Crossing all worlds: divine power automatically full level

Chapter 259 Zhuge Liang Studying Ding Ling

Chapter 259 Zhuge Liang Studying Ding Ling (for Subscription)
The ancient era must have been an extremely prominent and glorious era. Looking at Zuo Ci's Taoism, as well as the various martial arts secret books mastered by Tong Yuan, Wang Yue and others, one can roughly deduce one or two.

It is a pity that too many inheritances have been cut off.

Even the mighty Supreme Sword Sect almost failed!
One can imagine the situation of other sects and families.

Keep going like this.

Maybe after more than a thousand years, all martial arts will be lost, and since then, the Central Plains Kyushu will enter an era of ordinary people!There is no such thing as a truly otherworldly warrior anymore!
Ding Ling shook his head, didn't worry any more, but continued to flip through other secret books.

He read through all the ancient secret books.

Then level up quickly.

It took him several hours to read more than a thousand secret books in the entire secret room.

Except for some breathing methods.

All full grades!

【Wisdom +0.2】

【Charm +0.7】

This is the result of these secret books.

"It's a pity that most of them are fragments. Otherwise, it would definitely not only add such a little wisdom and charm."

Ding Ling was deeply shocked by these fragments!
Too many mysterious exercises that have never been seen before!secret book!

He was dazzled.

If there are full chapters for each type, Ding Ling can conclude that they must be able to enter the realm of heaven and man.

Means to say...

In ancient times, as long as most of the methods were combined with the breathing method, they could break the shackles and enter the realm of heaven and man?
Ding Ling was amazed.

It seems that some of the information Wang Yue and Tong Yuan learned is not comprehensive.

Think about it too.

Even the inheritance of Jianzong is broken.

Can you still count on some historical facts?
Could it be that the so-called historical facts about martial arts that Wang Yue and the others knew were all intentionally tampered and edited by others?
What is the truth.


But Ding Ling knows that people of this era are definitely far inferior to those of the ancient and ancient times!

He glanced at the character panel:



Wisdom increased to 3 points.

The sea of ​​consciousness became more and more transparent, and the brain became more active, and many things that had been forgotten were remembered a lot.

It can be seen that wisdom is indeed closely related to memory.

As for the charm boost?
After Ding Ling came out of the secret room.

You can see one thing or two from the subtle eyes of the maid looking at him.

He is definitely handsome now!
This is a good thing, no one can refuse to become handsome.


Return from the palace to the mansion.

Diao Chan and the others had obviously finished their martial arts practice, so when they saw him, they ran over immediately and said to him:
"A boy named Zhuge Liang said he admired you. He brought a basket of fruit to visit you a few hours ago. Now he is waiting in the living room."

"Let him wait for me at the Martial Arts Field."

Ding Ling thought for a while and said:
"I know what he wants to learn. I'll teach him a thing or two."

The Eight Arrays were obtained from the Zhuge family.

Although Ding Ling didn't know what deal the Zhuge family had with Cao Mengde, the Zhuge family was willing to donate the secret book.

But in the final analysis, what Ding Ling got was the inheritance of the Zhuge family.

Guide the members of the Zhuge family.

Ding Ling didn't feel anything.


Zhuge Liang.

The legendary genius of the ages!

Ding Ling was also very curious, what kind of genius is he? In the history of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, he is as intelligent and talented as a monster!
This is also because Ding Ling has seen many celebrities and generals, and has defeated countless famous generals.

To these celebrities, he's immune.

If you had seen Zhuge Liang the first time you entered the game world, you would definitely be nervous, excited, and extremely excited.

can only say.

Changes in strength and status.

The growth of experience and experience!

Not to mention that Ding Ling's way of dealing with people has also changed, and his behavior has become more and more stable and mature, with a calm and indifferent temperament.

After a while.

Ding Ling met Zhuge Liang in the martial arts arena.

He was dressed in white Confucian attire, which was different from when he was in the palace, showing his refined temperament.

Ding Ling nodded secretly. Although the current Zhuge Liang is still young, he already has some future Wolong spirit.

He didn't write any ink, and asked Zhuge Liang what he wanted to do directly.

Zhuge Liang respectfully replied:
"I want to learn the Eight Arrays!"

"I can teach you."

Zhuge Liang's eyes lit up.

"But after you learn it, remember to use the Eight Arrays to protect the Great Wei Empire. Can you do it?"


Zhuge Liang hesitated for a while, then nodded with a serious face.

Now Cao Mengde is wise and powerful, amnesty to the world, and gives all kinds of favors and benefits to the people!
Zhuge Liang's perception of him is completely different from that of the future, and it is normal to have such an attitude.

"it is good."

Ding Ling let out a long laugh, waved his hand, and gathered his strength into a palm. With a bang, he shattered a boulder on the side of the martial arts arena.

The stone crumbled open.

The broken stones flew in all directions like sharp arrows.

Ding Ling flicked with both hands, Renhuang Palm, Renhuang Fist, Eight Diagrams Palm, Lion Walking Palm, Python Walking Palm, Wind Gate Fist, Kongmen Fist and other boxing and palm techniques changed one after another.

But in the void, sometimes a portal formed by the condensed breeze flashed away, catching pieces of gravel and flying aside;
From time to time, a giant sky-swallowing python swallowed an unknown number of stones in one gulp, and landed in the east;
Ding Ling danced vigorously, freely and naturally, with every punch and palm, it was as if the heaven and the earth were showing the divine power of good fortune.

But a moment's effort.

Several eight-array diagrams have been arranged on the martial arts arena.

Zhuge Liang was stunned and shocked as a god!

For the first time, he realized in a real sense why Ding Ling single-handedly suppressed Cang Yu, Xiaoxiao, who was suppressing all parties, did not dare to act rashly!Why do the Xianbei outside the Great Wall, who can be hit by one person with one sword, go south to seek peace?
Ding Ling's bravery!
It is not comparable to ordinary people.


Ding Ling grabbed Zhuge Liang's shoulders and leaped tens of meters. While Zhuge Liang was frightened, he jumped into one of the eight formations.

Just got into this map.

Zhuge Liang looked around.

But seeing the flying sand and rocks in the east, and the evil wind blowing alluring eyes, it was difficult to move forward at all. He tried to take two steps, but was hit by the flying sand and rocks so that Jun's face hurt. Ling side.

look west.

The strange rocks are jagged, forming nine bends and eighteen bends. It is faintly visible that there seems to be evil spirits forming swords, and the clanging of weapons can be heard endlessly!

The river is surging, and the sound of the surging waves is like the roar of swords and drums;


The sand is long, piled up into towers, overlapping like mountains.

Dark clouds rolled in the sky, and the color of the blue sky could not be seen clearly.

The underground crisis is everywhere, there is the danger of laying eggs, and the danger of overturning!

Zhuge Liang stared wide-eyed, surprised, admired, envious, and longingly said:
"My lord, is this the true face of the Eight Arrays? I want to learn!"

"Let me see how your understanding is!"

(End of this chapter)

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