Cao Mengde!
Ding Ling still could only think of this answer.

Of course, if there is a better choice, he doesn't mind excluding Cao Mengde.

Da da da!
There was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps.

Ding Ling interrupted his thoughts and followed the sound, only to see Diao Chan and the others hurrying up to Ding Ling, then looked at the sky, at the pedestrian pothole on the ground, and then compared Ding Ling's figure, Can't help but change color in horror:
"Ding Ling, you, you, you made this?!"

They saw a pedestrian figure appearing in the sky from a distance before, and that figure fell towards the courtyard where Ding Ling was, and made a loud noise.

Nervous and moved, they quickly ran towards Ding Ling's direction.

Then I saw Ding Ling standing there in tattered clothes, seeming to meditate and think about something, but he didn't seem to have any other reaction.

But after they saw the potholes in the pedestrian walkway and compared them, they already had a result in their minds.

(End of this chapter)

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