Crossing all worlds: divine power automatically full level

Chapter 268 Rewards for the first clearer!Gate of Glory

Chapter 268 Rewards for the first passer!Gate of Glory (213)

Diao Chan is iron-blooded, decisive, brave, tenacious, and not afraid of death.

A true heroine!
Heroes bleed but don't shed tears, but it's not time to be sad!
At this moment, Diao Chan's eyes were rosy, and her graceful body was trembling slightly, which showed that she must be terrified and sad to the extreme.

Big and small Qiao and Du Qingcheng are also the same.

Zhen Jiang even burst into tears, wiping away her tears, not daring to say anything more.

Zhao Bingxuan, Zhao Yun and others had different expressions.

But without exception, they were full of reluctance and nostalgia for Ding Ling.

Ding Ling knew that if he continued to delay, he might not be able to leave.

Because he was also reluctant to leave like this.

But the road to martial arts is long.

If he is addicted to this, in the future someone will break into the martial arts plane or other higher-level planes first, can he guarantee that everything he has now will not be taken away by others?
and also.

The technology of the Three Kingdoms World is also developing crazily.

If a nuclear bomb is developed in the future, can he stop it?
What will he do to protect himself and Diao Chan and the others?

Too much uncertainty.

The most uncertain thing is the real world.

Now there is no player breaking into the realm of heaven and man, so they don't know the details of it, but what if they break into it one day?
After they know the truth, will they pursue and kill Ding Ling?

Just to deprive Ding Ling of his chance?

People don't hurt the tiger's mind, but the tiger hurts the mind!
Defenses can not do without.

Ding Ling was never afraid to speculate on players with the worst malice!
Because he knows.

There are good people in this world, and there are definitely many bad people.

Some people are so bad that pus bleeds from their bones, it's outrageous and unimaginable!

But the reality is so bloody!

Believe it or not!
In order not to be caught up by other players in the future, but also for a brighter future.

Ding Ling must keep running forward!
Until the summit!


After he said some comforting words to Diao Chan, Qiao Du, Qingcheng, Zhen Jiang and the others, he stepped on the ladder decisively.

The moment he stepped onto the ladder, the conch blew, and the sky and the earth roared, as if they were singing blessings for Ding Ling!
The golden light on the ladder surged like a horse.

Juan took Ding Ling with him and jumped to the ninth heaven in an instant.

He overlooks the world.

Diao Chan and the others can be seen getting smaller and smaller until they disappear completely.

Then the huge city of Chang'an is also so small that it can no longer be seen.

What caught the eye was only the vast white mist and the stretching golden light ladder.

call out!
The ladder penetrates the world dimension.

Leading Ding Ling through the clouds, into the mysterious and unknowable strange dimension.

Then Ding Ling saw a portal woven of golden light.

The door is closed.

There is even a line of words engraved on it.

【The Gate of Glory! 】

Ding Ling stepped forward to push the door, it was so heavy that he couldn't push it open for a while.

He looked behind him, and saw that the ladder made of golden light was still there, but he wanted to try to return, but it seemed that the way back was blocked by an invisible wall, and he couldn't get out at all.

He didn't try again, but began to push the door with all his strength.

Unfortunately, to no avail.

He looked at the character panel.


There is an information prompt.

[Congratulations to player Ding Ling for being the first to open the portal of the historical plane! 】

[As the first person to open up the historical plane.You will receive the following rewards:]

[1: A historical plane world that only you can set foot in! 】

[2: Get a chance to return to the world of the Three Kingdoms once. 】

[3: Reward the right to freely choose the martial arts plane!Note: Except for the first person to get through the world of the plane, there is this reward.None of the others. 】

[4: Reward items that can be carried for ascension: two weapons, two sets of clothes, two mounts, and two hundred taels of gold.Notes: Other Ascendants.Only one weapon and one set of clothes. 】

After Ding Ling finished reading, his brows slightly raised.

There are even bonus points!
It seems that he made the right choice.

If other players who are astonishing and talented get an adventure, break into the realm of heaven and man, and complete the road to glory, he will open up the portal of the historical plane first.

Isn't he at a loss?
For this "opportunity to return to the Three Kingdoms World", Ding Ling felt that it was extremely valuable!

In the future, as long as he becomes extremely strong and returns to the Three Kingdoms World, he will naturally be able to help the people he wants to help!
This alone will allow him to forge ahead bravely and diligently without any scruples or concerns!

After all, there will be a day when we will meet again!
【Please select the ascension items you carry. 】

Ding Ling chose the Yitian Sword and Juque Sword that he carried with him, but Ding Ling abandoned the eighty-pound Fang Tian Painting Halberd.Compared with the Juque Sword and Yitian Sword, Fang Tian's painted halberd is really inferior.

In addition to weapons.

Ding Ling also chose a set of Chinese clothes and a set of white clothes. Naturally, he chose his own mounts: two sweaty horses.

Just selected.

He only heard the neighing of the horses, and the next moment, Ding Ling saw a golden scroll leading two horses from the bottom of the ground, rushing straight to him along the ladder.

When the two bloody horses saw Ding Ling, their eyes lit up slightly, and they leaned their heads against Ding Ling's face affectionately.

Ding Ling smiled and pushed them away.

This game is really amazing.

Sure enough, people can do what others can't.

He continued to watch.

[Martial arts plane: Deer and Ding Ji, Jade Blood Sword, Swordsman.Please choose one of three. 】

Smiling Proud Jianghu!

Ding Ling pondered for a moment, then chose Xiaoao Jianghu.

Compared with Lu Ding Ji and Jade Blood Sword.Swordsman's force value and martial arts secret book are obviously stronger!
Of course, this is only Ding Ling's personal judgment.

The Deer and Ding Tale took place in the Qing Dynasty.

Jade Blood Sword at the end of Ming Dynasty.

Swordsman should be in the middle of Ming Dynasty.

According to the idea that the longer the time goes forward, the stronger the martial arts must be, Ding Ling naturally chose the relatively earlier time to be Xiaoao Jianghu.

[The selection is complete.Selection cannot be changed. 】

[Does it cost 10 achievement medals and 1 honor medal to open the door of glory? 】

[Note 1: Once the door of glory is opened.will be irreversible. 】

We've come this far.

Does Ding Ling have a choice?

Eleven brilliant rays of light burst out from Ding Ling's body.

A total of eleven medals were condensed out of thin air.

One is golden, and ten are silver.

Ten silver light medals formed a strange three-dimensional array pattern around the golden light medal. Pushing forward suddenly, it turned into a brand and was branded on the door of glory.


A crisp sound.

The door of glory opened just like that.

Ding Ling was stunned.

But I still chose to push it away, and what came into view were three immeasurable and boundless avenues reaching the sky.

Large golden characters hang above the avenue.

From left to right, the gold characters clearly read: The Deer and Ding Ji, Jade Blood Sword, Swordsman

Ding Ling couldn't help himself, he was swept up by the golden light, and landed in front of Xiaoao Jianghu Avenue.

Accompanying him were two sweat horses and two hundred taels of gold.

(End of this chapter)

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