Crossing all worlds: divine power automatically full level

Chapter 283 New players can choose the martial arts plane

Chapter 283 New players can choose the martial arts plane
"It is precisely because my physical fitness is strong enough. That's why I can resist the erosion and cover of this most masculine, strong and powerful internal force."

Ding Ling secretly thought it was a fluke.

"But even though my physical fitness is extremely high now, I still feel that I can't bear the inner strength of the most masculine. It seems that I still can't practice this evil sword manual in the future."

Ding Ling couldn't help but feel more fortunate when he thought that the 100 internal force value that had just been increased due to the full level of internal energy and mental skills in the evil sword manual was used to open up meridians.

He guessed right before.

The internal force value after the internal energy level is full will be used to open up meridians first.

If not.

Even if he blocked the backlash of the inner strength and mentality of the Evil Resisting Sword Manual, he would probably have endless troubles.

"As expected, it is the number one evil kung fu of Xiaoao World. No, the Sunflower Collection seems to be the most evil?"

Ding Ling thought that the evil sword manual was just a remnant of the Sunflower Collection.

Can't help but move in my heart.

The Evil Resisting Sword Manual is already so amazing.

The internal strength is so strong that it is so strong that it is far better than the Zhongyuan Jiuduan Gong. Isn't the Sunflower Collection going against the sky?

Ding Ling was secretly vigilant:

"Before you are absolutely sure, you must not fight against a top expert like Dongfang Bubai! If you don't capsize in the gutter, then you will be done for."

The higher Ding Ling's cultivation base is.

The more I feel that I can't die.

after death.

Not to mention dropping levels, dropping items, and so on.

The possibility of losing soul and other energy is also unacceptable to him!
"So, everything is about stability."

Ding Ling felt that he had magical powers to automatically reach the full level. If he won the fight, he would push horizontally.
What could be more stable than this?

In reality, in order to get better.

He has started to use the eight formations.

Just a little regret.

The Eight Arrays can't inspire monstrous power in the real world like the Three Kingdoms World.

This is easy to understand.

Just like Ding Ling is a land god in the Three Kingdoms world, because he is a land god, so after he learns the eight formations, he can naturally use the power of heaven to activate the eight formations, so that it has the power of ghosts and gods .

But when it comes to the world of laughter and pride, the real world.

There is no heavenly support from the Three Kingdoms world.

These eight formations became mediocre.

Although it also has the effect of blocking the enemy and confusing the enemy, it is not so magical and terrifying.There is no lethality.

Although Ding Ling felt a little regretful, he thought about it very openly.

After all, it is an external force.

When he really reaches the Land of Immortals, the Bazhentu can naturally be aroused by him to the greatest extent as he likes.

"Taking advantage of the free time today, let's go back to reality first."

The real world also needs to improve its strength.

By the way, eat and so on.

After Ding Ling reached the full level of "Seventy-two Routes of Evil-Repelling Swordsmanship", he went offline in the inn room and turned back to reality.

After coming to the player's square.

The first time to choose to use achievement medals to exchange for strength.

Then he didn't care about the strange eyes and screams of other players, and returned to reality directly.

"That was Ding Ling just now!"

"It is indeed him!"

"I didn't expect to see him at such a late hour. I heard that he traveled through time and ascended?! I really envy him. I don't know when we will reach that step."


The players were talking.

Ding Ling can now be said to be the number one player in the Mythology game, the absolute champion!The incomparable super popular king!
The number of iron fans you have is far more than other players!
The previous screams were made by Ding Ling's fans.

No doubt.

Ding Ling now has the ability and charm to attract fans!
The ability is beyond doubt!

His charm is also far superior to that of ordinary people. After several changes in appearance, Ding Ling is now more and more handsome, and has a tendency to become a perfect man.

As long as an acquaintance sees him.

You can still recognize him.

It's because although Ding Ling has changed a lot, the outlines of his facial features are still there.

Ouyang Lingling, the former beautiful landlady, sighed, annoyed and regretted this more than once.

Missed potential stocks like Ding Ling!
It can be described as a huge loss and regret!
There will never be such an opportunity in the future.


It was 24 hours after Ding Ling flew up and proud of the world with a smile.

There was a sudden change in the player's square.

Many players have received message reminders.

[Since the player Ding Ling has completed the road to glory, the ladder has successfully opened up the three major martial arts planes: Lu Ding Ji, Jade Blood Sword, and Swordsman.

Other players can also freely choose whether to enter these three martial arts planes. 】

See here.

Many players became excited.

Compared with the world of historical planes, you can only work hard every day and practice pile skills!
Players are obviously more enthusiastic about the high-level internal and light skills in the world of martial arts.

As for Ding Ling in the Three Kingdoms world, he will do it lightly!
Many players can only say that Ding Ling is a special case, only this one, compared with him?
It would be better to die.

To compare is to compare with other players around you!
Amidst their excitement and joy, they secretly thanked Ding Ling for being too strong. This is a direct gift to everyone!

If Ding Ling hadn't broken the barriers of the world and opened the ladder to the martial arts plane, everyone would have to wait until the year of the monkey to experience inner strength?
They are about to choose to go to the martial arts plane immediately.

Unexpectedly, I soon saw a new line of prompts.

[Friendly reminder: Once you choose to enter the martial arts plane.Start from scratch with high probability.All the cultivation bases and abilities in the Three Kingdoms World will be converted into energy values ​​to open the door of glory.If the cultivation base is high enough, they may have reservations, but for those with low cultivation bases, it is absolutely impossible to keep anything. 】

The players were stunned when they saw this.

The original excitement disappeared and was replaced by bewilderment.

"What is the Gate of Glory?"

"Going to the martial arts plane has to start from scratch. Then I have cultivated for nothing in the past few years? I finally cultivated to a third-rate general!"

"Yes. Which hero is going to test the water and give us a reference."


No one is willing to take the initiative to be the first hero to eat crabs.

It's really because they have worked so hard to cultivate till now, and they have suffered too much, and each of them feels that it is hard, so they are not willing to give up.

But they understood the energy value.

Everything is energy interconnected.

If you don't have enough cultivation, you will naturally not be able to climb the ladder.

If you want to forcibly climb the ladder to enter the martial arts plane, you will lose something, which is really normal.

The players talked a lot, and finally some rich people and big families came forward and bribed a few greedy people with a lot of money to explore the way.

As for the players who just bought a helmet and entered the mythical game, they are very excited.

Because they are newcomers.

Therefore, they have a total of six choices.

Except for the historical plane world.

They can also actively choose to go to the martial arts plane.

Many players immediately chose to go to the martial arts plane.

for a while.

The three worlds of Deer and Ding Ji, Jade Blood Sword, and Swordsman...

(End of this chapter)

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