Chapter 274 Zuo Ci steps on the ladder
"Zuo Ci!"

Da Qiao's pupils constricted, and he couldn't help screaming.

Diao Chan and the others also looked sideways.

Seeing the side of the ladder, standing an old man with a plain and simple appearance, his described figure was exactly the same as Zuo Ci's, he couldn't help being shocked.

same time.


Clang clang!
Pan Feng, Zhao Yun, Tong Yuan, Wang Yue, Diao Chan and others all held guns or drew swords, and confronted each other in awe. Suddenly, a breeze blew up, evil spirits were born, and an awe-inspiring battlefield fighting spirit was born among each other. From a warm sunny day to a frosty and snowy day, it was extremely cold.

An overwhelming cold frosty breath swept across the ten directions.

Passers-by who noticed this scene all moved away, staring sideways.


Zuo Ci also saw Diao Chan and the others, and laughed:
"Don't worry. I won't kill you. I'm a cultivator. I can't kill at will."

This sentence is true.

Diao Chan, Pan Feng, Zhao Yun, etc. all corresponded to the generals and stars of the Three Kingdoms world, and their fates were so extraordinary that Zuo Ci didn't dare to kill them at all.

Once killing, the heart of the Tao will be dusty, karma will be entangled, and the karma of killing will come to the world, then it will be troublesome.

Of course this is only second.

The most important point is that his strongest body was beheaded by Ding Ling.

Although the incarnation he came now is also very strong.

But it is absolutely impossible to beat the teamwork of Wang Yue, Tong Yuan, Zhao Yun, Pan Feng, Diao Chan and others. If there is a conflict, maybe this incarnation will explain it here!


After he laughed, he stepped onto the ladder, waved his hands at Diao Chan and the others, and said loudly without looking back:

"Guys, I hope we never see each other again."

He stepped on the ladder, like a gust of breeze, a puff of light smoke, and with a whistling sound, he went straight up to the Ninth Heaven. The speed was extremely fast, and within a few blinks, he was no longer seen, as if he was invisible?Seems to be empty?Or did he really go straight into the sky? !

Diao Chan and others were moved:

"This monster is not dead yet. He went to the upper realm this time. If he played tricks, wouldn't Ding Ling be in danger?"

Little Joe was a little anxious.

Du Qingcheng was worried.

Diao Chan was also very anxious, but she didn't show it, she just said:
"This monster was killed by Ding Ling before. If you go to the upper realm and meet Ding Ling, you will definitely be killed. Don't forget Ding Ling's talent. He can learn everything very quickly. If Went to the Upper Realm, by coincidence, there was a heaven-defying fate! Isn’t killing Zuo Ci the same as killing a chicken.”

Xiao Qiao and the others agreed after hearing this.

I don't know if I am comforting myself or my sisters.

Everyone has full confidence in Ding Ling's performance!
That said.

But there is still a shadow in the bottom of their hearts, and they are all thinking that they must strengthen their self-cultivation!Otherwise, even if he went to the upper realm, what would be the use if he couldn't help Ding Ling?

"rest assured."

Wang Yue seems to have seen through Zuo Ci's reality:
"This demon way has a false appearance. It looks powerful, but in fact, its aura fluctuates and is not very strong. It seems that he was indeed seriously injured by Ding Ling's killing before! Now there may be only one or two points left in his body strength. Such Zuo Ci , with me and Tong Yuan around, he can't try to please him."


Tong Yuan stroked his beard and said:
"What a genius Ding Ling is! How can a mere Zuo Ci who has been severely beaten up hurt him? You don't need to worry too much. The most urgent thing is to improve yourself. We came out this time to verify the big and small Qiao Whether your cultivation has entered the first-class level, let's go and try."

"Yes. Senior!"


Although the side of the ladder is heavily guarded.

But it's obviously useless against monsters like Zuo Ci.

Reached the realm of heaven and man.

No amount of soldiers and horses are in vain!
As long as the strong in the realm of heaven and man are careful, it will be very difficult for anyone in the secular world to kill them.

In the end, Xiao Qiao was able to step on the ladder.

They were overjoyed, because they felt that they were one step closer to Ding Ling.

But they still need to help Zhen Jiang and the others.

to go.

Also go together.

Wang Yue and Tong Yuan wanted to leave a long time ago.

Because during this period of time, a war god of the Xianbei tribe outside the Great Wall broke through the defensive wall and walked directly up the ladder.

Now here comes Zuo Ci again.

Perhaps as the number of soldiers and horses guarding the ladder decreases.

There will be more and more generals and gods walking on the ladder.

But they promised Ding Ling that they must take good care of Diao Chan and the others, so even though they wanted to leave, they could only hold back and began to continue to teach and guide Zhen Jiang and others to embark on a stronger road seriously and patiently.

Fortunately, Ding Ling had already laid a very solid foundation for Zhen Jiang and the others, and their progress in cultivation was not slow.


They will definitely be able to step up the ladder together.



Zuo Ci turned into light smoke and came to the end of the ladder.


He stood in front of the Gate of Glory, a little shocked, stunned, and blankly watching and pondering. After a while, he got nothing, but couldn't help but murmured:

"Ding Ling is really amazing."

"Not to mention that I have ascended, but I have left such a ladder selflessly! I have left an unparalleled wealth for future generations! From now on, future generations can see the road to advancement in martial arts! Instead of reaching a Realm, you can only stay in the original world and wait to die, die of old age!"

Zuo Ci caressed her beard, her eyes gleamed with uncertain light:
"Or. Behind this portal is a pit?"

Zuo Ci's killing intent towards Ding Ling never diminished.

It's just that Ding Ling is really too strong, he has far more control over the power of the heaven and man realm than him, and he has eight formations and other body protection and self-defense.

After his strongest incarnation was beheaded.

Zuo Ci has nothing to do with Ding Ling now, he can only flee far away, study hard and practice hard for the future.

But after noticing the appearance of the ladder.

Subtle changes took place in Zuo Ci's mentality.

After seeing someone going up the ladder but not coming down.

He also had other ideas.

This is how to step on the ladder today and try the water!

"Anyway, my main body soul is still in this world. What is gone here is just an incarnation. Even if it is damaged, I can't die."

Zuo Ci gritted his teeth, and finally stepped into the portal.

call out!
A ray of golden light suddenly swirled out like a horse, wrapped his body in an instant, and pulled him to the front of the Tongtian Avenue where the "Deer and Ding Ji" was located.

Then amidst Zuo Ci's astonishment and yelling, Phew!
The golden light directly engulfed him and rushed to the end of the Tongtian Avenue, and soon, his shouting disappeared on the Tianya Road!



A landing sound passed by my ears.

Ding Ling suddenly opened his eyes and looked around.

The green hills in front are like dragons and pythons, and the green grass on the left and right is paved all the way to the distance, and there is a green and verdant forest behind.

He suddenly landed in an unknown place.

"Where is this place?"

(End of this chapter)

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